千坂 知世 山尾 大 末近 浩太
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
アジア経済 (ISSN:00022942)
vol.64, no.1, pp.2-26, 2023-03-15 (Released:2023-03-30)

酒井 啓子 松永 泰行 石戸 光 五十嵐 誠一 末近 浩太 山尾 大 高垣 美智子 落合 雄彦 鈴木 絢女 帯谷 知可

総括班はグローバル関係学を新学術領域として確立することを目的とし、分担者や公募研究者、領域外の若手研究者にグローバル関係学の視座を理解しその分析枠組みをもとに研究を展開するよう推進することに力点をおいて活動を行っている。H29年度には、領域代表の酒井、計画研究A01代表の松永、計画研究B02分担者の久保が全体研究会や国内の研究シンポジウムなどでそれぞれがグローバル関係学の試論を報告、各界からコメントを受けて学理のブラッシュアップに努めた。そこでは1)グローバル関係学が、関係/関係性に焦点を絞り、その関係/関係性の静態的・固定的特徴を見るのではなく、なんらかの出来事や変化、表出する現象をとりあげ、そこで交錯するさまざまな関係性を分析すること、2)グローバル関係学がとらえる関係が単なる主体と主体の間の単線的/一方方向的関係ではなく、さまざまな側面で複合的・複層的な関係性を分析すること、を共通合意とすることが確認された。それを踏まえて9月以降、領域内の分担者に対して、いかなる出来事を観察対象とするか、主体間の単線的ではない関係性をいかに解明するか、そしていかなる分析手法を用いてそれを行うかを課題として、個別の研究を進めるよう促した。多様な関係性が交錯する出来事にはさまざまな事例が考えられるが、その一つに難民問題がある。計画研究ごとに閉じられた研究ではなく領域として横断的研究を推進するため、計画研究横断プロジェクトとして移民難民研究プロジェクトを立ち上げた。また、総括班主導で確立したグローバル関係学の学理を国際的にも発信していくため、国際活動支援班と協働しながら、海外での国際会議を積極的に実施している。H29年度はシンガポール国立大学中東研究所と共催で同大学にて国際シンポGlobal Refugee Crisesを実施、グローバル関係学の骨子を提示して海外の研究者への発信とした。
濱中 新吾 高岡 豊 山尾 大

平成29年度は山尾大を中心にイラク南部(中央政府支配地域)の世論調査を行った。バクダード大学に協力を求めて個別訪問による質問紙調査を行い、イラク政府および各政党や主要政治家への支持態度、公共政策の評価、諸外国による政治介入の影響、過激思想を含む政治イデオロギーや思想潮流に対する共感の程度、越境移動の経験や希望などを政治的態度、社会的志向性の情報を聴取した。バクダード大学との折衝は山尾が責任をもって行った。平成29年度のイラク調査は前回(平成23 年)のフォローアップの意味合いを持つ。前回の調査結果との比較によってイラク国民世論の変化や政権支持および政党支持態度の変容状況を定量的に分析することが可能になった。イラクも2003 年の戦争後、治安が維持できず不安定な民主主義体制の下で統治が行われている。現状の急激な変革を求める過激な組織「イラクとシャームのイスラーム国」が勢力を拡大し、2014年には「イスラーム国」と改名してシリア及びイラク国内に支配領域を確立したが、2017年以降その勢力は衰退した。それゆえイラクもイスラーム主義政治思想の調査対象地として適している。政治思想の拡散状況については髙岡(研究分担者)が中心に研究を実施し、浜中と共同で思想分布・拡散状況の計量分析を行って成果を国内学会や研究会等で報告する。研究成果については前年度の国際会議報告ペーパー等が国際査読誌にアクセプトされ、出版されている。また邦語による研究書の出版も行われた。年度途中ながら、研究成果の公表は十分行われているものと考えられる。
青山 弘之 末近 浩太 錦田 愛子 山尾 大 髙岡 豊 浜中 新吾 高橋 理枝 溝渕 正季

山尾 大
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2018, no.194, pp.194_29-194_45, 2018

<p>U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 brought about not only distortion of state building, but also the problems that affected political turmoil in the Middle East as well as international politics. This paper aims to argue the impacts that the U.S. invasion of Iraq had toward the process of Iraqi state building and toward regional politic in the Middle East, by focusing first on external factors brought about by this invasion, and second on internal factors caused by political rivalry among Iraqi political elites.</p><p>This paper makes three main findings. First, the new regime had no choice but relying on cooptation policy to local leaders in order to stabilize its government, which was quite similar to the mechanism of rule by the former authoritarian Baʻthist regime. The reason of this similarity can be found in the fact that the regime change was brought about by the foreign invasion, and thus new regime had to be constructed by former-exile political elites who did not have any support bases of constituencies within local community. In addition, the introduction of the Western democratic system that political representation should be equal according to population of ethnic and sectarian groups resulted in manifestation of sectarian difference. These external factors caused problems in the building of political institutions.</p><p>Second, Iraqi internal actors deconstructed democratic institutions brought in from outside and began to utilize them according to their own interests. The fact that democratization was proceeded without the establishment of state institutions made it possible for Iraqi actors to use these democratic institutions for their own political purpose. Thus, the new regime had no choice than becoming authoritarian in order to stabilize its government. Moreover, it was unavoidable for international society to ignore this authoritarian regime as it prioritized stability of Iraq.</p><p>Third, this tendency, however, resulted in the spread of opposition movements within Iraq and subsequent loss of control of opposition-led areas. It was these areas where so-called Islamic State penetrated in and agitated sectarian conflicts among Iraqis.</p><p>Hence, it can be said that sectarian conflicts spread inside and outside Iraq as a result of the interaction of the fact that U.S. invasion brought about problems in democratic institutions and the fact that Iraqi internal actors utilized these institutions for their own interests. In other words, when the problems that were brought about by external factors are used as political tools of internal actors, specific problems to the country become manifest, which results in spreading to regional politics in a very violent manner.</p>
山尾 大
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2018, no.194, pp.194_29-194_45, 2018-12-25 (Released:2019-05-16)

U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 brought about not only distortion of state building, but also the problems that affected political turmoil in the Middle East as well as international politics. This paper aims to argue the impacts that the U.S. invasion of Iraq had toward the process of Iraqi state building and toward regional politic in the Middle East, by focusing first on external factors brought about by this invasion, and second on internal factors caused by political rivalry among Iraqi political elites.This paper makes three main findings. First, the new regime had no choice but relying on cooptation policy to local leaders in order to stabilize its government, which was quite similar to the mechanism of rule by the former authoritarian Baʻthist regime. The reason of this similarity can be found in the fact that the regime change was brought about by the foreign invasion, and thus new regime had to be constructed by former-exile political elites who did not have any support bases of constituencies within local community. In addition, the introduction of the Western democratic system that political representation should be equal according to population of ethnic and sectarian groups resulted in manifestation of sectarian difference. These external factors caused problems in the building of political institutions.Second, Iraqi internal actors deconstructed democratic institutions brought in from outside and began to utilize them according to their own interests. The fact that democratization was proceeded without the establishment of state institutions made it possible for Iraqi actors to use these democratic institutions for their own political purpose. Thus, the new regime had no choice than becoming authoritarian in order to stabilize its government. Moreover, it was unavoidable for international society to ignore this authoritarian regime as it prioritized stability of Iraq.Third, this tendency, however, resulted in the spread of opposition movements within Iraq and subsequent loss of control of opposition-led areas. It was these areas where so-called Islamic State penetrated in and agitated sectarian conflicts among Iraqis.Hence, it can be said that sectarian conflicts spread inside and outside Iraq as a result of the interaction of the fact that U.S. invasion brought about problems in democratic institutions and the fact that Iraqi internal actors utilized these institutions for their own interests. In other words, when the problems that were brought about by external factors are used as political tools of internal actors, specific problems to the country become manifest, which results in spreading to regional politics in a very violent manner.
山尾 大 浜中 新吾
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.30, no.1, pp.1-32, 2014-07-15 (Released:2018-03-30)

This paper aims to clarify ‘revised sectarianism’ substantially by analysing the ‘political party support structure’ based on the poll that our research team conducted in Iraq in October 2011. Based on the logit model on the survey data of Iraqi citizens, the following four points became clear. First, the sectarian tendency in party support became relatively clear in analysing macro data such as the results of elections. Second, on the other hand, it became clear that the tendency toward sectarianism undoubtedly varied across sectarian groups when we analysed the micro data of the poll; Sunni voters, in particular, were less subject to sectarian factors in supporting their party. Third, considerably different policies were supported by the voters who supported the same sectarian and ethnic parties. On the other hand, supporters of both the Shi’ite and Sunni parties often showed similarity in terms of policy preferences. Fourth, as the majority of voters tend not to express support for a political party, the main Iraqi parties are losing their support. These four discoveries demonstrate that it is inappropriate to analyse Iraqi politics based on sectarian and ethnic factors alone, and that ideology and policy orientation can also play a significant role.
山尾 大
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.25, pp.1-29, 2009-07-15

山尾 大
