福田 亨 河谷 和弘 渡辺 幸 石川 純
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯周病学会
日本歯周病学会会誌 (ISSN:03850110)
vol.14, no.1, pp.17-23, 1972-02-29 (Released:2010-07-16)

To induce artificial mouth breathing on experimental animals has extremely been difficult because of its immediate death following nasal sealing treatment, and we could find only an imitating experiment reported by Butcher et al (J. Periodont. 32: 38, 1961). The purpose of this study is to induce absolute mouth breathing in rats and to investigate histopathological changes of their gingival tissues. Thirty six of Wister strain rats were equally divided into control and experimental groups. To induce absolute mouth breathing artificially, the nose of all experimental animals were sutured using thin wire and metallic buttones. After two weeks of experimental period, animals were sacrificed and materials were obtained.Consequently, we could find much more remarkable hyperkeratinization of epithelial layers in the experimental animals than the control. Inf lammatoric changes, however, were found in both groups of animals, but less in control. As the conclusion of this investigation, absolute mouth breathing may induce hyperkeratinization of the epithelial tissues, but does not initiate gingival inflammation following two weeks of experiment.
池野 直人 笹谷 育郎 高瀬 俊博 藤井 敦子 石川 純
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯周病学会
日本歯周病学会会誌 (ISSN:03850110)
vol.21, no.2, pp.193-200, 1979-06-28 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The important role of plaque control has been recognized recently. The goal of plaque control is based on a continuous activity by patient himself. It is a main point that dentist gives them propelling power to lead them to the activity; that is “Motivation”. And how to motivate the patient is a great subject.There are many clinical reports of motivation, however it was very hard to find corroborative studies concerning estimation of the effect of motivation for plaque control. H. M. Goldman emphasized the importance of motivation in 1940, and stated that initial preparation combined with tooth brushing is essential to the all patients with periodontal disease. We believe that motivation to all dental patients is indispensable to control plaque thoroughly.The purpose of this experiment is to make clear the effect of motivation in tooth brushing instruction. The patirnts were separated to three groups as follows; 1) Brushing instruction without motivation 2) Motivation with brushing instruction 3) Control. The amount of plaque accumulation was measured before and after the experimental period. To standardize the contents of motivation and tooth brushing instruction for individual patients, a home made cassette tape was prepared and presented on closed circuit TV. Any personal chair side instruction was not given during experimental period. Plaque was stained using liquid of Plak-Lite and was evaluated by U. S. Navy Plaque Index (Modified).
前澤 和宏 川浪 雅光 小路口 研治 土佐 茂之 石川 純
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯周病学会
日本歯周病学会会誌 (ISSN:03850110)
vol.26, no.1, pp.110-123, 1984-03-28 (Released:2010-07-16)

本研究の目的は下顎第1大臼歯の解剖学的形態の定量的観察と, その根分岐部に対する探針の適合性を検討することである。被検歯は歯周疾患のために抜去された100本の下顎第1大臼歯で, その形態および探針の適合性を直接ノギスで, あるいはトレース上で検索した。その結果, 歯冠頬舌幅径は平均10.7mm, 分岐部頬舌幅径は8.4mmであった。根頸部の高さは舌側に比べ頬側が約1mm低かった。エナメル突起は舌側より頬側に著明であった。各種曲率の彎曲探針を分岐部の頬側から舌側まで貫通させた場合, 多数例に対して良好な適合性を示す探針はなかった。そこで探針の挿入を分岐部頬舌断面で最根尖側部分までとしたところ, 頬側からは半径7mm, 舌側からは半径8mmの曲率の探針が最適であった。これらの探針が歯冠側基準点 (CRP-B or L)から, 9±1.1mm (頬側), 8.8±1.0mm (舌側) 挿入された時, その先端が根分岐部入口に達し, 13.5±0.9mm (頬側), 13.3±1.1mm (舌側) 挿入された時, その先端が根分岐部最根尖側部に達することがわかった。

1 0 0 0 OA メートルの話

石川 純
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密工学会誌 (ISSN:09120289)
vol.70, no.10, pp.1246-1249, 2004-10-05 (Released:2009-04-10)
小森 英世 姫野 宏 加藤 熙 石川 純
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯周病学会
日本歯周病学会会誌 (ISSN:03850110)
vol.20, no.3, pp.246-259, 1978-09-28 (Released:2010-07-16)
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It has been well recognized that tooth brushing has an important role to prevent and treat gingivitis and periodontitis. Clinically, the effect of tooth brushing for gingival inflammation may be classified into the following two elements, one is plaque control and another gingival massage. However, it has never been experimentally demonstrated.The purpose of this study is to make clear the effect of plaque control and gigival massage in an experimental animal.An adult female monkey, Macacca irus, was used for this study. Its mouth was divided into four quadrants; upper right quadrant for a gingival massage, upper left for a plaque control, lower right for a control, and lower left for a brushing.To cause chronic gingivitis, this monkey had been fed with soft food for four months as a preliminary period. In order to make each study at a corresponding quadrant independently, the following precise plastic covers were used whenever tooth brushing was carried out. One is a gingival cover for plaque control quadrant and another is a coronal cover for gingival massage quadrant.During the experimenpal period of 38 days, tooth brushing was done carefully for each quadrant for one minute and once per every day. Gingival index, plaque score, gingival exudate, pocket depth were measured reqularily and gingival biopsy specimens were taken before and after the experimental period.The results of this study were as follows:1. Inflammation of the gingiva in the control quadrant showed the worst about all examinations.2. The brushing quadrant showed most rapid improvement.3. Inflammation of gingiva in gingival massage quadrant was improved clearly, especially on gingival contour, consistency, pocket depths and gingival inflammation was apparent at the plaque control quadrant, but not so definite as at brushing quadrant.5. It was considered that the reduction of pocket depths is due to the effect of gingival massage.6. Tooth brushing, with the combined effect of plaque control and gingival massage, showed the maximum effect.
池野 直人 本間 博 石川 純
日本歯周病学会会誌 (ISSN:03850110)
vol.18, no.3, pp.350-361, 1976-09-28

It has been reported that the physical character of the diet influences on the periodontium, and soft food has a tendency to cause gingivitis more than hard food. On the other hand, sucrose has an important role for plaque formation, and so it seems logical to consider that sucrose may also have an influence to cause gingivitis, but very few study has performed to clarify the relationship betwees sucrose and gingivitis. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of the soft food containing sucrose on the gingiva and to establish an experimental method to cause gingivitis quickly with food control. One adult male Macaca irus monkey was used and the schedule of this experiment was as follows : 1. Preliminaly period (12 days, Hard food, Scaling and Brushing on every 2 days) 2. Control period (30 days, Soft food without sucrose) 3. Preliminaly period (12 days, Hard food, Scaling and Brushing on every 2 days) 4. Experimental period (30 days, Soft food with 20% sucrose) The result of this study indicated that the gingival inflammation during the experimental period was developed more severly and more fast than that of the control period.
小林 重行 加藤 熙 小栗 威 石塚 正弘 石川 純
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯周病学会
日本歯周病学会会誌 (ISSN:03850110)
vol.16, no.1, pp.328-334, 1974 (Released:2010-11-29)

Mouth breathing is an important etiological factor of chronic gingivitis and marginal periodontitis as well as dental plaque and calculus. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate (a) the frequency of clinical signs of mouth breathing in school children (b) correlation between 8 individual signs (c) relationship between prevelance of gingivitis (PMA Index) and clinical signs and symptoms of mouth breathing (d) relationship between oral hygiene status (OHI) and each clinical signs. The materials were examined, 1) lipseal insufficiency 2) lipdrying 3) over jet 4) open bite 5) mouth breathing line 6) tension ridge of palatal and lingual surface 7) hypertrophy of tonsils 8) lack of uvular reflex. As the result of this investigation, the followings were concluded. 1) Lip-seal insufficiency, mouth breathing line, hypertrophy of tonsils and lack of uvular reflex were found in more than 50% of children. 2) Lip-seal insufficiency, lip drying, over jet, mouth breathing line and tension ridge were related each other respectively. 3) Excepting hypertrophy of tonsils and lack of uvular reflex, all other signs were individually related to both of OHI and PMA.
藤井 良知 阿部 敏明 田島 剛 寺嶋 周 目黒 英典 森 淳夫 佐藤 肇 新納 憲司 砂川 慶介 横田 隆夫 秋田 博伸 岩田 敏 佐藤 吉壮 豊永 義清 石原 俊秀 佐野 友昭 中村 弘典 岩井 直一 中村 はるひ 宮津 光伸 渡辺 祐美 久野 邦義 神谷 齊 北村 賢司 庵原 俊昭 桜井 實 東 英一 伊藤 正寛 三河 春樹 久保田 優 百井 亨 細井 進 中戸 秀和 西村 忠史 杉田 久美子 青木 繁幸 高木 道生 小林 陽之助 東野 博彦 木野 稔 小林 裕 春田 恒和 黒木 茂一 大倉 完悦 岡田 隆滋 古川 正強 黒田 泰弘 武田 英二 伊藤 道徳 松田 博 石川 純一 貴田 嘉一 村瀬 光春 倉繁 隆信 森田 秀雄 森澤 豊 浜田 文彦 辻 芳郎 横尾 哲也 林 克敏 冨増 邦夫 木戸 利彦 上原 豊 森 淳子 森 剛一 内田 哲也 大塚 祐一 本廣 孝 半田 祥一 山田 秀二 沖 眞一郎 吉永 陽一郎 荒巻 雅史 織田 慶子 阪田 保隆 加藤 裕久 山下 文雄 今井 昌一 鈴木 和重 岡林 小由理 金子 真也 市川 光太郎 曽田 浩子 清水 透子 長田 陽一 木葉 万里江 石橋 紳作 高橋 耕一 杉山 安見児 三宅 巧 荒木 久昭 垣迫 三夫 前野 泰樹 下飛田 毅 高岸 智也 松隈 義則 平田 知滋 田中 信夫 永山 清高 安岡 盟 林 真夫 天本 正乃 津村 直幹 小野 栄一郎 神薗 慎太郎 中嶋 英輔 永光 信一郎 野正 貴予 松尾 勇作 樋口 恵美 長井 健祐 末吉 圭子 橋本 信男 弓削 健 久保田 薫 川上 晃 渡辺 順子 藤澤 卓爾 西山 亨 岩永 理香子 牛島 高介 山川 良一 山村 純一 富永 薫 臺 俊一 安藤 寛 久田 直樹 藤本 保 元山 浩貴 丸岡 隆之 伊達 是志 杉村 徹 西依 淳 朝木野 由紀 山田 克彦 是松 聖悟 早川 広史 佐々木 宏和 木村 光一 山田 孝
The Japanese journal of antibiotics (ISSN:03682781)
vol.48, no.7, pp.921-941, 1995-07-01