中田 亜希子 赤川 圭子 山本 仁美 加藤 裕久 山元 俊憲
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.2, pp.351-358, 2016 (Released:2016-02-01)

A questionnaire survey was performed to obtain pharmacy students' impressions of pharmacists' behavior, to classify these based on professionalism, and to analyze the relationship between these experiences and students' satisfaction with their clinical practice in Japan. The questionnaire was answered by 327 5th-year pharmacy school students upon completing clinical practice at community pharmacies from 2011 to 2012. They rated their satisfaction with their clinical practice using a 6-point Likert scale, and provided descriptions of their experience such as, “This health provider is professional”, or “What a great person he/she is as a health provider”. We counted the words and then categorized the responses into 10 traits, as defined by the American Pharmaceutical Association Academy of Students of Pharmacy—American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Council of Deans Task Force on Professionalism 1999, using text mining. We analyzed the relationship between their experiences with respectful persons, and satisfaction, using the Mann-Whitney U-test (significance level<0.05). Most students (337 of 364, 92.6%) reported experiences with respectful health providers. These students experienced significantly more satisfaction than did other students (p<0.001). We analyzed 343 sentences written by 261 students, using text mining analysis after excluding unsuitable responses. The word most used was “patient” (121 times). Many students noted their impression that the pharmacists had answered patients' questions. Of the 10 trait categories, “professional knowledge and skills” was mentioned most often (151 students).
半田 智子 柳沢 侑子 南 藍子 竹ノ内 敏孝 坂田 穣 村山 純一郎 原 和夫 前田 正輝 加藤 裕久
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.1, pp.35-46, 2014-01-10 (Released:2015-01-10)

The continual development of mobile technology and spread of mobile devices have led to the use of personal digital assistants (PDAs) in medical fields. In this report, we describe the applications of PDAs, such as smartphones, in pharmaceutical practice.Participants included pharmacists in university hospitals (n = 121), community pharmacies (n = 100), and 6th-year pharmacy students (n = 166) who had already successfully completed their clinical rotations. We conducted questionnaires regarding PDA use frequency and interest in future PDA use, which were evaluated using 4-point scales. These two variables were compared statistically between the university hospital pharmacists and community pharmacists. The data from the pharmacy students were analyzed separately using descriptive statistics.For university hospital pharmacists, the top use for PDAs was as a personal scheduler; for community pharmacists, it was as a dispensing error prevention system. Most university hospital pharmacists reported high interest in future PDA use, mainly for obtaining practice guidelines and obtaining package insert information, while community pharmacists would use PDAs to obtain package insert information. For pharmacy students, PDAs were most often used to obtain package insert information; furthermore, pharmacy students showed high interest in future PDA use during hospital and pharmacy clinical rotations.As six interests regarding the use of PDAs in future pharmaceutical practice differed between the university hospital and community pharmacists (P < 0.05), PDA software applications should be tailored for each medical setting.
加藤 裕久 広瀬 瑞夫 山口 昌之 吉沢 催章 福田 宏志 小田 積一 永山 徳郎
The Japanese Circulation Society
vol.31, no.12, pp.1857-1863, 1968-01-15 (Released:2008-04-14)

The mechanism of the anoxic spells in the patient with tetralogy of Fallot is still uncertain, but beta adrenergic stimulation has been shown to accentuate cyanosis and occasionally to precipitate an anoxic spell. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the hemodynamic responses to isoproterenol (adrenergic beta stimulant) and propranolol (adrenergic beta blockade). Materials and Methods: Eleven children ranging in age from 3 to 14 years have been studied at cardiac catheterization (tetralogy of Fallot 7 cases, pulmonary stenosis with intact ventricular septum 2 cases, ventricular septal defect 1 case, patent ductus arteriosus 1 cases). All patients were sedated with hydroxyzine hydrochloride, secobarbital and pethidine HCl. The pressure pulses of pulmonary artery, right ventricle and femoral artery were obtained by the Siemens electro manometer. Determinations of oxygen satura-tions were obtained with the gas analyser (In-strumentation Laboratory) on arterial, pulmo- nary and mixed venous blood. Oxygen consumptions were measured by Fukuda Irika's respirometer. The phonocardiogram and the first derivative of right ventricular pressure pulse (dp/dt) were simultaneously recorded. Isoproterenol (0.1mg/20cc in 5% dextrose in water)was infused intravenously until the heart rate increased by 50 per cent. Then blood samples were obtained and pressure pulses were recorded. Thereafter, while the action of isoproterenol persisted, the infusion of propranolol in a dose of 5γ/kg (2mg/20cc in 5% dextrose in water) was administered, and the parameters were restudied. The angiocardiogram was obtained in one case before and after isoproterenol infusion. Results and Discussion: In tetralogy of Fallot the isoproterenol in-fusion resulted in an increase of right ventricular systolic pressure and a decrease of pulmonary systolic pressure. Pulmonary blood flow was decreased and systemic blood flow and right to left shunt were increased, so arterial oxygen saturation was markedly decreased. In angio-cardiogram the marked narrowing of the right ventricular outflow tract was demonstrated after isoproterenol infusion. In simultaneously recorded phonocardiogram the ejective systolic murmur due to pulmonary stenosis was decreased by isoproterenol infusion. In pulmonary stenosis with intact ventricular septum the pressure gradient of pulmonary artery and right ventricle was markedly increased, but arterial oxygen saturation was unchanged after isoproterenol infusion. Thereafter, while the action of isoproterenol persisted, a infusion of propranolol was administered. In tetralogy of Fallot the propranolol infusion resulted in an increase of arterial oxygen saturation. And the systolic pressure gradient of pulmonary artery and right ventricle was decreased. Pulmonary blood flow was increased and systemic blood flow and right to left shunt were decreased. So the patients were recovered from anoxic state. The mechanism of the anoxic spells in tetralogy of Fallot is still uncertain, but our study suggests that the increase of the contraction in the outflow tract of right ventricle makes the hypoxic condition. Relaxation of the outflow tract of right ventricle is seen after propranolol, and the patient is recovered from anoxic condition. In one case with tetralogy of Fallot in age of 9 months who had frequent cyanotic at-tacks we used propranolol orally 5 mg a day. After propranolol there has been no anoxic spell in this patient. So it may have been some practical usefulness in prevention and treatment of anoxic spells in tetralogy of Fallot.
稲毛 治夫 加藤 裕久 石船 重之 古泉 秀夫 下川 正見 松下 竹次 江木 晋三
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.19, no.4, pp.353-357, 1993-08-20 (Released:2011-08-11)

The hydrophilic membrane of a final filter was dissolved by etoposide injection (Lastet) when administered to a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia by the continuous dosing method applied through a final filter. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the effecacy (appearance, bubble point pressure and durability) of five final filters using etoposide injection and adjuvants. The results suggest that polyethylene glycol and ethanol in etoposide injection dissolved the cellulose membrane of the final filter, whereas the teflon membrane of the syringe-operated filter unit was valuable.
石川 隆 山沖 和秀 矢崎 義雄 加藤 裕久 鈴木 亨 塩島 一朗 小室 一成 山沖 和秀

1. CSXとGATA-4によるANP遺伝子の転写調節 ヒトCSXcDNAおよびマウスGATA-4cDNAを発現ベクターに組み込みANP遺伝子のプロモーター領域を含むレポーター遺伝子とともにCOS-7細胞に導入しtrans-activation活性を解析した。CSXによるANP遺伝子の転写亢進には、転写開始点上流-100bpおよび-250bpに存在するCSX結合配列が重要であり、CSXとGATA-4を同時に発現させると、ANP遺伝子の転写は相乗的に亢進し、その協調作用には-250bpに存在するCSX結合配列が必要であった。さらに、CSXとGATA-4はin vivoおよびin vitroにおいて蛋白同士が直接会合した。以上より、心筋に発生早期より発現し異なるDNA binding motifを持つ転写因子であるCSXとGATA-4が、直接的な蛋白-蛋白相互作用を介してANP遺伝子の転写を協調的に制御することが明らかにされた。2. CSX1過剰発現マウスの解析 CSX1過剰発現マウス(Tg)を作製し解析した。Tgは生存及び生殖可能であり、外奇形や成長障害、心不全症状を認めず、心重量の増加も認めなかった。Tgにおいて心臓と骨格筋にCSX1 mRNAの過剰発現が認められた。内因性Csxの発現はCSX1 の過剰発現により有意に増加を認めた。以上より、TgにおけるANPの誘導はCSX1の直接の作用である可能性が考えられた。また、内因性Csxの発現が増加していたことからCsxの発現調節に正の自己調節機構があることが示唆された。3. Csx/Nkx2.5と会合する新たな転写因子Zf11の発見と解析 ヒトCSX遺伝子cDNA全長を用いtwo-hybrid systemにてマウス胎生17日のcDNA libraryをスクリーニングした。20個のうち1個はC2H2型のzinc fingerを11個と核移行シグナルを持つ転写因子と考えられ、Zf11と名づけた。two-hybrid systemではCsxのN-末端とhomeo domainが会合に必要と考えられ、pull down assayではZf11のzinc finger domainが会合に重要であった。マウスのES細胞において、分化前および分化誘導後3日では発現がなく、6日目以降より発現が認められた。8日目よりミオシン等の収縮蛋白の発現が認められ、自発収縮が始まることより、Zf11はこれらの心筋特異的な収縮蛋白などの発現に関与していると考えられた。Whole mount in situ hybridizationにおいて、Zf11は心臓の形成されるマウス胎仔8日目頃より心臓の原基において発現していた。
藤井 良知 阿部 敏明 田島 剛 寺嶋 周 目黒 英典 森 淳夫 佐藤 肇 新納 憲司 砂川 慶介 横田 隆夫 秋田 博伸 岩田 敏 佐藤 吉壮 豊永 義清 石原 俊秀 佐野 友昭 中村 弘典 岩井 直一 中村 はるひ 宮津 光伸 渡辺 祐美 久野 邦義 神谷 齊 北村 賢司 庵原 俊昭 桜井 實 東 英一 伊藤 正寛 三河 春樹 久保田 優 百井 亨 細井 進 中戸 秀和 西村 忠史 杉田 久美子 青木 繁幸 高木 道生 小林 陽之助 東野 博彦 木野 稔 小林 裕 春田 恒和 黒木 茂一 大倉 完悦 岡田 隆滋 古川 正強 黒田 泰弘 武田 英二 伊藤 道徳 松田 博 石川 純一 貴田 嘉一 村瀬 光春 倉繁 隆信 森田 秀雄 森澤 豊 浜田 文彦 辻 芳郎 横尾 哲也 林 克敏 冨増 邦夫 木戸 利彦 上原 豊 森 淳子 森 剛一 内田 哲也 大塚 祐一 本廣 孝 半田 祥一 山田 秀二 沖 眞一郎 吉永 陽一郎 荒巻 雅史 織田 慶子 阪田 保隆 加藤 裕久 山下 文雄 今井 昌一 鈴木 和重 岡林 小由理 金子 真也 市川 光太郎 曽田 浩子 清水 透子 長田 陽一 木葉 万里江 石橋 紳作 高橋 耕一 杉山 安見児 三宅 巧 荒木 久昭 垣迫 三夫 前野 泰樹 下飛田 毅 高岸 智也 松隈 義則 平田 知滋 田中 信夫 永山 清高 安岡 盟 林 真夫 天本 正乃 津村 直幹 小野 栄一郎 神薗 慎太郎 中嶋 英輔 永光 信一郎 野正 貴予 松尾 勇作 樋口 恵美 長井 健祐 末吉 圭子 橋本 信男 弓削 健 久保田 薫 川上 晃 渡辺 順子 藤澤 卓爾 西山 亨 岩永 理香子 牛島 高介 山川 良一 山村 純一 富永 薫 臺 俊一 安藤 寛 久田 直樹 藤本 保 元山 浩貴 丸岡 隆之 伊達 是志 杉村 徹 西依 淳 朝木野 由紀 山田 克彦 是松 聖悟 早川 広史 佐々木 宏和 木村 光一 山田 孝
The Japanese journal of antibiotics (ISSN:03682781)
vol.48, no.7, pp.921-941, 1995-07-01