秋山 哲
共生科学 (ISSN:21851638)
vol.6, no.6, pp.126-135, 2015 (Released:2019-06-17)

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are monotheism. Each religion claims that its God is the real God. When we read the Bible and the Quran carefully however, we understand that the origin of each God is the God of Judaism. Christians believe in the Trinity, which means the God consists of the God of Old Testament, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. According to the Quran, Mohammed thought that the true believer was Abraham and the God of Abraham is Allah. Although three religions have a long history of disputes and struggles against each other, and there still is rivalry in the Middle East between Israel and Arab nations, they have believed in the same God. Therefore, I do not think that symbiosis of the three monotheism religions is impossible. The God himself will intervene into these three religions which believe in him.
秋山 哲雄
国士舘史学 = Kokushikan shigaku
vol.25, pp.105-123, 2021-03-20
宇治 康直 秋山 哲一
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.27, no.66, pp.1021-1026, 2021-06-20 (Released:2021-06-20)

This research investigates elements of uncertainty (EOU) remaining after demolition work starts, through observation of the design and construction processes of an exclusively-owned dwelling unit of a condominium with a design–bid–build method. Design revision was assumed for designers to deal with EOU as of the construction contract. There was a case where EOU found after the demolition of interior brought design revision and additional construction, which influenced the construction period and cost. It is thinkable that issues caused by EOU found during the construction work increase. A contract needs to be thought for such risks among stakeholders.
磯部 友彦 秋山 哲男 佐藤 克志 園田 眞理子 吉田 浩 畑農 鋭矢

藤木 亮介 秋山 哲一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.635, pp.223-231, 2009-01-30 (Released:2009-11-02)
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This study analyzes the difference of maintenance cost of individual building of the complex of condominiums. As a result of the analysis, the following items were clarified. •In the complex of condominiums of the similar shape, the large difference of the maintenance cost is caused in the renewal of the incidental hardware of the buildings. •In the complex of condominiums of the different shape, the large difference of the maintenance cost is caused by the difference of the construction area.These results show that it is necessary to manage the maintenance cost of each building separately.
秋山 哲男
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木学会論文集 (ISSN:02897806)
vol.1995, no.518, pp.55-67, 1995-07-20 (Released:2010-08-24)
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高齢者・障害者専用の交通手段のスペシャルトランスポートサービス (STサービス) を対象とし公共交通でのSTサービスの役割とそのカバーすべき範囲を明確にし, わが国においてSTサービスの位置づけ, 整備の考え方, 公共交通における役割, 整備の方向を示すことを目的とした. 第一に既存の公共交通サービスが高齢者・障害者のモビリティをどこまでカバーし, STサービスとタクシー, マストラとの交通手段分担がどのようになるのかについて論ずる. 第二に, STサービスはどの程度の需要が見込まれ, どのような階層にサービスを提供するのかを示す. 第三にSTサービスの運営組織, スケジューリング, システム化の方法について示し. 最後にわが国のSTサービスの課題と展望を示す.
宇治 康直 秋山 哲一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.790, pp.2699-2710, 2021-12-01 (Released:2021-12-01)

This research examined the relationship between renovation work done in common and exclusively-owned areas in condominiums as well as the planning of such projects, focusing on the following three issues. 1) Timing of renovation work in common and exclusively-owned areas and issues A survey of companies with experience in condominium renovation revealed there is a correlation between work in common areas and in exclusively-owned areas, such as works in the exclusively-owned area taking place on a certain scale before or after works in common area. Planning both works together in the plumbing renovation is assumed to have an advantage in reducing risks of water leakage in the whole building by renewing both pipes in the same cycle. 2) Integration of renovation work in common and exclusively-owned areas and issues In recent years, some large-scale renovation projects have integrated work done in common areas and exclusively-owned areas to obtain rationality and other benefits. Analysis of water supply and drainage facility renovation in which the work was done in common and exclusively-owned areas at the same time has confirmed that costs of the optional works in the exclusively-owned areas can be about the same as the common areas. Also, a case study on integrated water supply and drainage facilities work confirmed that the optional works were done on about half of the exclusively-owned residential units at the same time as work on the common areas, pointing to the importance of a system for building management association efforts and a mechanism for promoting it. 3) Rule compliance and effects of rule revision Recent years have also shown that work for renovation of exclusively-owned areas cannot be done because of accompanying work on common areas due to building management agreements and other constraints. We therefore surveyed condominium management companies to clarify the actual situation of management rules and sort out the issues related to renovation work on exclusively-owned areas. The results showed that the management rules for aging condominium buildings do not cover exclusively-owned area renovations and that the rules had not been amended, pointing to the need for detailed remodeling rules to be written or existing rules revised. Furthermore, a case study of condominiums that flexibly revise rules to meet the needs of all parties confirms that rule revisions promote exclusively-owned area renovation, pointing to the need for rules and flexible rule revision that ensure that exclusively-owned area renovation work proceeds smoothly.
吉田 樹 竹内 伝史 秋山 哲男
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木計画学研究・論文集 (ISSN:09134034)
vol.20, pp.581-588, 2003

モータリゼーションの進展にあわせて整備されてきた市街地の駐車場はもはや供給過剰な状態にあり, このことが民間駐車場の自律的な供給を阻害している要因になっている.従って, 今後の駐車場政策は既存の駐車場の有効活用や適正な配置に留意して進めるべきである.本研究では駐車場利用者が目的地まで徒歩でアクセスしていることに着目し, ナゴヤドーム周辺をフィールドにして, 街路環境の影響を考慮した駐車場選択モデルを構築する.構築されたモデルによって, 駐車料金や目的地までの歩行距離といった第一義的な要因に加えて, 駐車場選択に街路環境の諸特性がどう補完しているのかを検討し, 駐車場の有効活用や適正配置の指針を得る.
秋山 哲男
農村計画学会誌 (ISSN:09129731)
vol.37, no.3, pp.272-275, 2018-12-30 (Released:2019-12-30)
藤田 光宏 秋山 哲男 山崎 秀夫
総合都市研究 (ISSN:03863506)
no.69, pp.171-185, 1999-09

自家用車を用いて家族や知人により送迎される自然発生的な未組織の交通サービスを「自動車同乗」と定義する。公共交通が不使な人口低密度地域に居住する高齢者のモピリテイ確保は、この「自動車同乗」に強く依存し、また相手の都合により外出行動が決定されるという、極めて不安定な状況におかれている。わが国では英国のようにボランテイア等による「自動車同乗」の制度が全くなく、今後どの様な政策的な方向を求めるべきかはこれからである。本研究では、この「自動車同乗」の基礎的研究として、高齢者とその家族を対象としたアンケート調査により「自動車問乗」の実態把握とその構造を把握することを目的とした。その結果、①「自動車同乗」の8割が家族間で行われていること、またその多くが子供に依存していることが分かった。②「自動車同乗」の成立する条件をドライパーである供給側と利用側の関係から分類すると便乗型、当然型、調整型に分けることができ、家族のつながりが強い場合は当然型や調整型で自分の目的地に合わせてもらう空間が一致しない傾向が著しいこと。しかし、知人の場合は相手の目的地に合わせた空間が一致する便乗型が強いことが分かった。以上から、自動車同乗については家族依存型が強く相手に会わせるという時間的・空間的制約の中での外出行動のため、極めて不安定な供給形態であり必ずしも十分ではなく、今後新しい送迎サービスなどの、補完的仕組みも合わせて必要であることが改めて重要であると認識された。Co-ride Personal Car is defined as the unorganized transportation service offered spontaneously by family or acquaintance. Securing the mobility of the elderly, who live in the sparse populated area with poor transit service, depend entirely upon this Co-ride Personal Car. It is means that they have been in the unstable conditions where their going-out action is controlled by driver's reasons. We have not Co-ride Personal Car system by volunteers in Japan, as seen in the England. Now we ought to decide our future political direction. The purpose of this study is to grasp the actual condition and its structure of Co-ride Personal Car, by the questionnaire done for the elderly using and their family. The result is as follows. 1) Eighty percents of Co-ride Personal Car is done by family, especially their children in many cases. 2) From the point of relationship between the driver and the user, the condition of driver and user can be classified into three types: depending upon driver' s trip, depending upon user's trip and negotiate between driver and user's trip. In case that family ties are strong, the destination of their family tends to be different from the one of the elderly, as seen in depending upon user's trip and negotiate between driver and user's trip. But in the case of acquaintance, the destination tends to be consistent with the elderly, as seen in depending upon driver's trip. From the above it was made clear that Co-ride Personal Car is quite unstable from supply mobility for the elderly, because it is restricted by both time and space, strongly depending upon family. In addition to Co-ride Personal Car, supplementary system such as new transport service will be needed in the future
秋山 哲夫 五十嵐 栄 長岡 正博 大橋 明石 植田 正彦 アキヤマ テツオ イガラシ サカエ ナガオカ マサヒロ オオハシ アカシ ウエダ マサヒコ Tetuo AKIYAMA Sakae IGARASHI Masahiro NAGAOKA Akashi OHASHI Masahiko UEDA
vol.31, no.3, pp.207-212, 2004-09-30

In recent years titanium dioxide (TiO_2) has been widely identified as a photocatalyst. Compound materials with their surface covered with apatite microcrystals have been used in various fields. On the other hand, titanium was substituted for the calcium ion in the apatite crystal. The titanium-ion-substitution apatite exhibited photocatalytic properties and was termed photocatalytic apatite. It is thought that the titanium ion was substituted for column calcium in photocatalytic apatite. However, X-ray diffraction analysis of photocatalytic apatite revealed a feeble peak that was attributed to TiO_2. Therefore, the question arised as to if the titanium signal from the apatite crystals indicated that the titanium existed as titanium dioxide microparticles. To answer this question, photocatalytic apatites with various titanium concentrations were synthesized. Additionally apatites with concentration of 0% titanium and measured amounts of titanium dioxide were also synthesized. Then the photocatalytic apatites with variable concentration of titanium and the apatites with variable concentration of titanium dioxide were compared with them, using X-ray diffraction analysis and chemical analysis. The following results were obtained : (1) The author could not completely deny the possibility that the titanium which existed as titanium dioxide particles had been mixed with apatite particles in the photocatalytic apatite. (2) In the photocatalytic apatite, where the substitution of titanium (IV) for Calcium (II) occurred, the substitution ratio was likely 1 : 1.
秋山 哲雄 中本 安 三浦 亮
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.73, no.6, pp.871-875, 1984

子宮頚癌により広範性子宮全摘術後,両側性水腎症,腎性尿崩症を呈し,間歇的自己導尿法により改善をみた1症例を経験したので報告する.症例は48才,女性. 43才の時,子宮頚癌(病期I)にて広範性子宮全摘術を受けた. 1982年6月頃から口渇,多飲および1日4~6<i>l</i>におよぶ多尿が出現し,精査のため1982年8月2日当科入院.身体的には皮膚はやや乾燥し,軽度の脱水傾向がみられる以外には異常所見なし.検査では尿糖陰性,尿比重1.004,血清Na 150mEq/<i>l</i>, K 3.4mEq/<i>l</i>, Cl 124mEq/<i>l</i>.耐糖能異常なし.眼底,視野異常なし.水制限試験では尿浸透圧の上昇はみられず高張食塩水負荷(Carter-Robins試験)でも尿量,自由水クリアランスの減少なし.ピトレシン5Uの投与でも尿量,尿浸透圧に変化はみられなかつた.血漿ADH 2.9pg/ml.トルコ鞍X線像異常なし.排泄性腎盂造影では両側性水腎症の所見を呈す. urodynamic studyでは多量の残尿がみられ, areflexic neurogenic bladderで両側IV度のvesicoureteral reflux (VUR)を認めた.以上よりneurogenic bladder, VUR,水腎症,腎性尿崩症と進展したものと診断した.治療は,サイアザイド剤の投与および間歇的自己導尿法を指導し, 1日6~7回の自己導尿を行ない残尿量は減少し,尿量は1日約2<i>l</i>と改善をみている.類似症例は国内外にみられず,その成因と病態についても言及した.