大越 裕人 上條 貢司 畑下 恒寛 小林 郁夫
一般社団法人 日本脳神経外傷学会
神経外傷 (ISSN:24343900)
vol.40, no.2, pp.113-116, 2017-12-20 (Released:2020-04-27)

Although chronic subdural hematomas usually affect elderly individuals, they sometimes affect young individuals. We present a case of 19-year-old male with a chronic subdural hematoma that occurred because of previous headbanging. During a rock concert, the patient was intensely headbanging, after which he experienced persisting headache, and his symptoms gradually deteriorated. He visited our hospital for a chief complaint of a headache. Brain CT revealed a right subdural hematoma, and he was urgently admitted. He was treated with emergency surgical drainage with a mass of hematoma. His postoperative status was pretty fair, and he was dis­charged on hospital day 8. Follow-up brain MRI showed an arachnoid cyst in the right frontal lobe, and the cyst was considered to be the cause of hematoma. To date, only two cases of headbanging-associated chronic subdural hematoma have been reported in western countries. To our knowledge, our patient is the first Japanese case.
田城 文人 鈴木 啓太 上野 陽一郎 舩越 裕紀 池口 新一郎 宮津エネルギー研究所水族館 甲斐 嘉晃
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.42, pp.22-40, 2017-02-28 (Released:2017-02-28)

More than 1,300 species of fishes have been reported from the Japanese side of the Sea of Japan. However, occurrence records for a great number of these species are not documented by voucher specimens, rendering estimates of the diversity of fishes from this region unclear as to their reliability. Given this situation, ichthyologists at the Maizuru Fisheries Research Station of Kyoto University are central to a research group aiming to provide a more reliable estimate of the diversity of the fish fauna of this region that is based on a reproducible data such as voucher specimens. Here we provide some biogeographic (24 species) and taxonomic (2 species) notes as a preliminary report towards this goal. As a result of new biogeographical findings, 10 species are confirmed from this region for the first time, and the distributional ranges of 14 other species are extended to the east. Most of these 24 species are not residents in the Sea of Japan, rather they are migratory species likely to have drifted from the southward via the Tsushima Warm Current. An unidentified congrid species, Ariosoma sp. and an undescribed cynoglossid species, Symphurus sp., were collected off Kyoto Prefecture. Exact identification of the former species, and a description and formal naming for the latter species, will be the subject of studies conducted in the near future.
関野 雅則 木村 俊一 越 裕
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.27, 2013

岡澤 香津子 若林 雅人 松岡 慶樹 佐々木 伸一 水越 裕樹 竹原 恵美子
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.15, no.2, pp.83-89, 2013 (Released:2013-09-05)

Objective: The present study investigated awareness and knowledge about clinical trials among pharmacists working in the Nagano Hokushin area as well as their contribution to the enlightenment of clinical trial.Methods: A questionnaire survey of clinical trials was conducted to evaluate levels of interest, impressions, sources of information, and knowledge among hospital and community pharmacists.Results: We received responses from 77 hospital and 67 community pharmacists.  The levels of interest in clinical trials were not significantly different between hospital and community pharmacists.  About impressions, hospital pharmacists thought that clinical trials were “a new development.”  Contrarily, community pharmacists thought that clinical trials were “a field that they were seldom concerned with.”  About sources of information, hospital pharmacists found that “study meetings” were the most informative.  More community pharmacists than hospital pharmacists chose “general reports, for example, newspapers and televisions” as a source of information, and similarly more community pharmacists indicated that they had “few opportunities for obtaining information about clinical trials.”  About knowledge, the percentage of correct answers about clinical trials between hospital and community pharmacists was not significantly different.  A higher percentage of community pharmacists than hospital pharmacists answered unknown.Conclusion: Hospital and community pharmacists had different impressions and knowledge about clinical trials probably because of differences in sources of information and its access.  Henceforth, study meetings involving educational material about clinical trials should be held for discussing fundamental knowledge about the methods and structure of clinical trials and for discussing case studies wherein patients consult pharmacists about clinical trials.
船越 裕介 岡田 忠信
電子情報通信学会誌 (ISSN:09135693)
vol.89, no.9, pp.787-791, 2006-09-01

阪神・淡路大震災や新潟県中越地震では,通信サービスの途絶が被災地を中心として広範囲かつ長期間にわたって発生し,被災地以外も含めた社会生活に多大な影響を与えた.このような自然災害時におけるライフラインとしてネットワークには高い安全性・信頼性が求められるが,特に地震大国である我が国においてはこれらは必要不可欠な条件である.本稿では次世代情報通信ネットワークNGN(Next Generation Network)の高信頼化について,その要求条件と各種技術動向について紹介し,併せて標準化の動きについても触れる.
江越 裕紀 片上 大輔 新田 克己
情報処理学会研究報告デジタルドキュメント(DD) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2005, no.11, pp.1-8, 2005-01-28

本研究は,判例の特徴を利用し,事件を記述した文書をクエリとする類似判例検索を提案する.判例は1つの文書ではなく役割の異なる複数の文書からなるため,ベクトル空間法を用いた検索だけでは精度が悪い.そのため本研究では,法的な専門用語が偏って出現する判例の特徴を利用する.まず,キーワード検索のクエリとして用いられ易い専門用語の検索有用性を検証するため,TF*IDF法に専門用語を応用した検索とTF*IDF法のみを用いた検索の比較実験を行った.また,適合性フィードバックによる精度改善の結果,文書ベクトルに法的な専門用語が用いられやすくなることの検証を行った.さらに判例構造を利用して,判例を争点ごとに分割した文章に対する検索実験を行った結果についても報告する.We propose a judicial precedent retrieval system using the characteristic of documents and Vector Space Model. The system uses a judicial precedent document as a query. Judicial precedent retrieval using only TF*IDF is not good in accuracy, because of the structure of a judicial precedent which consists of some documents. We use judicial terms that are unevenly distributed among issues. First, we compare the system using TF*IDF and judicial terms, and the system using only TF*IDF to verify value of judicial terms for judicial precedent retrieval. Then, we confirm the number of judicial terms increase in relevance feedback retrieval. And, to use the structure of judicial precedents, we experiment the effect of issues retrieval.
大越 裕文 飛鳥 田一朗
日本医事新報 (ISSN:03859215)
no.4043, pp.73-76, 2001-10-20
山越 裕太
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2018, no.193, pp.192_44-192_59, 2018-09-10 (Released:2018-12-19)

This article analyzes how the League of Nations Health Organization (LNHO) constructed health governance.Regarding the globalizing world, health governance was primarily discussed after the Cold War and it was clarified that functional cooperation was one of its foundations. However, previous studies have not completely verified how functional cooperation evolved into health governance. Therefore, this article examines the interwar period according to the following questions: what is the significance of the co-existence of the LNHO and the Office International d’Hygiène Publique (OIHP) in establishing health governance; why did the field of health expand from addressing infectious diseases to various spheres; and how did the LNHO contend with the Great Depression.The first section of the article examines how functional cooperation in the field of health was established and why two international health organizations co-existed during the interwar period. The second section analyzes the driving force of the LNHO in seeking health governance. The third section examines how the LNHO constructed health governance through the Great Depression.The article concludes that the construction of health governance did not progress as effortlessly and linearly as reported in previous discussions. Although it certainly developed based on functional cooperation, during the process of the LNHO expanding its activities to various spheres, the states resisted, concerned about the erosion of sovereignty. However, these resistances were overcome by the logic of functional cooperation that promotes cooperation to the extent that can be agreed. For example, the spheres of standardization, interaction between experts, and medical statistics. Conversely, this process had exogenous opportunities. The LNHO was established under the influence of American foreign policy. Its activities were gradually incorporated because of the co-existence of the two international health organizations. The Great Depression—the turning point—served as an opportunity to reconsider the construction of health governance. It gradually became clear that recovery would be difficult by merely continuing LNHO’s activities as usual. Thus, observing the Great Depression’s widespread effect on economy and agriculture, the LNHO expanded its activities to cooperate with organizations in related fields in order to take unified action. The LNHO was no longer limited to anti-disease measures but was required to resolve new issues that had not been considered traditionally. This development was not caused by the extension of functional cooperation. The process from functional cooperation to health governance was characterized by flexibility and robustness. Therefore, health governance was constructed in the interwar period after several complicated circumstances.
ケビンサニー 岡﨑 三郎 髙桑 脩 松永 久生 船越 裕亮 沖田 耕一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
M&M材料力学カンファレンス 2019 (ISSN:24242845)
pp.OS0319, 2019 (Released:2020-05-25)

Tension-compression fatigue tests were conducted on non-charged and hydrogen-charged additively manufactured Ni-based superalloy 718 to investigate the effect of solute hydrogen on the fatigue strength properties of the material. The surface condition of the specimens was either as-built or mechanically-polished, aiming to clarify the effect of process-induced defects and roughness on the property. Fractographic observations using a scanning electron microscope manifested that process-induced defects existed at the fracture origin of as-built specimens, whereas such defects were not observed in the mechanically-polished specimens. However, both the fatigue life and the fatigue limit of the specimens were neither affected by surface condition nor by hydrogen. The results revealed that (1) the defects were not detrimental to the fatigue strength of the material due to its large defect-size tolerance accounted to its coarse-grained microstructure, based on comparison with previous studies conducted on forged Alloy 718, and (2) hydrogen caused no remarkable influence on both crack growth rate and crack growth threshold of the material.
船越 裕輝 照屋 晴奈 下條 満代 鳩間 千華
一般社団法人 アジアヒューマンサービス学会
Journal of Inclusive Education
vol.8, pp.30-39, 2020

大越 裕文
宇宙航空環境医学 (ISSN:03870723)
vol.36, no.3, pp.129-130, 1999-09-01
矢野 夏樹 太田 麻美子 船越 裕輝 金 彦志
一般社団法人 アジアヒューマンサービス学会
Journal of Inclusive Education
vol.3, pp.18-24, 2017

知的障害の最新の診断基準においては、従来のIQを中心とした知能指数による定義から、臨床的評価を重視した適応機能を重視した定義に変更が行われた。教育分野においても、知的障害児の教育に関して、学力よりも社会生活能力に重点をおいた教育が行われている。しかし、知的障害児の社会生活機能に関連する評価には尺度の不在や教員の専門性の不足といった課題がある。本研究では障害児のQOL向上の観点から開発された特別支援教育成果評価尺度(Special Needs Education Assessment Tool: SNEAT)を用いて知的障害児に対する社会生活機能の授業成果を測定し、その分析を通して評価に影響を与える要因を明らかにする。また、その要因から今後知的障害児に対する社会生活機能向上ための教育活動の在り方を検討することを目的とする。結果として知的障害児に対する社会生活機能の授業成果に影響を与える要因として「子どもの学部」と教師の「通算教職経験年数」「特別支援教育経験年数」の3つが明らかになった。今後の研究として、教師の経験年数や専門性によらない、知的障害児の社会生活機能向上のための教育プログラムの開発が必要であろう。
船越 裕輝 小原 愛子
一般社団法人 Asian Society of Human Services
vol.4, pp.47-60, 2017

Background: Sexuality Education is needed by people with disabilities. It is practiced in Special Needs Education schools and welfare work places. But the assessment is not done. Object: In this study, we aimed to define "Sexuality Education of people with disabilities" based on the point of view of guarantee of rights and improvement of QOL. Additionally, we aimed to make the Sexuality Education Assessment tool. The Sexuality Education Assessment Tool consisted of 3 domain; "Knowledge and representation of the body", "Sense of security to sexuality", "Recognition of oneself and others to sexuality" and 9 questions. Methods and Result: In a cross-sectional study, we collected the 96 data in Okinawa Prefecture in between August and September, 2016. The reliability of the coefficient of Cronbach's α were over 0.7. The validity was valid based on its goodness-of-fit values obtained using the SEM. These results indicate has high reliability and construct validity. Low score only "Recognition of oneself and others to sexuality" to "Sexual diversity". But Sexuality Education is very important point of view "Sexual diversity". And the sexuality education is expected qualitative change. And, the assessment is verified validity.