金坂 清則
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.27, no.3, pp.252-295, 1975-06-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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Many studies have been published to deal with Japan's urban growth which began at the Meiji era, but there seems to be very few works which focus its examination on the urban functions and city and region relationship on a meso-scale, and have a scope to develop into macro-scale study of the whole region. Since a regon exists as a part of the whole, attention to such a direction will be urgently needed.The writer intends to explain a historical change in the city and region structure in the Niigata Plain-the country's second largest plain-and its surroundings for the period of about seventy years since the early Meiji era. To this end the processes of forming the Ura Nippon Region must be unraveled dynamically and regionally, and location and the sphere of influence of urban functions, which may be classified into four categories-administrative, cultural, economic and transportational, are examined in relation to city size and distribution of cities. Parts of the results obtained are summarised as follows.1. In 1879 there were thirty-three cities and towns in the objective region, and thirty-four in 1935. Cities in 1879 are classified into three, ie. a city in Class I, four in Class II, and twenty-eight in Class III (See Figure 1).2. The four cities in Classes I and II were separated each other by 30 to 40 kilometres, and the distances between Class III cities were around 6 to 9 kilometres, the intervals being quite uniform. The outline of this structure had already been formed by the middle of the eighteenth century. Since that time most of those cities have had periodical fairs, and half of them were nuclei of textile and hardware industries which had been located at the rural settlements around them (See Figures 1 and 2).3. On this foundation the administrative and cultural institutions such as government offices and schools began to be located corresponding to city size at the early years of Meiji. At the same time economic activities, especially of modern manufacturing industies which tend to be unevenly distributed, began to be accumulated around those cities. The framework of established orders among cities was therefore not broken down but was solidified more as the time passed.4. Consequently larger cities genarally developed more in proportion to their scale. If the Zipf's rule is applied, the three largest cities had smaller scale than the rule's ideal value, and Class III cities larger than the same in 1887, and the case was reversed in 1935. As a result the difference in the scale of the largest and the smallest cities increased by 2.7 times during the period. This was also the process when the order among cities became rank-sized (Table 11).5. After the middle of the Meiji era the objective region was gradually subordinate to Tokyo, and formed into a part of the Ura Nippon Region. The trend was definitely fixed at the mid-Taisho years. The cities developed only slowly in this region, and their influence over the countryside remained weak. Therefore the countryside began to be controlled by the cities outside this region and by the outer realm. The large-scale landlordship was the most important internal factor to keep the rural country into stagnation.6. Another factor to bring about such change to the region was a drastic change in transportation: a shift from maritime and river-borne traffic to the modern railway. This should not be overlooked.
金坂 清則

R.H.ブラントンの名は日本の灯台建設の父として知られ、幾つもの研究があるが、彼が作成した地図類、特に、帰国後に編纂しロンドンで出版した日本図Nippon〔Japan〕(1876)については、従来ほとんど注目されてこなかった。しかし、この図は、当時日本で出版されていた日本図のどれよりもすぐれた内容を備えた作品として、またブラントンのお雇い外国人としての事績が明確に盛り込まれた図として注目に値する。やはりお雇い外国人であったE.クニッピングの編になる日本図Stanford's Library Map of Japanが出版されたこの3年後の時点では、既に陸軍参謀局「大日本全図」(1877)は出ていたものの、内務省地理局編「大日本国全図」が出版されたのは1881年のことだったし、当時の日本に存在した大部分の日本図の水準はこれら欧州製日本図の水準を下回るものだった。このようないわば逆転現象が生じたのは、何よりもブラントンやクニッピングがお雇い外国人の立場を生かして、国の基本地図の整備を急務としていた当時の国家機関がその作成のために収集・保持していた最高の地図情報-それには伊能図、「官板実測日本地図」も含まれる-もを入手することができたからである。また、そのようなローマ字表記された日本図の需要があったことも無視できない。そこで、本研究では、近代日本図に関する研究の立ち遅れの克服とブラントン研究の展開をも目指して、ブラントン図に関する詳細な書誌的・地図学的検討を行い、新たな多くの知見を提示した。この成果については、雑誌「地図」に発表し、そこに、原寸大の精巧な複製図4シートを併せ出版することになっているが、このような研究のために、精緻な複製図の見本印刷を作成したり、国会図書館や内閣文庫・神戸市立博物館・横浜開港資料館での調査と、写真や複写の形で収集した所蔵資料の分析を行い、また、当時の世界の地図や地理学の水準を示す書籍を購入しての検討も行った。
金坂 清則
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.27, no.3, pp.252-295, 1975
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Many studies have been published to deal with Japan's urban growth which began at the Meiji era, but there seems to be very few works which focus its examination on the urban functions and city and region relationship on a meso-scale, and have a scope to develop into macro-scale study of the whole region. Since a regon exists as a part of the whole, attention to such a direction will be urgently needed.<br>The writer intends to explain a historical change in the city and region structure in the Niigata Plain-the country's second largest plain-and its surroundings for the period of about seventy years since the early Meiji era. To this end the processes of forming the Ura Nippon Region must be unraveled dynamically and regionally, and location and the sphere of influence of urban functions, which may be classified into four categories-administrative, cultural, economic and transportational, are examined in relation to city size and distribution of cities. Parts of the results obtained are summarised as follows.<br>1. In 1879 there were thirty-three cities and towns in the objective region, and thirty-four in 1935. Cities in 1879 are classified into three, ie. a city in Class I, four in Class II, and twenty-eight in Class III (See Figure 1).<br>2. The four cities in Classes I and II were separated each other by 30 to 40 kilometres, and the distances between Class III cities were around 6 to 9 kilometres, the intervals being quite uniform. The outline of this structure had already been formed by the middle of the eighteenth century. Since that time most of those cities have had periodical fairs, and half of them were nuclei of textile and hardware industries which had been located at the rural settlements around them (See Figures 1 and 2).<br>3. On this foundation the administrative and cultural institutions such as government offices and schools began to be located corresponding to city size at the early years of Meiji. At the same time economic activities, especially of modern manufacturing industies which tend to be unevenly distributed, began to be accumulated around those cities. The framework of established orders among cities was therefore not broken down but was solidified more as the time passed.<br>4. Consequently larger cities genarally developed more in proportion to their scale. If the Zipf's rule is applied, the three largest cities had smaller scale than the rule's ideal value, and Class III cities larger than the same in 1887, and the case was reversed in 1935. As a result the difference in the scale of the largest and the smallest cities increased by 2.7 times during the period. This was also the process when the order among cities became rank-sized (Table 11).<br>5. After the middle of the Meiji era the objective region was gradually subordinate to Tokyo, and formed into a part of the Ura Nippon Region. The trend was definitely fixed at the mid-Taisho years. The cities developed only slowly in this region, and their influence over the countryside remained weak. Therefore the countryside began to be controlled by the cities outside this region and by the outer realm. The large-scale landlordship was the most important internal factor to keep the rural country into stagnation.<br>6. Another factor to bring about such change to the region was a drastic change in transportation: a shift from maritime and river-borne traffic to the modern railway. This should not be overlooked.
成田 孝三 藤田 昌久 岡田 知弘 足利 健亮 石川 義孝 金田 章裕 金坂 清則 石原 潤 応地 利明

金坂 清則 山田 誠 新谷 英治 勝田 茂 坂本 勉 天野 太郎 小方 登 秋山 元秀

本研究では、19世紀の世界をリードした西欧の中でもとりわけ重要だった大英帝国の人々が行った旅や探険とその記録としての旅行記について、アジアに関するものに絞り、歴史地理学的観点を主軸に据えつつ、歴史学者や言語学者の参画も得て多面的に研究し、そのことを通して、未開拓のこの分野の研究の新たな地平を切り開く一歩にした。また、その成果を地理学のみならず歴史学や文学の世界にも提示して学問分野の枠組みを越えることの有効性を具体的に提示し、かつそれを一般社会にも還元することを試みた。このため、I英国人旅行家の旅と旅行記に関する研究、II英国人の旅と旅行記に関するフィールドワーク的研究、III旅のルートの地図・衛星画像上での復原、IV19世紀のアジアを描く英国人の旅行記文献目録編纂という枠組みで研究を進めた。Iでは、このような研究の出発点となるテキストの翻訳に力点を置く研究と、それ以外の理論的研究に分け、前者については最も重要かつ代表的な作品と目されるJourneys in Persia and Kurdistanについてそれを行い、後者については、最重要人物であるイザベラ・バードやその他の人々の日本・ペルシャ・チベット・シベリアへの旅と旅行記を対象に研究した。IIについては、イザベラ・バードの第IV期の作品であるJourneys in Persia and Kurdistanと、第V期の作品であるKorea & Her NeighboursおよびThe Yangtze Valley and Beyondを対象とし、このような研究が不可欠であり、旅行記の新しい読み方になることを明示した。またツイン・タイム・トラベル(Twin Time Travel)という新しい旅の形の重要性を提示し、社会的関心を惹起した。IIIでは縮尺10万分の1という従来例のない精度でバードの揚子江流域の旅のルートを復原すると共に、この種の研究に衛星画像の分析を生かすことができる可能性を西アジアについて示した。また今後の研究に必須の財産となる目録を編纂した(IV)。