鈴木 毅彦 中山 俊雄
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.52, no.1, pp.23-38, 2007-02-28 (Released:2017-03-20)

A widespread tephra referred to here as Tamagawa-R4 Tephra (Tmg-R4) is newly recognized. Tmg-R4, derived from the Pre-Yakeyama caldera located in the Sengan geothermal area, the Northeast Japan arc, covers the area from Tohoku to Kanto, northeast of Honshu Island. At the type locality in the proximal area, Tmg-R4 comprises a non-welded pyroclastic flow deposit (ignimbrite) and an immediately overlying welded pyroclastic flow deposit (Kurasawayama Welded Tuff). Absence of plinian fall deposits in the area of ca. 25 km south of the source and the fine vitric ash nature of the distal ash-fall deposits of Tmg-R4 suggest that they are co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits. Tmg-R4 was identified using a combination of refractive indices and chemical compositions of major and rare earth elements of glass shards (n=1.498-1.501, SiO2: 78.3-78.6 wt%, K2O: 4.2-4.5 wt%, Ba: 830-911 ppm), mineral content, refractive indices of hornblende (n2=1.665-1.686). On the basis of these properties, Tmg-R4 was identified in Boso and Oga peninsulas, Choshi area, and in the core drilled on Musashino upland around 500 km south of the source. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic (Calcareous nannofossil datum 13) and magneto-stratigraphic positions in Boso peninsula and Choshi, and paleomagnetic direction and many radiometric ages determined in the proximal area by previous studies indicate that the age of Tmg-R4 is ca. 2.0 Ma, positioned just below the base of the Olduvai Subchron. The distribution of Tmg-R4 showing emplacement of co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposit in the area 530 km south of the source, emphasizes the upwind transport direction relative to the prevailing westerly winds. This distribution shows similarity to those of a few co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits derived from calderas in the Northeast Japan arc. As a key marker horizon in this age, the widespread occurrence of Tmg-R4 provides a tie line between many different sections over a distance of 530 km. Additionally, Kd44-Nk Tephra above Tmg-R4 is recognized in Boso peninsula, Choshi, Niigata and east Lake Biwa areas. Characteristic properties and stratigraphic positions indicate that Kd44-Nk possibly derived from the Sengan geothermal area occurred at 1.968-1.781 Ma.
森脇 広 永迫 俊郎 鈴木 毅彦 寺山 怜 松風 潤 小田 龍平
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
vol.2020, 2020

<p><b> </b></p><p><b>はじめに:</b>南九州・南西諸島の古環境と文化の諸要素の高精度編年を進めている.今回は南西諸島の喜界島のテフラと古砂丘を取り上げる.喜界島は全島がサンゴ礁段丘からなる.段丘は多くの年代測定が行われ,最終間氷期MIS 5eの段丘面が標高200mに達し,日本では隆起量が最も大きいことで知られる.このため,最終氷期の亜間氷期MIS 3の段丘面群(上位からD面,E面,F面:太田・大村,2000)が高度90m~15mで,現在の陸上に広く出現している.</p><p></p><p><b> </b>砂丘は喜界島南西部のMIS 3の段丘地帯を広く覆う.それらは,現在の海岸近くにある完新世の砂丘,内陸のMIS 3面上に分布する更新世の水天宮古砂丘(角田,1997)からなる.その地形や堆積物,形成時期について,古くから関心が持たれてきた(三位・木越,1966;武永,1968;成瀬・井上,1987など).</p><p></p><p> 最近,水天宮砂丘地帯において,広範囲の耕地整理工事がなされ,砂丘の地形と堆積物の全体的な様相が明らかとなってきた.この報告では,水天宮古砂丘の分布と堆積物の構造,テフラの同定・編年,及び<sup>14</sup>C年代資料に基づく古砂丘の編年と形成を検討する.</p><p></p><p> <b>テフラ</b>:喜界島のテフラについては,同定や層序,年代などまだよくわかっていない.今回の調査で,9枚のテフラを見いだした.このうち2枚は,バブルウォール型の火山ガラスを豊富に含むガラス質火山灰で,上位はK-Ah, 下位はATに同定される.他の7枚は斑晶や微細軽石に富む淡褐色火山灰で,ここでは,上位からKj-1〜Kj-7と名づける.鉱物は斜方輝石,単斜輝石,角閃石,磁鉄鉱,チタン鉄鉱,長石,石英で,スコリアを含むものもある.全体として特徴的に高温石英を含む.それらの鉱物の含有の有無・度合い,層相・層位などからそれぞれのテフラの識別が可能で,南西諸島の島々やトカラ列島の諸火山でこれまで知られているテフラに一部対比可能なものもみられる.ATはKj-6とKj-7の間にある.K-AhとKjテフラ群との層位関係は同一露頭断面で直接確認できないが,土壌の厚さなどから,K-AhはKjテフラ群より上位にあるものと推定される.</p><p></p><p><b> 砂丘の地形と堆積物:</b>これまで水天宮古砂丘は,喜界島南西部の孤立した丘陵一帯を広く構成しているとされてきた.しかし今回の調査で,水天宮古砂丘とされる丘陵の南半部のほとんどは基盤のサンゴ石灰岩からなるD面,E面で,砂丘はこれらの段丘面を部分的に覆っているにすぎないことが明らかとなった.南半部では,段丘崖や崖上にリッジ状に分布しており,当時の海岸沿いに形成されていったことを示す.</p><p></p><p> 一方,北半部は最大20m以上に及ぶ厚い砂丘堆積物が全体を覆う.部分的には膠結砂丘砂からなっている.この中には少なくとも2枚の土壌が挟まれる.砂丘地形は南北に細長い谷を挟む砂丘列をなす.テフラと下記の<sup>14</sup>C年代は,谷と砂丘の形成期はほぼ同じであることを示す.したがって,谷は砂丘形成後の侵食によってできたものではなく,砂丘形成時の凹地として形成されたもので,水天宮北側の砂丘列は縦列砂丘として形成されたと解釈される.いくつかの地点での堆積物の層理の走向も,この砂丘列の方向と調和し,北方の海岸からの砂の運搬・供給を示す.この水天宮古砂丘はMIS 3段丘群最下位のF面の北端まで続き,この付近の海浜からの砂の供給によって形成されたことを示す.</p><p></p><p> <b>砂丘の編年と形成</b>:古砂丘堆積物を覆う土壌中に認められる上記テフラのうち,もっとも古いのはATである. Kj-7は現在のところ認められない.北半部の厚い砂丘堆積物上部から得られた陸生貝化石の<sup>14</sup>C年代は33,000〜34,000 cal BPを示し,テフラ編年と整合する.ATの層位とこの年代からみて,水天宮古砂丘の主要部をなす北半部の古砂丘は,MIS 3後期の3.5万年前前後に形成されたものと考えられる.段丘面との関係,テフラ,<sup>14</sup>C年代を総合すると,水天宮古砂丘は,MIS 3前期は当時の海岸縁辺に小規模な砂丘が形成され,後期になると,北側の海岸からの砂の供給による大規模な砂丘形成があったと考えられる.</p>
村田 昌則 鈴木 毅彦 中山 俊雄 川島 眞一 川合 将文
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.116, no.2, pp.243-259, 2007-04-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
4 4

Four boring cores obtained by boring surveys conducted at Wadabori Park in Suginami Ward (core WDB), Kinuta Park (core KNT) in Setagaya Ward, Tamagawadai Park (core TMG) and Unoki (core UNK) in Ota Ward, southeast part of Musashino upland, Tokyo, were reexamined. Mineral assemblage, shapes of volcanic glass shard, refractive indices of volcanic glass, and heavy minerals and chemical composition of volcanic glass of several tephra layers from these cores were determined. As a result, it is revealed that six tephra layers are correlative with the key tephra layers in the Kazusa Group of the Boso Peninsula and Tama Hills in the Kanto district. The WDB-1 tephra from core WDB is identified as the Kd8 tephra in the upper part of the Kiwada Formation in the Kazusa Group. The KNT-4 tephra from core KNT, the TMG-7 tephra from core TMG and the UNK-1 tephra from core UNK are identified as the Kd16 tephra in the middle part of the Kiwada Formation. The TMG-18 tephra from core TMG and the UNK-8 tephra from core UNK are identified as the Kd18 tephra in the middle part of the Kiwada Formation. Based on the correlation among these tephras, the sediments of ca. 15 m above sea level (a.s.l.) at Wadabori Park is correlative with the upper part of the Kiwada Formation deposited at 1.21-1.27 Ma, and the sediments of ca.-2 m a.s.l. at the Kinuta Park, ca.-20 to-74 m a.s.l. at the Tamagawadai Park and ca.-9 to-44 m a.s.l. at Unoki are correlative with the Kiwada Formation in the Kazusa Group. The sedimentary ages of these sediments are between 1.27 and 1.45 Ma based on stratigraphic relations with the calcareous nannofossil datums.
千木良 雅弘 笠間 友博 鈴木 毅彦 古木 宏和
京都大学防災研究所年報. B = Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals. B (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.60, no.B, pp.417-430, 2017-09

1923 Kanto earthquake induced numerous numbers of landslides in the western part of Kanagawa Prefecture. In particular, a landslide dam made in Hadano still remains and its lake is known as a quake lake. However, the geological structure of the landslide was not clarified. We made geological and geomorphological investigations for this landslide, using drilling and airborne LiDAR, then found that this landslide had its sliding surface along Tokyo Pumice in the depth of about 17 m and the overlying volcanic soil and pyroclastic flow deposits slid. Tokyo Pumice erupted from the Hakone volcano 66 thousand years ago and is widely distributed in Kanagawa and Tokyo, suggesting that potential earthquake-induced landslides must be considered.
鈴木 毅彦
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.37, no.5, pp.251-263, 1992

Nasu Volcano is a polygenetic volcano locating on the volcanic front of Northeast Japan Arc. The eruptive history of this volcano during the last 350,000 years is clarified by tephrochronology. On the eastern foot of this volcano, 16 pyroclastic fall deposits are identified. The stratigraphic relations of these deposits with well dated tephra layers derived from other volcanoes provided the chronological framework for the eruptive history. Moreover, the estimated ages and volumes of each deposits, determined by an empirical formula, gave eruption rate of pyroclastic fall deposits. Nasu-Shirakawa Tephra Group (Sr1 to Sr12) erupted from 350 ka to 200 ka. The frequency of explosive eruption during this period is 0.08 times per 1000 years, and eruption rate of pyroclastic fall deposits in dense rock equivalent volume is 0.016 km<sup>3</sup> per 1000 years. On the other hand, a K-Ar dating chronology for Nasu Volcano carried out by a previous study shows that no effusions of lava flows occurred during this period. After this period, no obvious explosive eruptions occurred until 55 ka. This non explosive period is most likely corresponds to the stage characlerized by effusions of lava flows which was recognized by the K-Ar dating chronology. The eruption rate of this period is larger than that of former period from 350 ka to 200 ka. The younger stage from 55-50 ka to present is not characterized only by explosive eruptions (occurrences of Kuromori Tephra and Oshima Tephra 1 and 4; Kr, Os 1 and 4) but also by effusions of lava flows, occurrences of pyroclastic flows, formations of lava dome and pyroclastic cone. The frequency of explosive eruption and the eruption rate of pyroclastic fall deposits during this period are 0.06 times per 1000 years and <0.003 km<sup>3</sup> per 1000 years, respectively. Both are smaller than those of the period from 350 ka to 200 ka.
南里 翔平 鈴木 毅彦

群馬県中部に位置する赤城山は周囲約25 kmに及ぶ大型の成層火山である.守屋(1968)はこの発達史をはじめて体系的にまとめた.その中で約4.4万年前に噴出した赤城鹿沼テフラ(Ag-KP;青木ほか,2008)の上位に足尾帯由来のチャートや頁岩からなる降下火砕物があることを報告し,これを水沼石質降下火砕岩層(CLP)とした.本研究では守屋(1968)ほかで詳細に明らかにされてこなかった,CLPの分布,層序,構成岩種,噴出量,噴火様式,前後の噴火史を明らかにすることを目的とした.赤城山東麓の桐生市黒保根町下田沢を流れる清水用水沿いの露頭(赤城山山頂から南東約10 km)では,下位から榛名八崎テフラ(Hr-HP),Ag-KP,CLP,赤城小沼(この)石質降下テフラ(Ag-KLP)がそれぞれ観察できる.この地点におけるCLPは岩相から4つの噴火ユニットに分けることができ,下位から1L,2P,3P,4Lとした.このうち1L,4Lは足尾帯由来と考えられる堆積岩・火成岩(たとえばドレライトなど)の亜角礫が主体である.1Lは平均粒径13 mmの火山豆石を含む単層と,その上位に堆積する平均粒径32 mmの亜角礫層からなる.このことから1Lはマグマ水蒸気爆発の堆積物であると考えられる.2Pは発泡の悪い黄色軽石火山礫からなる.この軽石火山礫の火山ガラス部の主成分化学組成は,下位のAg-KP中のそれらとは明らかに異なり,SiO2の重量%がAg-KPのそれよりも高いことがわかった.このことから,この軽石はAg-KPの噴火以後,赤城山のマグマだまり内部で結晶分化作用が進行した結果生成されたマグマに由来するものであると考えられる.守屋(1968)はCLPを水蒸気噴火の堆積物としたが,本研究では2Pの存在からこれをマグマ噴火であると考えた.また,2Pは給源から東方に約50 km離れた日光市や鹿沼市など広域に分布していることが確認されたので,プリニー式の噴火であった可能性が高い.3Pは2P中の軽石と同じ組成を持つ軽石と,堆積岩の亜角礫層との互層からなることから,このユニットに関しても2Pに引き続くプリニー式のマグマ噴火であったと考えられる.4Lは層厚9 cmの細粒火山礫層と,その上位に堆積する亜角礫層とからなることから,マグマ水蒸気噴火の堆積物である可能性が考えられる.CLPは赤城山の類質物や異質物からなる堆積岩主体の堆積物であると考えられてきたが,以上のようにマグマ噴火による本質軽石を伴うことがわかったので,新たに赤城清水石質テフラ(Ag-SLT)の名称を用いることを提案する.Ag-SLTは総噴出量約6 km3に達する.この値はVEI=5に相当し,富士山の宝永噴火(1707年)に匹敵するレベルのプリニー式噴火である.鈴木(1990)はAg-KPの主体をなす降下軽石堆積物直上に降下火山灰を認めたが,それを覆うCLPまで含めて一連の噴火による堆積物と解釈した.本研究では清水用水の露頭においてAg-KPの降下軽石堆積物直上の降下火山灰層をAg-KP(a) とあらためて定義し,灰噴火に由来すると解釈した.またこれと区別するため,従来の赤城鹿沼テフラ(Ag-KP)と呼ばれている降下軽石堆積物をAg-KP(p) と再定義した.ところでAg-KP(a)/ Ag-SLT(1L)境界付近を詳しく観察すると,有機物に富み,層理が不明瞭で,淘汰が悪い層厚12 cmの地層が存在する.このことから,Ag-KP(a)/ Ag-SLT(1L)間にはロームが存在すると考えられる.つまり,Ag-KP(p) のプリニー式噴火後は引き続きAg-KP(a)の灰噴火が発生したが,Ag-SLTの噴火までには,わずかではあるが噴火の休止期があった可能性が示唆される.引用文献青木ほか(2008)第四紀研究,47,391-407.守屋(1968)前橋営林局,p64.鈴木(1990)地学雑誌,99,60-74.
鈴木 毅彦
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.73, no.1, pp.1-25, 2000
15 14

飛騨山脈南西部の貝塩給源火道から噴出した貝塩上宝テフラ (KMT) は,大規模火砕流堆積物と中部~東北南部を覆った降下テフラからなる大規模テフラである.本稿ではその特性・分布・年代を示し,噴出前後に形成された地形面の編年・古地理について論じた.KMTの認定においては,黒雲母・石英・高ウラン濃度ジルコンの存在,火山ガラス・チタン磁鉄鉱の化学組成を指標とした.従来の放射年代値と房総半島上総層群中での層位から,KMTは海洋酸素同位体ステージ (MIS) 17.3~15.2に降下し,その年代は0.58~0.69Maの間と判断された. KMTは関東の狭山面・阿須山面・喜連川丘陵上位面,松本盆地の梨ノ木礫層堆積面形成後まもなく降下した.これら地形面はMIS17~16に形成されたと推定され,当時は扇状地面を広く発達させる地形形成環境があったとみられる.また, KMT噴出時,飛騨山脈中軸部がすでにかなりの高度を有していた可能性を指摘し,阿武隈山地に発達する小起伏面群の形成年代の上限を示した.
鈴木 毅彦 藤原 治 檀原 徹
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.113, no.1, pp.38-61, 2004
4 15

This study shows the revised stratigraphy and correlations of the middle Pleistocene tephras in and around the Aizu area, Northeast Japan. Significant marker tephras in this area are as follows, in descending order of stratigraphy : Nm-SB, TG, Hu-TK, and Kn-KD from volcanoes adjacent to Oze, So-OT, and APm. Stratigraphic positions of Sn-MT and Sn-SK are not clear, but they seem to be positioned near Kn-KD.<BR>Nm-SB (110 ka) from Numazawa caldera is mainly a plinian pumice fall deposit distributed in the central to western part of Fukushima Prefecture and northern part of Tochigi Prefecture. Eruption producing Nm-SB associated with ash fall, plinian eruption, and pyroclastic flow or pyroclastic surge. TG (125-135 ka), which is characterized by volcanic glass shards with a low index, was probably derived from the Sunagohara caldera. The distribution of fall-out tephra of TG is similar to that of Nm-SB, and pyroclastic flow deposit of TG is recognized southwest to west of the Numazawa caldera and along the western margin of the Aizu basin. The eruption process of TG comprises plinian eruption, pyroclastic flow, and plinian eruption.<BR>So-OT (300-330 ka) is composed of an ignimbrite and a fall-out tephra derived from the Shiobara caldera. This ignimbrite is known as Otahara pyroclastic flow deposit. On the other hand, fall-out tephra of So-OT has been newly identified. APm tephra beds are significant widespread tephras derived from volcano in the Hida mountains at 330-400 ka. This study corrects a correlation of APm in this area, which was shown by Suzuki (1993). Tephras identified as APm in this study are Nm-13, -14, -16 tephras below So-OT.<BR>Sn-MT (180-260 ka : FT ages) is composed of an ignimbrite and a fall-out tephra derived from the Sunagohara caldera. The former is part of the Sunagohara-Kubota tephra reported by Yamamoto and Sudo (1996) and the Pyroclastic Flow Deposit I reported by Mizugaki (1993). The latter is the Sunagohara-Kachikata tephra along the western margin of Aizu basin reported by Yamamoto and Sudo (1996), and the Okayaji Volcanic Ash Layer at the eastern foot of Adatara volcano reported by Soda and Saijo (1987). Sn-SK (220 ± 50 ka : FT age), originating from the Sunagohara caldera, was defined by Yamamoto and Sudo (1996). Sn-SK is composed of an ignimbrite and a fall-out tephra characterized by abundant accretionary lapilli. The latter is correlative to the Minowa Volcanic Ash Layer (Soda and Saijo, 1987) distributed at the eastern foot of Adatara volcano.<BR>All pyroclastic deposits derived from the Numazawa caldera are Nm-NM (5 ka), Nm-KN (50-55 ka), and Nm-SB (110 ka), and those from the Sunagohara caldera are TG (125-135 ka), Sn-MT (180-260 ka), and Sn-SK (220 ka). This means that, at both caldera, explosive eruptions occurred three times over 260, 000 years, and it appears that the active period of explosive eruptions moved from the Sunagohara caldera to the Numazawa caldera. This resulted in the preservation of volcanic landforms with more dissected caldera landforms at the Sunagohara caldera. Intervals between eruptions at the Numazawa caldera range from 50, 000 to 60, 000 years, and the volumes of the three products are similar, indicating periodic and regular activities with a discharge rate of 0.02-0.06 DRE km<SUP>3</SUP>/1, 000 years. On the other hand, the mean interval of eruptions at the Sunagohara caldera is 70, 000 to 40, 000 years, and the discharge rate is estimated to be 0.05-0.08 DRE km<SUP>3</SUP>/1, 000 years : the latter is equivalent to or a little larger than that of the Numazawa caldera.
鈴木 毅彦
青淵 (ISSN:09123210)
no.766, pp.19-21, 2013-01