星野 悦子 阿部 純一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.54, no.6, pp.344-350, 1984-02-29 (Released:2010-07-16)
8 7

Psychological reality of a “central tone” in the highly “tonal” melody was investigated by using the method of “final tone extrapolation”. Five kinds of stimulus tone sequence were made from each of the 35 six-tone melodic sequences (original sequences), for which rating scores of “tonality feeling” had been obtained; i.e., a two-tone sequence using the first two tones, a three-tone sequence using the first three tones, and so on up to a six-tone sequence using all of six tones, of each of the original sequences. Twenty-four subjects were asked to add an appropriate “final tone” to each of the stimulus tone sequences by using a keyboard of an instrument. For each of the sequences made from the “tonal” original melodic sequences, the final tone chosen tended to be restricted to a few specific tones in all five types of the tone sequences, while for the “atonal” original melodic sequences, the final tone chosen was diversely different. The results were discussed in relation to the “coherency” of a melody and other processing characteristics of human melody cognition.
阿部 純一郎
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2018, no.31, pp.60-71, 2018-08-25 (Released:2019-08-29)

This paper explores the interconnection between war and tourism, focusing on the “Rest and Recuperation (R&R)” program of the U.S. Army during the Korean War (1950–1953). The R&R program was a system that provided military personnel with a five-day period of leave to Japan for every six or seven months of frontline service. First, I argue that the idea of limited wartime service originated from scientific research on war neurosis (or combat fatigue) and the U.S. Army’s recreational services called “Special Services” during the Second World War. Second, I analyze how the Japanese tourist industry and GHQ/SCAP worked together to provide recreational services for U.S. armed forces stationed in Japan and other Asian countries. Finally, I consider the possibility that the R&R program had negative effects on morale, discipline and combat efficiency.
石田 容士 阿部 純一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.80, no.6, pp.485-493, 2010

Sperber and Wilson (1981) proposed that the speaker who uttered the expectation that is contradicted by irony is identified as the victim of the irony by the echoic mention of his/her utterance. We conducted two experiments to explore whether the victim of irony is identified by echoic mention. Experiment 1 examined the validity of this hypothesis using three conditions. In the Hearer (H) echo condition, the speaker who is echoed is the hearer of the potential irony. In the No-Hearer (NH) echo condition, the speaker who is echoed is not the hearer of the potential irony. The third condition is the no-echo condition. The result supported the hypothesis. In Experiment 2, we manipulated the H echo factor and the NH echo factor in 4 conditions. The results replicated Experiment 1, and showed that the NH is identified as the victim of irony more than the H. These results suggest that echoic mention and also status in the discourse are factors in the comprehension of irony.
阿部 純一
Japan Association for Asian Studies
アジア研究 (ISSN:00449237)
vol.53, no.3, pp.4-24, 2007

Due to its adversarial relationship with the United States and the Soviet Union, China developed nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles during the 1960s and 1970s in order to have its own deterrent. By the beginning of the 1980s, China had completed a series of liquid-fueled ballistic missiles, in particular the DF-5 ICBM, that covered all of the North American continent.Since then, China has begun to develop a second generation of ballistic missiles; these are powered by solid fuel and and can be moved by road, and so have enhanced responsiveness and survivability. By the end of 1980s, China had developed the JL-1 SLBM and its variant, the DF-21MRBM, although the Xia-class SSBN (Type 092), which was the platform of the JL-1, was unsuccessful and has never been a real strategic asset.<br>China is now attempting to develop the DF-31 ICBM and its variant, the JL-2 SLBM, which will be stable retaliatory forces. The Jin-class new generation SSBN (Type 094), which carries the JL-2, is also under development.<br>As a latecomer to the nuclear club, China resisted joining international non-proliferation regimes, especially the Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT) and the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), under which China accused the United States and the Soviet Union of being a" nuclear dictatorship." However, in 1992, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, China joined the NPT and changed its position to support international non-proliferation.<br>In spite of its position, China has continuously exported nuclear technology and ballistic missiles and missile-related materials to Pakistan and other countries. This behavior of China has been regarded by the United States as causing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction(WMDs).<br>Since late 1980s, the United States has organized a Missile Technology Control Regime(MTCR) with the G8 member countries and legislated domestic laws prohibiting proliferatiig behaviors by other countries. The United States has taken unilateral economic sanctions against countries violating US laws. And since 1991, China has been a main target of these US economic sanctions.<br>In the 1990s, China itself made efforts to legislate its domestic regulations controlling exports relating to WMDs, but since 2001, under the Bush administration, the United States has takensanctions against China as many as 19 times. Hence, it can be said that China's behavior in terms of nuclear proliferation has resulted in a bilateral dispute between the United States and China.
松永 理恵 阿部 純一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. HIP, ヒューマン情報処理 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.110, no.279, pp.53-58, 2010-11-06

阿部 純一
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.58, no.5, pp.275-281, 1987
1 2

This paper describes a theory of human melody perception and his final-tone extrapolation behavior, enbodied in a computer simulation model called FTES 2. Related experimental findings were also presented. The processes used by an expert musician in extrapolating final-tones and the computer simulation of these processes are contrasted and discussed. The theory consisted of a few general rules and several personal &ldquo;tonal&rdquo; processing rules. The present findings indicate that interpretation of a melody depends, in large part, on the characteristics of the &ldquo;tonal&rdquo; rules.
阿部 純一郎

阿部 純一
鹿児島大学法学論集 (ISSN:03890813)
vol.55, no.2, pp.1-55, 2021-03-15

はしがきⅠ 前史Ⅱ 1969年非嫡出子法の登場Ⅲ 1981年 3 月24日連邦憲法裁判所判決 ( 以上 51巻 1 号)Ⅳ 1980年代以降の学説における議論 1 非嫡出子を取り巻く社会状況の変化 2 基本法上の問題 (以上 52巻 1 号) 3 比較法及び国際条約との関係 4 東西ドイツ統一 5 具体的改正提案 6 小括 (以上 53巻 1 号)Ⅴ 1991年5月7日連邦憲法裁判所決定 1 事実関係 2 連邦憲法裁判所の判断 3 決定に対する評価Ⅵ 1990年代の親子法改正論 1 諸団体による改正提案 (1)第59回ドイツ法曹大会の決議(1992年) (2)ドイツ女性法律家協会の提案(1992年) (3)ドイツ家庭裁判所大会の提案(1993年/ 1995年) (4)ドイツ・カトリック中央委員会の提案(1993年) (5)ドイツ公私保護事業協会の提案(1995年) (6)少年援助協議会の意見書(1995年) 2 連邦議会における改正提案 (1)SPDの提案(1995年) (2)同盟90 /緑の党の提案(1995年) 3 政府草案(1996年) (1)成立過程と特徴 (2)改正案の内容 (3)連邦議会法務委員会における審議 (4)改正法に対する評価むすび 1 ドイツにおける変遷史のまとめ 2 比較法的考察