馬場 優大 藤生 慎 森崎 裕磨
公益社団法人 土木学会
AI・データサイエンス論文集 (ISSN:24359262)
vol.4, no.3, pp.942-951, 2023 (Released:2023-11-14)

大野 優紀 田中 圭一朗 馬場 優治 吉澤 穣治 三澤 健之
特定非営利活動法人 日本小児外科学会
日本小児外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0288609X)
vol.55, no.4, pp.850-853, 2019-06-20 (Released:2019-06-20)

学童期の唾液腺芽腫を経験したので報告する.症例は12歳女児.出生時から左顎下部の腫瘤を認めていた.大きさの変化はなかったが,最近軽度の圧痛を伴うようになり,当院を紹介受診した.触診上,左顎下部に可動性良好で直径2 cmの弾性やや硬の腫瘤を認めた.本人・家族とも手術を希望したため,全身麻酔下に腫瘤を摘出した.病理診断は,唾液腺芽腫であった.唾液腺芽腫は,世界では50例ほど報告されているが,検索しえた範囲では本邦では初めての報告であった.ほとんどが4歳未満での報告であり,本症例のような学童期での診断例は非常に珍しい.術後1年半経過したが再発は認めておらず,外来にて経過観察中である.
馬場 優
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2020, no.198, pp.198_15-198_31, 2020

<p>The Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed at the end of the First World War. It is said that the cause of collapse was the anti-Habsburg nationalities that inhabited in the Empire and wanted to be independent from the Empire made use of the right of the self-determination that the American president, Woodrow Wilson, declared in his "Fourteen Points" speech in January 8th 1918. But in the article of 10 of the Fourteen Points he insisted that "The peoples of Austria-Hungary should be accorded the freest opportunity to autonomous development". There was not the word "self-determination". What does the word "autonomous" mean for the policy-makers of the Empire and the nationalities? This article examines how the policy-makers of the Empire, specially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, understood and utilized Wilson's principles after the speech of the Fourteen Points in order to rescue their Empire from the crisis of dissolution.</p><p>The Fourteen Points seemed to them a tool for the rescue the Empire. So the then Foreign Minister, Count Czernin, made a speech in support of the Fourteen Points at the end of January. In February the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a note in the name of the emperor Charles via Spain to Wilson that the emperor could agree the Wilson's principles in order to bring a peace to Europe. There was a good situation that a negotiated peace would be carried. But in the spring 1918 the United States changed her course and determined to collapsed the Empire. And the German Empire started the military offensive in the Western Front in March. Moreover the meeting between the leaders of the German Empire and the Austria-Hungary in May seemed to the United States that the emperor of the Austria-Hungary became a vassal. When the German offensive failed in August, the Austria-Hungary planned an armistice and peace-talks with the United States on the basis of the Fourteen Points. The policy-makers of the Empire understood that it is important to solve the South-Slav Question to persuade Wilson.</p><p>But in September the United States have already recognized that 1) a state of belligerency exit between the Czecho-Slovaks and Austria-Hungary and 2) the Czecho-Slovaks National Council is a de facto belligerent government. When the Austria-Hungary formally proposed the armistice and peace at the beginning of October, the United States rejected it. The United States insisted that the Fourteen Points was no longer relevant to the future of the Empire. Nevertheless the Austria-Hungary tried to appeal. She declared that she would approve Wilson's opinion about the Czecho-Slovaks and the Jugo-Slavs. At last she determined to abandon her Allied, German Empire, and to propose a separate peace to the United States. But in the around of Empire the nationalities had declared the independence from the Empire on the ground of the self-determination.</p><p>On 3<sup>rd</sup> November 1918 the army of the Empire concluded the armistice with the Entente and the war ended. This was also the end of the Empire.</p>
大津留 厚 柴 理子 桐生 裕子 野村 真理 家田 修 篠原 琢 佐藤 雪野 馬場 優 柴 宜弘 辻河 典子 森下 嘉之 飯尾 唯紀 村上 亮 ボシティアン ベルタラニチュ 米岡 大輔

馬場 優
関学西洋史論集 (ISSN:03860043)
vol.31, pp.37-50, 2008-03

Albania became independent from Ottoman Empire during the first Balkan War (October 1912-May 1913). This independence owed not only the independent movement of Albanian, but also the diplomacy of the European 6 Great Powers, in particular Austria-Hungary and Italy. They saw that they had the great interest in Albania. The Great Powers hold the "London Ambassadors Conference" on December 1912 to consult about the end of the Balkan War. The Conference decided in the name of the "Europe" that (1) Albania would be autonomous and neutral state and (2) Austria-Hungary and Italy should submit the general opinion about the Albanian organization to the Conference. For Austria-Hungary, Albania was the one of the important factor in the Balkan policy. In the end of the 19th Century we can find the same standpoint. In 1896 the policy-makers in Austria-Hungary decided that Albania should be autonomous state if man can not be maintain the territorial integration of Ottoman Empire in the Balkan, and they should be cooperate with Italy in order to take this policy. Albania was bulwark against the extension of Serbia and a wedge between Montenegro and Serbia. Austria-Hungary and Italy could accord the Albanian policy since 1897. So the attitude of the Austria-Hungary in 1912 was an extension of the traditional Balkan policy. The Autonomous Albania was for Austria-Hungary the bulwark against the expansion of Serbia, in particular advance to the Adriatic Sea. Austria-Hungary thought that Albania had to have the sovereignty in order to make Albania of independent state. Austria-Hungary and Italy started the consultation on the Albanian organization on December 1912 and finally they submitted to the Ambassador Conference on July 1913. The matter was; (1) Albania would be a principality whose prince was elected by the Great Powers. (2) The neutrality of Albania would be guaranteed by the 6 Great Powers. (3) The International Control Committee which consisted of 6 delegates of the Great Powers and 1 Albanian would work the civil and financial administration for 5 years. (4) The international gendarmerie would work the public order. Though the term of the action of the International Control Commission was changed to 10 years, this proposal was generally approved in the Ambassador Conference on 29th July 1913.
馬場 優 藤井 正人 加藤 靖正

頭頸部扁平上皮癌患者に対する治療の進歩にもかかわらず、その生存率は有意に改善されていない。それゆえ、今回、私はアフリカの食物Mundulea sericea由来の天然物デグエリンの抗腫瘍効果を調査した。デグエリンは舌癌由来細胞株においてEGFで活性化されたAKTを阻害することに伴いアポトーシスを誘導することを示した。また、デグエリンは舌癌由来細胞株においてIGF1R-AKT pathwayを抑制することによりアポトーシスを誘導することを示した。IGF1R-AKT pathwayがEGFR阻害剤耐性機構の一つであると推察されているため、デグエリンがEGFR阻害剤耐性を克服する可能性が示唆された。