Dong-In JUNG Hee-Chun LEE Jeongim HA Hae-Won JUNG Joon-Hyeonk JEON Jong-Hyun MOON Jae-Hoon LEE Na-Hyun KIM Jung-Hyang SUR Byeong-Teck KANG Kyu-Woan CHO
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.12-0503, (Released:2013-08-13)
1 4

A 4-year-old female Maltese (case 1), a 9-year-old castrated male Shih-Tzu (case 2) and 2-year-old female Pomeranian (case 3) were presented because of neurological signs such as head tilt, ataxia, circling and paresis. Three cases were tentatively diagnosed to meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology based on computed tomography scan and cerebrospinal fluid analysis. All patients were managed with cyclosporine plus prednisolone therapy. The survival times of three patients were 170, 70 and 21 days, respectively. After cases expired, we performed necropsy and histopathological examination for definitive diagnosis. Based on the necropsy, histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations, case 1, 2 and 3 were definitely diagnosed to necrotizing meningoencephalitis, necrotizing leukoencephlaitis and granulomatous meningoencephalitis, respectively. This case report demonstrated that the clinical findings, brain CT characteristics, histopathological and immunohistochemical features of NME, NLE and GME in dogs and discussed about the reason of relatively short survival times under cyclosporine plus prednisolone therapy.
Kawada Shin-ichiro Harada Masashi Obara Yoshitaka Kobayashi Shuji Koyasu Kazuhiro Oda Sen-ichi
Zoological science (ISSN:02890003)
vol.18, no.7, pp.1003-1010, 2001-09-20
14 24

A detailed analysis was done on the karyotypes of four species of mole in the genera Euroscaptor and Mogera using a G-banding technique. All four species examined had a chromosome number of 2n = 36, as reported previously. Euroscaptor mizura and M. wogura from Aichi Prefecture had almost the same chromosome constitution and G-banding patterns. These common karyotypes were considered to be equivalent to the hypothetical ancestral karyotype of Mogera, since two distinct genera derived from an ancestor share G-banding homologies. According to this hypothesis, the karyotype of M. imaizumii might have been derived from the ancestral karyotype through pericentric inversion in one pair of acrocentrics, chromosome 11. Two geographically isolated populations of M. tokudae had different karyotypes : the Echigo population had the same karyotype as M. imaizumii, whereas the Sado population had a derivative karyotype that was able to be explained by pericentric inversions in three pairs of acrocentrics, remaining chromosome 11 as subtelocentric. Mogera wogura from South Korea differed considerably in terms of chromosome constitution from the Japanese population of M. wogura. However, we deduced that pericentric and paracentric inversions in four pairs of acrocentrics would explain the karyotype differences between the Japanese and Korean populations. Furthermore, from the morphology of chromosome 11, we can conclude that the Korean mole was derived from primitive M. wogura through four inversions, quite separately from the lineage of M. imaizumii and M. tokudae. Thus, inversion rearrangements appear to have played a major role in the chromosomal evolution of Japanese talpine moles.
Kawada Shin-ichiro Koyasu Kazuhiro Zholnerovskaya Elena I. ODA Sen-ichi
Mammal study (ISSN:13434152)
vol.27, no.2, pp.107-111, 2002-12-01
2 2

The upper dental formula of the Russian desman Desmana moschata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Insectivora, Talpidae) is considered based on the position of the premaxillary suture (sutura incisiva). From the lateral aspect, this suture extends to the second tooth in the tooth row. From the ventral aspect, the suture connects the common alveolus fossa of the second and third teeth in front of the second tooth on the labial edge and behind it on the lingual edge; consequently, the third tooth in the upper row appears to be derived from the maxilla. Therefore, the upper tooth formula of D. moschata may differ from the traditional fundamental dental formula of eutherian mammals (I3, C1, P4, M3), and consist of two incisors, one canine, five premolars, and three molars (I2, C1, P5, M3). This hypothetical view, however, assumes two changes, a tooth deletion in the incisor row and an addition in the premolar row. The significance of the premaxillary suture and possible pitfalls in using it to define dental formulae are discussed.
馬居 政幸 夫 伯 李 昌洙 ちょう 永達 POE Baek CHO Youngdal LEE Chang-soo

韓国では今なお過去の歴史に起因する反日意識は根強い。加えて、青少年の間に広がりつつある日本の漫画・アニメ等の大衆文化に対して、日本の新たな文化侵略であり、その内容が青少年教育にとって有害であるとの批判が青少年教育関係者から提起されている。他方、日本の大衆文化の良質のものを受容すべきである、との意見もある。本調査の目的は、(1)このような韓国青少年への日本の大衆文化浸透状況とそのことへの評価の実態を明らかにするための資料やデータを収集し、(2)その分析を通じて日韓両国の青少年における相互理解促進のための課題と方法を明らかにするとともに、(3)韓国だけでなく、アジア全体に広く浸透しつつある日本の大衆文化の影響や問題を解明するための調査研究の方法を検討するための基礎データを得ることである。そのため、日本の大衆文化浸透状況把握を目的に、(1)小・中・高校生とその父母、(2)大学生、(3)企業で働く青年に対して、また、評価の実態把握のため、(4)小・中・高等学校の教師、(5)青少年教育関係者、(6)教育研究者、(5)マスコミ関係者、(6)日本の大衆文化の翻訳、出版、販売事業の従事者・関係者に対して聞き取り調査を実施。その結果をふまえ、小・中・高校生300名への質問紙調査を実施。収集した資料やデータを「公的-私的」、「日常的-非日常的」の二の軸で分類・分析した結果、韓国青少年が小・中・高と成長する過程で次の(1)〜(6)のような社会過程が総合され、戦後(解放後)50年を経てもなお“反日意識"がより強く育成され続けていることが確認された。(1)日常的に学校教育を通じて教えられる公的な事実としての歴史認識 (2)日常的なテレビ・新聞等の情報環境における公的な反日情報と歴史認識の再確認 (3)日常の身近な人間関係や生活習慣に刻まれた私的な植民地時代の被害事実 (4)慶祝日や名所・旧跡の碑文などによる非日常的で聖的な価値に基づく公的な歴史認識の正当化 (5)家族や一族の忌日(命日)などで確認される非日常的で聖的な価値に基づく私的な反日意識の正当化 (6)このような韓国の現状を無視するとしか韓国の人達にとらえられない日本の側の対応とその事実を増幅する報道。このように韓国では今なお過去の歴史に基づく反日意識が根強く、公式には日本の現代文化は輸入禁止だが、小・中・高校生への調査結果から日本文化の浸透度について次のことが明らかになった。まず、ハングル訳の日本の漫画単行本を全体で61%、特に高校男子が90%、高校女子も79%が読んでいる。ハングル訳の日本のアニメを見た者はより多く全体の82%、特に小学男子は92%、小学女子も77%。ハングル訳でない日本のアニメを見ている高校男子も59%いる。日本のテレビゲーム経験者は全体の74%、高校男子は92%。日本の歌謡を高校女子の51%、高校男子の39%が聞き、日本の歌手を高校男子の39%、高校女子の30%が衛星放送で見ている。この実態から日本の大衆文化は韓国青少年の私的な日常生活に極めて広く浸透し、しかも、小・中・高と成長するにしたがい接触頻度や関心・意欲が高まることが聞き取り調査から確認できた。さらに本年度の調査結果から、日韓両国青少年の相互理解推進の課題を解明するためには、次の理由により新たな調査研究が必要との結論に至った。第一に、韓国独立50周年を契機に、改めて日本大衆文化容認を巡る賛否が激しく議論されたが、世論調査では容認派増の傾向がみられ、日本文化への評価はここ数年で大きく変化することが予測され、この変化過程の継続調査が必要である。第二に、韓国ではソウル市都市圏とそれ以外の地域との文化の差が極めて大きく、韓国全体の傾向ならびに今後の変化を分析する上で、ソウル市と韓国中・南部地域との比較調査が必要である。第三に、日本文化を受容する韓国青少年の意識と行動の構造を解明する上で、近年の急激な民主化と経済成長に伴う学校教育ならびに家庭や地域社会での生活様式の変化の多面的な調査が必要である。他方、このような急激な民主化と経済成長による青少年の生活様式の変化や都市部と非都市部の比較調査は、同様の社会変化の中にあるアジア各国における日本文化浸透の影響や問題を解明するための課題と方法を検討する上で貴重なデータとなりうることも確認できた。
Hoshi Shu-ling Kondo Masahide Okubo Ichiro
Vaccine (ISSN:0264410X)
vol.31, no.25, pp.2762-2771, 2013-06
18 2

Japan is now preparing to incorporate PCV-7 into the national childhood immunisation programme. Our recently published economic evaluation of using PCV-7 to the birth cohort suggests that the cost to gain one QALY is lower than the WHO's cost-effectiveness criterion for intervention. However, many countries have started to introduce PCV-13 into their national immunisation schedule replacing PCV-7 for preventing pneumococcal diseases among young children. These raise the need to appraise the ‘value for money’ of replacing PCV-7 with PCV-13 vaccination programme in Japan.We conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis with Markov model and calculated incremental cost effectiveness ratios (ICERs). Our base-case analyses, which assumed both PCVs have no net indirect effect and set the cost of PCV-7/PCV-13 per shot at ¥10,000 (US$125)/¥13,000 (US$163).The results show that in Base-case A (assumed PCV-13 has no additional protection against AOM compared to PCV-7), replacing PCV-7 with PCV-13 will cost ¥37,722,901 (US$471,536) or ¥35,584,455 (US$444,850) per QALY when the caregiver's productivity loss is not included or is included, respectively. While in Base-case B (assumed PCV-13 has additional protection against AOM compared to PCV-7), ¥343,830 (US$4298) per QALY or more QALY is gained by saving money without or with caregiver's productivity loss, respectively.We also find that, in Base-case B if cost per PCV-13 shot is equal to or less than that ¥17,000, then a PCV-13 vaccination programme offered to the birth cohort in Japan is likely to be a socially acceptable option compared to the current PCV-7 vaccination programme. Furthermore, if cost per PCV-13 shot is equal to or less than ¥12,000, replacing PCV-7 with PCV-13 will save money and gain more QALYs. While in Base-case A, the replacement can only be socially acceptable if cost per PCV-13 shot is equal to or less than ¥11,000.
加来 和子 WENZ Sharon GREGORY Barb KENDALL Robb 松下 清子 豊嶋 秋彦 KENDALL-MELTON Robbie 安藤 房治 DONALD F. De ROBBIE M. Ke

(1)早期療育とトランジション制度(進路選択の保障制度)を中心とした日米の比較研究-テネシー大学マーチン校(UTM)の早期療育センター長であるSharon L.Wenzは,日本の早期療育制度について次のような勧告をした。全国的な早期療育システムの確立に既存の公衆衛生制度を充実させて教育と医学の連携をはかること,障害の判定基準を明確にして対象者の選定を妥当なものとすること,子どもの障害発見のための広報活動を活発化し,照会手続きをわかりやすいものにすること,家庭が専門家の助言を受けられるセンターの設置等である。Dr.Barbara A.Gregoryは,UTMでは学習障害のある学生に対する総合的支援プログラム(P.A.C.E.)を作成し,学生,両親、高校及び大学のトランジション専門職員等が協力して実施していること,また自分の障害の理解や学習への影響の理解能力,必要な設備の認識,法律上の市民権の知識,職場や学習の場で自分に必要なものを伝える技能,等の4つの適切な基礎的トランジションの技能は,特に学習障害の学生には重要であることを紹介した。また,これら4つの基礎技能が14歳以前の早い段階で指導されることが高校卒業後の成功にも結び付くと述べた。(2)統合教育と体育指導-松下は障害児の障害の種類や程度の影響をなるべく少なくした一種の「スポーツテスト」として静的動作20種目を選択編成し,弘前市内2つの養護学校の協力を得て,児童生徒に実施した。アメリカでの障害児調査は,様々な理由から困難だったため,UTMと弘前大学の学生を対象にほとんど同じ種目による自己評価方式で静的動作調査を行い,日米比較を行った。(3)統合教育に関する日米の教員の意識・態度調査.及び知識・技能の自己評価調査の結果の検討と提案-平成5年度に日米の大学,及び附属学校の教官を対象に行った統合教育に対する意識及び自己効力調査の結果が次のとおりである。Dr.Kendallの意識調査の比較では,米国の教師の方が日本の教師より,統合教育に好意的であり,事務量や仕事が増えるが,障害児の地域社会や普通の子ども達との交流を援助し,公立学校では通常学級で障害児を教育すべきだと考えている。自己評価調査の結果,日本の多くの教師は障害児に関する知識や技能を身につけたいと考えており,行政職も含めた現職教育の必要性を示している。また自己効力の
Norihiko HIRAI Mitsuyuki SHIRAI Yukio KATO Masaru MURAKAMI Ryota NOMURA Yoshie YAMASAKI Soraaki TAKAHASHI Chihiro KONDO Michiyo MATSUMOTO-NAKANO Kazuhiko NAKANO Fumitoshi ASAI
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.75, no.7, pp.999-1001, 2013 (Released:2013-07-31)
2 13

We analyzed the distribution of 11 periodontitis-related bacterial species in dental plaque collected from 176 Japanese dogs divided into young (less than 2 years of age), middle-aged (2–7 years of age) and elderly (more than 8 years of age) groups using a polymerase chain reaction method. Clinical examination revealed that no dogs in the young group were affected by periodontitis, whereas the rates for gingivitis and periodontitis were high in the middle-aged and elderly groups. In addition, the total numbers of bacterial species in the middle-aged and elderly groups were significantly greater than in the young group. Our findings suggest that age is an important factor associated with the distribution of periodontitis-related bacteria and periodontal conditions in dogs.
Mohamed Nabawy Hassab El-Naby Ahmed

Thesis (Ph. D. in International Political Economy)--University of Tsukuba, (A), no. 4830, 2008.7.25
Bock-Gie JUNG Jin-A LEE Seong-Beom PARK Pung-Mi HYUN Jin-Kyu PARK Guk-Hyun SUH Bong-Joo LEE
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.13-0045, (Released:2013-05-30)
3 17

Antibiotics continue to be used as growth promoters in the poultry industry. Honeybee (Apis melifera) venom (HBV) possesses a number of beneficial biological activities, particularly for regulating the immune system. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the immunoprophylactic effects of HBV against Salmonella Gallinarum in broiler chicks as an initial step towards developing eco-friendly alternatives to reduce antibiotic use. HBV was administered using a spray technique. HBV improved body weight gain, particularly in the presence of infection. Moreover, HBV enhanced antibody production activity against formalin-killed S. Gallinarum. The CD4+:CD8+ T lymphocyte ratio, relative mRNA expression levels of interleukin-18 and interferon-γ, and serum lysozyme activity also increased following HBV administration before the infection period as well as during infection. HBV reinforced bacterial clearance and increased survivability against S. Gallinarum. Corresponding pathological analyses demonstrated that the HBV-sprayed group displayed mild and less severe abnormal changes compared with those in the control group. It was presumed that the prophylactic effects of HBV against S. Gallinarum were associated with its non-specific immune response stimulating activity. Thus, HBV may provide an alternative to reduce antibiotic use in the poultry industry.
Jong-Sang KIM Chong-Suk KWON Kun Ho SON
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry (ISSN:09168451)
vol.64, no.11, pp.2458-2461, 2000 (Released:2005-02-02)

Twenty-one naturally occurring flavonoids were tested for inhibitory activities against alpha-glucosidase (EC and alpha-amylase (EC Luteolin, amentoflavone, luteolin 7-O-glucoside, and daidzein were the strongest inhibitors among the compounds tested. Luteolin inhibited alpha-glucosidase by 36% at the concentration of 0.5 mg/ml and was stronger than acarbose, the most widely prescribed drug, in inhibitory potency, suggesting that it has the possibility to effectively suppress postprandial hyperglycemia in patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Luteolin also inhibited alpha-amylase effectively although it was less potent than acarbose. The clinical value of luteolin needs to be further evaluated.
Mi Eun Kim Hyung Keun Kim Hyeon-Young Park Dae Hyun Kim Hae Young Chung Jun Sik Lee
Journal of Pharmacological Sciences (ISSN:13478613)
vol.121, no.2, pp.148-156, 2013-02-20 (Released:2013-02-19)
6 27

Baicalin from Scutellaria baicalensis is a major flavonoid constituent found in the traditional Chinese medicinal herb Baikal skull cap. It has been widely used for the treatment of various diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhea, and hepatitis. Recent studies have demonstrated that baicalin possesses a wide range of pharmacological and biological activities, including anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, and anti-tumor properties. Specifically, its anti-inflammatory activity has been estimated in various animal models of acute and chronic inflammation; however, its effects on dendritic cells (DCs) maturation and immuno-stimulatory activities are still unknown. In this study, we attempted to determine whether baicalin could influence DC surface molecule expression, antigen uptake capacity, cytokine production, and capacity to induce T-cell differentiation. Baicalin was shown to significantly suppress the expression of surface molecules CD80, CD86, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I, and MHC class II as well as the levels of interleukin-12 production in lipopolysaccharide stimulated DCs. Moreover, baicalin-treated DCs showed an impaired induction of the T helper type 1 immune response and a normal cell-mediated immune response. These findings provide important understanding of the immunopharmacological functions of baicalin and have ramifications for the development of therapeutic adjuvants for the treatment of DCs-related acute and chronic diseases.
Francisco J. Lacunza-Ruiz Angel Moya-Mitjans Jesús Martínez-Alday Gonzalo Barón-Esquivias Ricardo Ruiz-Granell Nuria Rivas-Gándara Susana González-Enríquez Juan Leal-del-Ojo María F. Arcocha-Torres Julian Pérez-Villacastín Natalie Garcia-Heil Arcadi García-Alberola
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-13-0201, (Released:2013-07-20)
7 23

Background: The implantable loop recorder (ILR) is a useful tool for diagnosing paroxysmal conditions potentially related to arrhythmias. Most investigations have focused on selected clinical studies or high-volume centers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the indications and outcomes of the ILR in real clinical practice. Methods and Results: This was a prospective, multicenter registry of patients undergoing ILR implantation for clinical indications (April 2006–December 2008). Clinical characteristics (symptoms, arrhythmias, treatments) were recorded in a database. Follow-up data at 1 year or after the occurrence of the first episode were also recorded. Total enrollment: 743 patients (male, 413, 55.6%; 64.9±16 years); 228 (30.7%) had structural heart disease (SHD), and 183 (24.6%), bundle branch block (BBB). Recurrent syncope (76.4%) was the most common indication for implantation. Complete follow-up was obtained for 680 patients (91.5%). Three hundred and twenty-five patients (48%) presented 414 events, with a final diagnosis in 230 patients (70.8% of patients with events; 33.1% of patients with follow-up). Syncope secondary to bradyarrhythmia was the most frequent diagnosis. Similar rates of final diagnoses were noted in subgroups of SHD, BBB and normal heart. Regarding the cause of implantation, higher event rates were registered among patients with recurrent syncope. Conclusions: One-third of patients obtained a final diagnosis with the ILR, independent of the baseline characteristics. Only the cause of implantation provided different rates of final diagnosis.