Takaaki Ikuno Atsuro Nomura Kenta Iyoki Ayae Sugawara-Narutaki Tatsuya Okubo Atsushi Shimojima
Chemistry Letters (ISSN:03667022)
vol.42, no.3, pp.316-317, 2013-03-05 (Released:2013-03-02)

A facile approach is demonstrated for the preparation of hollow mesoporous silica nanoparticles with large pore volume and high dispersibility. Core–shell nanoparticles consisting of iron oxide (α-Fe2O3) core and mesostructured silica–surfactant composite shell are treated with hexamethyldisiloxane under acidic conditions to achieve capping of silanol groups and removal of both surfactants and the Fe2O3 cores in a single step.
Yong-Biao ZHANG Ji-Dang CHEN Jie-Xiong XIE Wan-Jun ZHU Chun-Ya WEI Li-Kai TAN Nan CAO Ye CHEN Min-Ze ZHANG Gui-Hong ZHANG Shou-Jun LI
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.13-0022, (Released:2013-03-15)
5 10

Reports of dogs with H3N2 canine influenza virus (CIV) have been documented frequently. To better understand the seroprevalence of H3N2 CIV among dogs in northeast China, here we report for the first time a relatively high seroprevalence of H3N2 CIV infection in dogs in northeast China. Forty-five of the 223 canine sera (20.2%) and 166 of the 500 canine sera (33.2%) tested feral dogs and pet dogs were seropositive by NP-ELISA, which is higher than that in southern China. The relative data provided in this report can be useful for small animal practitioners or public health policy makers to carry out relative measures for the prevention of this disease. Meanwhile similar seroprevalence studies and prospective natural history and incidence studies should also be undertaken in other places.
Beuchat Jean-Luc

Lin Lin Lei Zhongfang Wang Li Liu Xiang Zhang Yi Wan Chunli Lee Duu-Jong Tay Joo Hwa
Elsevier B.V.
Separation and purification technology (ISSN:13835866)
vol.103, pp.15-20, 2013-01
236 19

Zeolites, microporous aluminosilicate minerals, have high affinity to ammonium in water. This study explored the mechanisms of ammonium adsorption onto natural zeolite and NaCl-modified counterpart under different ammonium levels (10–4000 mg-N/L) and initial pH 3.4–11.1. Ion exchange dominated the ammonium adsorption process near neutral pH, with the order of exchange selectivity following Na+ > Ca2+ > K+ > Mg2+. At high ammonium levels, Ca2+ exceeded Na+ as the dominant ions for ammonium adsorption. Conversely, in strong alkaline solutions, molecular adsorption suppressed ion exchange in ammonium adsorption. NaCl modification effectively increased ammonium adsorption capacity by increasing the Na contents in zeolite and by modifying the surface morphology to enhance film mass transfer rate. The modified zeolite presents a potential adsorbent to reduce ammonium concentration in landfill leachates, livestock wastewaters or effluents from anaerobic digestion tanks of livestock manure.
Hideki OHNO Yoko KOWATARI Masao OWAKI Joji OHTA Naoshi NAKAJIMA Kazuki YOSHIOKA Ken-ichiro MUTOH Toshifumi OYAMADA
Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica (ISSN:0030154X)
vol.89, no.2, pp.35-38, 2012 (Released:2012-10-27)
3 7

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) fibroblasts obtained from beagle dogs were cultured in basal medium containing different concentrations of 1 to 10-3 µM 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and in basal medium itself as a control. It was demonstrated that DHT promoted cell proliferation activity, expression of androgen receptor, and collagen synthesis in ACL fibroblasts as compared with control. These results suggest that sex hormones are involved in the sex difference seen in ACL rupture of dogs.
Clément Delmas Olivier Lairez Emmanuel Mulin Thomas Delmas Nicolas Boudou Nicolas Dumonteil Caroline Biendel-Picquet Jérôme Roncalli Meyer Elbaz Michel Galinier Didier Carrié
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
vol.77, no.1, pp.175-180, 2013 (Released:2012-12-25)
17 53 32

Background: Recent retrospective studies suggest that psychiatric disorders could be a predisposing risk factor for Tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC). The aim of the present study was to characterize the prevalence of anxiodepressive disorders (ADD) and chronic psychological stress (CPS) in patients with TTC or acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Methods and Results: Between January 2010 and December 2011, 45 consecutive patients with TTC were prospectively screened by systematic interview with the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. CPS was systematically recorded. During the same period, 50 patients admitted for ACS with troponin elevation and matched for age and sex were prospectively included as a control group. An acute stressful event within 72h before presentation was identified in 35 patients (78%) with TTC vs. 9 (18%) with ACS (P<0.001). Thirty-five patients (78%) and 13 (26%) had ADD in the TTC and ACS groups, respectively (P<0.001). CPS was found in 20 patients (44%) and in 9 (18%) with TTC and ACS, respectively (P=0.005). CPS and/or ADD were found in 35 patients (78%) and in 18 (36%) with TTC and ACS, respectively (P<0.001). Conclusions: ADD and CPS are common in patients with TTC and more frequent than in patients with ACS. This finding suggests that systemic effects of ADD and CPS could participate in the pathophysiology of TTC.  (Circ J 2013; 77: 175–180)
The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.29, no.3, pp.133-145, 2008-09

From the turn of the 18th century to the mid-19th century AD, the Danes experimented with plantation agriculture in the foothills of the Akuapem Mountains on the southeastern coastland of the Gold Coast (Ghana). Enslaved Africans were used by the Danes to cultivate the plantations. The Danish planters imposed controls over the plantation landscape. The enslaved workers reacted to their entrapped situations by resisting the various forms of control imposed on the plantation set-up. In this paper, the socio-cultural relations that emanated from the interactions on the plantations are examined. The paper specifically investigates the dynamics of power manifested in diverse control mechanisms imposed by the planters and the corresponding reaction from the slaves to counteract these impositions.
Norihiko HIRAI Mitsuyuki SHIRAI Yukio KATO Masaru MURAKAMI Ryota NOMURA Yoshie YAMASAKI Soraaki TAKAHASHI Chihiro KONDO Michiyo MATSUMOTO-NAKANO Kazuhiko NAKANO Fumitoshi ASAI
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.13-0041, (Released:2013-03-12)
2 13

We analyzed the distribution of 11 periodontitis-related bacterial species in dental plaque collected from 176 Japanese dogs divided into young (less than 2 years of age), middle-aged (2–7 years of age) and elderly (more than 8 years of age) groups using a polymerase chain reaction method. Clinical examination revealed that no dogs in the young group were affected by periodontitis, whereas the rates for gingivitis and periodontitis were high in the middle-aged and elderly groups. In addition, the total numbers of bacterial species in the middle-aged and elderly groups were significantly greater than in the young group. Our findings suggest that age is an important factor associated with the distribution of periodontitis-related bacteria and periodontal conditions in dogs.
Matsuda Takeshi Yano Junya Hirai Yasuhiro Sakai Shin-ichi
Springer Verlag
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (ISSN:09483349)
vol.17, no.6, pp.743-752, 2012-07

[Purpose]Source-separated collection of food waste has been reported to reduce the amount of household waste in several cities including Kyoto, Japan. Food waste can be reduced by various activities including preventing edible food loss, draining moisture, and home composting. These activities have different potentials for greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction. Therefore, we conducted a life-cycle inventory analysis of household waste management scenarios for Kyoto with a special emphasis on food waste reduction activities. [Methods]The primary functional unit of our study was “annual management of household combustible waste in Kyoto, Japan.” Although some life-cycle assessment scenarios included food waste reduction measures, all of the scenarios had an identical secondary functional unit, “annual food ingestion (mass and composition) by the residents of Kyoto, Japan.” We analyzed a typical incineration scenario (Inc) and two anaerobic digestion (dry thermophilic facilities) scenarios involving either source-separated collection (SepBio) or nonseparated collection followed by mechanical sorting (MecBio). We assumed that the biogas from anaerobic digestion was used for power generation. In addition, to evaluate the effects of waste reduction combined with separate collection, three food waste reduction cases were considered in the SepBio scenario: (1) preventing loss of edible food (PrevLoss); (2) draining moisture contents (ReducDrain); and (3) home composting (ReducHcom). In these three cases, we assumed that the household waste was reduced by 5%. [Results and discussion]The GHG emissions from the Inc, MecBio, and SepBio scenarios were 123.3, 119.5, and 118.6 Gg CO2-eq/year, respectively. Compared with the SepBio scenario without food waste reduction, the PrevLoss and ReducDrain cases reduced the GHG emissions by 17.1 and 0.5 Gg CO2-eq/year. In contrast, the ReducHcom case increased the GHG emissions by 2.1 Gg CO2-eq/year. This is because the biogas power production decreased due to the reduction in food waste, while the electricity consumption increased in response to home composting. Sensitivity analyses revealed that a reduction of only 1% of the household waste by food loss prevention has the same GHG reduction effect as a 31-point increase (from 50% to 81%) in the food waste separation rate. [Conclusions]We found that prevention of food losses enhanced by separate collection led to a significant reduction in GHG emissions. These findings will be useful in future studies designed to develop strategies for further reductions in GHG emissions.
兼保 直樹 高見 昭憲 佐藤 圭 畠山 史郎 林 政彦 原 圭一郎 Chang Lim-Serok Ahn Joon-Young
公益社団法人 大気環境学会
大気環境学会誌 (ISSN:13414178)
vol.45, no.5, pp.227-234, 2010-08-30 (Released:2011-06-05)

アジア大陸起源の汚染物質がわが国のPM2.5汚染状況に与える影響を明らかにするため、五島列島福江島と、その東方約190 kmに位置する福岡市において2009年春よりPM2.5濃度の通年観測を開始し、さらに4月に集中的に大気中エアロゾルの観測を行った。この結果、春季の福岡でのPM2.5濃度は福江島より半日程度遅れて変動していること、また濃度レベルも同程度または福江島の方がやや高く、日平均の環境基準値を超過する高濃度が度々出現した。組成分析の結果、高濃度時のエアロゾルの主成分は、硫酸塩と粒子状有機物が支配的であり、硫酸塩や総硝酸濃度は福江島の方が福岡より高かった。韓国済州島でのPM2.5測定データでは、福江島よりさらに早い時間に濃度増加を開始しており、長距離輸送による九州北部への汚染物質の到達を示している。このときの気圧配置より、4月上旬の2回の顕著な高濃度出現は、典型的な2つの長距離輸送パターン、すなわち前線後面型と移動性高気圧周回流型による輸送であると考えられる。月平均濃度でみても、4月の福江島のPM2.5濃度は福岡市よりやや高く、2009年春季の九州北部地域では、福岡のような大都市域においても、PM2.5濃度は域外からの長距離輸送による広域的な汚染状況に支配されていたと考えられる。
赤岡 功 武石 彰 李 在鎬 姜 判国 陳 韻如 井村 直恵 光田 稔 平野 実 Akaika Isao Takeishi Akira Lee Jaeho Kang Pankuk Chen Yun-ju Imura Naoe Mitsuda Minoru Hirano Minoru アカオカ イサオ タケイシ アキラ LEE Jaeho KANG Pankuk CHEN Yun-ju イムラ ナオエ ミツダ ミノル ヒラノ ミノル
県立広島大学経営情報学部論集 (ISSN:18827985)
no.2, pp.207-225, 2010-02

本稿は,平成21年3月7日に県立広島大学に於いて開催された文部科学省科学研究費補助金による企業経営シンポジウム「今,企業経営を考える-グローパルマーケットでいかに生き残るか-」の内容を纏めたものである。シンポジウムは,基調講演(「自動車産業における企業の境界」京都大学武石彰), 3つの研究報告(「韓国の自動車部品調達と日本からの示唆」京都橘大学 李在鏑, 「韓国ハイニックス半導体の再生」 県立広島大学 姜判国,「台湾 AcerWistron社の再生を通じた競争優位の再構築」 九州国際大学 陳韻如・京都産業大学 井村直恵) および,パネルディスカッションで構成された。本稿では,これらのシンポジウムの内容の中で、Ⅰ基調講演とⅡパネルディスカッションの内容について記載する。
蝶と蛾 (ISSN:00240974)
vol.10, no.4, pp.66-68, 1959-11-15

著行は本文で台湾産コモンタイマイ及び5種の蝶類異常型の記載を行った.これらの材料は土として陳維寿氏の提供にかかるものでここに謝意を表する.コモンタイマイについては原種とみられる手もとのインド・アッサム産(Fig.3)や南シナ産の標本とくらべると,前翅表面1b室の中央1a脈に接して存在するやや矩形の緑色紋が基部の側に向ってこれに近く存在する,より小形な緑色紋と相融合する傾向をもつことが注意される.融合しない個体では,細い黒線で2つの紋が境され,原種の様に全く離れることはない.この点がもっと多くの個体で確認されると台湾の本種は地方型として分離出来るだろう.但し梅野氏(Zephyrus,5:247-248)が指摘された台湾産の本種は後翅の尾状突起が原種程長いものはないという点は,必ずしもすべての個体にあてはまらない.写真でみるように,♂には短い個体はあるが,♀は長く,♂でも♀と同様のものもあるから,これは固定した特徴となし難い.次にシロオビアゲハについては私はさきにNew Ent.Vol.7,No.1(1958)で応♂2異常型を記載したが,今回は2♀♀1♂を記載する。元来♂♀共に多型の種でこれらにすべて命名の必要があるとは思わないが,顕著なものにはある方が便利だろう。♀-ab.scintillansのTypeでない方の個体は一応同系列の異常型としたが,色彩は非常に趣きを異にし,中室端及び第2,3,4室基部の白紋は橙黄色をおび,これに続く赤紋及び第1室の長大な赤紋は紫白色をおび,後翅全体として赤紋はえび茶色を呈するが,裏面も同様赤紋に著しく紫白色鱗を交える.
Hun-Young YOON Dong-Wook SHIN Keum Soon IM Soon-Wuk JEONG
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.75, no.2, pp.237-240, 2013 (Released:2013-03-01)

We report here the clinical presentation and successful surgical management of synovial hemangioma accompanied by cruciate ligament injury in a dog. Surgical correction of cruciate ligament injury was performed after removing torn cruciate ligaments, synovial mass and masses attached to the ligaments and distal femoral articular cartilage. At 10 months, the dog has showed no evidence of recurrence in the stifle joint. Synovial hemangioma, although a seemingly rare cause of stifle joint pathology, should be considered in the differential diagnosis for cruciate ligament injury when a circumscribed intra-articular soft tissue mass is evident radiographically with cranial or caudal drawer motion. This is the first case report in a dog to describe synovial hemangioma accompanied by cruciate ligament injury.
Jin-Nyoung HO Mi-Eun SON Won-Chul LIM Seung-Taik LIM Hong-Yon CHO
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry (ISSN:09168451)
vol.76, no.6, pp.1068-1074, 2012-06-23 (Released:2012-06-23)

Lipid accumulation using Oil Red O dye was measured in 3T3-L1 murine adipocytes to examine the anti-obesity effect of four types of germinated rice, including germinated brown rice (GBR), germinated waxy brown rice (GWBR), germinated black rice (GB-R), and germinated waxy black rice (GWB-R). GBR methanol extract exhibited the highest suppression of lipid accumulation in the 3T3-L1 cell line and also the anti-obesity effect of GBR on high fat induced-obese mice. The mice were divided into three groups and were administered: ND, a normal diet; HFD control, a high fat diet; and GBR, a high fat diet plus 0.15% GBR methanol extract for 7 weeks. GBR administration significantly decreased body weight gain and lipid accumulation in the liver and epididymal adipose tissue as compared to the HFD control group. In addition, serum triglycerides (TGs) and total cholesterol (TC) levels were significantly decreased by following GBR administration compared with those in the HFD control group, whereas the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol level increased. Furthermore, the mRNA levels of adipogenic transcriptional factors, such as CCAAT enhancer binding protein (C/EBP)-α, sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP)-1c, and peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPAR)-γ, and related genes (aP2, FAS), decreased significantly. Taken together, GBR administration suppressed body weight gain and lipid accumulation in the liver and epididymal adipocytes, and improved serum lipid profiles, in part, by controlling adipogenesis through a reduction in transcriptional factors. These results suggest that GBR is a potential agent against obesity.