北里 宏平 はやぶさ2 NIRS3チーム
日本惑星科学会誌遊星人 (ISSN:0918273X)
vol.23, no.3, pp.288-292, 2014

平田 成 はやぶさ2 形状モデルチーム
日本惑星科学会誌遊星人 (ISSN:0918273X)
vol.26, no.3, pp.97-104, 2017

<p> 小惑星探査では,探査機の到着後に対象天体の形状を,画像を元に推定する必要がある.本稿では,まず2005年のはやぶさによる小惑星Itokawa観測の際に用いられた小惑星形状の推定の手法について述べる.さらに,来年2018年のはやぶさ2の小惑星Ryuguへの到着に備えた,はやぶさ2形状モデルチームの準備状況についても解説する.はやぶさ2形状モデルチームでは,はやぶさでも用いられた手法と,新規の手法を組み合わせて,確実な形状モデル作成を行う計画である.現在,はやぶさ2プロジェクトで実施されている着陸地点選定運用訓練を通じて,作業手順のバグ出しや,得られる形状モデルの精度評価などを進めている.</p>
内田 貴久1 2 港 隆史 石黒 浩1 2

鈴木 健太 山本 正伸1 2 Rosenheim Brad 大森 貴之 Polyak Leonid 南 承一

The Arctic Ocean underwent dramatic climate changes in the past. Changes in sea-ice extent and ocean currents in the Arctic Ocean cause changes in surface albedo and deep water formation, which drove global climatic changes. However, Arctic paleoceanographic studies have been limited compared to the other oceans due to chronostratigraphic difficulties. One of the reasons for this is absence of material suitable for 14C dating in the Arctic Ocean sediments deposited since the last glacial maximum. To enable improved age constraints for sediments impoverished in datable material, we apply ramped pyrolysis 14C method (Rosenheim et al., 2008) to sedimentary records from the Chukchi-Alaska margin recovering Holocene to late-glacial deposits. Samples were divided into five fraction products by gradual heating sedimentary organic carbon from ambient room temperature to 900°C. The thermographs show a trimodal pattern of organic matter decomposition over temperature, and we consider that CO2 generated at the lowest temperature range was derived from autochthonous organic carbon contemporaneous with sediment deposition, similar to studies in the Antarctic margin and elsewhere. For verification of results, some of the samples treated for ramped pyrolysis 14C were taken from intervals dated earlier by AMS 14C using bivalve shells. The ages of lowest temperature split showed older ages than the radiocarbon ages derived from bivalve shells indicating that those splits were still mixtures and not pure autochthonous organic matter. The relationship between radiocarbon ages of generated gas and pyrolysis temperature is linear. We used this empirical relationship to determine the optimal temperature yielding pure marine organic carbon and estimated age of horizons by sampling at those temperatures. We compare these ages to mixing model ages decoupling the simpler mixtures represented by our original low-temperature splits, which were consistent with the bivalve ages.
Kotaro Nochioka Yasuhiko Sakata Satoshi Miyata Masanobu Miura Tsuyoshi Takada Soichiro Tadaki Ryoichi Ushigome Takeshi Yamauchi Jun Takahashi Hiroaki Shimokawa on behalf of the CHART-2 Investigators’
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
vol.79, no.3, pp.574-582, 2015-02-25 (Released:2015-02-25)
15 53

Background:The effectiveness of statins remains to be examined in patients with heart failure (HF) with preserved ejection fraction (EF).Methods and Results:Among 4,544 consecutive HF patients registered in the Chronic Heart Failure Registry and Analysis in the Tohoku district-2 (CHART-2) between 2006 and 2010, 3,124 had EF ≥50% (HFpEF; mean age 69 years; male 65%) and 1,420 had EF <50% (HF with reduced EF (HFrEF); mean age 67 years; male 75%). The median follow-up was 3.4 years. The 3-year mortality in HFpEF patients was lower in patients receiving statins [8.7% vs. 14.5%, adjusted hazard ratio (HR) 0.74; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.58–0.94; P<0.001], which was confirmed in the propensity score-matched cohort (HR, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.49–0.99; P=0.044). The inverse probability of treatment weighted further confirmed that statin use was associated with reduced incidence of all-cause death (HR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.62–0.82, P<0.001) and noncardiovascular death (HR, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.43–0.66, P<0.001), specifically reduction of sudden death (HR, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.36–0.98, P=0.041) and infection death (HR, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.35–0.77, P=0.001) in HFpEF. In the HFrEF cohort, statin use was not associated with mortality (HR, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.73–1.04, P=0.12), suggesting a lack of statin benefit in HFrEF patients.Conclusions:These results suggest that statin use is associated with improved mortality rates in HFpEF patients, mainly attributable to reductions in sudden death and noncardiovascular death. (Circ J 2015; 79: 574–582)
浜西 正三 Shozo HAMANISHI 神戸大学医学部産科婦人科学教室:神戸大学医学部解剖学第二講座 Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Kobe University School of Medicine:Department of Anatomy Division 2 Kobe University School of Medicine
日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 = Acta obstetrica et gynaecologica Japonica (ISSN:03009165)
vol.29, no.5, pp.500-506, 1977-05-01

ラットの着床周辺期における胚と内膜の表面構造の変化について,走査型電顕的観察を行ない,次の成績を得た. 1) 正常着床期の子宮内膜上皮表面では,規則正しく配列する微絨毛は,長短不整となり,先端部が風船状に膨化した後,急激に屈曲,短小,不整化する.細胞質突起はこぶし状,入道雲状で,数が増えた後,壁が増し,縮小扁平化して,adhesion stageに微絨毛の原形消失と相呼応し,不整粗大な鋸歯状・海草状突起へ移行する. 2) 遅延着床時内膜では,比較的繁茂する微絨毛と巨大細胞質突起を認めるが,これは妊卵(原胚子)や卵管液の作用にもよるものではなく,progesteroneの作用による.またそのestrogenによる着床誘導時には,早期(4~8時間)に一過性の分泌亢進像を呈した後,後期(16~24時間)に平低下する. 3) 微絨毛先端部の風船状膨化はestrogen作用下に生ずるmicroapocirine像と考えられる. 4) 腺開口部構造が反間膜側内膜の側壁部に,孤立した1細胞面積分の陥凹や,舟底状の斜坑状の陥,裂隙として認められる.一方,上皮細胞がロゼット状に集合した所で,細胞間隙からの分泌を示唆する所見が得られた,これら2者ともにestrogenの作用下で顕著となる. 5) 胚の透明帯の表面は,素焼の陶器様で粗〓である.透明帯消失後,胚の表面に均等に生えていた微絨毛は,胚自体の増大や栄養膜細胞の増数に伴い消失してゆき,胚の表面は平滑となる. これら一連の所見は,胚と内膜が三次元的な観点からも,互いにより平滑な面で最初の接触を遂行していることを示すものである.The structural changes of the surfaces of the endometrium and the blastocyst during the implantation in rats were studied scanning electron microscopically. Findings obtained were as follows: 1) In the pre-attachment stage, the microvilli of the endometrial luminal epithelium lose their distal ends. Thereafter they shorten rapidly and become bent irregularly. Cellular protrusions are nodular at first, then increase in number with multiple folds and flanges, subsequently become small and flattened. In the adhesion stage, they become serrated and show seaweed-like appearance. 2) During delayed implantation, caused by dosing of progesterone, relatively abundant microvilli and giant cellular protrusions are observed. During the induction of implantation with estrogen, the endometrium assumes transiently the secretory phase, and then becomes flattened. 3) Many structures suggesting the glandular orifice an also that seeming to the intercellular secretion are observed, especially under the influence of estrogen. 4) After the shedding of zona pellucida, the microvilli of the trophoblast gradually disappear. In the adhesion stage, the surface of the blastocyst become smooth.
Toshiaki Toyota Takeshi Morimoto Hiroki Shiomi Kenji Ando Koh Ono Satoshi Shizuta Takao Kato Naritatsu Saito Yutaka Furukawa Yoshihisa Nakagawa Minoru Horie Takeshi Kimura on behalf of the CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG Registry Cohort-2 Investigators
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-16-0987, (Released:2017-02-07)

Background:Few studies have evaluated the prevalence and clinical outcomes of ad hoc percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), performing diagnostic coronary angiography and PCI in the same session, in stable coronary artery disease (CAD) patients.Methods and Results:From the CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2, 6,943 patients were analyzed as having stable CAD and undergoing first PCI. Ad hoc PCI and non-ad hoc PCI were performed in 1,722 (24.8%) and 5,221 (75.1%) patients, respectively. The cumulative 5-year incidence and adjusted risk for all-cause death were not significantly different between the 2 groups (15% vs. 15%, P=0.53; hazard ratio: 1.15, 95% confidence interval: 0.98–1.35, P=0.08). Ad hoc PCI relative to non-ad hoc PCI was associated with neutral risk for myocardial infarction, any coronary revascularization, and bleeding, but was associated with a trend towards lower risk for stroke (hazard ratio: 0.78, 95% confidence interval: 0.60–1.02, P=0.06).Conclusions:Ad hoc PCI in stable CAD patients was associated with at least comparable 5-year clinical outcomes as with non-ad hoc PCI. Considering patients’ preference and the cost-saving, the ad hoc PCI strategy might be a safe and attractive option for patients with stable CAD, although the prevalence of ad hoc PCI was low in the current study population.
篠田 孝祐 片上 大輔 稲葉 通将 鳥海 不二夫 大澤 博隆 松原 仁 Shinoda 1 Kosuke Katagami 2 Daisuke Toriumi 3 Fujio Inaba 4 Masamichi Osawa 5 Hirotaka Matsubara 6 Hitoshi
vol.B5, no.02, pp.80-85, 2015-10-26

We propose a standard problem AIWolf game for artificial intelligence. This game is one of communication game around the table. This game called ``Are You a Werewolf?'', generaly. We has been thought this game is useful metrics for evaluating progress artificial intelligence. Moreover, our project held the competision at 2015