小林 弘 越智 尚子 竹内 直政
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.20, no.1, pp.7-12, 1973-06-20 (Released:2011-02-23)

Somatic chromosomes of the nigorobuna (C.auratus grandoculis) obtained from Lake Biwa, two local varieties of the nagabuna (C.auratus buergeri) from Lake Suwa and the Hokkaido district, and two local varieties of the ginbuna (C.auratus langsdorfii) from the Okayama Prefecture and Lake Biwa were studied and compared.Chromosome preparations was performed by the same methods previously described (Kobayasi et al., 1970).The results showed that the nigorobuna and nagabuna of Lake Suwa and the ginbuna of the Okayama Prefecture had the same diploid chromosome number of 100.Their karyotypes consisted of 10 pairs of metacentrics, 20 pairs of submetacentrics and 20 pairs of acrocentric elements.There was no morphological difference between the male and female karyotypes. On the other hand, 5 females of the nagabuna collected from the Hokkaido district and 4 females of the ginbuna (hiwara) from Lake Biwa had the chromosome number of 156, consisting of 17 pairs of metacentrics, 31 pairs of submetacentrics and 30 pairs of acrocentrics. The populations of the ginbuna and nagabuna in these regions consisted mostly or almost entirely of females.It was proved from these evidences that the nagabuna and ginbuna with triploid state occur not only in the Kanto district but also in the Hokkaido district and Lake Biwa.These triproid females might be arisen by gynogenesis, as has been reported in the ginbuna obtained from the KantO district by Kobayasi (1971) and Kobayasi and Ochi (1972). [Japan Women's University, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 112, Japan (H.K.and H.O.);National Science Museum, Hyakunin-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160, Japan (N.T.)]
小林 弘 川島 康代 竹内 直政
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.17, no.4, pp.153-160, 1970-12-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

本研究はコルヒチン処理とair-drying法によりフナ属魚類の体細胞の染色体を観察した.その結果, 金魚, キンブナ, 宮崎系ギンブナ (雄の1個体を除く), ヨーロッパブナ等の染色体数はいずれも100で, 核型分析の結果も一致し, metacentricは10対で20個, submetacentricは20対で40個, acrocentricは20対で40個の染色体よりなり, acrocentricのほぼ5対目の染色体にはsatelliteが認められた.また核学的には雌雄の問では差異は認められなかった.一方関東系ギンブナ30個体中の28個体は染色体数が156で, 核型分析の結果, metacentricが17対で34個, subrnetacentricが31対で62個, acrocentricが30対で60個であった.また残りの2個体では206の染色体数が数えられ, その核型分析の結果は, metacentricに22対で44個, submetacentricに41対で82個, acrocentricに40対で80個の染色体があり, acrocentric中にはsatelliteが認められた.以上の結果より, 関東系ギンブナはフナ属魚類中に生じた3倍体および4倍体に相当するものではないかと考え, これが関東地方のギンブナに雌のみを生ずる原因と関連をもつものではないかと推測した.
淀 太我 井口 恵一朗
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.50, no.1, pp.47-54, 2003-05-23 (Released:2011-07-04)

To elucidate the feeding habits of smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu in Japanese inland waters, the stomach contents of fish from Lakes Aoki and Nojiri, Nagano Prefecture, differing in catchment landscape, were analyzed. Specimens were collected from May 2000 to October 2001 in Lake Aoki and from June to December 2000 in Lake Nojiri. Prey importance was estimated from an index of relative importance (IRI, (percent of prey number+percent of prey weight) ×frequency of prey occurrence). The main prey in Lake Aoki were pond smelt (Hypomesus nipponensis) and a cyprinid (Tribolodon hakonensis), and in Lake Nojiri, a shrimp (Macrobrachium nipponense) and goby (Rhinogobius sp.). Aquatic and terrestrial insects were also important prey in spring and summer in both lakes. Principal prey changed ontogenetically from small bottom-dwelling an-imals (gobies or aquatic insects) to larger limnetic fish in both lakes. The results suggested that smallmouth bass will have deleterious effects on differing animal groups with growth.
片野 修 馬場 吉弘 河村 功一 大原 均
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.62, no.2, pp.99-106, 2015-11-05 (Released:2018-03-26)

Nonbenthic fishes were investigated in 16 rivers in the Chubu and Tohoku regions, into which pale chub Zacco platypus had been introduced. Pale chub coexisted predominantly with Japanese dace Tribolodon hakonensis, followed by ayu Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis, and were abundant in rivers lacking the latter. Although pale chub, ayu, Japanese dace, dark chub Nipponocypris temminckii and Amur minnow Rhynchocypris lagowskii steindachneri all fed on both benthic algae and invertebrates, the percentage of algae in the diet of pale chub was less when ayu were present. However, the population abundance and diet of pale chub were not affected by the other nonbenthic species. Although pale chub and other cyprinids rarely fed on cyanobacteria, a main food item of ayu, pale chub was considered to be negatively affected by ayu through interference, exploitative competition and indirect effects via changes in algal composition.
L.Humphreys Robert Moffitt Robert B. Seki Michael P.
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.36, no.3, pp.357-362, 1989

ミズワニ科シロワニ属の<I>Odontaspis noronhai</I> はこれまで大西洋からのみ報告されていた (holotypeのものとほとんど同じ歯列をもつインド洋あるいは南シナ海でとれたと思われる一組の顎の報告はある).今回ハワイ島の南西550kmの地点でマグロ延縄にかかつた個体が採集されたので, その測定値と粛列について他海域のものと比較し報告する.標本は北海道大学水産学部に保管されている.
鈴木 寿之 森 誠一
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.63, no.1, pp.39-43, 2016-04-25 (Released:2018-04-25)
上原 匡人 太田 格 海老沢 明彦 立原 一憲
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)

<p>Two closely related, commercially important threadfin breams, <i>Nemipterus furcosus</i> and <i>N. peronii</i>, are an essential coastal fishery resource in Okinawa Prefecture. The age, growth, reproductive cycle, and stomach contents from 124 <i>N. furcosus</i> and 37 <i>N. peronii</i>, obtained from November 2011 to December 2015, were examined, age being assessed from sectioned otoliths and gonadal histology. <i>Nemipterus furcosus</i> and <i>N. peronii</i> were the most abundant threadfin breams in Kin Bay and Nakagusuku Bay, Okinawa Island, areas including many coastal tidal flats, where the two species comprised 98.1% of the total number of <i>Nemipterus</i> individuals examined. Overall sex ratios of both species were significantly sex-biased, the apparent lack of transitional gonads implying functional gonochorism. The spawning seasons of both species were estimated as occurring between spring and fall, no immature fishes having been obtained. Age validation using edge-type analyses implied that opaque zones were formed once per year, being valid annual growth increments. Although no intersex differences in maximum length, growth equation, and age range were observed in <i>N. furcosus</i>, <i>N. peronii</i> females were larger and older than males. The greatest ages observed were 4.3 and 7.0 years for <i>N. furcosus</i> and <i>N. peronii</i>, respectively. Both species fed predominantly on crabs, which primarily occupied the inner bays. Over the previous 27 years, the catch per unit effort of <i>Nemipterus</i> has declined in the highly altered environments of Kin and Nakagusuku Bays, suggesting that the decline in the populations of these species at Okinawa Island may be due to coastal fishery practices, environmental decline, and the degradation of suitable habitats. The biological implications for conservation are discussed.</p>
仲谷 一宏 白井 滋
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.39, no.1, pp.37-48, 1992

1978年から3年間, 沖縄舟状海盆, 九州-パラオ海嶺, 茨城県から青森県に至る本州北部太平洋の陸棚斜面 ("東北沖") および北海道のオホーツク海陸棚斜面 ("オホーツク沖") において大規模な深海魚類調査が実施された.<BR>この中で著者らは軟骨魚類の分類を担当し, 水深200-1, 520mで行われた584回のトロール漁獲物から61種の深海底生性軟骨魚類を確認した.また, これら4調査海域に加え, 尾形他 (1973) による日本海でのトロール結果を含めて軟骨魚類相を検討した結果, 各々の海域が極めて特徴的な深海底生性軟骨魚類相を有することが判明した.沖縄舟状海盆は非常に多様性に富んだ海域で, 多くの分類群に含まれる37種が出現し, 中でもツノザメ科, トラザメ科, ガンギエイ科 (ガンギエイ属) の種が優占した.九州-パラオ海嶺には10種が出現し, その構成は比較的単純で, ツノザメ科の種が多く, ガンギエイ科やギンザメ目の種は出現しなかった.東北沖では18種の比較的多様な軟骨魚類が出現し, ガンギエイ科 (ソコガンギエイ属) の種が最も多く, ツノザメ科の種がこれに次いだ.オホーツク沖では軟骨魚類の構成は単純で, 2科9種が見られ, その大部分がガンギエイ科 (ソコガンギエイ属) の種であった.日本海で見られた深海底生性軟骨魚類はガンギエイ科 (ソコガンギエイ属) のドブカスベ1種で, 他の海域に比較して極めて貧弱な軟骨魚類相であることを再確認した.<BR>これらの深海底生性軟骨魚類の分布は琉球海溝等の超深海や対馬海峡等の浅海域の存在により大きな影響を受けているものと考えられる.また, 多くの種が出現した分類群について日本周辺での分布の特徴を調査した結果, 伊豆半島から南下する巨大な七島・硫黄島海嶺が深海底生性軟骨魚類の分布に大きな影響を与えているものと考えられた.すなわち, 中浅海部を黒潮で覆われた七島・硫黄島海嶺は, 特に北方産の深海底生性軟骨魚類の多くにとって越え難い障壁となっており, さらに, 北方深海底生性の魚類一般についてもこの考えを拡大できる可能性が示唆された.
高村 健二
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.52, no.2, pp.107-114, 2005

Black bass populations in Japan were examined for haplotypes of the mitochondrial DNA control region. A total of 16 haplotypes were found from specimens representing 47 Japanese populations and five in North America. Ten haplotypes were of largemouth bass, and three each of Florida bass and smallmouth bass. Three clades of largemouth bass haplotypes were identified by the maximum parsimony method, the major clade comprising seven haplotypes including those found in Iowa, Minnesota and Ontario (USA). It ispossible that the haplotypes of this clade in Japan originated from the introduction of fish from Minnesota and Pennsylvania in 1972. One of the remaining clades, comprising a single haplotype and found throughout Japan, may have originated from the introduction of cultured fish from California in 1925. All of the seven largemouth bass haplotypes found in Japan were found in Lake Yamanaka, such haplotype richness reflecting active stockings of largemouth bass from other Japanese freshwaters. Florida bass haplotypes were found only in Lake Biwa, indicating that the haplotypes could function as indicators of future invasion of black bass into other waters with the active transplantation of other commercially valuable fishes from the lake.
阿部 拓三 佐藤 長明
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.56, no.2, pp.159-163, 2009

佐藤 真央 井上 裕太 溝脇 一輝 小林 大純 松尾 怜 外山 太一郎 日比野 友亮
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.68, no.1, pp.17-22, 2021

<p>Twelve specimens (71.5–89.9 mm standard length) of the genus <i>Lutjanus</i> (Lutjanidae), collected from Ishigaki-jima Island, Ryukyu Archipelago, southern Japan, were identified as <i>Lutjanus biguttatus</i> (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830), being characterized by the following combination of characters: dorsal fin XI, 12; anal fin III, 8; pectoral rays 15–16; body depth 3.5–3.8 in standard length; preorbital depth 10.8– 16.3 in head length; tongue smooth, without patch of fine granular teeth; a dark longitudinal band from snout to caudal fin base; and two white spots above the lateral line. Dentition of the premaxilla and dentary, including several canine-like (one being long and curved) and many small conical teeth, is illustrated. The collected specimens were determined to be juveniles, due to their coloration matching that of juveniles previously described, in addition to their small body size. Although the coloration of <i>L. biguttatus</i> is similar to that of <i>L. vitta</i> during the juvenile stage, the latter species is distinguished by greater body and preorbital depths. The specimens of the former had been caught in a significantly localized area (in ca. 4 m depth) over several days, indicating the likelihood of their having been schooling, as observed in previous studies of the species. <i>Lutjanus biguttatus</i> is distributed in the Indo-western Pacific, from the Maldives to the Solomon Islands, but had not previously been recorded from Japanese waters. The new standard Japanese name "Futahoshi-fuedai", given in reference to the two white spots above the lateral line in the collected specimens, is proposed.</p>
中村 潤平 本村 浩之
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.21-001, (Released:2021-04-30)

The threadfin bream genus Nemipterus Swainson, 1839 (Perciformes: Nemipteridae) currently includes 29 valid Indo-West Pacific species, eight of which have been recorded from Japanese waters. During an ichthyofaunal survey of Tanega-shima Island, Osumi Islands (Kagoshima Prefecture), Japan, a single specimen (246.9 mm standard length) of the Japanese Threadfin Bream Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch, 1791) was collected at a depth of 10 m on 13 January 2020. The specimen was characterized by seven anal-fin soft rays, 47 lateral-line scales, 6 + 10 = 16 gill rakers, a moderately deep body (depth 33.9% of standard length), long pectoral fin (posterior tip vertically level with anal-fin origin), posterior tip of depressed pelvic fin reaching between anus and anal-fin origin, upper lobe of caudal fin filamentous, and body pinkish dorsally and silver ventrally, with 1 longitudinal yellow stripes on the lateral surface, and a reddish blotch on the lateral line above the pectoral fin. Although the species is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical Indo-West Pacific waters from the Red Sea and the east coast of Africa to Taiwan and the Malay Archipelago, and bears the specific and Japanese names japonicus and Nihon-itoyori, respectively, it has at no time been recorded from Japanese waters. Therefore, the present specimen of N. japonicus, described here in detail, represents the first reliable record from Japan and northernmost record of the species in the western Pacific Ocean. The specimen collected from Tanega-shima Island was most likely to have been transported from Taiwan or the Philippines by the Kuroshio Current, the species being unlikely to reproduce in Japanese waters.
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.34, no.4, pp.409-420, 1988-02-25 (Released:2011-02-23)

ロクラハゼ属の2種キマダラハゼAstrabe flavima-culataとシマシロクラハゼA. fasciataを新種として記載し, シロクラハゼ属の模式種であり, 今まで知られていた唯一の種であるシロクラハゼA. lactisellaについても前2種と比較して再記載した.キマダラハゼは日本産魚類大図鑑の中でキマダラハゼAstrabe sp.として明仁親王 (1984) が解説を付したものである.キマダラハゼはシロクラハゼとは眼の上縁にある皮摺の上後部が突出しないこと, 縦列鱗数が少ないこと, 第1背鰭前方と腹部に鱗があること, 胸鰭基部を通る白色横帯の幅が狭いこと, 生時には胸鰭基部を通る白色横帯を除き, 暗褐色地に黄色模様が見られることによって区別される.シマシロクラハゼはシロクラハゼとは横列鱗数が少ないこと, 体側の鱗のある部分の幅が狭いこと, 胸鰭基部を通る白色横帯の幅が狭いこと, 第1背鰭前部から体の腹側に向かう白色横帯があることによって区別される.この度の標本の調査により, Snyder (1912) が記録した種子島産のA. lactisellaはキマダラハゼであり, 本間・田村 (1972) が記録した佐渡島達者産のシロクラハゼはシマシロクラハゼであることが判明したので, これらの標本はそれぞれの種の副模式標本とした.また道津.塩垣 (1971) がシロクラハゼとして扱ったものの中, 標本を調べることが出来た鹿児島県馬毛島産のものはキマダラハゼであった.長崎県野母崎産の標本は図から判断するとシマシロクラハゼと考えられる.明仁親王 (1984) のシロクラハゼとキマダラハゼの解説は訂正しなければならない.
髙見 宗広 遠藤 広光 福井 篤
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.21-010, (Released:2021-05-10)

The alepocephalid genus Conocara Goode and Bean, 1896 is characterized by the dorsal-fin origin located posterior to the anal-fin origin, dorsal-fin base shorter than the anal-fin base, body covered with small scales (> 80 in longitudinal row above the lateral line), tubular lateral line scales, the maxilla toothless, upper jaw equal to or longer than the snout, and photophores absent. Six specimens of Conocara werneri Nybelin, 1947, collected from Hyuga-nada Sea, Japan in a depth of 1,453–1,481 m, on 3 April 1991, are distinguished from all congeners by the following combination of characters: 17–20 dorsal-fin rays, 30–34 anal-fin rays, 159–179 longitudinal series scales above the lateral line, 19–22 scales between the dorsal fin insertion and lateral line, 25–32 scales between the anal fin insertion and lateral line, premaxillary bony crests present, the upper jaw reaching a vertical through the orbit anterior margin, an uninterrupted inner row of gill rakers on the first gill arch, the absence of palatine teeth, and raised insertions of the dorsal and anal fins with well-developed anterior cariniform skin folds. The gut contents of the six specimens represented the following higher taxa: Amphipoda, Copepoda, Ostracoda, Gastropoda (conch), Diatoma, Pyrosomata, and Foraminiferida. Four specimens possessed 113–550 developed ovarian eggs (maximum diameter 4.6 mm). Conocara werneri has been recorded previously only from subtropical zones of the eastern Atlantic and off New Zealand (south-western Pacific), the present specimens therefore representing the first record of the species from Japanese waters and northernmost record in the Pacific Ocean. The new standard Japanese name “Sedaka-yajiri-iwashi” is proposed for the species.
Barry C. Russell
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.39, no.4, pp.295-310, 1993-02-15 (Released:2011-02-23)

日本および台湾産イトヨリダイ属Nemipterus Swainson (イトヨリダイ科) の分類学的再検討を行った.1新種を含む以ドの9種が認められ, 検索表, 標徴, シノニムを提示した: ヒライトヨリN.aurora [新種, 従来N.delagoae Smithとされていたもの], ソコイトヨリN.bathybius Snyder, モモイトヨリN.furcosus (Valenciennes) [従来, 誤ってN.peronii (Valenciennes) とされていたもの], ニジイトヨリN.hexodon (Quoy et Gaimard), ニホンイトヨリN.japonicus (Bloch), シャムイトヨリN.peronii (Valenciennes) [従来N.tolu (Valenciennes) とされていたもの], トンキンイトヨリN.thosaporni Russell [従来N.marginatus (Valenciennes) とされていたもの], イトヨリダイN.virgatus (Houttuyn), ヒトイトヨリN.zysron (Bleeker) [従来N.metopias (Bleeker) とされていたもの].新種ヒライトヨリはインド洋のN.bipunctatus (Ehrenberg) (N.delagoaeはジュニアシノニム) によく似るが, 背鰭と臀鰭の色模様により容易に識別される.すなわち, ヒライトヨリの背鰭のほぼ中央沿いに1本の幅広い橙黄色帯が走り, 臀鰭のほぼ中央沿いには1本のレモン色のすじが走るのに対し, N.bipunctatusの背鰭は一様なバラ色であり, 臀鰭には2-4本の黄色い波状のすじがある.
松沼 瑞樹 本村 浩之
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.56, no.1, pp.21-30, 2009 (Released:2014-03-04)

The Shortfin Molly, Poecilia mexicana, is herein reported for the first time from Japan on the basis of specimens collected from the Nitanda River (hot spring water) in Ibusuki City, Kagoshima Prefecture. The fish from Ibusuki City, previously misidentified as P. sphenops, is believed to represent an introduced population from the west coast of Central America (original locality of the species) or other places. Poecilia mexicana is characterized by having 9 dorsal- and anal-fin soft rays, 18 caudal-peduncle scales, unicuspid upper-jaw inner teeth, sensory pores on the dorsal surface of the snout, and the broad vertical orange band on the caudal fin in mature males. Morphological changes with growth and sexual dimorphism of Japanese P. mexicana are also described. A new Japanese name “Surikogi-mori” is proposed for the species.
日比野 友亮
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.64, no.1, pp.59-64, 2017-04-25 (Released:2018-06-01)

A single specimen of the catfish, Silurus lithophilus (Tomoda, 1961), was found in the collection of the Natural History Museum, London. The catalog number of the specimen (BMNH 1910.6.30.18) indicates that it was registered on 30 June 1910, long before the collection of the holotype of S. lithophilus (April 1961), previously believed to be the first collected example of the species. Accordingly, the Natural History Museum specimen represents the oldest known example of the species. It is inferred that the specimen was collected during the 6th collecting survey of Mr. Richard Gordon Smith (from November 1905 to mid 1907), the precise date not being apparent in his excerpted diary published by Ms. Victoria Manthorpe. The collection locality of the specimen was noted as Kyoto on the jar label and in the museum collection database. However, a personal tag attached by Mr. Gordon Smith noted its collection from Lake Biwa. Apparently, the specimen was purchased at Kyoto after having been originally collected at Lake Biwa.
岩槻 幸雄 木村 清志
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.40, no.4, pp.475-477, 1994-02-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

先島諸島の西表島から2個体のワキグロアカフエダイ(新称)(Lutjanus timorensis)が採集された.本種の出現は, 日本沿岸水域からは, 初めての記録であり, 本種の最も北限の記録になる.本種は, 胸鰭の脇および基部が黒色を呈し, 背鰭, 轡鰭及び尾鰭軟条部縁辺が非常に尖ることと縁辺の黒い幅が明瞭に広いことにより, 同属の類似する赤いフエダイ類と容易に区別される