佐藤 光雄 高橋 正嗣
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.15, no.1, pp.1-6, 1968-11-29 (Released:2010-06-28)

1. ひげを先端から約1/2のところで切断すると, 18時間後には傷口は表皮によって完全におおわれ, 中心血管の切り口も血塊栓によってふさがれてしまう。2. 切断後5日目になると, 切断端付近の表皮下間隙の大半を領していた血塊と, 上記の血塊栓は次第に吸収され, これらの部分は結合組織由来の細胞によって占められる.この細胞群が再生芽とみなされる。3. 平滑筋層の再生は主として再生芽細胞の平滑筋細胞への分化によって起り, これに既存の平滑筋細胞の分裂が一部あずかっている.4. 中心血管の再生は, 既存の内皮細胞の分裂増加によらず, 再生芽細胞の内皮細胞への分化にもとづくものと考えられるが, 今後なお検討の要がある.5. 再生部の表皮に終末球が出現する時期は切断の10日目以後であり, 25日目には再生部の組織構造が正常部のそれとほぼ等しくなる.再生部の伸長速度は1日あたり平均0.06mmであった.6. 本種では, 再生部付近の表皮はもちろん, 結合組織にも分裂像が明らかに認められる.
谷津 明彦 安田 富士郎 多紀 保彦
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.25, no.1, pp.40-50, 1978-06-26 (Released:2010-06-28)

タウエガジ科の1新種ベニツケギンポDictyosomarubrimaculataを記載した。本種は, 従来, 同属のダイナンギンポD.burgeriと混同して扱われていたため, D.burgeriの再記載も行なった。両種は側線形態, 不対鰭条数, 体色等の相違により区別される。さらに, D.burgeriに地理的変異の2型が認められたが, より詳細な分布の検討が必要であると考えられたので, 今回の報告では, 本州中部太平洋岸から得られたfbrm aと日本海及びその周辺水域から得られたfbrm bとに暫定的に分けるにとどめた.D.rubrimaculataとD.burgeriの2型は, それぞれ同所的に分布しており, 千葉県小湊と神奈川県横須賀での水中観察の結果では, 両者は棲み分けを行なっていた。すなわち, D.rubrimaculataは所謂ガラモ場と呼ばれる潮下帯の一部に, 一方D.burgeriのform aは岩礁の潮間帯に主に見い出される.D.burgeriにおける脊椎骨数の増加, 腹鰭の退縮などの形態的特徴と上記の生活場所に関しての知見は, D.urgeriがより特化した種であることを示唆している.
高村 健二
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.52, no.2, pp.107-114, 2005-11-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

Black bass populations in Japan were examined for haplotypes of the mitochondrial DNA control region. A total of 16 haplotypes were found from specimens representing 47 Japanese populations and five in North America. Ten haplotypes were of largemouth bass, and three each of Florida bass and smallmouth bass. Three clades of largemouth bass haplotypes were identified by the maximum parsimony method, the major clade comprising seven haplotypes including those found in Iowa, Minnesota and Ontario (USA). It ispossible that the haplotypes of this clade in Japan originated from the introduction of fish from Minnesota and Pennsylvania in 1972. One of the remaining clades, comprising a single haplotype and found throughout Japan, may have originated from the introduction of cultured fish from California in 1925. All of the seven largemouth bass haplotypes found in Japan were found in Lake Yamanaka, such haplotype richness reflecting active stockings of largemouth bass from other Japanese freshwaters. Florida bass haplotypes were found only in Lake Biwa, indicating that the haplotypes could function as indicators of future invasion of black bass into other waters with the active transplantation of other commercially valuable fishes from the lake.
平嶋 健太郎 立原 一憲
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.47, no.1, pp.29-41, 2000-05-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

Members of the genus Rhinogobius are widely distributed in Far East Asia, at least 11 species having been recognized in Japan. Of the six species recorded from Okinawa Island, two are land-locked (“aobara-yoshinobori” R. sp.BB and “kibara-yoshinobori” R. sp.YB) and the remainder amphidromous. Embryonic development and morphological changes in the two land-locked species are described from artifically-reared eggs, larvae and juveniles. Survival and growth of the two species were compared under different salinities (0-35%0) dur-ing a 21-day period following hatching. Although egg diameters of both species were almost the same (“aobara-yoshinobori”; 4.3±0.1 mm, “kibara-yoshinobori”; 4.3±0.2 mm), newly-hatched larval morphology, and larval and juvenile salinity tolerance clearly differed. Newly-hatched larvae of “aobara-yoshinobori” had a flexed notochord and caudal fin rays already developed. The yolk was completely consumed 3 days after hatching. By comparison, “kibara-yoshinobori” hatched at an ealier developmental stage, having a straight notochord. The yolk disappeared 7 days after hatching. Larvae and juveniles of “aobara-yoshinobori” were less toler-ant in high salinity than those of “kibara-yoshinobori”. The results suggested that the two land-locked gobies have become adapted to a wholly fluvial life cycle, through somewhat different strategies.
武田 恵三
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.21, no.4, pp.198-202, 1975-03-15 (Released:2011-07-04)

In Onaga-tani (Fig.1.B) and Sutani River (Fig.1.C) in the upper reaches of Ane River and Echi River of Lake Biwa water system, the author collected specimens which seem to be the char, Salvelinus leucomaenis having zigzag marks, instead of parr-marks, on their body side.Since such specimens are not known, the author describes their form (Table 1), localities, and habitats.Specimens with atypical color patterns may be variation of Salvelinus leucomaenis (Pallas), and not hybrids between other salmonids and the char.Japanese name “6 nagaremon -iwana” is proposed for these variants.
Waikhom Vishwanath Chungkham Sarojnalini
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.35, no.2, pp.124-126, 1988-09-20 (Released:2010-06-28)

インドのマニプル川から得られたコイ科の1新種Garra manipurensisを記載した.本種はダージリン・ヒマラヤ産の同属のG. annandalei Hora隔が広いこと, 側線上方鱗数が多いこと, 肛門の位置が後であることなどの点で異なる.また, ブラマプトラ川流域やアッサム・ヒマラヤに産するG. lissorhynchus (McClelland) とは背鰭および尾鰭に斑紋を欠くこと, 腹部に鱗があることなどの点で異なる.
福冨 則夫 中村 智幸 土居 隆秀 武田 維倫 尾田 紀夫
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.49, no.1, pp.53-58, 2002-05-24 (Released:2010-06-28)

Twenty-one specimens of the Pacific lamprey, Entosphenus tridentatus, were collected from the Hoki (8 specimens), Yusaka (11 specimens) and Arakawa Rivers (1 specimen), all tributaries of the Naka River, and the mainstream of the Naka River (1 specimen), Tochigi Prefecture, central Japan, between August 1999 and April 2001. Seven spawning redds, possibly constructed by Entosphenus tridentatus, were found in the Yusaka River on May 2 and 11, 2000, eggs being observed in one of them. Two specimens, collected from the Yusaka River and reared in an aquarium with a gravel substrate, subsequently spawned about 1000 eggs being observed in the redd. Forty-one of the eggs were reared at 15°C in an electric incubator, hatching starting 13-17 days after spawning. The hatching percentage was 92.7%, the accumulative temperature to hatching being between 195 and 255°C.
伴 和幸 髙見 宗広 冨山 晋一 福井 篤
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.60, no.2, pp.117-121, 2013-11-05 (Released:2015-12-26)

Two chiasmodontid specimens (110.2–232.0 mm in standard length), collected off Shikoku, Japan, represent the first records of Kali colubrina Melo 2008 from Japanese waters, being distinguished from six congeneric species by the combination of a unique dentition pattern (two rows of recurved caniniform teeth on the premaxilla and dentary, not developed as fangs, 12–22 lateral and 5–9 mesial teeth on the premaxilla, 8–18 lateral and 5–10 mesial teeth on the dentary, mesial teeth larger than adjacent lateral teeth), 23–26 second dorsal-fin rays, 23–25 anal-fin rays and 39–41 vertebrae. The new Japanese name “Jaguchi-bouzugisu” is proposed for the species.
樋口 文夫 渡辺 勝敏
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.52, no.1, pp.41-46, 2005-05-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

The genetic population structure of Rhynchocypris lagowskii steindachneri in three river systems flowing through Yokohama and adjacent areas in southwestern Kanto, central Honshu, Japan, was investigated by examination of nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region. Although R. lagowskii steindachneri is the only Rhynchocypris species native to the region, the establishment of R. oxycephalus jouyi, which was artificially introduced in the late 1980's, was confirmed in one of the river systems investigated. From the same river system, one of 27 specimens (4%) of R. lagowskii steindachneri was found to have a R. oxycephalus jouyi mtDNA type, implying some genetic disturbance within the former population. Although the R. lagowskii steindachneri populations investigated, distributed within a 40-km geographic range, appeared to belong toa single phylogeographic group, significant differences in haplotype frequencies and diversity levels were found, probably being the result of genetic drift following recent artificial fragmentation and habitat reduction.
福井 謙太郎 藤井 亮吏 田原 大輔 早川 洋一 古屋 康則
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.54, no.2, pp.173-186, 2007-11-26 (Released:2011-12-02)

Gonadal development and serum profiles of sex steroids in reproductive KAJIKA, Cottus sp.SE (small egg type), were monitored over a 12-month period. The female reproductive cycle was divided into the following 5 periods based on oocyte development: recovery period (May to August), cortical alveoli formation period (September), vitellogenic period (October to December), reproductive period (January and February) and spent period (March and April). Based on ovarian histological observations, females may spawn 2 or 3 times in one reproductive period. Serum levels of estradiol-17β increased during the vitellogenic period, indicating regulation of the vitellogenetic progress. Serum 17, 20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one in females exhibited high levels only during the reproductive period, suggesting a role in inducing final oocyte maturation. The male reproductive cycle was divided into the following 5 periods based on testicular histological observations: resting period (June to August), spermatogonial proliferation period (September), spermatogenic period (October and November), reproductive period (December to February) and spent period (March to May). Parasperm formation, which is known in some cottidae species, was noted, occurring in the sperm ducts during the spermatogenic period, but only in the main testicular lobes during the reproductive period. Serum 11-ketotestosterone levels in males increase of continually during the spermatogenic period, suggesting a role regulation of spermatogenesis in this species.
千田 哲資 陳 新民
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.22, no.2, pp.68-76, 1975-12-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

インド・太平洋海区からは5種のヒメダイ属が知られており, そのうち側線鱗数が50前後のものはPristipomoides typus Bleeker1種のみとされていた.しかるに, 南支那海およびアンダマン海のヒメダイ属魚類のうち側線鱗数48~52の魚には別種と見做すべき2型があり, そのひとつはP.typusであり, 他はBleeker (1876~1877) 以来その異名同種とされてきたDay (1870) のMesoprion multidensに該当することが判った.後者を前者より区別する主要点は, 吻および頬部に黄色線がある, 頭頂部の虫食い状斑紋が横に走る (前者では縦), 眼下骨幅が大きい, 上下両顎の犬歯が大きい, 尾鰭上葉の延長がより若いうちにみられなくなる, 第一血管棘の横幅は基部より約3/5の点で急に狭くなる (前者では基部から尖端に向かって一様に横幅を減ずる), 第一尾椎骨の血道弓門は卵形である (前者では細長い三角形), などである.目本人研究者 (赤崎, 1965;篠原, 1966;久新・他, 1973) によりナガサキフエダイの和名で記載されている魚はP.multidensであり, 新たにP.typusの和名としてバラヒメダイを提唱する.目本では屡々ナガサキフエダイの学名としてP.arglyrogrammicus (Valenciennes) が採用されているが, 後者の模式標本の側線鱗数は, 58 (Sauvage, 1891) もしくは61 (パリ国立科学博物館Dr.Rouxによる) であり, 両者が同種である可能性はない.Schlegel (1842) が目本より報告したDiacope sparusが表記両種のいずれを指すかは明らかでない.
丹羽 はじめ
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.4, no.4-6, pp.193-200, 1955-12-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

1. 野生メダカの成熟した雄は生殖期になると尾鰭の背腹縁部が橙色に色づき, 鰭条間に数条の黒色の筋と腹鰭に多数の黒点を現すようになる。この特徴は婚姻色と見なすことができ, 黒色色素胞と黄色色素胞の増加によつてもたらされる。雌は婚姻色を現さない。2. 雄のこれらの色素胞は去勢によつて減少し, 肉眼的にも婚姻色は消失する。雌の色素胞は去勢による変化を示さない。3. 卵巣摘出雌と正常雌に対するメチル・テストステロンの投与は人工的な婚姻色を発現させることができる。すなわち, これらの雌の尾鰭と腹鰭の色素胞は正常雄と同程度まで増加する。4. 精巣の移植によつても正常雌に人工的に婚姻色を誘発することができる。5. 野生メダカの婚姻色は生殖期における精巣ホルモンの盛んな分泌によつて雄のみに発現され, 雌では卵巣の影響を受けない。
井藤 大樹 庄野 耕生 瀬能 宏
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.22-029, (Released:2023-01-16)

A single juvenile specimen (93.2 mm standard length) of the rare syngnathid fish Microphis (Coelonotus) argulus, collected from the Uchizuma-gawa River, Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku Island, Japan, is the first record from Shikoku Island and northernmost record of the species. We newly found that M. (C.) argulus is distinguished from M. (C.) leiaspis in the fresh juvenile specimens by the following combination of characters: jaws to snout reddish (vs. brownish in the latter); small white dots present from behind eye to pectoral-fin base (vs. absent); operculum and pectoral-fin base brownish (vs. silverywhite). The M. (C.) argulus specimen may have been transported northward by the Kuroshio Current from the usual distribution range of the species, and recruited to the Uchizuma-gawa River.
横川 浩治 浦山 公治
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.47, no.1, pp.67-73, 2000-05-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

Two pufferfish individuals from the Seto Inland Sea, having an appear-ance intermediate between Takifugu vermicularis and T.poecilonotus, were morphologically and genetically examined. Both individuals showed a pattern of body spination intermediate between those characteristic of the two species, although principal component analysis (PCA) of the morphological data placed both specimens within the range of T.vermicularis. Isozyme analysis showed replacements of major alleles between T.vermicularis and T.poecilonotus at ll loci, the totally heterozygotic condition of those alleles suggesting that both specimens were F1 hybrids. Other morphological and whole genetic characteristics also indicated that they were F1 hybrids of T.vermicularis and T.poecilonotus. The inclusion of both individuals within the morphological range of T.vermicularis by PCA may have been the result of coupling of their parent species.
塩垣 優
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.28, no.1, pp.70-79, 1981-05-25 (Released:2011-02-23)

The life history of Pterogobius zacalles (Gobiidae) was studied from 1973 to 1979 at Moura, Mutsu Bay, located at the northern tip of Honshu.Field observations were made mainly by means of SCUBA diving, and spawning behavior and early life history were observed in the aquarium.At Moura P.zacalles inhabits shallow rocky bottoms at depths from 5 to 30 m, mostly less than 10 m.They are solitary dwellers and live around nests burrowed under stones.During their growing period at water temperatures over 10°C they hover or rest around nest stones.During the cold seasons below 8°C in water temperature they conceal themselves in the nests and rest inactive.The spawning season at Moura seems to extend from late April to late May.Spawning takes place under the nest stones.Egg masses are guarded by males.In the aquarium one female spawned three times with the same male.The number of laid eggs and length of the long axis of the egg membrane tended to decrease as spawning was repeated.To attract the female the male hover around her, fully extending his all fins, opening his mouth and gill membranes, and slowly fanning his caudal fin.The body and all fins of the male turned black at that time, in sharp contrast with the reddish orange margins of the dorsal and caudal fins.The female did not show color change.Eggs hatched 27 days after the blastula stage at water temperatures of 7.2°-13.7°C.Newly hatched prolarvae were 4.95 to 5.34 mm in total length.The larvae completely consumed the yolk in 6 to 9 days, when they attained 5.90 to 7.10 mm in total length.Larvae from egg masses collected from natural habitats and reared in the aquarium survived for only 31 days after hatching, reaching a maximum total length of 16.0mm.Young fish of 3-4cm in total length were found from the middle to end of July in small schools near the bottom at the habitat of adults.Larger individuals (4-5 cm in total length) were seen either singly or in groups of two or three fish in August.In September they grew over 6 cm in total length and were observed occupying nests built under stones.In one year both sexes became fully mature, attaining total lengths of 9 to 11 cm.They changed from copepode-feeding at early stages to crustacea-polychaeta-feeding as their life mode shifted from grouping to solitary dwelling..
馬渕 浩司 林 公義 Thomas H. Fraser
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.62, no.1, pp.29-49, 2015-04-25 (Released:2017-08-10)

A recent revision of the systematics of the family Apogonidae recognized four (two being new), 14 tribes (all new) and 38 genera, one of which was new. Apogon or Rhabdamia, Apogonichthyoides, Nectamia sensu stricto Zoramia. All apogonid subfamilies, tribes and genera occurring in Japanese waters are given fixed standard Japanese names. Based on the rules operationally proposed twenty-five new standard Japanese names were given to three subfamilies, 13 tribes Japanese name (at generic level for , subfamily and tribe level taxa, and a specific level for genera) being designated Additionally, a new standard Japanese Senou-hikari-ishimochi, was proposed for a Japanese species, Siphamia senoui,
宇田川 伸吾 矢田 文 竹村 明洋
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.65, no.1, pp.49-57, 2018 (Released:2018-04-25)

ScaleCUBIC-1, the newly-developed reagent for tissue clearing and decolorization, was trialed on the Malabar grouper (Epinephelus malabaricus), goldlined spinefoot (Siganus guttatus), and sapphire devil (Chrysiptera cyanea). After perfusion fixation with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) from the caudal vein of the Malabar grouper, tissues (brain, heart, spleen, liver, intestine, gill, eyes, and muscle) were dissected and post-fixed in 4% PFA at 4˚C for 24 hrs, before being immersed in ScaleCUBIC-1. Subsequently, the brain, spleen, intestine, gill, and muscle (but not skin or scale) were found to have been completely cleared, and the heart and liver partially so. Due to the thickness of the organ, deeper regions of the liver were not cleared. The failure of eye-clearing and decolorzation was partially due to pigmentation of the former. Similar results were obtained for tissues of the juvenile goldlined spinefoot and mature sapphire devil, following immersion in ScaleCUBIC-1 for 5 days. Whole body cleaning and decolorzation were also trialed on the goldlined spinefoot and sapphire devil. Following removal of the scales and skin, the immersion of specimens in ScaleCUBIC-1 for 14 days resulted in successful clearing and decolorzation of the muscles of both species. It was concluded that ScaleCUBIC-1 is suitable for clearing and decolorzation of fish tissues, including whole body, although modifications in the procedure may be required for different fish species.