白井 滋 岡村 収
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.39, no.2, pp.139-150, 1992-09-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

ワニグチツノザメの内部形態 (骨格・筋肉系) を詳細に記載した.摂餌機能に関しては, 特殊な顎歯の状態から, 本種は餌を上下の顎で捕捉し, これを丸のみするものと考えられる.内臓弓およびこれに関係する筋肉構造には, こうした摂餌機能の向上に関連すると思われるいくつかの特殊な状態が観察された.これらの特殊な状態は, 同時に本種の系統的位置の解明をはなはだ困難にしている.しかし, 口唇軟骨が2本の離れた要素からなることなど, 本種は3つの派生状態をカラスザメ亜科と共有する.カラスザメ亜科全体との姉妹関係, カラスザメ亜科内に想定されている2っの姉妹群 (カラスザメ属とハシボソカラスザメ属およびAculeola属とカスミザメ属) それぞれとの類縁性について考察した.
山野上 祐介 馬渕 浩司 澤井 悦郎 坂井 陽一 橋本 博明 西田 睦
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.57, no.1, pp.27-34, 2010 (Released:2014-03-05)

Morphological identification of two ocean sunfish species (genus Mola) is not an easy task due to the giant body size and poor understanding of their intraspecific variation. A rapid, reliable method of identifying mitochondrial DNA from two Mola species in Japanese waters was designed for PCR-based genotyping of the mitochondrial control region. Two allele-specific primers were developed for the mitochondrial control region of each species: CRMolaAL and CRMolaBL for Mola spp. A and B, respectively. Using the same reverse primer (H884-12S), specific primers for Mola spp. A and B were designed to amplify ca. 400- and 500-bp fragments, respectively. A pair of fish universal primers (L1969- 16S and H2582-16S) amplifying ca. 700 bp was used as an internal control. Multiplex PCR reactions including these five primers produced a species-specific fragment for either Mola sp. A or B with an internal control. This approach has major advantages over other molecular species-identification methods in speed and costefficiency, and greatly helps in determining Mola species.
鶴見 真治 清藤 秀理 中山 直英
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.22-016, (Released:2022-10-05)

The rare barracudina Lestidium bigelowi Graae, 1967 was reported for the first time from the northwestern Pacific, based on four specimens collected from the vicinities of Okino-torishima Island, Japan, and Guam, at depths of 85–150 m. Previous records of the species had been limited to east of the Seychelles in the western Indian Ocean (type locality), the eastern Pacific off Colombia, and the southwestern Pacific off New Caledonia. Lestidium bigelowi is the only paralepidid species known to have six small, round, discrete mid-ventral luminescent organs, evenly spaced from the isthmus to near the anus, whereas in other species of the family, the luminescent organ is absent or represented by an elongate slender duct (s) extending along the mid-ventral line from the chest to the anus. The following characters are also useful to distinguish the species from its congeners: dorsal fin origin and outer pelvic-fin base more-or-less vertically level, anal-fin rays 28–30, vertebrae 80 or 81, predorsal fin length 54.3–56.5% of standard length (SL), and prepelvic fin length 53.7–56.3% of SL. Because L. bigelowi was previously known only from juveniles, the morphology of much larger individuals (72.3–123.7 mm SL) is described herein. Two specimens collected southwest of Okino-torishima Island represent the first record of L. bigelowi in Japanese waters (within the Exclusive Economic Zone). The new standard Japanese name “Botan-namehadaka” is proposed for the species, being derived from the button-like luminescent organs (“botan”) and the Japanese name for barracudina (“namehadaka”).
John D. Stevens Malcolm C. Dunning 町田 三郎
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.30, no.3, pp.301-307, 1983-11-28 (Released:2010-06-28)

タスマン海南部で漁獲されたネズミザメ属12個体をプロポーション計測値, 歯の構造および配列, 体色にもとづいて調査した結果, 標本はL.nasusと同定した.またオーストラリア産L.whitleyiの分類学的位置を検討した結果, 本種はおそらくL.nasusと同一であるとみなした.
三木 徹 金丸 信一 尼岡 邦夫
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.34, no.2, pp.128-134, 1987-09-10 (Released:2010-06-28)

北海道厚岸沖より得られたマダラの胃内容物を調査中に1個体のタウエガジ科魚類を発見し, 新属新種Neolumpenus unocellatusモンツキガジとして記載した.本種は比較的大きな胸鰭と1棘3軟条の腹鰭を持つこと, 体側に骨質状の側線管を持たないこと, 眼下感覚管孔が無いこと, 左右の鯉膜が峡部から幅広く離れる一皮摺を形成しないことなどによりウナギガジ亜科に含められる.さらに, 深く分枝した腹鰭軟状を持つこと, 腹鰭および臀鰭の棘が堅固であること, 胸鰭下部軟条が後方に伸長しないこと, 鋤骨および口蓋骨に歯が存在すること, 鰓孔の前端が眼の後縁下に達しないこと, 瞳孔の約1/2程度の非常に大きな頭部感覚管孔を持つこと, 吻が鈍く, その外郭は険しいこと, 尾鰭基底部の背方に1個の眼状斑を有することなどにより, 本種は同亜科内の既存の属および種と明瞭に識別される.
本村 浩之 瀬能 宏 岩槻 幸雄
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.48, no.1, pp.41-47, 2001-05-25 (Released:2011-07-04)

A single large specimen (MUFS 18880, 739 mm in standard length) of polynemid fish, Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Shaw, 1804), collected by a large set net off the mouth of Azuma River, Fukaura, Aomori, northern Japan, represents the first reliable record from Japan and northernmost record of the species. Furthermore, a lateral line squamation character on the caudal fin membrane is herein described as newly-recognized diagnostic character for the species. Eleutheronema tetradactylum is characterized as follows: four pectoral filaments; lower jaw lips restricted to posterior one-third of lower jaw, vomer with tooth plates on either side; lateral line on caudal fin membrane divided into three lines.
粟生 恵理子 吉田 雄 Nishihara Gregory N. 石松 惇
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.21-037, (Released:2022-07-25)

We demonstrate monthly changes in the distribution of a population of the mudskipper Periophthalmus modestus inhabiting a mud bank of the Fukushoe River, flowing into the Ariake Sea, Japan. During the reproductive season from June to midAugust, fish density observed on the surface during lowest spring tide decreased from the most landward quadrats toward the river channel, particularly where the bank inclination was steep (within 30 m from the water’s edge). Males accounted for over 90% of individuals collected at the most landward sampling plot, 67 to 15% at the next three plots, and 0% at the most riverward plot, where only females were collected. During the non-reproductive season from September to November, fish density also decreased toward the river channel, with no fish confirmed at the river’s edge. Although the percentage of males decreased from landward to riverward plots, the trend was less marked than during the reproductive season. Monthly sampling of fish on riprap at the time of highest spring tide showed females to be dominant (70–90% of total) from May to July, with juveniles appearing in July and becoming dominant (70–80%) in August to October. No fish occurred on the riprap from November to the end of January. These findings suggest that many females migrate with the tide for feeding at the water’s edge, thereby achieving rapid ovarian development, whereas mature males remain near their territory and burrows. Reproductive burrows were most abundant in the area of stable daily periods of submersion and emersion (300 min and 400–500 min, respectively) throughout the tidal cycle, suggesting that a regular cycle of inundation and emersion is important for the successful reproduction of the species.
手島 和之
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.22, no.1, pp.7-12, 1975-08-20 (Released:2011-02-23)

ホシザメ属のシロザメM.griseusは胎盤を形成する. このシロザメの胎盤を用いて, 胎盤の形成および構造を組織学的に追求した. 妊娠初期における子宮内表面は重層の立方上皮により形成されている.しかしながら, 妊娠が進むにつれて, 子宮内表面は重層より単層円柱上皮へと移行する. 胎盤は胎盤母体部 (子宮壁) と胎盤胎児部 (卵黄嚢壁) により形成される. この両組織の間に胎児膜が存在する. 胎盤母体部上皮は同一子宮の他の部位と比べると極めてうすい. 一方, 胎盤胎児部上皮も同一卵黄嚢壁の他の部位と比べると極めてうすい. 妊娠が進んで, 胎児が全長で150mm以上に成長すると, 胎盤母体部の上皮の大部分が消失する. 同時に, 胎盤胎児部の上皮も同様な傾向を示す.すなわち, 十分に発達した胎盤では, 母体部毛細血管網と胎児部毛細血管網とが胎児膜をはさんで接している.
藤田 清
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.38, no.4, pp.430-432, 1992-02-29 (Released:2010-06-28)

1990年7月24日に東京水産大学で産卵した卵を騨化させ, その艀化仔魚を25日間飼育し, 定期的に仔稚魚をホルマリン固定し, 軟骨・硬骨二重染色法で尾部骨格の発達を調べた.Lundberg and Baskin (1969) によれば, 大多数のナマズ類の成魚では縮小した第2尾鰭椎 (=terminal centrum) が一つまたはそれ以上の下尾骨と癒合して, PU1+U1+2の後に存在するとしている.Clarias batrachusではterminal centrumは第3下尾骨 (HY3) と第4下尾骨 (HY4) の基部に癒合して出現する.発達の過程でterminal centrumは下尾骨に癒合したまま尾鰭椎3 (U3) と尾鰭椎4 (U4) に二分され, そのまま縮小してそれぞれの下尾骨と区別がつかなくなる.側尾棒骨をそなえる脊椎骨は尾神経骨と尾鰭椎前第1椎体+尾鰭椎 (PU1+U1+U2) との癒合によって形成された.
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.21, no.2, pp.72-84, 1974-11-30 (Released:2011-07-04)

Ophieleotris aporos was originally described by Bleeker (1854: 59) as Eleotris aporos.After Gill (1863: 270) established the genus Ophiocara based on Eleotris ophicephalusValenciennes, a synonym of Ophiocara porocephala (Valenciennes), E.aporos wasassigned to the genus Ophiocara by Bleeker (1877: 27).Aurich (1938: 132) established a new genus Ophieleotris for O.aporos based on the study of sensory canal pores, arrangement of pit organs and other characteristics. However, his genus has not been used by others but Whitley (1964: 55), as far as it is known to us.Our study on comparative morphology on O.porocephala and O.aporos with other species, listed on p.74, has revealed further different characteristics between two species and other species, some of which can be used for separating O.aporos from the genus Ophiocara and for recognizing the genus Ophieleotris for O.aporos.The characteristics of the two species are listed in Table 1.The most importantcharacteristics of the two genera, Ophiocara and Ophieleotris, in comparison with othergenera listed on p.74 are: 1) The presence of a process on the inner side of themaxillary in Ophiocara (Fig.1A) and the absence in Ophieleotris (Fig.1B).2) Thepresence of oculoscapular canal from nasal to posttemporal with the pores A to Lexcept for G, of preopercular canal with the pores M to Q and three supratemporalsin Ophiocara (Fig.2A);the absence of oculoscapular canal and supratemporals andthe presence of short preopercular canal with the pores N'and O'in Ophieleotris (Fig.2B). 3) 17 segmented caudal fin rays in Ophiocara and 15 segmented caudal finrays in Ophieleotris.4) 26 (or rarely 27) vertebrae and the first and second pterygiophoresof the first dorsal fin are inserted between the third and fourth vertebrae in Ophiocara (Fig.3A);25 vertebrae and the first pterygiophore between the third and fourthvertebrae (Fig.3B) or the first two or three pterygiophores between the fourth andfifth vertebrae in Ophieleotris (Fig.3C).5) The presence of a short, low longitudinalridge on frontal in Ophieleotris (Fig.4A);the absence of the ridge in Ophiocara (Fig.4B).6) The size of a scale of interorbital space of Ophiocara smaller than thatof caudal peduncle;the size of a scale of interorbital space of Ophieleotris larger thanthat of caudal peduncle and the largest of all the genera;the size of a scale of caudalpeduncle of both genera is not different.Although O. porocephala has no suborbitalwhose presence is thought to be an unspecialized characteristic, it has common characteristicsin 1) to 4) with the species with a suborbital, except for the loss of thepore G.Thus O.porocephala closely resembles the species with a suborbital whichare thought to be the most unspecialized species. As for O.aporos, when compared with them, it has no characteristics which are as unspecialized as those found in O.porocephala.
水口 憲哉 檜山 義夫
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.16, no.1, pp.17-23, 1969

東京都下秋川において行なった調査により, オイカワZacco platypusの成熟および臀鰭の性徴について以下の点を明らかにした.<BR>1) 6月から8月の産卵期に, 雄はよく発達した追い星, 体側の赤および青緑色, そして異常に発達した臀鰭などによって特徴づけられた.III<SUP>+</SUP>才魚およびII<SUP>+</SUP>才雄の半数よりなるこれらの成熟雄は産卵活動を行ない9月までに死に絶えてしまった.<BR>2) II<SUP>+</SUP>才雄の残り半数は, 何ら二次性徴を示さず, 細い糸状の精巣をもったままで産卵期を経過してしまったため, 上述の成熟雄に対し"非成熟"雄とされた."非成熟"雄は, 夏期にも成長を続け翌年の産卵期にIII<SUP>+</SUP>才魚として成熟した.<BR>3) 成熟雌においてもその程度は低いが臀鰭における形態的変化がおこった.雌はほとんどがII<SUP>+</SUP>才で産卵を開始しIII<SUP>+</SUP>才で2回目の産卵を行なった後に姿を消した.<BR>4) 5月から8月にかけては, 全長80mm以上のオイヵワについて臀鰭長により雌雄の判定が可能であり, また, 特に雄においては性的成熟の度合を知ることができる.<BR>5) 鱗に表われた過去の成長状態を参考にして, 雄が成熟または"非成熟"へと別れる過程およびII<SUP>+</SUP>才雄全体に対する"非成熟"雄の割合などについて考察した.
駒田 格知
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.28, no.4, pp.437-444, 1982

In order to establish a basis for distinguishing normal and abnormal structures, this paper reports on the growth of vertebral centra in the cyprinid fish, <I>Zacco platypus</I> Temminck et Schlegel.Specimens, 10.0-110.0 mm in standard length (SL), were collected from the Yahagi River, Aichi Prefecture, in August, 1978.Juvenile fish were collected from the Ibi River, Gifu Prefecture in October 1978 and in April 1979.Length and diameter of centra of the 263 specimens were measured for different growth stages, seasons and sexes.<BR>Ossification of vertebrae begins in the postlarval stage, at about 8.0 mm SL.In fish smaller than 16.0 mm SL, all centra are almost equal in length.At 24.0-26.0 mm SL, lengths of centra located at the anterior part of the caudal region are longer than those in the other regions.As the fish grow, growth rate becomes greater in the middle part of the column than the other regions.The diameters of centra in fish of 10.0-16.0 mm SL show no difference associated with the portion of centra through the vertebral column.In fish larger than 24.0 mm SL the diameter of centra located at the anterior part of the column and around the transitional area between the abdominal and caudal region is larger than those in the other regions.In the adult stage, there are no sexual differences in the length and the diameter of centra.<BR>The proportions of vertebral column length to standard length in specimens of 10.0-16.0 mm SL are significantly smaller than those in specimens above 24.0 mm SL.And, there are significant differences on the ratios of total length of centra to column length between the three size-groups, 10.0-11.0 mm SL, 15.0-26.0 mm SL and above 60.0 mm SL (t-test, P<0.001).<BR>The lengths of centra in juvenile fish (15.0-16.0 mm SL, 19.0-20.0 mm SL) collected in April are larger than those in October and August, but the diameters of centra in the former are smaller than those in the latter two months.There is no difference in the length and the diameter of centra between juvenile fish in August and those in October.The ratios of spinal column length to standard length of juvenile fish in April are significantly larger than those in August and in October (t-test, P<0.001).
水口 憲哉
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.17, no.4, pp.173-178, 1970

秋川におけるオイカワ (<I>Zacco platypus</I>) の卵の生産について以下の点を明らかにした.<BR>1) 卵巣の重量および長さにおける増加は, 4月から6月にかけて急激におこり, 重量はその後7月, 8月と徐々に減少し9月には3月の状態にもどる.これにともない, 体重の増加およびその後の減少, 消化管内容物重量の増加がみられた.<BR>2) 1966年6月, 東秋留においては, 孕卵数 (F) と全長 (L (mm)) との間には, logF=-2.80+2.84logLなる関係がみられ, 投網で採集されたオイカワの雌100個体当りの孕卵量は約38, 000粒と推定された.<BR>3) 雌100個体当りの孕卵量はその後, 7月約24, 000粒, 8月約9, 000粒と減少してゆき, 潜在的な産卵能力を3ヶ月間にわたって維持していたと考えられる.
馬場 吉弘 長田 芳和
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.52, no.2, pp.125-132, 2005

To clarify the early life history of pale chub, <I>Zacco platypus</I>, and the mechanism for avoiding egg predation, the spawning behaviour, egg and larval distribution in spawning redds, and emergence time of larvae from the redds were investigated in the Saho River, Osaka Prefecture, Japan. In pair spawning, the male applied lateral pressure to the female, and stirred up the river bed with its anal and caudal fins when eggs were released. The female occasionally rotated in the redd at the end of spawning behaviour. Some satellite males and sexunknown individuals occasionally dashed into the spawning redd. Single females averaged 1026.4 mature eggs, spawning 94.5 eggs during each of 10.9 spawning acts per day. The number of eggs released during a single spawning act and buried successfully in the spawning redd following pair spawning was greater than that following spawning with surrounding individuals. More eggs were also found in the spawning redd after the female rotated. Eggs were buried 0-14 cm deep in spawning redds, those resulting from pair spawning being deeper than those from spawning with surrounding individuals. Larvae emerged around midnight from the spawning redd 7-8 days after spawning, emergence continuing for 3-5 days. Females were consid-ered to reduce the risk of egg cannibalism by spawning many times per day, mid-night emergence of larvae also being important for avoiding predation.
岡本 誠 井田 齊 杉崎 宏哉
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.48, no.2, pp.113-119, 2001-11-26 (Released:2010-06-28)

Larvae and a juvenile of two tetragonurids, Tetragonurus cuvieri (8 specimens, 6.8-18.5 mm BL) and T.atlanticus (4 specimens, 6.0-10.9 mm BL), collected by larval net from waters off eastern Japan, represent the first records of such from the North-West Pacific. Both species possessed spines on the interopercle and subopercle in their early life stages, a juvenile (18.5 mm BL) of T.cuvieri having one spine on each element, and a postflexion larva (10.8 mm BL) of T.atlanticus having two interopercle spines and one subopercle spine.
片野 修 斉藤 憲治 小泉 顕雄
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.35, no.2, pp.203-211, 1988-09-20 (Released:2010-06-28)

Reproductive behaviour of the catfish, Silurus asotus was studied in temporary waters around paddy fields. Spawning occurred nocturnally during the first week from the initiation of irrigation. In reproductive activities, a male first energetically pursued a female with its head near to the female's belly (chasing) and then began to cling to the female's body from the side, bending its tail or head (clinging). Finally the male enfolded the female's body, with its anus near to the female's (enfolding). In some cases, 2-4 males pursued a single female and two males enfolded a female at the same time. Although no aggressive behaviour was evident between males, it was always the largest male that could most frequently approach and enfold the female. The mating pair moved a long distance in a ditch, paddy field and/or creek, performing reproductive activities. It is thought that the spawning site and period of spawning of the fish enable the larvae to avoid the danger of predation and to efficiently feed, firstly on plankton and later on larvae of other fishes which become abundant during the irrigation period. Although some eggs and larvae may die due to the drying out or high water temperatures of such unstable temporary waters, scattering eggs may reduce the incidence of the annihilation of the young.
早川 洋一 瀧田 真平 菊池 一也 吉田 彩夏 小林 牧人
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.59, no.2, pp.111-124, 2012-11-05 (Released:2014-12-02)

The importance of olfaction in spawning of medaka Oryzias latipes was established for the first time by observation of spawning behavior by fish subjected to an olfactory blockage. Experimental fish were prepared by (1) covering the nostrils on both sides (bilateral treatment), thereby excluding all olfactory stimuli, and (2) covering nostrils on one side only (unilateral treatment), thereby giving partial exclusion. A control group comprised untreated (intact). Experiments conducted for both males (bilateral male-intact female, unilateral male-intact female and intact male-intact female) and females (bilateral female-intact male, unilateral female-intact male and intact female-intact male) resulted in no spawning by intact females paired with bilateral males, whereas spawning occurred in intact females paired with both unilateral and intact males. Spawning also occurred when intact males were paired with intact, unilateral or bilateral females, indicating that olfactory stimuli were necessary for males to complete spawning, but not so for females. Spawning acts exhibited from pairing started by bilateral males-intact female pairs included “following” (initial act of following female), “positioning” (lateral courtship display), and “quick circle” (turning in front of female), but they did not include “contact” (bodies in contact posteriorly prior to gamete release), “wrapping” (male embracing female using their dorsal and anal fins during gamete release). On the other hand, intact and unilateral males participated in all of the above spawning acts, indicating that olfactory stimuli are indispensable for behavior concerning emitting semen.
安田 富士郎 水口 憲哉
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.16, no.1, pp.31-34, 1969-06-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

近年, Chryso phrysはPagrusに統一する提唱がなされているが, この2属に属する各3種について, 骨格とくに頭骨と脊椎骨について比較検討を行なったところ, 2属の間に著しい差が存在することが発見されたので, 現段階では, Ckrysophys属をPagrus属とは独立の属としてとり扱うのが妥当だと考える.
Nikolay V. Parin Sergei V. Mikhailin
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.29, no.1, pp.27-30, 1982-06-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

タチウオ類の1新種, Lepidopus calcarの記載を行った.本種はハワイ海嶺のコラハン海山の水深270~350mのところから採集され, 強いトゲ状の啓鰭第2棘を有することで他のLepidopus属魚類 (成魚) と区別できる.本種の脊椎骨数と背鰭鰭条数はL.caudatus (Euphrasen) のものより少なく, L.xantusi Goode et BeanおよびL.dubius Parin et Mikhailinのものよりも多い.