野村 民也 松尾 弘毅 雛田 元紀
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.65, pp.87-91, 1979-03

東京大学宇宙航空研究所では,単段式の観測ロケットS-500型の開発を進めている.これは従来のK-9 M, K-10型の代替機となるもので,高度350kmに100kgのネットペイロードを打ち上げることが可能である.現在54年度冬期の初飛行を目標としており,完成のあかつきには南極での使用も期待できる.
芳賀 良一
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.11, pp.866-868, 1961-01

第4次南極観側隊によって,1959年12月から1960年3月までに,昭和基地周辺のプリンスハラルドコーストで調査された鳥類及びアザラシ類は次の通りである.I鳥類 1)Giant Petrel,Silver-gray Petrel,Cape Pigeon,Antarctic Whale-bird,Blue Petrel,Antarctic Petrel,Wilson's Storm Petrel,Snow Petrel,South Polar Skua,Light Mantled Sooty Albatross,Wandering Albatross,Adelie Penguin,Bearded Penguin,及びEmperor Penguinの14種が観察され,Snow Petrel,South Polar Skua,Wilson's Storm Petrel及びAdelie Penguinの4種が昭和基地周辺の露岩地帯に蕃殖している.2)第3次越冬隊は1959年に31羽のアデリーペンギンを,西オングル島及びオングルカルベン島で,また第4次隊は1960年1月に,68°25'S.38°47'Eに於て30羽に,標識放鳥した.3)コウテイペンギンの幼鳥が観察され,プリンスオラフコースト及びエンダービーコーストに,コウテイペンギンの蕃殖地の存在が推察される.IIアザラシ類 ウエッデルアザラシ及び力二クイアザラシの2種が観察され,主にウエッデルアザラシは定着氷以南に,カニクイアザラシはパックアイスに棲み分けている.
平尾 邦雄 Kunio HIRAO
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.11, pp.904-910, 1961-01

神山 孝吉 渡辺 興亜 Kokichi Kamiyama Okitsugu Watanabe
南極資料 = Antarctic Record (ISSN:00857289)
vol.38, no.3, pp.232-242, 1994-11

さまざまな物質が南極内陸部上空に運ばれ, 雪面上に蓄積している。内陸部の降雪・積雪の化学組成は, 大気中の内陸部への物質輸送過程と内陸部大気中の物質の存在量を反映している。いくつかの物質濃度は内陸部の降雪で増加傾向にあり, 南極内陸部は特異な堆積環境の下にあることを示唆している。なぜなら広大な雪面の続く内陸は, 物質の供給源から隔たっており, 降雪中の一部物質濃度の増加は単純には説明できないからである。本報告では, 南極氷床内陸部に堆積する降雪・積雪の化学組成についての研究を概観し, 内陸積雪の化学的性質の特異性を指摘する。すなわち積雪中のトリチウムなどに代表されるようにいくつかの物質濃度が内陸内部で増加している。南極内陸部では大気が著しい低温を示すという地域的な要因に, 成層圏を通して遠隔地域からの物質輸送過程が存在し地球規模での物質循環過程を反映するという要因が加わって, 内陸部の特異性を生みだしていると考えられる。南極内陸部の積雪の化学的特異性を考慮することによって, 雪氷コアを通して地球環境を探る研究はさらに有効になると思われる。
澤柿 教伸 神山 孝吉 Takanobu Sawagaki Kokichi Kamiyama
南極資料 = Antarctic Record (ISSN:00857289)
vol.51, no.3, pp.258-272, 2007-11

犬飼 哲夫 芳賀 良一
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.10, pp.697-720, 1960-03
村山 雅美 Masayoshi MURAYAMA
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.27, pp.2153-2175, 1966-12

(1) The basic plan of the 7th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition was the reopening of the Syowa Station, the establishment of a permanent station and preparations for inland survey. The routine observations of the wintering team were to engage in the study of aurora, airglow, geomagnetism, ionosphere, natural earthquake observation and tidology at the station while high level scientific researches were to be made on auroral intensity, auroral spectrum, auroral radio noise emission, geomagnetic pulsation, ionospheric absorption, biology and thermal process in the upper atmosphere. Emphasis in the researches of the 7th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition was to be placed on the study of upper atmospheric physics and biology in line with the International Quiet Sun Year (I Q S Y) and the International Biological Program (I B P), respectively The basic policy for inland survey was to be based on magnetic meridian which passes through the Syowa Station, and on geosciences, also glaciology and magnetism to be conducted between appropriate points on the magnetic meridian and the South Pole, were to be taken up as important subjects. Preparatory operations were to be made by the 7th wintering team with the target set on a South Pole traverse trip by the 10th expedition While testing the large sized snow car specially developed for such traverse, the wintering team was to conduct inland terrestrial magnetism and meteorological observations and also construct fuel depots for the team to accomplish the traverse. On the other hand, aboard the icebreaker FUJI, observations were conducted on upper stmosphere physics, oceanography, geochemistry and biology. (2) The icebreaker FUJI, which left Tokyo on November 20, 1965, entered the sea of ice floes off the Soviet Station Mirny on December 19 after touching at Fremantle, Australia. After proceeding westward, the FUJI arrived at the edge of close pack ice at a point 65°S, 45°E Compared with the conventional course via Gape Town, the time required to navigate the distance between Tokyo and the sea near Syowa Station was reduced by approximately two weeks Furthermore, because the condition of the ice in Lutzow-Holm Bay is greatly influenced by the ice condition in the area between Enderby Land and the Prince Olav Coast, the FUJI during her voyage was able to carry out effective survey on the condition of the ice in this area. The Prince Olav Coast, west of Enderby Land, is well known for its numerous icebergs which were found in a long row about 30 miles off that coast along a line of the top margin of the continental shelf It was also presumed that an open sea existed along the Prince Olav Coast northwest of the row of icebergs The open sea was spotted by a Sikorsky 61A helicopter which is capable of long distance reconnaissance flight The FUJI entered this open sea and, after cruising in a southwesterly direction, arrived at the edge of fast ice some 40 milts NNE off the Syowa Station on East Ongul Island However, this was one wintei fast ice which had been formed since April of the preceding year Because this ice was considered too soft to hold a large sized snow car and also because it would take the FUJI a long time to break through, it was decided ro carry out an transportation (3) The buildings, antenna and vehicles at the Syowa Station which had been closed since February 1962, seemed in good condition outwardly, but the summer of the preceding year, which had changed the many wintered fast ice of Lutzow-Holm Bay into new fast ice, also had played havoc with the base and the buildings which were caught in frozen waters In particular the powei hut and mess hut weie damaged When closing the base in 1962, I had left two 20 KVA diesel electric generators which I believe would take only about 48 hours to restore the operational condition, but the fact was that it took nearly a week to clean the ice off the generators, dry and reassemble them The 12,000 horse power FUJI, unlike its predecessor the SOYA, was able to advance up to five miles from the Prince Olav Coast by developing only about 25% of her full power However, the reason why the FUJI was able to approach so close to the coast was partly attributable to the favorable ice condition Air transportation of provisions and equipments began from the end of December and was completed at the beginning of Februay under a polar high atmospheric piessuie and under the same weather condition as at the Syowa Station During this period, the operational rate of the two helicopters reached a high 50% out of days feasible to fly Various huts to accoinodate the equipments were constiucted, including the power hut assembled from metal pannels which housed two 45 KVA diesel electric geneiatois, a pie-heating hut housing a circulation flush toilet and a pre-hcatmg tank, radio and tiansmittei huts The buildings weie connected by passageway made of corrugated iron pipe with a diameter of two meters Thus, the Syowa Station was completely revitalized About 80 kilohters diesel oil is consumed in one year at the base for the diesel electric geneiators, excluding the fuel in diums to be used for inland survey tups This time the transportation of diesel oil for geneiators was earned in bulk from the FUJI to the base, i e , in two 1-kilohter tanks installed in the helicopter and delivered to six newlv constructed 10-kiloliter rubber pillow tanks and one 20-kilohter aluminum tank A rhombic antenna was constiucted on an island off East Ongul Island, with directional beams toward Tokyo and the mother station, Mawson. The establishment of telegraph and telephone services with Tokyo using a 1 KW transmitter was completed on January 27. On the other side, the FUJI started her voyage southward by breaking through the blue ice on the western side of Ongul Island. The ship advanced further in the Ongul Straits and finally succeeded in berthing at East Ongul Island More than 400 tons of cargo had been air-lifted from the FUJI to the base, but the FUJI berthed near the base in search of ice strong enough to hold the snow car to be sent ashore. The snow car was the KD 60, which was developed specially for traverse trip between the base and the South Pole It has the following specifications and capacities, resistant to cold up to 60 degrees below zero centigrade, operatable up to a height of 4,000 meters above sea level, durable 6,000 kilometers trip, equipped with seismic sounding instrument, gravity meter, 50 W SSB transmitter, gyrocompass and straight steering navigation system It is also equipped with berthes and a kitchen for a crew of four and is capable of pulling a load of seven to nine tons at speed range of 10km per hour to 15 km on even snow Facilities and instruments for observations in upper atmosphere physics such as multicolor photometer, all-sky camera, spectrograph, aurora radar, riometer, continuous measurement of VLF emission, magnetic recorder and hiss recorder were completed To increase the meteorograph system, the automatic Rawin system was successfully installed, inaddition to a hydrogen gas generator and a tide gauge. On February 1, I nominated eighteen members of the wintering team led by Dr. A. MUTO. (4) The FUJI sailed eastward along the Prince Olav Coast, reached some 25 miles northwest of Molodezhnaya Station (67°50'S, 45°50'E), and berthed here where the Soviet relief ship OB lied already alongside. The fast ice on the Prince Olav Coast, 10 to 20 miles wide during the past month and the northern line of the ice floes at about 40 to 50 miles from the coast, had turned to an area of loose ice with an ice concentration of 3 to 5 The FUJI stopped some 15 miles north-northwest off the Molodezhnaya on the edge of fast ice and paid a visit to the station by helicopters on the night of February 3. We were welcomed by Dr. N. N OUCHINNIKOV, the leader of Molodezhnaya, who personally guided us throughout the station, our nearest neighbor. Next day, we visited OB, which was moored to the continental ice, and were welcomed by Captain KUPRI and Dr. MAKSUTOV, the leader of the 11th Soviet Antarctic Expedition. In return, Captain KUPRI, Dr. MAKSUTOV and Dr OUCHINNIKOV paid a visit to the FUJI where a mutual-welcome party was held by the members of the Japanese and Soviet Antarctic expeditions The FUJI started her westward cruise on February 6 and arrived at a point 45 miles north of the Syowa Station A helicopter was flown to Syowa to bring back five summer personnel who had been left there, and we baid farewell to the eighteen members of the wintering team The FUJI continued her survey cruise from Princess Ragnhild Coast through ice floes some 20/60 miles wide from the ice front in a west-southwest direction On February 9, the FUJI pushed southward through the loose ice floe filled with an ice concentration of 2 to 3 and discovered oil drums on the shelf ice indicating the place where the MAGA DAN, a relief ship chartered by the Belgian-Dutch Antarctic Expedition, had berthed seveial days before We cast anchor at Glacier Bay and on the night of Februaiy 10, we were visited by Mr AUTENBOER, leader of the Belgian-Dutch Antarctic Expedition, and his men from Roi Baudoum Station The following night, four Japanese members, including myself, paid a visit to Roi Baudoum with Mr AUTENBOER on his snocat, and were given the opportunity of touring the station The Belgo-Netherland party gave us very cordial reception and hospitality during our stay at Roi Baudouin Early in the morning of February 12, the FUJI continued her westwaid voyage along the Princess Astrid Coast and on the night of the 13th, she took northward ciuise for home via Cape Town
宇宿 行久 細谷 昌之 Yukihisa USUKU Masayuki HOSOYA
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.24, pp.1897-1909, 1965-03

本吉 洋一 勝田 豊
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.55, no.1, pp.44-81, 2011-03-28

金戸 進 山内 恭 Susumu Kaneto Takashi Yamanouchi
南極資料 = Antarctic Record (ISSN:00857289)
vol.43, no.3, pp.459-476, 1999-11

第38次南極地域観測隊ドームふじ観測拠点越冬隊9名は, 1997年1月25日から1998年1月24日までの1年間, ドームふじ観測拠点での3年目, 最終年の越冬観測を実施した。今次隊では, 気水圏系プロジェクト研究観測の「氷床変動システム研究観測」と「南極大気・物質循環観測」を主に実施した。前者では, 36次隊から続けられた氷床深層掘削が中心課題として計画されていたが, 前次隊末のドリルスタック以来, 液封液の補充を続けたがドリルを回収できず, 深層掘削の再開には至らなかった。しかし, 前年までに掘削された氷床コアの現場処理・解析を続け, 多くのコア試料を持ち帰った他, 雪氷観測, 浅層掘削, 内陸旅行観測を行った。後者では, 新たな観測として, ライダーによる極域成層圏雲の観測やGPSゾンデによる高層観測, 大気循環場の観測等を精力的に実施し, 初めて内陸での極成層圏雲の通年の盛衰を捉えたり大気循環場のブロッキング高気圧に伴う熱や水蒸気の流入を捉えるといった成果を上げることができた。これら観測を支える設営面では, 水作りのための雪取りや, 燃料ドラムの搬入, 低温下での車両の立ち上げに苦労した。燃料事情は厳しかったが, 昭和基地からの補給を行ったことで内陸調査旅行が可能となった。越冬最後に, 基地の閉鎖作業を行い, 基地を後にした。
松田 達郎
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.20, pp.1755-1767, 1964-02

The writer tried to investigate the social life of the wintering party of the 5th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition. 1. The relation between the kinds of recreation or play of the wintering members and their working hours was studied. The members having night duty had less kinds of recreation or play than the other members. 2. The words in vogue were recorded and their origins were analysed. It was known that the word in vogue originated mainly from the favorite saying or a slip of the tongue made by a party member. 3. The nickname related to the age of the party member. The youger members were apt to be called frequently by their nicknames. 4. It was recognized that at meals the age of the member and his working hours related to the sitting position at table. The position of the member was generally arranged in the order of the age of the member and it was noted that the position of the member having night duty was not stable. 5. Psychological experiment was tried by food-test. The cakes or confections sufficiently prepared on the table were taken casually by about 45% of party members who happened to be present at tea time.
西脇 三郎
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.44, pp.93-99, 1972-08

青柳 昌宏
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.46, pp.103-111, 1973-03

1. The daytime activities of Adelie penguin adults of the small colony in the early guard stage were observed at Hinode Misaki (Cape Hinode, 68°09'S, 42°43'E) during the austral summer. 2. Notes were made on the following thirteen activities : going out of the colony ; entering into the colony ; loud mutual display ; quiet mutual display ; ecstatic display ; bill-to-axilla display ; copulation ; turning egg over ; preening ; collecting nest stones ; fighting ; feeding ; and protective threatening against skuas. 3. The midday maximum activities were as follows : going out of the colony ; entering into the colony ; collecting nest stones ; loud mutual display ; copulation. The midday minimum activities were as follows : ecstatic display ; bill-to-axilla display. Frequency of activity was reverse between loud mutual display and quiet mutual display. Protective threatening varied with the activity of skua. In the activities of fighting, preening, feeding and turning egg over, no characteristic patterns were observed.
大野 義一朗 宮田 敬博 Giichiro Ohno Takahiro Miyata
南極資料 = Antarctic Record (ISSN:00857289)
vol.44, no.1, pp.42-50, 2000-03

1998年9月, 越冬中の各国基地医師にファックス, 電子メールを送り医療現状調査をおこない昭和基地と比較した。7基地から直接回答があり10ヵ国14基地の情報を収集した。医師数は日本隊が2名で他は1名であった。医師以外の医療従事者がいるのは1基地のみ。手術室のある基地は多いが実際に手術を行っている基地は少ない。集計死亡数76件のうち病死9%, 事故死72%, 不明19%。病死では急性心疾患が最多で, 事故死の73%が航空機事故だった。日本隊の死亡1名は実数でも比率でも少ない。その理由は隊員選抜の健康診断が有効に機能していてこれまで致命的な疾患が発生していないことと, 大陸間航空路がなく航空機関連事故が起きていないためと考えられる。昭和基地でも重症患者の救命に不可欠な緊急搬出用航空路をどのようにして安全に導入するかが課題である。In September of 1998,we sent questions about base medical systems to Antarctic wintering team doctors by facsimile and e-mail and we obtained information about 14 stations of 10 nations. Syowa has two doctors. Most other stations have one. Only one has paramedical workers. Many stations have an operation room but only few operations have been done. There have been 76 deaths : 9% from disease, 72% from accidents and 19% from unknown causes. The major fatal disease was the heart attack, 73% of fatal accident involved airplanes and helicopters. The very low mortality of Syowa may be because effective personnel selection avoids severe disease and there are no severe accidents by intercontinental aircraft. The problem is how JARE can establish an indispensable air-evacuation system safely.
大野 義一朗 宮田 敬博 吉田 和隆 大谷 眞二 草谷 洋光 山本 啓之
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.45, no.3, pp.311-319, 2002-03

24時間風呂は微生物が繁殖しやすく, 越冬期間中の状況では診断治療が難しいレジオネラ症の感染源として危険性が指摘されている。JARE-39 (1998-1999), -40 (1999-2000)は昭和基地の24時間風呂の細菌調査を行った。浴槽水, 130kl造水槽水, 24時間風呂循環回路のフィルターを持ち帰りレジオネラ菌とその他の細菌について培養検査, PCR検査を行った。またJARE-40で越冬中に浴槽水の一般細菌と大腸菌の培養検査, 浴槽水温調査を行った。さらに疾患統計から風呂に起因する可能性のある疾患の発生を調査した。その結果フィルターと浴槽水からPCRにてLegionella pneumophilaと塩基配列が一致するレジオネラ菌遺伝子を検出したがレジオネラ菌分離培養は陰性であった。8月の浴槽水温は平均44.6℃と高温で少数の一般細菌が検出されたが, 水温が1-2℃低下した越冬後半には一般細菌が増加し大腸菌群も検出された。39次隊越冬中に胃腸炎と上気道炎の集団発生があったが風呂との因果関係は不明であった。今後も定期検査が望ましく, 遠隔地で可能な検査体制の確立が望まれる。
村尾 麟一 竹内 貞男 稲葉 稔 細谷 昌之
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.38, no.1, pp.72-111, 1994-03

本報告では, 実験用南極ホーバークラフトの昭和基地における8年間の運用と経験が記述されている。南極における輸送・交通手段としてのホーバークラフトの有用性を調査し, 実用ホーバークラフト建造の技術データを得るために試作された2.8t実験用ホーバークラフトが1981年1月に昭和基地近くに揚陸され, 1990年2月まで性能, 操縦性, 環境適応性, 駐機・保管・整備に関する評価試験が行われた。その結果, 気象・地形に関する南極特有の環境下で運行・駐機・保管・整備上の艇の能力と限界が評価された。ホーバークラフト運用信頼性に影響する主要な気象環境因子はエンジンに対する雪の吸い込みであって, エアフィルター・ラジエータに付着し出力低下と温度上昇をもたらす。地形環境的には基地と海氷域の間に発生するタイドクラックの乗り越しに最も人手を要した。操縦試験の結果艇は摩擦の小さい氷上走行時に操舵応答に敏感で習熟に時間を要することが判明したので操縦特性の解明のためシミュレーションモデルを開発した。これらの経験に基づいて昭和基地付近の夏期の生物観測・氷状偵察・沿岸調査等観測支援活動に対する運用に適当なホーバークラフト機体・保管整備の仕様が提案されている。