石田 喜雄 小玉 正弘 Yoshio ISHIDA Masahiro KODAMA
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.35, pp.1-21, 1969-07

At Syowa Station, Antarctica, the cosmic-ray neutron observation was made, at the initial stage, with the IGY-type neutron monitor during the period from March 1960 to December 1961. On the opportunity of IQSY, a new type of cosmic-ray meter, IQSY-type neutron monitor, was developed by CARMICHAEL. In February 1967, the IQSY-type neutron monitor consisting of three counters (3-NM-64) was installed at Syowa Station in the 8th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition. In February 1968 seven counters were added and two more in February 1969, finally twelve counters. The recording system for observation comprises the so-called multiplicity meter, by which the counting rates are divided into six channels, multiplicity=1 to more than 6, according to the neutron multiplicity detected within the gating time of 1 m sec. The counting rates are automatically printed and punched on a tape every ten minutes. This readout equipment became duplex since February 1968. The cosmic-ray observation room was specially designed so as to avoid influence of snowdrift around the building in which the neutron monitor is installed, and also to keep the room temperature constant throughout the year. In practice, no snow effect on the neutron intensity was recognized and the room temperature was 20°±1℃ in 1967. This report describes details of the cosmic-ray neutron observation in 1967-1968 and some results deduced from data analyses The atmospheric effect, the diurnal variation and the Forbush decrease were investigated in connection with the neutron multiplicity, particularly with regard to the remarkable Forbush event in May 1967.
中尾 美千代 大野 義一朗 小澤 美貴 山本 隆子 森本 武利
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.46, no.3, pp.543-553, 2002-11

鮎川 勝 平沢 威男 国分 征 大瀬 正美 Masaru AYUKAWA Takeo HIRASAWA Susumu KOKUBUN Masami OSE
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.52, pp.1-42, 1975-03

The rocket launching facilities were inaugurated in 1969 and completed in 1971 at Syowa Station (60°00'S, 39° 35'E: geomagnetic lat. 69.6°S, long. 77.1°E). In the rocket range, about 500 m south-west of the main base: of Syowa, there are three buildings, namely a propellant magazine (10.4×6.Om), a radar-telemeter hut (14.4×6m) and an assembly shop (12×7.6m) connected with a turntable. A turntable (8 m in diameter) in the center of the launching platform is at the same level as the floor of the assembly shop. A rocket carriage can be moved on rails from the assembly shop onto the launching turntable. Rotation of the turntable and movement of the launcher are remote-controlled. An iron-grating box covered with a vinyl sheet is attached to the launcher for keeping the rocket warm. The box is air-conditioned. The rocket is assembled and tested in the assembly shop and transferred to the turntable. The whole launching system is capable of firing a rocket with a diameter up to 350 mm. A radar-telemeter system and the igniter and timer controlers are installed in the radar-telemeter hut. A radar-tracking system with a power of 10 kW is used to measure the azimuth angle, the elevation angle, and the direct range, as well as to record telemeter signals in two channels transmitted by PPM modulation. The receiving frequency of the telemeter system is 290 MHz and the data in 12 channels is recorded. The control system consists of an ignition controller, a timer controller, and a probe controller. These control systems were designed to be operated by a limited number of technicians. There are two types of single-stage sounding rockets, S-160JA and S-210 JA. Their specifications are as follows: [table] Butadiene solid propellant is used from the viewpoint of low temperaturecharacteristics. There is another type of rocket which will be used in the future; S-310JA type (payload 40kg, peak altitude 220km). These rockets were developed by the Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science, University of Tokyo. In order to fire the rockets at the moment when auroral activities begin to show a drastic increase at the onset of an auroral substorm, some considerations were needed in the procedure of the firings in the Antarctic severe natural environment. As a result of many considerations and trainings, the rocket could be fired within one minute after the receiving of the introduction in the rocket launching. The ground-based observations were consolidated at Syowa Station, assisting the direct measurements of physical quantities in auroras by means of the sounding rockets. The instruments to be used in the auroral observations are: all-sky camera (35mm, every 10s), auroral zenith photometer (4278 A), multicolour geomagnetic meridian scanning photometers (4278, 5577, 6300 A, H_β), high sensitive TV camera and VHP auroral radar. It was 10th February 1970 when the first launching of the sounding rocket was carried out at Syowa. Since then, four S-160JA type and nineteen S-210JA type rockets were flown during the period of the research program in 1970-1973. Objects of measurements were electron and ion densities, electric and magnetic fields, infrared and ultra-violet emissions, energetic paticles, X-rays and radiowave in aurora. Through the successful rocket flights, the significant information to reveal the physical nature of auroras was obtained. The present paper mainly reports on the progress of the research program by means of sounding rockets at Syowa Station in 1970-1973 concerning the transportation, the construction and maintenance of the launching facilities, arrangements of the rocket firing and tracking and the obtained results of the rocket flights. During the period of International Magnetospheric Study (IMS, 1976-1979), the rocket facilities will be reopened and more than twenty sounding rockets (S-310JA and S-210JA) are scheduled to be launched from Syowa Station.
神沼 克伊
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.37, no.2, pp.169-175, 1993-07

南極・昭和基地のいろいろな観測点の位置や標高は, それぞれ異なる値が使われている。近年, 測地衛星を用いた測位システムが発達し, 南極でも用いられている。将来の混乱を防ぐため, 昭和基地のいろいろな点での位置や標高がどのように求められたかを明らかにする。その主なものは以下のとおりである。1) 気象観測点, 地磁気観測点の位置としては天測点の値が使われている。2) 振子測定による重力基準点, 地震計室の位置と標高は基準点測量と水準測量で決められている。3) 地学棟内重力点, 国際絶対重力基準点, 験潮場の位置と標高は地形図(東オングル島1 : 5000)で刺針し, 水準測量で決められている。
福島 紳 中村 強 Shin FUKUSHIMA Tsuyoshi NAKAMURA
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.11, pp.885-893, 1961-01

The third latitude survey in cosmic-ray neutrons has been carried out along the same ship-route and by using the same apparatus as in the preceeding two surveys. Although the observation room was the same as that in the second survey, one additional room was constructed over our room. Thus, as observational conditions in the three latitude surveys are different from one another, the obtained results could not be compared in absolute intensity but in relative. The periods during which each survey was performed are represented with the corresponding sunspot relative numbers in Fig. 1, where a full curve shows the 12 months running average of monthly mean values in sunspot numbers. Fig. 2 shows 12 hour mean values for each latitude curve in the southern hemisphere. It is seen from the figure that the slope of latitude curve becomes gentle at the second survey and then almost recovers at the third. To explain such changes in primary cosmic-rays by terms of changes in solar activity represented by sunspot numbers as shown in Fig. 1, we suppose a hysteresis effect of solar activity upon cosmic-rays. In other words, changes in cosmic-rays do not immediately follow that in solar activity but about half a year later.
福島 紳 小玉 正弘 宮崎 友喜雄 Shin FUKUSHIMA Masahiro KODAMA Yukio MIYAZAKI
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.11, pp.894-898, 1961-01

福島 紳 中村 強
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.11, pp.885-893, 1961-01

The third latitude survey in cosmic-ray neutrons has been carried out along the same ship-route and by using the same apparatus as in the preceeding two surveys. Although the observation room was the same as that in the second survey, one additional room was constructed over our room. Thus, as observational conditions in the three latitude surveys are different from one another, the obtained results could not be compared in absolute intensity but in relative. The periods during which each survey was performed are represented with the corresponding sunspot relative numbers in Fig. 1, where a full curve shows the 12 months running average of monthly mean values in sunspot numbers. Fig. 2 shows 12 hour mean values for each latitude curve in the southern hemisphere. It is seen from the figure that the slope of latitude curve becomes gentle at the second survey and then almost recovers at the third. To explain such changes in primary cosmic-rays by terms of changes in solar activity represented by sunspot numbers as shown in Fig. 1, we suppose a hysteresis effect of solar activity upon cosmic-rays. In other words, changes in cosmic-rays do not immediately follow that in solar activity but about half a year later.
中村 純二 北村 泰一 福島 紳 Junji NAKAMURA Taiichi KITAMURA Shin FUKUSHIMA
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.16, pp.1339-1360, 1962-06

福島 紳 小玉 正弘 牧野 忠男 宮崎 友喜雄 Shin FUKUSHIMA Masahiro KODAMA Tadao MAKINO Yukio MIYAZAKI
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.20, pp.1707-1732, 1964-02

第1次から第6次までの,南極観測船「宗谷」船上で行なった宇宙線強度の観測データの最終結果を集録した.地磁気緯度並びにdipole modelのcut off rigidityも同時に与えてある.
中村 純二 北村 泰一 福島 紳
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.16, pp.1339-1360, 1962-06

福島 紳 小玉 正弘 牧野 忠男 宮崎 友喜雄
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.20, pp.1707-1732, 1964-02

第1次から第6次までの,南極観測船「宗谷」船上で行なった宇宙線強度の観測データの最終結果を集録した.地磁気緯度並びにdipole modelのcut off rigidityも同時に与えてある.
吉田 栄夫
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.13, pp.1077-1080, 1961-10

吉田 栄夫 Yoshio YOSHIDA
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.13, pp.1077-1080, 1961-10

半貫 敏夫 岸 明 平山 善吉 佐野 雅史
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.46, no.2, pp.456-472, 2002-09

昭和基地で約29年間、居住施設として使われてきた木質プレハブ建築システムを日本に持ち帰り、その耐久性を調査した。先ず、持ち帰った部品を用いて基礎を除く鉄骨架台から上の建物部分を組み立てて復元し、建物全体の劣化状況を観察した。復元工事は5日間、延べ22人の労働力によって完成した。工事は建築専門職人によって行われたが、短期間の人力作業という条件で設計された建築システムの優れた性能が証明された。それぞれの部品はまだ数回の組み立て、解体に耐えられる性能を維持していると判断された。 復元建物の耐久性目視調査の結果、部分的に補修を要する個所もあったが、建物全体としては、まだ設計条件をクリアする性能を維持していることが分かった。パネル外装のめっき鋼板は防火が目的であったが、木質パネルの保護層として有効に作用し、合板の劣化を遅らせた。防水設計を改良すればさらに建物全体の耐久性を増すことが可能である。
鳥居 鉄也 Tetsuya TORII
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.33, pp.1-26, 1968-12

The 8 th Japanese Antarctic wintering party led by Dr. T. TORII consists of 24 members, of which 14 are scientists and the rest logistics supporters. The party was organized succeeding the 7th wintering party, with its project centered on aeronomy andbiology. Items of obseivation are as follows cosmic rays, aurora and aiiglow, lonospheie, atmospheric emissions over a wide range of radio frequencies (ELF, VLF, LF, RF), geomagnetism, meteorology, natural earthquake, biology, glaciology, geomorphology, geochemistry, etc. Construction for the second year after the renovation of Syowa Station included 5 buildings aeronomy laboratory, mess hall, balloon inflation shed, garage and air traffic control building. Keeping pace with the improvement of facilities at the base, consumption of water has increased. Unfortunately, a break developed in a small reservoir, so that the water supply for the summer season was dependent on puddles on sea ice around the base. Electric power was supplied by a separate 20KVA generator for scientific instruments in order to prevent electric noise, and the 45KVA generator was used for general purposes. Shortage in power supply suggested the need for installation of another generator. Two field trips were made to the foreign stations. One trip was to Molodezhnaya Station from August 17 through September 2, 1967. The trip, which covered the course along the east Prince Olav Coast, was designed for observation of gravity, geomorphology, glaciology, biology and geochemistry. The other inland traverse was undertaken from November 5, 1967 through January 15, 1968. The course ran along the longitude 43°E to latitude 75°S and then direct to Plateau Station, having carried out the observation of meteorology, glaciology, geomorphology, geomagnetism and geochemistry. VLF observation was not performed because of a trouble in machinery. The party returned to the base by the same route. Cooperation and help extended by the U. S. A. and USSR parties during the field trips are gratefully acknowledged by the Japanese wintering party. Regular communications with Mawson Station on meteorological data were made five times a day. Data on seismology, Kindices, cosmic rays, etc. were exchanged between the base and U. S A., New Zealand, Australian, French, and USSR stations. Information supplied from IUWDS through Mawson on geoalert and geocast was very useful for the aeronomy group at this base On February 9, 1968 the body of the late Dr. Shin FUKUSHIMA was discovered on the west Ongul Island, 4.2km from the base, 7 years and 4 months after he was reported missing He had gone out of a mess hall on October 10, 1960 and got lost in the blizzard on his way back. The ramams weie cremated on the spot with Buddhist rites
鳥居 鉄也
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.33, pp.1-26, 1968-12

The 8 th Japanese Antarctic wintering party led by Dr. T. TORII consists of 24 members, of which 14 are scientists and the rest logistics supporters. The party was organized succeeding the 7th wintering party, with its project centered on aeronomy andbiology. Items of obseivation are as follows cosmic rays, aurora and aiiglow, lonospheie, atmospheric emissions over a wide range of radio frequencies (ELF, VLF, LF, RF), geomagnetism, meteorology, natural earthquake, biology, glaciology, geomorphology, geochemistry, etc. Construction for the second year after the renovation of Syowa Station included 5 buildings aeronomy laboratory, mess hall, balloon inflation shed, garage and air traffic control building. Keeping pace with the improvement of facilities at the base, consumption of water has increased. Unfortunately, a break developed in a small reservoir, so that the water supply for the summer season was dependent on puddles on sea ice around the base. Electric power was supplied by a separate 20KVA generator for scientific instruments in order to prevent electric noise, and the 45KVA generator was used for general purposes. Shortage in power supply suggested the need for installation of another generator. Two field trips were made to the foreign stations. One trip was to Molodezhnaya Station from August 17 through September 2, 1967. The trip, which covered the course along the east Prince Olav Coast, was designed for observation of gravity, geomorphology, glaciology, biology and geochemistry. The other inland traverse was undertaken from November 5, 1967 through January 15, 1968. The course ran along the longitude 43°E to latitude 75°S and then direct to Plateau Station, having carried out the observation of meteorology, glaciology, geomorphology, geomagnetism and geochemistry. VLF observation was not performed because of a trouble in machinery. The party returned to the base by the same route. Cooperation and help extended by the U. S. A. and USSR parties during the field trips are gratefully acknowledged by the Japanese wintering party. Regular communications with Mawson Station on meteorological data were made five times a day. Data on seismology, Kindices, cosmic rays, etc. were exchanged between the base and U. S A., New Zealand, Australian, French, and USSR stations. Information supplied from IUWDS through Mawson on geoalert and geocast was very useful for the aeronomy group at this base On February 9, 1968 the body of the late Dr. Shin FUKUSHIMA was discovered on the west Ongul Island, 4.2km from the base, 7 years and 4 months after he was reported missing He had gone out of a mess hall on October 10, 1960 and got lost in the blizzard on his way back. The ramams weie cremated on the spot with Buddhist rites
滝沢 隆俊 大島 慶一郎 牛尾 収輝 河村 俊行 榎本 浩之
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.41, no.1, pp.335-346, 1997-03

コスモノート海(60-68°S, 35-65°Eの水域)において, コスモノート・ポリニヤの特徴を明らかにするため, 1987年から1992年の間, JAREの夏観測で得られた水温データの解析を行った。沿岸域には水温-1.5℃以下の冷い水塊が広範囲に存在した。その沖合い北東から北西にかけて, 水温1℃以上の暖かい周極深層水が150m以深に認められた。1987年から1991年のSSM/I画像の解析によると, 持続性のある典型的コスモノート・ポリニヤが1988年に現れた。その他の年は小規模なポリニヤが散発的に出現するのみでポリニヤ活動は弱い年であった。一方, 約66°S, 50-60°Eの沿岸域には例年頻繁に沿岸ポリニヤが現れた。また, コスモノート・ポリニヤから東に向けて, 点在するポリニヤ列がしばしば認められた。このポリニヤ列は, 大気の南極収れん線と海洋の南極発散域に沿って形成されると考えられる。

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