水谷 静夫
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.28, no.2, pp.101-116, 1977-03-20

This essay presents three pieces of small SNOBOL programs: to compose haiku-poems by the kamurizuke plan, to simulate a slot machine for \80 tickets, and to puzzle out "Towers of Hanoi" in a general form. Though such programming itself appears to be only hobby, the emphasis is put upon the meaning of string manipulation as a scientific method which the above programs are based on. The first one was a kind of random generation, the second was, of course, the construction of a non-deterministic finite automaton or a regular grammar, and the third was an application of recursive technique as well-known. Besides, a brief mention is made about aims of programming education for undergraduates of the so-called "literature course".
山根 幸夫
東京女子大學論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.19, no.1, pp.1-15, 1968-09-01

The relation between Japan and China had been very close for a long time in culture. But after Meiji Restoration, as Japan had learned to take in Western civilization, Japanese people began to look down upon China with contempt. Especially after the victory in the Sino-Japanese War, the tendency became remarkable. The author is going to examine the opinions of Japanese scholors who studied China at that time. So the author takes up a historian, Konan Naito and a political scientist, Sakuzo Yoshino, and attempts to compare what each of them regarded the two serious events-the Hsin-hai Revolution and the May Fourth Movement-in Chinese modern history. Naito would not understand at all the new political situation happening in China because of his old view of China only viewing it from the point of national interest. On the other hand Yoshino tried to grasp the tendency of political reform in China just as it was. Specially in regard to the May Fourth Movement he showed a very precise understanding. In Japan of those days, however, the understanding as shown by Naito was easier for Japanese people to accept. Because it was derived from the Japanese national interest. The author concludes that the reason why the general point of view of the Japanese people for China was distorted, was that it was based on the national interest.
内藤 真帆
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.65, no.2, pp.181-200, 2015-03

ヴァヌアツ共和国のツツバ語は、話者数およそ500人の消滅の危機に瀕した言語である。この言語には舌先と上唇とで調音する舌唇音という希少音が存在するが、現在この音は唇音へと音変化しつつある。その要因としては第二次世界大戦下の人口減少と国語ビスラマ語の影響が考えられる。またツツバ語の句構造も変化しつつあり、この要因としては近代化による他言語話者との接触の影響が考えられる。本論文では2001年から今日までの現地調査のデータをもとに、若年齢層と高年齢層の①音声と②句構造を比較する。そして世代間の差異を明らかにするとともに、ツツバ語が変化しつつある要因を、戦争・近代化・国語・教育言語の影響といった観点から、時系列に沿って考察する。The Tutuba language spoken by approximately 500 people in the Republic of Vanuatu is an endangered language. This language has speech sounds which are known as apicolabials. In the Tutuba language, a sound shift from apicolabials to labials is now occurring. In addition, the structure of noun phrases is also now changing, especially among the young.This paper will discuss the factors behind these changes from the viewpoint of the influences of World War Ⅱ, modernization, national language, and educational languages by analyzing research data collected from 2001 to 2014.
光延 真哉
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.68, no.2, pp.33-58, 2018-03
渡辺 正雄
東京女子大學論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.11, no.1, pp.33-52, 1960-10-30

The effect of the so-called "Scientific Revolution", especially that of the "New Astronomy", is very much evident in John Milton's later poems, particularly Paradise Lost. Milton not only lived at the time of Boyle, Hooke and Newton, but also shared the intellectual attitude of the Cambridge Platonists and the Protestant scientists, who refused to accept traditional scholastic authority, exalted "Reason" as the godlike principle in man, and highly valued the study of nature as "the Book of God". As the modern scientific consciousness rejected scholasticism, so the Protestant consciousness of Milton dismissed fictions, fables and mythologies. There still remained for him, however, one source from which he could draw images which were not only poetic but also true: the Bible. Shakespeare, seemingly content with the medieval view of nature, was quite indifferent to the new astronomy. Milton, however, was very much aware of it. Frequent references are made in his Paradise Lost to Galileo's telescope and to the new astronomical wonders manifested by it. These are the sun-spots, the satellites of the planet Jupiter, the phases of the planet Venus, the similarity of the surface of the moon to that of the earth, the Milky Way "powdered with stars", and many fixed stars almost infinitely distant from the earth; all of which powerfully evidenced the Copernican theory. There are also mentioned, besides the mobility of the earth and its similarity to the planets, some conspicuously Galilean and Keplerian speculation that there might exist "other Suns with attendant Moons" and other inhabited worlds. Before he lost his sight, Milton must have surveyed the sky through a telescope on some occasion if not necessarily on his youthful visit to "the famous Galileo grown old, a prisoner to the Inquisition". To this actual sense experience of celestial observation, it seems, he mostly owed the sense of a boundless universe which gave Paradise Lost its unique character as "the first modern cosmic poem" wherein a drama is played out against a background of interstellar space. It is also very likely that Milton was acquainted with the scientific writings of Galileo, Kepler and perhaps of Gilbert. The first one third part of the Book VIII of Paradise Lost is devoted to the discussion on astronomical systems. Adam asks the Angel Raphael whether the earth or the sun is the centre of the world. It is manifest in Raphael's answer that Milton was well aware of the absurdity of the Ptolemaic system and of the beautiful simplicity of the Copernican theory. Yet Milton's Raphael does not give any definite conclusion as to the world systems, but urges Adam to be humble and obedient to God above, saying that though the earth may be so small compared with the firmament, it is given the honour of being waited upon by the host of the heavenly bodies only because of its noble inhabitant, man. Elsewhere, Milton also makes use of the geocentric world picture and traditional view of nature as well as the new. Milton's ultimate concern did not consist in matters of science but in the theocentric humanism, although he frequently took similes and metaphors from science. His conviction of man's moral responsibility outweighed everything else. From this point of view, as is suggested in Raphael's answer, unlimited desire for knowledge of secrets of nature and of God might lead man's mind to the dangers of pride and of disobedience to God. Hence, man must be well controlled by "Reason", which was counted, by Milton as well as by he Cambridge Platonists, as the guiding principle bestowed on man. Whether or not man's free will chooses obedience to God according to reason, is the central theme of Milton's Paradise Lost, and this theme is embodied in the choice of Eve and Adam as to whether they should eat the fruit of the forbidden tree. Twenty years after this drama "Of Man's first disobedience" was published, there appeared Newton's Principia. The modern mind then became more occupied by "Newton's apple" than by "Eve's", and scientific rationalism helped to nourish the spirit of satire in the sphere of literature-which spirit, it will be remembered, was also to make attacks on science itself and on the enthusiasms of the Royal Society, as in the case of Jonathan Swift and other satirists.
森 一郎
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.45, no.2, pp.19-40, 1995-03-08

Since Heidegger made his unique interpretation of Nietzsche public, the image of Nietzsche as "the last metaphysician in the Occident" has spread widely. Indeed, this was Heidegger's great contribution. However, Nietzsche has many puzzling masks and is much greater than Heidegger explained. Indeed, Heidegger was, as one of the post-Nietzsche generation, deeply influenced by Nietzsche. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the remarkable motives inherited from Nietzsche which appear in Heidegger's main work, Being and Time. Above all, Nietzsche's radical 'anti-humanism,' concentrated in his idea of the "superman," is the hidden background of Heidegger's existential analytics of "Dasein." We can recognize this clearly in the fact that both philosophers call into question the specifically modern concept of 'death' as the worst anti-human evil.
森 一郎(1962-)
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.64, no.2, pp.1-25, 0000

In On Revolution Hannah Arendt interprets Melville's Billy Budd, Sailor as a tragedy of natural goodness beyond virtue, and she then proceeds to describe "The Grand Inquisitor" in Dostoyevski's novel The Brothers Karamazov as another classical story of the political consequences of the French Revolution. According to Arendt, Dostoyevski contrasts the mute compassion of Jesus with the eloquent pity of the Inquisitor. Compassion, to be stricken with the suffering of someone else as though it were contagious, and pity, to be sorry without being touched in the flesh, are not only not the same, they may not even be related. While compassion never appears on the public scene, pity can succeed in entering the market-place. Pity as a boundless sentiment, however, invades and destroys every political sphere where men should act and speak to each other deliberately and dispassionately. Is there not such a "bond" of human community that can be the alternative of compassion? Arendt refers us to the very principle that inspires and guides people's actions: solidarity.ハンナ・アーレントは『革命について』のなかで、メルヴィルの『ビリー・バッド』を、徳を超えた自然的善の悲劇だと解し、次いで、ドストエフスキーの小説『カラマーゾフの兄弟』中の「大審問官」を、フランス革命の政治的帰結に関するもう一つの古典的物語として描くことへと向かう。アーレントによれば、ドストエフスキーは、イエスの無言の同情を、大審問官の雄弁な哀れみと対比させている。同情とは、まるで伝染するかのように他人の苦悩に打たれることであって、哀れみとは、肉体的には動かされないままかわいそうに思うことであり、両者は同じものでないばかりか、互いに無関係ですらある。同情は公的舞台に現われることが決してないが、哀れみのほうは、市場に登場することができる。しかしながら、哀れみは、際限のない感傷として、人々が熟慮のうえで冷静に活動し合い言論を交わすべき政治的領域に侵入し、これを破壊してしまう。同情の対案となりうるような、人間共同体の「絆」はないのだろうか。アーレントは、連帯こそ、活動を鼓舞し導くそのような原理なのだ、と指摘する。
竹田 恵子 清原 悠 吉良 智子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.73, no.2, pp.219-241, 2023-03-30

In this paper, we reveal the situation of education on gender/sexuality at Japanese art universities based on both qualitative and quantitative research.We conducted qualitative research from April to December 2021. We had 10 participants, including 5 students and 5 educators, affiliated with 5 universities. In our quantitative research, we found that the situation of gender consciousness varied greatly across universities. At the most enlightened universities, students do not feel a gender gap; however, some students revealed there were sexual assaults and sexual harassment at a few universities. At all the universities we investigated, gender education was not a compulsory subject and was fragmented. Some participants suggested that there was a gap in gender consciousness between male and female students. And an educator suggested that there was a high degree of homosociality between male educators and male students. Almost all participants do not know or use the harassment-prevention system at their universities, or otherwise answered that they cannot trust such systems provided by universities.We then conducted quantitative research from December 2021 to May 2022 at 8 universities and the number of valid responses was 161. Unfortunately, the proportion of male students who answered the quantitative research was too small (18 responses),even though the proportion of male students in fine art is about 30%. This suggests that some male students avoid gender-related issues.In our quantitative research, the data says the circumstance of creation for students is relatively good. On the other hand, the willingness to take gender/sexuality-related courses is generally quite high, with 77%(gender-related courses)and 80.7%(sexuality-related courses)of the respondents answering either “very much” or “fairly much” to the question of whether they would be willing to take such courses. However, the level of knowledge related to gender/sexuality was not high except for a few subjects. More than 50% of students say they cannot trust the harassment-prevention system in their universities. Moreover, more than 50% of students do not know about this system.Through this survey, we can fully recognize the need for gender/sexuality education, especially the need to open gender/sexuality-related courses, and the need for awareness-raising for harassment prevention.本稿では、2020~2021年度に実施した美術大学におけるジェンダー/セクシュアリティ教育の実態調査の概要と結果を示す。近年、芸術分野におけるハラスメントや、ジェンダー・ギャップが問題となり、統計的手法を用いた調査を行おうとする動きが高まっている(竹田2019;表現の現場調査団2022)。美術教育に関する先行研究においても、そもそも女性に対する美術教育は「良妻賢母教育」の一環として行われ、男子学生のカリキュラムにはない「手芸」的要素が含まれていたことが指摘されている(山崎2010)。戦後には国立の美術大学にも女性が入学できるようになり一見平等が達成されたかのようであるが、教員数・学生数のジェンダー比や、美術館に収蔵されている作品の作者、美術館の館長のジェンダー比などを確認すると、そうではないことがわかる(竹田2019)。本稿ではこの実態をさらに詳しく明らかにするために、質的手法、量的手法の両面から調査を行った。質的調査(インタビュー調査)は2020年4月から12月にかけて行った。量的調査(アンケート調査)は電子化し、2021年12月9日から2022年5月31日に実施された。最終的な有効回答数は161である。なお、学校基本調査の美術専攻において3割程度存在する男子学生であるが、量的調査に回答した男子学生の割合は18名(11.2%)で非常に少ない。このことから、男子学生のなかにジェンダーやセクシュアリティに関する事柄に対する忌避意識が存在する可能性がある。結果をつぎから示す。芸術創造環境は質的調査では、大学ごとあるいは大学内の学部・学科ごとにかなり異なることが示唆されたものの、量的調査ではおおむね良好であるという結果となった。また、質的調査においては男子学生と女子学生のジェンダーに対する意識の差、男子学生と男性教員とのホモソーシャルが指摘された。量的調査・質的調査の結果からハラスメント相談室やハラスメント防止ガイドラインの存在の認知度および信頼度に関しては改善の余地があると考えられる。ジェンダー/セクシュアリティ関連科目の有無についてシラバスを検索したところ、多い大学は49少ない大学は9という結果であった。さらにそれらの科目は必修ではないため、受講生の興味によっては、知識獲得水準に格差が出てしまう。実際、ジェンダー/セクシュアリティ関連知識のレベルは一部を除き高いとは言えない。一方ジェンダー/セクシュアリティ関連科目の受講への意欲は「とても思う」「まあ思う」をあわせて77%(ジェンダー関連科目)80.7%(セクシュアリティ関連科目)とかなり高い。またクロス集計の結果から、大学の友人・知人間での「ジェンダーの話題」と「セクシュアリティの話題が出る群の方が、ジェンダー/セクシュアリティの授業を受講したいと考える傾向が有意に高いこと、また「ジェンダーの話題」と「セクシュアリティの話題」の回答の傾向が似通っていることが確認できた。大学におけるジェンダー/セクシュアリティの話題の経験に応え得るものとして、ジェンダー/セクシュアリティ教育への需要が存在することを示す結果と言えよう。本調査を通してジェンダー/セクシュアリティ教育、特にジェンダー/セクシュアリティ関連科目開講および必修化の必要性、ハラスメント予防啓発の必要性が十分に認識できる結果となった。
黒沢 文貴
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.58, no.1, pp.85-114, 2007-09

In the Meiji period, Japan looked to Western powers for a model of modernization, and many reports on things Western were published. Some were reports by government-funded survey missions, and others were travel accounts by private individuals who had gone overseas. Regardless of the type of writing, each work reflected the image of "a model, modern nation" as seen by its author. In this essay, I will discuss several representative writings that helped shape Japanese perceptions of Belgium in the Meiji-Taisyo period.
内堀 麻衣
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.68, no.1, pp.219-232, 2017-09-15

矢澤 澄子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.59, no.1, pp.85-116, 2008-09

Japanese society has been facing elder care crisis since the 1980's epitomized by a so-called "nursing hell" which has resulted from a care service shortage for the increasing number of elderly people. The national elder care insurance system commenced in 2000 as a response to the above situation. It was a paradigm change to the social care of elderly people, from a limited adminis-trative service by the government, to a social care insurance system with individual choice and mutual help by contract with the government.This article examines the basic idea of a care model for the elder care insurance system (a care model for 'decent life' for elderly people) and attempts to discover influences from the ideas and practice of group homes for elderly people with dementia developed in local areas since the 1980's prior to the institutionalization of the elder care insurance system. The article also analyses the gap between the idea of a care model for the elder care insurance system and the reality of care workers facing difficulties in workplaces, based on empirical research of care workers in group homes. The research was based on a questionnaire designed by our research group in 2006, and sent by mail to 1382 workers all over Japan.In conclusion, the paper proposes the necessity of re-examining and improving the design and contents of the elder care insurance system, in order to realize its original ideas and purpose as the national social care system, by strengthening public responsibility and financial support at the national as well as local level. It is the only way to maintain a high quality of elder care service in the system and respond to the sincere desires of care workers who work diligently for long hours and receive low salaries.少子高齢化と「介護の危機」(ケアの危機)が進行するなか、日本では2000年を起点としていわゆる社会福祉基礎構造改革により、高齢者介護サービスは、措置制度から介護保険制度(自由契約制度)へとパラダイム転換を行った。本論文は、日本の社会的介護(ソーシャル・ケア)の要を担う介護保険制度の理念、目標像がどのように明確化され制度化されてきたのかについて、特に制度の理念・目標像の構築に大きな影響を与えてきた、認知症高齢者グループホーム実践(認知症対応型共同生活介護)の展開過程との関連に注目して考察する。また制度の運用と改変の過程で顕在化してきた理念・目標像と運用・実践の間の矛盾や、2005年の制度改正以降とくに深刻化している理念・目標像と利用者の選択権や現場ケアワーカーの労働実態との間に広がる乖離の中身についても全国調査に基づき検証する。論文では日本の介護保険制度の形成・改変過程を見据え、制度の理念・目標像、介護保険政策の展開、介護現場の実態の3者を相互に関連づけながら、制度の成熟と「望ましいケア実践」にむけて何が問われているかを明らかにする。いま多くの認知症高齢者グループホームでは、介護保険制度の運用と改正の負の影響を受け、ケアワーカーたちが利用者と制度の狭間で苦悩し、他の介護施設と同様にホーム運営(経営)の瀬戸際で解決すべき複雑な困難に直面している。介護保険の「お年寄りをどんどん切り捨てる」「机の上だけて決められている制度」と「介護実践の場」の現状との間にある大きな乖離は早急に埋める必要がある。そのために国・地方自治体は、現場の声にしっかり耳を傾け、制度の改善・改革にむけてどのように有効な政策的対応をとりうるのかに真剣に立ち向かうことが求められている。
武笠 桃子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.68, no.1, pp.125-142, 2017-09

宇野 公一郎
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.63, no.2, pp.87-139, 2013-03

In this article I have translated and annotated the "Way of Enthronement (Inzira Y'Uubwimika)" from the esoteric royal ritual code (ubwiru) of Rwanda. Once enthroned, the Rwandan king was no longer a human being. This transformation was accomplished through two ritual processes. In the first process a prince became a king by receiving the regalia, taking oaths, and obtaining the public approval. In the second process the new king acquired the supreme power through his participation in the rituals to regenerate the kingdom. Throughout the "Way of Enthronement" was emphasized the military power of the new king to gain triumphs over the enemy kingdoms. This reflected the fact that Rwanda was incessantly at war during the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries. It was also mainly from the military concerns that the interregnum was made shortest.本稿はルワンダの王朝秘典ubwieuから「即位の道」(Inzira Y'Uubwimika)に訳・注をつけた。ルワンダでは王は人間ではなく、即位式が人間を王に変えた。即位式は二つの儀礼過程から成る。一つは、先王からのレガリアの引継、宣誓、公衆への顔見せと承認によって一人の王子が王になる過程である。もう一つは、王国を甦らせる諸儀礼の主役を演じることを通じて新王が至高性を獲得していく過程である。「即位の道」で、終始一貫して強調されるのは王の軍事機能、敵国に勝つ能力である。これは18–19世紀のルワンダが恒常的な臨戦態勢をとっていたことと符合する。空位期を「乗り越えるべき難局」と見なし、手早く新王を即位させてしまうのも、軍事的配慮が大きく作用していたと思われる。この軍事の卓越にルワンダの即位式の一つの大きな特徴を見ることができるだろう。
黒川 修司
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.65, no.2, pp.79-109, 2015-03

髙橋 修
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.69, no.2, pp.31-58, 2019-03

Matsui Isamu(松井 勇1894~1946)who was an engineer of special effect(SFX)at first time mostly in Japan. He went to the United States in the Taisyo period, and learned cinematography technique from Roy. J. POMEROY who won Academy Award the 1st time. Matsui Isamu acquired the patents of a movie after he went back to Japan. He produced the movies of special effects. It wasn't being studied about him because there was little related material, therefore it was unclear about his life and work. This paper aims to clearfy the following two points: first of all, I will write Matsui Isamu's biography, secondly, I will consider about the role he achieved in a Japanese movie. 松井 勇(1894 ~ 1946)は、日本映画界にあってほぼ最初期の特撮映画の技師である。彼は大正期にアメリカに留学をし、第1回アカデミー賞技術効果賞受賞者である R.ポメロイから映画技術を学んだ。日本に帰国してからは、映画に関する特許を取得し、特撮技術を活用した映画を発表した。 だが、従来の映画史では、関連資料が少なかったことから、彼に関する研究はなされておらず、その人と作品については不明であった。そこで本稿では、松井勇の生涯を実証的に明らかにし、そのことをとおして、彼が日本映画史に果たした役割を考察することを目的とする。
守谷 亜紀子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.57, no.2, pp.31-50, 2007-03

Yukio Mishima's Ao no Jidai paints a picture of a young person's life that is ruined. However, the work does not allow the reader to feel the tragedy. Rather, the hero is painted in a humorous way. This is because of the irony in the work. This irony is an important element that influences the world of the story. I analyzed the irony in Ao no Jidai. The irony is a way of making things relative. There are four characteristics of the irony: the indivisibility of two sides, destructiveness, creativity, and escapism and self-defense. In this paper, Ao no Jidai is analyzed on the basis of each characteristic. The analysis shows that the hero is a person alienated from the real world. Moreover, his inner side is described humorously and treated as false. The hero's self-destructive way of life is also ironical. Ao no Jidai is funny and also tragic. It can be said that hero's way of life is tragic, but regarding the human inner side as false is the characteristic irony of this work. The humor in Ao no Jidai is one side of the world of the nothingness which negative irony makes.

2 0 0 0 OA 稚児の性

橋立 亜矢子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.60, no.2, pp.49-78, 2010-03-15

There is a deep relationship between Japanese people and pages. This deep relationship can be observed in medieval picture scrolls and at various festivals in Japan that still exist.Pages always wear made-up and splendid costumes. They are apotheosized by people and regarded as media to Divine beings or their embodiment.The background to their sacredness comes from their age, at which there is no social distinction by gender, and their existence in medieval monasteries.In discussing the sacredness of children and the position of pages in medieval monasteries, this thesis attempts to find the background to people's feelings toward pages. The thesis also discusses “the gender of pages" which differs from that of adults and of ordinary children.
奥川 裕 / 工藤 恵理子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.60, no.1, pp.131-143, 2009-03-10

Previous studies have shown that people tend to overestimate the extent to which others can discern their internal states, such that liars tend to overestimate the detectability of their lies (e.g., Gilovich, Savitsky, & Medvec, 1998). In this study, we examined the effect of regulatory focus on the tendency to overestimate the detectability of lies. According to the regulatory focus theory (e.g., Higgins, 1998), prevention-focused people try to avoid failure. We hypothesized that the magnitude of the overestimation of detectability by liars increases when they are prevention-focused rather than promotion-focused. In the experiment, participants were randomly assigned to be an actor (liar) or an observer. Liars overestimated the detectability of their lies by observers and this tendency was more pronounced when liars were prevention-focused.
髙橋 修
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.69, no.2, pp.31-58, 2019-03-30

Matsui Isamu(松井 勇1894~1946)who was an engineer of special effect(SFX)at first time mostly in Japan. He went to the United States in the Taisyo period, and learned cinematography technique from Roy. J. POMEROY who won Academy Award the 1st time. Matsui Isamu acquired the patents of a movie after he went back to Japan. He produced the movies of special effects. It wasn't being studied about him because there was little related material, therefore it was unclear about his life and work. This paper aims to clearfy the following two points:first of all, I will write Matsui Isamu’s biography, secondly, I will consider about the role he achieved in a Japanese movie. 松井 勇(1894 ~ 1946)は、日本映画界にあってほぼ最初期の特撮映画の技師である。彼は大正期にアメリカに留学をし、第1回アカデミー賞技術効果賞受賞者である R.ポメロイから映画技術を学んだ。日本に帰国してからは、映画に関する特許を取得し、特撮技術を活用した映画を発表した。 だが、従来の映画史では、関連資料が少なかったことから、彼に関する研究はなされておらず、その人と作品については不明であった。そこで本稿では、松井勇の生涯を実証的に明らかにし、そのことをとおして、彼が日本映画史に果たした役割を考察することを目的とする。