鳥居 フミ子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.38, no.2, pp.p47-71, 1988-03

The love story of Emperor Genso and Yokihi, first made popular in 'Chogonka', has been adapted for a variety of literary works since the Heian Period. In the popular version Atsuta Myojin (gracious deity), incarnated as Yokihi, fascinates Genso in order to frustrate his plan of invading and plundering Japan. To-no-Genso is an adaptation from this popular version of the traditional story of Genso and Yokihi; it is a characteristic honji-mono. In To-no-Genso, the lovers' merrymaking at the Kasei-kyu (Palace) and their michiyuki to Bakai-ga-hara (Plain) are typical examples of fushigoto, which feature beautiful song passages accompanied by samisen music. In this may To-no-Genso magnifies the world of the 'Chogonka' and the preceding ko-joruri to introduce a novel type of drama.
茂木 敏夫
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.65, no.1, pp.45-61, 2014-09-30

The world order that prevailed in East Asia was one in which relations between Chinese dynasties and neighboring countries, regions, and social groups were formed as relationships of tribute and investiture on basis of Sinocentric civilized/barbarian thought and the Confucian ideals of rule by virtue and propriety. This interpretation has become fixed in recent years, and it is now necessary to reconsider.
湯川 やよい
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.69, no.2, pp.151-168, 2019-03-30

This paper examines students’ analyses in a university qualitative research training class. The participants, especially those who identify themselves as sexual majority, gave additional reflexive analysis on the process of their research practices in which they collect and interpret narratives of those who identify themselves as sexual minority. The study revealed that by employing reflexive analysis based on “dialogical approach”, the students not only gained knowledge about minorities, but also frequently gained opportunities to question their own presuppositions towards gender norms.本稿では、大学における社会調査実習科目で履修者たちが執筆した報告書を題材に、自らをマジョリティと位置づける立場から性的マイノリティの経験に関心を抱く学生たちが、マイノリティ当事者の調査協力者たちとどのようにかかわり、当該テーマ課題についての学びをどのように深め、またその過程でどのように自らの調査実践をリフレクシヴに言語化するのかを検討している。考察の結果、履修者たちのリフレクシヴな考察が、性的マイノリティにかんする既存知識のより身体化された理解、およびマジョリティとマイノリティとの関係性再考など、様々な学びの深化につながることが明らかになった。単に性的マイノリティについての知識を得ることに留まらず、マジョリティ自身が前提視するジェンダー規範を問い直す過程は、迷いながらも目の前の調査協力者と一定期間向き合い、その経験に近づこうとする調査プロセスの中で可能となったものである。
内堀 麻衣
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.68, no.1, pp.219-232, 2017-09

工藤 恵理子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.67, no.1, pp.255-266, 2016-09

倉持 和雄
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.67, no.2, pp.125-146, 2017-03

本合 陽
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.54, no.1, pp.81-104, 2003-09-22

The purpose of this paper is to reevaluate the place of Henry Blake Fuller's Bertram Cope's Year (1919) in the critical appraisal. Analysis of the connection between marriage and the erotic triangle as a literary device in the novel will lead us to the reevaluation. This will then be reinforced by an exploration into the hidden tradition of the device. The device was contrived to express covertly but ingeniously the homoerotic desire that still had to be closeted at the time when Fuller published the novel. In order to prove it, the use of such words as "Sappho" and "Urania" is pointed out first. These words can imply homoerotic nuance in the context of the time. Next, we discuss how the narrator/author reinforces this homoerotic implication by adroitly manipulating the contrasts of three triangular relationships with marriage as a literary means to imbue the relationships with eroticism: a young female's desire to idealize and marry the protagonist in a triangle, accordingly, overlaps with a middle-aged widow's erotic desire for him in another triangle, which, in turn, overlaps with a middle-aged bachelor's homoerotic desire for him in still another triangle. Then, the contrast and analogy between the three triangles and other ones are analyzed to show the homoerotic desire hidden in each male character. The "triangular desire" defined by Rene Girard and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's theory on homosocial relationship based on Girard's formulation give us the frame to analyze the literary device. However, the function of the triangle in this novel lies neither in the emphasis on rivalry in Girard's triangle nor in the asymmetry of the two sides in a triangle on which Sedgwick insists in her revision of Girard's formulation. It rather lies in the interchangeability or parallelism between the sides of the triangle. The point is that the side between the subject and the object and that between the object and, according to Girard's word, the "mediator" illuminate each other and reveal the hidden desire. In conclusion, Bertram Cope, the protagonist is the mediator who exposes the hidden homoerotic desire of the male characters: this literary device is the author's homoerotic gaze toward the characters and his work. In order to indicate the possibility to trace the hidden tradition, similar connections between marriage and the erotic triangle are briefly discussed in Allan Dale's "A Marriage below Zero" (1889) and Bayard Taylor's "Twin-Love" (1872). Then, finally, it is suggested that Fuller was aware of Henry James's The Bostonians (1886) when he wrote Bertram Cope's Year by pointing out some intertextual evidences, which also suggest the possibility of a homoerotic reading of The Bostonians.
馬場 朗
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.67, no.1, pp.35-55, 2016-09

This final part of our study, the earlier part of which was published in the most recent issue of our Bulletin(vol. LXVI(n. 2), 2016), focuses on the important role played by tactility in the theatrical representation of Rousseau's famous mélodorame Pygmalion.In fact, developing and integrating the autobiographic problems since his first published drame Narcisse, Rousseau revitalizes in his melodrama the tactility of Ovid's text, already emphasized partially by Jean de Meun (the second part of the Roman de la Rose) contrary to the illusory visibility concerning the story of Narcisse. Firstly it is important to note the context of Rousseau's musical practice and thought: the author not only introduces a new music-dramatic form mélodrame or scène lyrique but rather opposes, in a sense, the creative and repetitive tactility of its personae precisely with the marvelous and spectacular visibility of the contemporary baroque opera of France. However, more crucial, in concert with his Émile and the Essai sur l'origine des langues, this critical position extends to the serious questioning of contemporary aesthetics in general: this aesthetics, still linked with the classical Poetics of vraisemblance that has been elaborated since the 17th century, is based at the same time on the ideal of static artwork and on the pictorial visibility as a totality to be grasped clearly and simultaneously. In other words, Rousseau's Pygmalion certainly begins to redirect the newborn modern aesthetics from its classical ideal, presenting the statue Galathée as artwork in progressing (even after its animation) and underlining the repetitive tactility of the creative acts as well as loving ones. In this light, this melodrama anticipates already the new aesthetics of tactility of Herder in Germany.本研究はこの最終部で、既に本紀要に発表した前半部(第六六巻(二号)、二〇一六年)を受けた上で、ルソーのメロドラム『ピュグマリオン』の演劇性における触覚性を巡る分析を集中的に行う。実際、ルソーは、自身の初めて公開された劇作『ナルシス』以来の自伝的問題圏を発展的に組み込みつつ、オウィディウス原典に潜在する触覚性を再活性化する(ピュグマリオンの触覚性は既に部分的ながらも『薔薇物語』第二部のジャン・ド・マンによってナルシスの錯覚的視覚性と対比されつつ改めて強調されていた)。まずはそのルソーの音楽実践・思想上の文脈が重要となる。ルソーはこの音楽劇実践で単に「メロドラム」又は「セーヌ・リリック」という新たな音楽劇形式を導入しただけではない。むしろ登場人物達の創造的で反復的な触覚性を同時代のフランス・バロック・オペラの驚異的でスペクタクル的な視覚性にある意味で対立させる。しかしより枢要なのは、この批判的立場が同時代の美学全体の問題化にまで及んでいることである。この美学は、ルソーの同時期の著作『エミール』や『言語起源論』とも歩調を合わせつつ、十七世紀以来練り上げられてきた「真実らしさ(vraisemblance)」に基づく古典主義的詩学の強い影響のもと、静態的作品という理想と、明晰・全体瞬時に把握されるべき全体性としての絵画的視覚性に基礎付けられるからである。つまり、彫像ガラテを(生命化後さえ)生成する作品として提示することで、そして愛する行為であり創造行為の反復的触覚性を強調することで、ルソーの『ピュグマリオン』は古典主義的理想との決別をこの誕生期の近代美学に求めていると言って良い。この意味で、確かにこの音楽劇は直後のドイツにおけるヘルダーによる触覚の美学を既に予告するのである。
木幡 瑞枝
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.27, no.2, pp.p15-43, 1977-03

Ist die Theaterkunst wirklich eine synthetische Kunst? Die Theaterauffuhrung setzt sich zwar aus Drama, Regie, Schauspieler, Zuschauer, Buhne und Parterre zusammen. Aber bei der Auffuhrung funktioniert jedes Element fur sich. Jene konzentrieren sich im Laufe einziger Zeit, worin sie uns das Theater, z. B. die Tragodie, vorsstellen. Auf dem tragischen Gipfel ruft der Schauspieler nach dem Unendlichen. Was geschieht dort es? Die Struktur des Tragischen wird in der Tragodie anschaulich und sie lasst sich nur auf ironisch-widerspruchsvolle Weise erfassen. Dort stehen Natur und Freiheit im Gegensatz. Dennoch bildet es den zentralen Inhalt der Tragodie, dass sie diesen Gegensatz wiederum auf transzendente Weise zur Einheit bringt. Die Welt begegnet in diesem den Gegensatz zur Einheit bringenden Augenblick-man konnte ihn "kαιρos" des Tragischen nennen-der Ewigkeit auf der Buhne. Eben durch diesen Kairos wird man von dem Leiden vollig befreit. Es handelt sich dabei um diese ironische Begegnung, die uns gerade in ihrer asthetischen Empfindung den Wert des Lebens zum deutlichen Bewusstsein bringt.
矢澤 澄子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.59, no.2, pp.111-143, 2009-03

This paper aims to investigate some of the problems encountered by group homes for the elderly with dementia in Japan. The National Care Insurance Scheme, implemented in 2000, consolidated the financial foundation and determined an overall framework for the national social care service system for the elderly in Japan. Among many care service facilities constructed under the above scheme, the group home has been recognized as the most user-friendly care home for the elderly with dementia and its construction has been widely promoted all over Japan. However, it has now been realized that group homes have their own problems, which should not be overlooked. Firstly, I shall highlight the problem of the poor working conditions of the overburdened care workers, who are mainly women. Secondly, I shall examine the problematic aspect of the ideology of gendered "homely care" provided in group homes and its impact on the care workers' working conditions. Thirdly, I shall propose my view on how to tackle the above problems.The Care Work Study Group, of which I am a member, conducted two surveys; a questionnaire survey by post on care workers working in group homes all over Japan in 2006 and an interview survey with directors and staff of group homes located in Hiroshima, Aomori and Yamaguchi prefectures from 2006 to 2008. The result of both surveys demonstrates the poor working conditions and low payment of the care workers: a workforce made up largely of women. In spite of their poor working conditions, the care workers express a pride in the quality of the service they provide to the elderly based on the ideology of "homely care," which means they aim to make the elderly feel like they were staying in their own home by providing an attentive care service meeting each individual's needs in a homely, cozy environment. This can be seen as the positive aspect of "homely care." However, such an attentive care service often imposes an endless workload on the care workers and pressure on the female workers to behave as if they are fulfilling the traditional gender role of Japanese women in the home. The more the care workers appreciate and accept the ideology, the larger their workload becomes, so that in the end they fall into the pitfall of the negative aspect of gendered "homely care."In order to provide a high quality "homely care service" in its true meaning, it is important for those working in the administration of the service to listen to the real voice of the care workers and make a greater effort to improve the caring environment.本稿の目的は、日本の社会的介護の仕組みの要となる介護保険制度の下で、高齢者介護のケアモデルとしても推奨されてきた認知症高齢者グループホーム(認知症対応型共同生活介護)における女性中心にジェンダー化されたケアワーカーの労働実態と、そこでの「家庭的なケア」の陥穽について検討することである。そのため第1に、筆者らの「ケアワーク研究会」が実施した全国のグループホームで働くケアワーカーへの郵送調査票調査 (2006. 11) や、広島・青森・山口県の複数のグループホームでの施設長、職員への聞き取り調査 (2006, 2007, 2008) に基づき、認知症高齢者グループホームにおけるケアワーカー(介護職)の低賃金・低待遇労働の実態を分析する。第2に、ケアワーカーが、グループホームの理念でもある「家庭的なケア」「生活ケア」つまり「小規模の家庭的な環境・雰囲気の下での一人ひとりを大切にした日常生活ケア」について、どのように考え、感じているかを詳細に分析し、「現場の声」が明らかにしているジェンダー化された「家庭的なケア」の陥穽について考察する。そして第3に、グループホームでの「家庭的なケア」(「生活ケア」)の理念・実践と改正介護保険制度の間に広がる乖離についても検討し、ケアワーカーたちの「声」に真摯に耳を傾けることなしには、グループホーム、また介護保険制度下での「よいケア」「生活ケア」の実現は困難なことを、本稿での実証分析を通して明らかにする。グループホームというケアの場は、家庭的で(アットホームで)、人間らしい触れ合いによる「生活ケア」の実践を目標像として構成され、それがケアワーカーたちの「働き甲斐」を生み出している。しかしグループホームは同時に、彼女/彼らの仕事上でのストレスやジレンマを生み出し続ける「家庭的なケア」装置を内包している。この意味でそこは、他の介護現場にも増してジェンダー化された「両義的なケアの場」である。ケアワーカーが、さまざまな介護現場で「ジェンダー化されたケア」の陥穽に陥ることなく、本来の「生活ケア」を実践できるように、国は大胆な発想の転換を行い、介護労働者・利用者・家族のケアの権利を保障する法制度を整備し、地方自治体の政策主体や事業主体は、ケア環境の大幅な改善に努める必要があろう。
今井 久登 石井 幸子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.58, no.1, pp.139-160, 2007-09

In this article, we report on an experimental investigation of the spontaneous, uncued recall of prospective memories (memories for activities to be performed at a later time). Einstein & McDaniel (1990) developed an experimental paradigm for investigating prospective memory, in which participants were required to perform both an ongoing task (e.g., remembering words presented on the PC screen) and a prospective memory task (e.g., pressing a designated key whenever they saw a particular word, such as rake). They also claimed that there are two types of prospective memory: one is event-based prospective memory recall, which is triggered by another event ("I will give a message to John when I meet him"), and the other is time-based prospective memory recall, which is to be done after a particular period of time has elapsed (I will call Mary in 30 minutes") or at a certain time ("I will watch TV at 7:00 PM"). We examine the nature of the Einstein and McDaniel's paradigm and show that several important aspects of prospective memory have been left unstudied; specifically, spontaneous, uncued recall. We consider that it is caused by the cue-oriented nature of the paradigm. Furthermore, considering the prospective memory function in our everyday life, we cast doubt of the validity of the dissociation between time-based and event-based prospective memory. To investigate these two issues, we conducted a task-content oriented experiment which was a refined version of Einstein and McDaniel's paradigm. Thirteen undergraduates (9 male and 4 female) were presented 4 photographs on the PC screen simultaneously, and were required to judge which one of these four belonged to a different category (ongoing task). They were also required to stop the ongoing task when a photograph of envelopes was presented during the ongoing task and to call the experimenter in order to answer a questionnaire in an envelope before the experiment finished. Six participants were randomly assigned to an uncued condition, in which the photograph of envelopes was not actually presented (a photograph of a compass was presented instead) and 7 participants to a cued condition. The result showed that, although the expected recall cue was not presented, all the participants in uncued condition spontaneously remembered the prospective memory task. Furthermore, it was revealed that spontaneous recall did not occur randomly; instead, it frequently occurred near the end of the ongoing task, which is similar to the U-shaped clock-checking curve in the time-based prospective memory research (Ceci et al., 1988). These results suggest that participants in the uncued condition performed their event-based prospective memory task as a time-based one, and support our claim that prospective memory has both a time-based and event-based nature.
有賀 美和子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.57, no.2, pp.151-183, 2007-03

Caregiving is obviously an indispensable and foundational labor of liberal society. But the market and political economy long associated with liberalism leave caregivers, who are overwhelmingly women, profoundly vulnerable. Caregiving for the young or for the elderly not only creates enormous economic vulnerability for caregivers but also prevents them from participating in political and cultural life on equal terms with other citizens. In a liberal world that depends crucially upon caregiving labor, it would be reasonable to suppose that the rights of caregivers might be given a very high priority. However, according to R. West, despite the crucial role of care in producing autonomous and independent individuals, there has never been a right to material support for those who do this work. Caregivers have never enjoyed rights to either the financial or the in-kind assistance that would guarantee them some measure of security in their caregiving work. She claims that individuals should have a fundamental right to care for their dependents in liberal societies, so that caregiving does not impoverish the caregiver, leaving her and her dependents vulnerable. In liberal societies, rights protect individuals' autonomy, choices, contracts, property, conscience, and so forth, while no regime of rights protects caregivers or caregiving labor. Rights have never been viewed as a source of support for caregivers within liberalism. Rather, in contemporary liberal societies, rights have helped women when they are acting as individuals in their individualistic and atomistic lives. Thus women, like men, enjoy rights of autonomy, conscience, movement, association, contract, property, and so on. Women also now enjoy "nondiscrimination" rights not to be irrationally categorized or classified according to stereotypical notions of women's nature, a stereotype generally derived from their work as caregivers. That is, a woman has a right not to be stereotypically presumed to be a caregiver, and if she is a caregiver, she has a rightnot to be stereotypically presumed to have certain traits, such as an inability to engage in market wage labor or fulfill political, civic roles, because of her caregiving work. Furthermore, in almost all contemporary liberal societies, so-called privacy rights typically protect women who, acting individualistically, decide not to be caregivers or to limit their caregiving obligations. But it is important to recognize that, whether chosen or not, caregiving potentially impoverishes the caregivers, for reasons that quite sharply distinguish it from other "chosen" paths of life. As E. Kittay argues, caregivers, because of both moral and emotional imperatives, are unlikely to use traditional levers of economic struggle to remedy the risks of impoverishment and diminished opportunities brought on by this labor. Unpaid caregiving is not work that caregivers (should) simply abandon, when an equal or more rewarding opportunity presents itself. Caregivers cannot be regarded as autonomous, "at will" employees, who can terminate their employment at any time, should a better opportunity come along. Unlike employees-at-will, caregivers enjoy no such autonomy. They are not free to leave the job at any point and thereby exert pressure to improve their working conditions by virtue of their legal freedom to walk off the job. Rather, caregivers are emotionally and ethically committed to the work of caring for their dependents. They do not unionize or strike for better working conditions, and they do not commodify their labor. Consequently, caregivers have all the vulnerability but none of the solace and certainly none of the security from the "at will" aspect of their employment. Their "autonomy" does not protect them. If caregiving is not to impoverish or diminish the opportunities of those who engage in it they need familial, community, or state support, whether or not the decision to embark on the caregiving path was voluntarily taken. Some feminists and women's studies scholars including notably C. Gilligan and N. Noddings have argued that the obvious incapacity of liberalism to embrace dependency work reflects an even larger incongruence. The ethic of rights, Gilligan and Noddings argue, has been constructed in a way that is diametrically antithetical to an ethic of caregiving. If so, then it is not at all surprising that rights have not been reconfigured so as to protect the vulnerabilities to which caregiving leads. The modes of thought to construct the former are radically at odds with the modes of being central to the doing of the latter. Liberal rights fail to protect caregivers fundamentally because the "rights mentality" is at war with caring labor. Like the dependency critique developed by M. Fineman and E. Kittay, the ethical critique suggested in the work of Gilligan and Noddings (and others) suggests that liberalism and the rights at its core are in some fundamental way incompatible with the work of caregiving. According to both of these lines of analysis the exclusion of caregivers (who are overwhelmingly women) from liberalism's domain is structural and even definitional. It will not be overcome by insisting on the formal equality of women to men or the equal availability to all of previously gendered roles either in the world of wage work or domestic labor. Caregivers will continue to be excluded, regardless of whether or not women are welcomed to liberalism's domain and regardless of whether it is women or men doing the caregiving work. What has not been systematically explored to date in either the liberal and constitutional literature on rights, or the philosophical writing on the ethic of care, is the possibility of constructing liberal rights so as to protect the interests, needs, material security, and aspirations of caregivers. Liberalism has unquestionably, to date been hostile to caregivers and caregiving labor but it may be excessively pessimistic to assume that liberalism is configured by definition so as to exclude the consideration of caregivers or the work they do. Liberalism and rights may prove more pliable than that. It is not at any rate obvious that a generous and reconfigured liberalism understood as a philosophical guide to political choice, is dependent upon a false and counter-experiential account of human nature. Probably what we ought to conclude from the inhumane failure of the liberal rights tradition to date to extend protective rights to the needs of caregivers is that liberalism needs to be amended. At all events it seems that the most "natural" conclusion to draw from both Gilligan and Noddings's demonstration of our rights culture's failure to acknowledge the ethical dimension of care and Fineman's and Kittay's critique of liberalism's failure to protect the caregiving labor required by our human condition, is that liberalism ought be expanded so as to embrace a right to care with all deliberate speed.
Watson Victor 田中 美保子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.67, no.1, pp.281-293, 2016-09

本稿は、前号に続く、Lucy M. Bostonの児童書Green Knoweシリーズ全6巻を「音」の描かれ方に注目して考察した論考の翻訳の後半である。前3作同様、物語の舞台は、Bostonが長年住んでいたイングランドで人が住み続けている最古の家をモデルにした館とその周辺である。シリーズ第4巻A Stranger at Green Knowe (1961)は、文体と構成の完璧な融合、深いテーマなどから、動物物語のイギリス児童文学最高傑作の1つである。これ以前の3作にも現れていたBostonの言葉に対するこだわりと情熱がこの巻に結実している。Bostonは、描写の密度と物語の緊張を合致させ、情熱的で詳細な説明によって、読者に「正義」を強く求める「語りの欲求」('narrative desire')とでも言うものを積み重ねていくような手法を取っている。シリーズ最後の2作では、作家として、物語をすっきり終息させていこうとするBostonの姿勢が窺える。第5巻An Enemy at Green Knowe (1964)では、理想化された子どもを三人登場させ、特別でかけがえのない古い館に対するBostonの確固としたこだわりを言葉で随所に明示する。最終巻The Stones of Green Knowe (1976)では、この館を建てたノルマン人の少年を登場させ現代にタイムトリップさせる。衰退していく世界の非常に現実的で暗澹たる姿をこの物語に見る者もいるだろうが、この作品は12世紀の暮らしが手に取るようにわかる歴史小説の名作であるとも言える。いったん外れたかのように見えた「時間」というテーマに、Bostonは再び立ち返っている。但し、直線的な時間軸を前後に行き来するように見えながら、物語全体の構成は円環的である。人生の終息を意識する作家自身の年齢(この巻出版時84歳)を考えると当然であろう。どの巻でも、どのような手法を用いるとしても、Bostonの視点は常に若い読者に置かれている。そのうえで、この作家にとって非常に大切であった死と衰退の問題を、慰めと快活さと静けさによって子どもも楽しめるファンタジー文学作品として結実させている。それは、あらゆる種類の音が、時を超越した深い静寂の中に融け込んでいる世界である。
川村 輝典
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.32, no.2, pp.1-15, 1982-03-20

The purpose of this paper is to examine the meaning of "Today" in Heb 3:17-4:11 and to clarify how much the salvation mentioned in this letter covers. The first problem which arises in our discussion is the division of the "Today" into three ages: the age of the wilderness generation, that of the Psalmic generation and that of the Hebrew generation. Is this way of division possible or necessary? Does the notion of "Today" apply to each of these three ages? Our conclusion is that there is not so much a three-fold division of "Today" as a two-fold division: the lost "Today" of the wilderness generation and the "Today" which has been effective since the Psalmic generation. The second problem is the destiny of Joshua and his followers: have they dropped off from salvation and missed the chance of entering into rest? They are not those whose bodies fell in the wilderness. In this sense, they did not sin and suffer from the anger of God. However, the author of the Book of Joshua (=Deutronomist) must have thought they did not enter into rest. The Psalmist stands in the same position as the Deutronomist. He thinks of rest as peace in God. According to him, Joshua and his followers did not enter into rest. How about Israel in the age of the Psalms? The Psalmist thinks that the new "Today" is shown to them. There is still a chance for them to enter into rest. Can they really enter into rest, though? As H. Windisch, E. Riggenbach, and H. Strathmann suggest, "Today" is a time extending to the parousia. If we think so, those who wait for salvation, including all the people since the Psalmist told about "Today", have a chance to enter into this rest. Therefore, couldn't we also add Joshua and his followers?
宇野 公一郎
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.61, no.2, pp.95-138, 2011-03

In this article I have translated and annotated "The Way to Decorate the Drum with the Trophy of War (Inzira yo kwambik ingoma)," a section of the esoteric royal ritual Code, the Ubwiru, of Rwanda. In addition, I have compared the customs of nearby kingdoms of the Great Lakes Region of Africa focusing on the royal drums and mutilation of the bodies of the dead. From this comparison I have discussed that although mutilation of the bodies of dead enemy and placing fetishes on royal drums are found in the different parts of the region, the systematization of the rituals to decorate the royal drum by hanging the enemy king's testicles was found only in Rwanda. Furthermore, I have outlined the history of Rwanda's expeditions to expand the territory and surveyed especially on abahinza (the native chiefs). From this I conclude that "The Way to Decorate the Drum with the Trophy of War" strongly reflects the increase of the military expeditions of the Kigeri IV Rwabugiri in the latter half of the 19th century, especially the Rwandanization of the abahinza's territory in the western and northern regions of the kingdom.本稿はルワンダの王朝秘典ubwiruの1つ「太鼓に戦利品を飾る道」に訳・注をつけた。そしてそれを補うために、まず、王権太鼓と死体毀損に注目しながら大湖地方の諸王国の習俗を比較した。その結果、敵の死体の毀損、王権太鼓への呪物の添付といった個々の要素は大湖地方のあちこちに見られるが、敵王の睾丸で飾りを作って王権太鼓に吊す儀式を制度化した国はルワンダ以外にはなかったことが明らかになった。さらに、ルワンダの対外拡張戦争を概観したうえでヒンザ(土着首長)について考察した。その結果、「太鼓に戦利品を飾る道」は19世紀後半のKigeri IV Rwabugiriの軍事行動の増加、とりわけ西部や北部のヒンザの領域のルワンダ化を色濃く反映していると結論した。
宇野 公一郎
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.68, no.1, pp.143-181, 2017-09

In this article, I have translated and annotated the "Path of Drought (Inzira ya Rukungugu)", the "Path of Inundation (Inzira ya Kivu)", the "Path of Bees (Inzira y 'Iinzuki)", and the "Path of Cattle Sickness (Inzira ya Muhekenyi)", from the esoteric royal ritual code (ubwiru), in which are prescribed the rituals curbing drought, inundation, honey bee swarming, and cattle sickness. These rituals are to purify the pollution caused by the natural calamity. The participation of the king is kept to the minimum and a drum made specially for the ritual is used in place of the royal drums, in order to safeguard the kingship against the pollution.本稿はルワンダの王朝秘典から「旱魃の道」(Inzira ya Rukungugu)、「洪水の道」(Inzira ya Kivu)、「蜜蜂の道」(Inzira y 'Iinzuki)、「牛疫の道」(Inzira ya Muhekenyi)に訳・注をつけた。これらの儀礼は穢れを浄化することによって災害を鎮めようとする。宮廷祭祀の中でも王の関与が最も少なく、「旱魃の道」「蜜蜂の道」「牛疫の道」では儀礼に特化した太鼓が作られる。これは恐らく王と王権太鼓を災害の穢れから離して温存するためあろう。
田中 美保子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.66, no.2, pp.289-304, 2016-03-15

Lucy M. BostonのGreen Knoweシリーズは、Bostonが長年住んでいた、ケンブリッジ州セント・アイヴズ市近くのヘミングフォード・グレイ村にある大ウーズ川沿いの家で、イングランドで人が住み続けている最古の民家と言われているものを元に創られた想像上の館を舞台に書かれた全6巻からなるシリーズである。シリーズ全体が、非常に深いレベルで「宇宙に受け入れられる」感覚と、時の変化と死を受け入れることにまつわる物語になっている。そして、シリーズのどの作品においても、音と静寂が繊細で神秘的な効果をもたらしている。ともすればBostonの情景描写の巧みさに目がいくが、真に注目すべきは、それぞれの巻には独特のテーマがあり、文体や構成なども巻ごとにテーマ(あるいはBoston自身が語ろうとしているもの)に合わせて、随時、選択されていることである。作家の姿勢として、児童書に当然とされているものを拒み、幼い子ども読者にもかなり多くの理解力を要求する点も個性的である。第1巻The Children of Green Knowe (1954)では、「歓迎」と「帰郷」という奥深い物語と共に、時間と過去の世代という中心的テーマが語られる。そこでは複雑な時代模様が提示され、過去がさまざまな形で主人公の少年の周りを囲んでいる。また、その文体も、「音調詩」や「雰囲気語り」とでも命名したい独特のものである。第2巻The Chimneys of Green Knowe (1958)でも現在と過去の物語が語られるが、第1巻よりも物語は淡々と進む。「音」の小説であると言えると同時に、Bostonは、描写できないことを描写する言葉の使い方に文体上の挑戦を行い、イメージのないものを意識的にイメージして、見えない存在を言葉の絵画に塗りこめたような描き方を選択している。第3巻のThe River at Green Knowe (1959)では、Bostonは、三人の新しい人物を登場させることで、ふさわしくない場に無理矢理移住させられることへの問題意識を明らかにしている。また、この作品は「子どもであること」についての物語でもある。そこには、作家Bostonの、子どもという存在に対する飾りのない一貫した理解が表れている。Bostonは子どもたちと同じ地平に立つ同類なのである。同時に、この作品は、時間と宇宙の全体論的観点と、その中にいる子どもたちの位置を示しているとも言える。章立てをせず、大きな絵の中に描き込まれたエピソードのようにさまざまな事件が起きる。(次号に続く)
高橋 修
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.68, no.1, pp.99-124, 2017-09-15

表題の崇源院は江戸幕府二代将軍徳川秀忠の正室であった江(1573~1626)のことで、崇源院とは彼女の死後の贈名である。彼女は寛永3年(1626)に江戸城内で死去し、その遺骸は火葬に付され、増上寺に埋葬された。昭和33~35年(1958~60)に増上寺内で実施された発掘調査により、崇源院の墓石が地下から発掘された。この調査以後、彼女の墓石は行方不明となっていたが、最近の調査により山梨県甲州市にある古刹 恵林寺境内にあることが判明した。墓石の周囲には文字が刻まれており、従来はその解読が不十分であった。そこで今回の再発見を契機として、墓石碑文の解読とその現代語訳を試み、また、何故、彼女の墓石が地下に埋められたのか、その歴史的背景を明らかにすることを本稿の目的として設定した。Suugenin(崇源院1573~1626) was the shougun Tokugawa Hidetada's (徳川秀忠) wife. In 1626 she died at Edo Castle. She was cremated and buried in Zojoji(増上寺).The tomb of Suugenin was excavated by an excavation survey at Zojoji in 1958~1960. Later, her grave became missing. It turned out that it was in Erinji(恵林寺).Her tomb is engraved with letters, but they were not legible in traditional research. Therefore, this paper aims to clarify the following two points: first of all, I will decipher the inscription and make a modern translation, secondly, I will discuss why the tomb was buried underground.