児玉 真樹子
キャリア教育研究 (ISSN:18813755)
vol.40, no.2, pp.25-35, 2022-03-31 (Released:2022-04-13)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the role of career resilience in the process of vocational identity formation during job-hunting activities following rejection. Online surveys were conducted before and after job-hunting activities. Data on 93 students who completed both surveys and experienced rejection during job-hunting were analyzed. A model was developed to determine the degree to which the state of career resilience before job hunting influences the level of vocational identity through the job-hunting process. The results of path analysis showed that the ability to cope with problems and changes, optimism about the future, and interest in novelty, all of which are factors in career resilience, promoted cognitive and behavioral change during the job-hunting process, and these in turn promoted vocational identity formation. This finding indicates that it is important to improve the ability to cope with problems and changes, optimism about the future, and interest in novelty before commencing job hunting.
杉本 英晴 浦上 昌則 矢崎 裕美子 高綱 睦美
キャリア教育研究 (ISSN:18813755)
vol.42, no.1, pp.15-26, 2023-09-30 (Released:2023-10-11)

The purposes of this study were to confirm the reliability and validity of the Circumstance Utilization Skills Scale (CPFOST) and to clarify the temperamental basis of the circumstance utilization skills in relation to the behavioral inhibition/activation systems (BIS/BAS). Study 1 tested the reliability and validity of the CPFOST in 228 university students. As a result, the CPFOST had sufficient internal consistency and validity. In Study 2, the temperamental basis was examined in the circumstance utilization skills in relation to the BIS/BAS. Analysis of data from 145 university students revealed that BIS prevents the formation of circumstance utilization skills, while BAS may encourage the formation of circumstance utilization skills. In addition, the interaction effect of BIS and BAS was confirmed in the “interpersonal ties” skill in the circumstance utilization skills. These results suggest that that BIS/BAS are the temperamental basis for skills in circumstance utilization and suggest the need for career education and support considering such individual differences.
下村 英雄 木村 周
進路指導研究 (ISSN:13433768)
vol.18, no.1, pp.9-16, 1997-11-01 (Released:2017-09-22)

The present study was intended to investigate relation among "job-hunt" relevant stressors (physical stressors, firm-relevant stressors, aptitude/interests-relevant stressors), social supports (emotional support, informative support), and satisfaction with "job-hunt" process. A questionnaire was administered to final year undergraduate students (N=165) who were searching for a job. Results indicated that (1) "job-hunt" relevant stressors relates to "job-hunt" process, (2) "job-hunt" relevant stressors and social support relate to satisfaction with "job-hunt" process. (3) Results that discribed above show different pattarns by sex and by the degree of involvement to "job hunt". A role that "job-hunt" relevant stressors and social support play, the differences by sex and the degree of involvement, the concerning matters were discussed.
望月 由起
進路指導研究 : 日本進路指導学会研究紀要 : bulletin of the Japanese Society for Study of Career Guidance (ISSN:13433768)
vol.22, no.2, pp.1-9, 2004-06-30

Inquiring the development of students' educational career maturity through career guidance activities at a prep school, following results were obtained. In April, the level of girls' educational career maturity was generally higher than that of boys', and its level of the science course applicants was higher than that of the humanity course applicants. But, the difference by the scholarship level of them wasn't shown. In this prep school, career guidance activities were organized in three different directions: "university and job experience", "cooperation with parents", and "higher academic level". Regardless of the types of career guidance, almost all students showed higher educational career maturity in December. Especially "university and job experience" guidance proved effective, regardless of sex and academic record of the students. But "higher academic level" guidance did not prove effective in the degree of concern.
浦上 昌則
進路指導研究 (ISSN:13433768)
vol.13, pp.15-21, 1992-11-01 (Released:2017-09-22)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the women's career developmental change of the Expected Values (EV). Attention was paid to the role of the values in making career decisions and the EV was used as the criterion for making occupational choices. The EV scale which consists of 17 subscales, the career development scale and the scale of self-efficacy expectations concerning career decision-making were administered to students (N=517) at women's junior colleges. Based on the career development scores and career decision-making self-efficacy scores obtained, subjects were selected and divided into the following three groups: the high career development group (N=78), the middle career development group (N=92) and the low career development group (N=88). Main findings were as follows ; 1) The high career development group scored higher in most EV subscales than other groups. According to career development (i.e. moving from the low up to the high group), the scores in Ability Utilization, Achievement and Aesthetics, in particular, increased. On the other hand, Economic Rewards and Economic Security scores changed little. 2) According to career development, each value in the EV was differentiated clearly. 3) As a result of factor analysis in the EV, four factors were found in the high career development group. Each factor was named as Inner-Oriented, Social-Economic Status, Activity and Autonomy. Based on these findings, the career developmental change of EV was discussed, and two ideas were proposed from the viewpoint of career guidance.
若松 養亮 矢田 陽美
キャリア教育研究 (ISSN:18813755)
vol.39, no.2, pp.29-39, 2021-03-31 (Released:2021-05-18)

The present study investigated relative disregard of labor conditions among candidates of teacher. They are tend to be attracted to worthwhileness or precious value of teaching profession, so such relative disregard was predicted to occur among them. A questionnaire was administered to 192 junior students who belong to faculty of education. As the main question, subjects were asked to rate importance scales between labor conditions (3 kinds: not need to transfer, fair salary, and private time) and attractiveness in his/her job contents (each 3 items ×2 categories: making the most of his/her individuality and playing his/her part in the job). The main results are as follows:(1) Students with high intrinsic work motivation relatively disregarded of all kind of labor conditions than the other students.(2) Under controlled intrinsic work motivation, teacher candidates relatively disregarded of fair salary and private time.(3) Female students relatively disregard fair salary and private time more than male. Mechanism of relative disregard for teacher candidates and suggestion for career formation support were discussed.
藤原 正光 仙崎 武
キャリア教育研究 (ISSN:13433768)
vol.5, pp.1-5, 1985

岩崎 久美子
進路指導研究 (ISSN:13433768)
vol.19, no.1, pp.26-34, 1999-01-30 (Released:2017-09-22)

A questionnaire survey was conducted with 168 cram school students to examine their consciousness of future career and achievement based on attribution theory and self-esteem. For the purpose of comparison, data were simultaneously obtained from 132 local elementary school students as the control group. It was found that over 60% of the cram school students wanted to receive higher education whereas over 60% of local elementary school students indicated that they were not decided or uncertain about the prospect. Early career decision is apparently influenced greatly by information and cultural capital that the family retains. In addition, advancement to the higher education appears to be governed more by the possibility of admission to prestigious schools than by the students' aptitude, capacity or interests. For psychological factors in achievement, cram school students with high self-esteem tended to have good scores were the result of controllable factors such as their own efforts and ability. By contrast students with low self-esteem tended to consider good scores as the result of uncontrollable factors such as the degree of difficulty of the examination. This phenomenon has been termed self-serving bias. There was also a positive correlation between self-esteem and family support of the items of attribution of good score. This suggests a connection among parents' attitude, self-esteem and achievement. There was a significant difference between career consciousness and self-esteem. This result suggests that to foster self-esteem it is essential to instill a career consciousness right from elementary school.
保坂 亨
進路指導研究 (ISSN:13433768)
vol.17, no.1, pp.9-16, 1996-11-01 (Released:2017-09-22)

The purpose of this study is to investigate long absentees' and school non-attendants' school enrollment after graduating from a junior high school. Long absentees in this study are students who were absent from school for more than thirty days in last one school year of junior high school. School non-attendants are long absentees who do not go to school without any acceptable reasons (i.e. sickness, injury, etc.). The results are as follows : (1) Half of the long absentees and school non-attendants did not proceed to higher schools, though 97% of general populatin proceeded to higher schools. (2) Half of the students who did not proceed to higher schools were school non-attendants in junior high school. (3) More than 50% of the neurosis type of school non-attendants proceeded to higher schools, but less than 20% of the truancy type of those proceeded to higher schools. In the future, school non-attendants in junior high school need adequate guidance and counseling taking into consideration of change in the education system in high schools.