菅原 寛 關 義和
野生生物と社会 (ISSN:24240877)
vol.3, no.1, pp.41-50, 2015-11-01 (Released:2017-06-16)

We assessed the ability of farmers to accurately identify mammals causing crop damage, by interviewing 134 farmers in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. The farmers identified crop damage caused by Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) based on sightings; that caused by sika deer (Cervus nippon) and wild boars (Sus scrofa) based on footprints and/or feeding signs; and that caused by masked palm civets (Paguma larvata), raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides), and Japanese badgers (Meles anakuma) based on feeding signs. The result showed a high accuracy of Japanese macaque identification causing crop damage; however, the accuracy of footprint identification for sika deer and wild boars was low. Furthermore, many farmers confused the footprints of three mammals with one another-the sika deer, wild boars, and Japanese serows (Capricornis crispus). Thus, reports regarding the identification of mammals that cause crop damage by farmers need to be carefully reviewed. Generalized Linear Mixed Model analysis indicated that hunting and effective communication with hunters positively affected the accuracy of the answers. This suggests that a platform to communicate with hunters or experts can be effectively offered to farmers to enhance their knowledge and ability to accurately identify mammals that cause crop damage.
常田 邦彦
野生生物と社会 (ISSN:24240877)
vol.3, no.1, pp.3-11, 2015-11-01 (Released:2017-06-16)

The main purpose of hunting in Japanese early modern age was nuisance control, and that of in modern age was commercial and minor-subsistent. Since 1960s, hunting for these purposes has drastically decreased and recreational hunting has prospered rapidly. Today, recreational hunting is also declining due to hunters' aging and reduction in number. Under this situation, control hunting, especially conducted by the public sector, is increasing with the expansion of wildlife damage. The development of modern legal system on hunting began in the 1890s and its current framework was established by the amendment of the 'Wildlife Protection and Proper Hunting Act (WPHA)' in 1963. The WPHA is a law regulating the capture of wild birds and mammals with a view to protecting wildlife through enhancing various restrictions. However, this legal system did not work well due to lack of a process to set the concrete number of animals to be hunted in the field in accordance with the overall management objectives. In 1999, WPHA was revised again and the Specific Wildlife Management Planning System, the first scientific wildlife management planning system in Japan, was introduced. The latest amendment of WPHA in 2014, established a new control program and a certification system for professional culling to promote wildlife damage control by public sector. The WPHA is evolving to achieve two objectives of strengthening biodiversity conservation and wildlife damage control simultaneously.
佐藤 忍
野生生物保護 (ISSN:13418777)
vol.14, no.1, pp.31-42, 2013

In contemporary Japan, in order to ensure the sustainability of resources, the traditional practice of hunting is on the decline; this perspective on hunting wild animals is related to conveying a symbolic message to people living in the urban areas. In this report, I comprehensively investigate the concept of "attachment" or "kindness" to animals and try to verify whether the "Matagi" (bear hunters), who still practice traditional hunting in Japan, can be considered cruel. Once, I caught it at a place far away from a hunting area, and they were brought together and discussed. The object reached active hunters, retired hunters, wives, schoolchildren, educators, myself, and many others. Although, hunting appears to be a cruel act, to hunters, hunting comes naturally. However, they are only hunting their feeling are such kinds. We should bear in mind that hunting involves not just the killing of animals but also some special activities closely related to his occupation. I believe that an understanding of wild animals existing among people in the context of Japan's biodiversity would aid the development of the nation.
鹿野 たか嶺 柳川 久 野呂 美紗子 原 文宏 神馬 強志
野生生物保護 : Wildlife conservation Japan (ISSN:13418777)
vol.12, no.2, pp.39-46, 2010-03-01

We studied the effectiveness of electronic deer whistles in scaring away sika deer that are likely to run onto roads, resulting in accidents. These whistles have been used in the U.S.A. and other countries. In this study, two types of deer whistles were tested: one that has a continuous tone with a fixed frequency (Whistle A) and the other that has an intermittent tone with a modulated frequency (Whistle B). To assess the effectiveness of the whistles in alerting deer, the deer's reactions to the whistles were observed by blowing the whistle from a fixed place that is visible to the deer when they appear by the roadside. For the control sample, deer's behavior when no whistle was blown was observed. When no whistle was blown, 51% of the deer were on alert about the observers. When Whistle A was blown, 67% of the deer were on alert; this figure increased to 95% when Whistle B was blown. The time durations for which the deer were alert when no whistle was blown, Whistle A was blown, and Whistle B was blown were 20%, 42%, and 73%, respectively. These results indicated that the deer whistles are effective in alerting deer, and that Whistle B is more effective than Whistle A. Vehicles can be equipped with deer whistles to alert deer about on-coming vehicles so as to prevent them from crossing roads, and consequently reduce deer-vehicle collisions.
和田 一雄
野生生物保護 : Wildlife conservation Japan (ISSN:13418777)
vol.2, no.2, pp.93-120, 1997-01

In Russia, sea otter (Enhydra lutris) harvest started in 1741 when Bering's expedition arrived at Bering Island and the animals nearly became extinct during the following twenty years. Shortly thereafter sealing of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) started and continued. A Russian monopoly, the Russian-American Company, managed Russian colonies and the land sealing industry from 1799 to 1867. Sealing of northern fur seals at sea started in 1866, and soon its harvest exceeded that of on land. For prohibiting sealing at sea Canada, Japan, USA and USSR contracted the Interim Convention on Conservation of North Pacific Fur Seals in 1911 (ICCNPFS). Since the eighteen century, sealing history is divided to three stages : 1) first stage of natural resource plundering with territory, 2) second stage of marketing management during the period of the Russian-American Company (1799-1867), 3) third stage of preliminary natural resource management during 1868 and 1911.
富田 涼都
vol.1, no.2, pp.35-48, 2014-05-01

In recent years, wildlife management projects have been required to build consensus among large numbers of stakeholders. However, this is far from being an easy task, since many people hold diverse values regarding the natural environment, and do not necessarily place less significance on the conservation of biodiversity. In this study, we conducted an analysis of the Japanese nature restoration project at Lake Kasumigaura, in east-central Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, from which we derived the following conclusions. First, issue framing in environmental conservation projects is based only on scientific views of the problem and solutions, which are intended to reject diverse values regarding the natural environment and citizen participation in the political arena. Second, environmental research that involves stakeholders is effective for building a consensus for environmental governance through highlighting and mediating the diverse values expressed by stakeholders regarding the natural environment. Lastly, the analysis conducted in this study suggests that consensus building in environmental governance needs to bring out the diverse values in the relationship between wildlife and human society.
和田 一雄
野生生物保護 : Wildlife conservation Japan (ISSN:13418777)
vol.2, no.3, pp.141-163, 1997-02

Japanese sealing of sea otters and northern fur seals directly entered the stage of marketing management without passing through a stage of natural resource plundering, and it may be considered that sealing had advanced to next stage of preliminary resource management by Meiji's social revolution in Japan. Under the support of the "High Seas Fisheries Activity Promotion" treaty that was established in 1897, Japanese sealing started and abruptly developed. On the other hand, USA and England made a contact with each other concerning sealing at sea management which led to a prohibition of sealing at sea. This was in contrast to previous seal harvest irregardless of sex or age. The Japanese government was obliged to honor an international agreement (ICCNPFS), and sealing advanced to the natural resource management as the forth stage. After the second world war, with the increase of animal research activity, ecological management as the fifth stage started. The United States currently follows the Marine Mammal Protection Act which is based on natural resource management through marine community dynamics. It is expected that Japan too will advance its policies to marine community management as the next stage.
丸山 直樹
ワイルドライフ・フォーラム (ISSN:13418785)
vol.5, no.1, pp.17-32, 1999-12-28

1999年6月中・下旬, 大興安嶺西麓, 森林 / 草原エコトーンに位置する内蒙古呼倫貝爾(フールンベイル)盟巴日図(バイント)林場(150, 000ha)でハイイロオオカミ(Canis lupus)の生息状況調査を行った。草原に障子松(Pinus sylvestris)とシラカンバ(Betula platyphila), ヤマナラシ(Populus davidiana)の孤立林が大小の島を成して分布する地域である。森林と周辺草原では, ノロジカ(Capreolus capreolus)とイノシシ(Sus scrofa)の密度濃い生息が認められ, 丘陵地帯のシラカンバ林では数少ないがヘラジカの生息も確認された。ハイイロオオカミの生息痕跡は森林とその周辺草原に普通に観察され, その生息密度が高いことが推定された。日本人調査ボランティアと中国及び現地調査協力者の間の野生動物観の大きなギャップを示す事例も得られた。
金城 道男 池田 啓 柳生 博 敷田 麻実
ワイルドライフ・フォーラム (ISSN:13418785)
vol.12, no.1, pp.8-9, 2007-05-10

丸山 直樹
ワイルドライフ・フォーラム (ISSN:13418785)
vol.5, no.3, pp.73-84, 2000-06-19

尾瀬地区に侵入して, 成長中のニホンジカ個体群を放置することは, 環境収容力を低下させ, その過程で尾瀬の生物群集に種の絶滅, 減少, 地域外種の侵入促進などが起こり, 自然生態系を退行に導くことが予想される。それゆえに何らかの人為的干渉が必要とされる。しかし, シカの完全駆除は容認されない。最近の本種の非生息はシカ排除の根拠にならない。少なくとも縄文海進期以降の気温などの環境変化からかつての尾瀬地区でのシカの生息の有無を検討しなければならない。駆除は緊急策として容認されるだろう。植生保護を目的とする人工構築物の設置も一時的には容認されるだろうが, 群集への影響評価が緊急に必要である。尾瀬地区が自然生態系保護地区であるという性格を第一に重視するならばこれらの人為的干渉の恒常化は認められない。生態系生態学的にみた系の復元を前提にした自然放置, すなわち自然過程を尊重した生態系管理への移行を目標にするべきである。尾瀬は国民の関心を集める日本の代表的な湿原地帯であることから, 社会的な合意形成に向けて, 研究調査, 行政的審議過程および結果などの情報公開, 自然生態系保護の普及, 直接的利害関係者だけではない, より広範囲の国民の意思決定への参加システムの完成が必要である。