小倉 学 湯村 敬 治田 康雅 吉川 達也
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2002, no.7, pp.185-186, 2002-09-20

The foundation technology for embodying an inclination section high-speed escalator was established. The step speed of the escalator in the inclination section is 1.5 times as high as that in the landing section. Therefore, in the inclination section high-speed escalator, the shortening of the movement time consist with the safety in the landing section. In this paper, the result of dynamic analysis simulation that is done as the first step of embodiment is explained. The driving reaction force of steps is affected by the difference of the reversal center position of steps. The reversal center position of steps is optimized.
大八木 重治 落合 辰夫 吉橋 照夫 針谷 安男
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.54, no.508, pp.3559-3564, 1988-12-25

Detonation cell size has been measured in a mixture of hydrogen with oxygen over wide ranges of equivalence ratio and subatmosheric initial pressure. The experiments have been carried out in a cylindrical tube of diameter 30 mm and the cell size has been determined by using the sooted plate technique. The data of the cell size at subatomospheric pressures have indicated that it is proportional to p_0^<-1.2>, where p_0 is an initial pressure of the mixtures. Values at the atmospheric pressure have been obtained by extrapolating the obtained subatmosheric values of the cell size, and have been plotted against the equivalence ratio and compared with calculated induction zone length by Westbrook. The fact that the cell size is directly proportional to the induction zone length has been verified for the oxyhydrogen mixture over the range of the equivalence ratio tested. The proportionality factor for this mixture has been found to be 23.3, while that for hydrogen/air mixtures had been found by Knystautas et al. to be 52.2. The critical initiation energies etimated from the cell size data obtained here by utilizing the theoretical model proposed by Lee have been found to be in good agreement with measured critical initiation energies by the critical tube diameter method of Matsui and Lee.
澤 芳昭 豊田 兼昭 池内 和雄 片寄 益巳
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.59, no.567, pp.2575-2580, 1993-11-25

In turbine design, because the joint between the turbine blade and the rotor bears the largest stress, it is important to study the stress at this position. The fir-tree type is one of the most efficient joint configurations for blade fastenings. Many papers have reported on the fir- tree turbine blade, but these mostly dealt with experiments using two-dimensional analysis. We therefore experimented with three-dimensional stress analysis in frozen photoelasticity. In this examination, the study was made of characteristic occurrences under centrifugal force produced by rotation simulating an actual turbine. The analysis of the fir-tree joint was performed for two tests. One was for straight entry and the other was for curved entry. Photographs were obtained for the photoelastic fringe, stress distribution, and stress concentration factors. The results were as follows radially, in both the straight and curved entry types, the highest stress concentration occurred at the tip serration. Axially, in the curved entry type, the highest stress concentration point was the axial center, and in the straight entry type, the distribution was uniform.
村上 敬宜 堤 一也 藤嶋 正博
日本機械学会論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.62, no.597, pp.1124-1131, 1996-05-25
15 19

In order to investigate the effect of surface roughness on the fatigue strength, fatigue tests for maraging steel which was subjected to aging treatment and was free of residual stress, were carried out. As an artificial surface roughness, extremely shallow periodical notches with notch radii P=0 and 200μm, and notch depths a=12, 22, 40 and 65μm were introduced. In addition to the effect of surface roughness, the effect of nonmetallic inclusions was also considered. The equivalent defect size (√(area<SUB>R</SUB>)) which controls the fatigue limit of specimen containing the surface roughness is defined by the function of depth and Pitch of the roughness. The lower bound of the fatigue limit for various levels of roughness can be predicted by substituting the equivalent maximum defect size (√(area<SUB>m</SUB>axt)) to the √(area) parameter model. The value of √(area<SUB>m</SUB>axt) can be evaluated by considering the interaction effect between the maximum inclusion size and roughness. The predicted values were examined by experiments and it is shown that the method of prediction is available for practical applications.
沢 俊行 天摩 勝洋 西ヶ谷 達 仲野 雄一
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.59, no.563, pp.1763-1770, 1993-07-25

The stress of band adhesive butt joints in which the interfaces are partially bonded, was analyzed using a two-dimensional, theory of elasticity in order to establish fracture criteria for the case in which the joints of dissimilar adherends are subjected to tensile loads. In the analysis, when the interfaces are bonded by an adhesive at two regions, the dissimilar adherends and the adhesive are replaced with finite strips. In the numerical calculations, the effects of the ratio of Young's modulus of adherends to that of adhesives, the thickness of the adhesives, the bonding area and position and load distributions on the stress distributions at the interfaces were demonstrated. In addition, with use of the stress distribution, a method for evaluating joint strength was proposed. As a result, it was observed that band adhesive joints were available when the bonding area and positions were varied taking into account external load distribution. For verification, experiments were performed on the strain of adherends and the joint strength. Analytical results were consistent with the experimental ones.
皮籠石 紀雄 西谷 弘信 後藤 真宏 豊廣 利信 北山 智
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.59, no.557, pp.57-61, 1993-01-25
2 2

Statistical analysis is necessary in evaluating the fatigue life of structures. In the present study, rotating bending fatigue tests were carried out on specimens with two small blind holes of a 5052 A1 alloy in order to investigate the distribution characteristics of the fatigue crack growth life based on the small-crack growth law dl/dN= C_1σ^n_al. The crack growth rate in each specimen was determined uniquely by σ^n_al, therefore the crack growth life can be predicted by the small-crack growth law. On the assumption that the value of n is a fixed one and the value of C_1 is a random variable, the distribution of the crack growth rate can be evaluated through the value of C_3 in the relationship dl/dN=C_3l. C_3 follows a Weibull distribution approximately. The calculated distribution of the ocracy growth life based on the small-crack growth law and the distribution of C_3 was in good agreement with the experimental results.
米山 聡 後藤 仁一郎 隆 雅久
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.64, no.620, pp.1007-1013, 1998-04-26

The authors propose a new method for simultaneous determination of both fringe order and principal direction of birefringence in practical photoviscoelastic analysis using a white incident light with a set of the three primary colors. When using this method, not only fringe order but principal birefringence direction are successfully and easily determined from a single color image through a plane polariscope. Utilizing this method together with photoviscoelastic constitutive equations, timedependent principal stress and strain difference, also their directions are obtained. In this paper, the fundamental of the tricolor photoviscoelastic technique is described briefly, then a successful application of the method to the analysis of an example of viscoelastic problem is shown.
野波 健蔵 富成 襄 戸谷 隆美
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.50, no.449, pp.115-124, 1984-01-25

小沢 昇 清水 益人 尾前 純也 山田 純夫
動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム
vol.2002, no.8, pp.101-104, 2002-06-14

This paper describes the operating condition of 1.5MW gas engine system with pyrolysis gas produced in the waste gasification plant. This system started since Octorber 2001 at Kawasaki-Steel chiba works. The results shows the following four conclusions; (1) Gas engine can operate continuously with pyrolsis gas of which LHV is between approximately 1500 and 2200kcal/m^3_N, enen when the fluctuation of LHV is approximately 3%/30s. (2) Electrical efficiency is 37% at 100% load and 33% at 50% load respectively. (3) The concentration of dioxins in the exhaust gas was approximately 0.001ng-TEQ/m^3_N. (4) The concentration of NO_x in the exhaust gas is less than 100ppm (O_2=0%) without SCR.
中曽根 祐司 松尾 唯史
計算力学講演会講演論文集 (ISSN:1348026X)
vol.2005, no.18, pp.275-276, 2005-11-17

The present study has applied Hori and Kameda's stress inversion method to the estimation of elasto-plastic stress distributions in Al-Mg polycrystalline materials. The method can estimate 2D elasto-plastic stress distributions from deformation distributions measured in a structure by using only the elastic moduli of the material of the structure. First, computer codes have been developed based on the present stress inversion method. Then, elasto-plastic 2D FEM analyses of stress concentration problems caused by elliptic holes and rectangular inclusions were made. Comparison of the results obtained by the FEM analyses and the stress inversion method showed that the stress inversion method can estimate elastic and elasto-plastic stress distributions from deformation/strain distributions with reasonable accuracy. Finally, the elasto-plastic stress distributions in Al-Mg were estimated by using deformation distributions measured by the digital image correlation method and it was found that stress concentration occurred near triple junctions of grain boundaries.
青山 栄一 廣垣 俊樹 上西 康弘 高 在学 小島 淳
vol.2000, no.75, pp."4-31"-"4-32", 2000-03-16

In recent year, spur gears have come to be used widely as transmisson gears of motorcars. Therefore, it is one of the most important subjects in gear fields to develop gears which are effective for vibration and noise of transmission. However, there have been very few studies on meshing transmission error of gear used inverse problems, and many problems still remain to be solved. In this paper, taking up the research for estimation of meshing transmission error of the spur gear used the root stress, the auther proposed a technique for estimation of meshing transmission error in meshing of spur gear. From those estimated results, it is found that the calculated value of MTE has the simillar tendency to experimental result.
三宅 裕 稲葉 武彦 久保 尚重 竹岡 順一
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.50, no.460, pp.3211-3217, 1984-12-25

Externally pressurized supersonic gas thrust bearings whose generation of load capacity is substantially independent of the viscosity of working fluids, have been proposed and analyzed by the authors. This report presents the experimental results of the static characteristics of this new type of bearings. The experimental results including load capacity, stiffness, mass flow rate and pressure distributions in the bearing clearance, generally show a good agreement with the theoretical predictions and verify the validity of this new bearing. The effect of an orifice to improve the stiffness is also examined. Some problems which should be solved to put the bearing in practical use are pointed out.
志賀 聖一 江原 秀治 柄沢 隆夫 倉林 俊雄
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.51, no.471, pp.3823-3827, 1985-11-25

In previous paper, it was suggested the effect of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on the diesel knock is relevant to the reaction rate of spontaneous ignition which occurs at the initial stage of diesel combustion. In a present study, this suggestion is verified by measuring the ignition lag and separating it into physical and chemical lags by applying the statistical technique presented by S. Kumagai. Under the operating condition used in this study, the physical lag is rather longer than the chemical lag and hardly changes with an increase in EGR ratio. On the other hand, the chemical lag is considerably affected by EGR. Though the dependent behaviour of the chemical lag on EGR is not simple, it is clearly shown that the tendency of chemical lag versus EGR ratio is quite the reverse of that of the diesel knock intensity. This means that the diesel knock intensity with EGR is dominated by the reaction rate of spontaneous ignition.