柏村 孝義 森 孝男 白鳥 正樹 于 強 丸山 修
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.62, no.603, pp.2422-2427, 1996-11-25
14 2

The authors proposed a new practical optimum design method (=statistical optimization method) that consists of two steps of an effectivity analysis (using a combination of the design of experiments and the structural analysis) and mathematical programming. The design of experiments is used to generate the approximate evaluation functions for the controlling behavior depending on the changes of design variables of the object structure, using finite element analysis (FEA). The evaluation functions can also be used as tools for directly estimating the behavior of the designed structure. A successive quadratic programming (SQP) method is employed to solve the optimization problem of the approximate evaluation functions. It is confirmed that the proposed method call be used in solving various problems. In this study, the authors applied the present method to the optimum design of a frame column subjected to axial crushing. This study deals with many complex behaviors such as large deformation, contact and material nonlinearities as well as impact behavior. However, this problem has been solved easily using the present method, and satisfactory results of the effectivity analysis and optimum design are obtained.統計的最適化手法を用いて,複雑な非線形現象である動的圧潰現象における最適化および影響度解析を行った.応答曲面を用いた本手法では,複雑な非線形挙動を再現する高精度な推定式を得ることができるとともに最適化計算においても高い精度を有することが確認できた.
白松 利也 栗田 昌幸 三宅 晃司 SUK Mike 大木 聡 田中 秀明 三枝 省三
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2005, no.5, pp.285-286, 2005-09-18

In order to realize ultra-low flying heights, magnetic spacing variations due to manufacturing tolerances, environmental variations, and write-induced thermal protrusion need to be reduced. To decrease the flying height, we have developed a thermal flying-height control (TFC) slider that carries a micro-thermal actuator. Using the device, the magnetic spacing of these sliders can be controlled in-situ during operation of the drive. First prototype had shown insufficient characteristics when evaluated at a component-level prototype. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to verify drive-level feasibility and better actuator characteristics. After analytical design by simulation of heat transfer and thermal deformation, second type of TFC device was fabricated. Component level evaluation showed sufficient actuator characteristics that met the requirements leading to the development of drives with controllable flying-height sliders. Drive level evaluation showed its effectiveness in reducing the magnetic spacing.
木坂 正志
vol.2005, no.9, pp.7-9, 2005-08-22

To suppress external vibration for a hard disk drive shock sensor feed forward techniques are proposed. To design the feedforward controller phase approximation is important. In this paper a method to design a Finite Response Filter (FIR) type controller with phase constraint is proposed. The result is compared with the method which does not use the phase constraint. For the filter with small order the proposed method can approximate the phase better.
栗田 昌幸 徐 鈞国 徳山 幹夫 中本 一広 三枝 省三 丸山 洋治
vol.2005, pp.154-155, 2005-03-21

The rapid increase in the recording density of magnetic disk drives has required decreasing the flying height of magnetic head sliders to approximately 10nm. Under such low flying height conditions, however, the heat generated by the high-frequency current in the writer coils and the rise in the ambient temperature both cause local protrusion of head elements. Such protrusion reduces the flying height below the design value, thus reducing the safety margin for head/disk interference. To analyze this problem, the heat transfer in the head slider, the thermal deformation of the head, and the flying height changes of the slider due to the deformation were numerically simulated. The parameter study showed that short pole and shields cause a smaller ambient-temperature-induced protrusion but a larger write-current-induced protrusion, i.e., a trade-off relationship exists.
栗田 昌幸 白松 利也 三宅 晃司 加藤 篤 曽我 政彦 田中 秀明 三枝 省三 SUK Mike
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2005, no.5, pp.283-284, 2005-09-18

Today's head/disk interface design has a wide flying height distribution due to manufacturing tolerances, environmental variations, and write-induced thermal protrusion. To reduce the magnetic spacing loss due to these effects, we have developed an active head slider with nano-thermal actuator. The magnetic spacing of these sliders can be controlled in-situ during operation of the drive. After simulating the heat transfer in the slider and resulting thermal deformation of the air-bearing surface, we fabricated a thermal actuator by thin film processing. The evaluation by a read/write tester showed a linear reduction in magnetic height as electric power was applied to the actuator. The actuator's stroke was 2.5nm per 50mW with time constant of 1 msec. We found no significant impact to the reliability of the read element.
佐々木 崇明 鈴木 信之 押味 直人 阿部 孝男 今井 彰男
vol.2005, no.1, pp.139-140, 2005-11-25

篠塚 淳 内海 幸治 Ali Basti 帯川 利之
生産加工・工作機械部門講演会 : 生産と加工に関する学術講演会
vol.2004, no.5, pp.251-252, 2004-11-19

New type of intelligent cutting tool with built-in thin film thermocouples (TFTs) was proposed. This cutting tool has many minute temperature sensors to measure the temperature distribution on the tool rake face directly. In this study, three types of cutting tools with built-in TFTs were developed. TFTs composed of Nickel and Nickel-Chrome thin films were fabricated on the rake face of the Alumina cutting insert by DC magnetron sputtering. Then Hafnium oxide film was deposited on the TFTs to insulate electrically. Finally Titanium nitride film was coated to endure cutting situation. Appropriate temperature distributions on the tool rake face including tool-chip contact area were measured by the cutting temperature experiments.
森田 憲輔 児玉 洋介 矢澤 貞春 常木 裕己 秋山 稔
vol.2006, no.2, pp.143-144, 2006-11-10

It has aimed to improve the competitive edge of the article of cast metal manufacturing by developing the cast iron not damaged easily by aluminum,and attempting the tendency to heighten the added value of the product.The amount of addition of elements such as the carbon and chrome was changed based on the developed material and the improvement of durability was aimed at.As a result,the material that exceeds 100 hours has been found.
大瀧 保明 鈴木 明宏 張 秀敏 佐川 貢一 永富 良一 猪岡 光
vol.2005, pp.341-344, 2005-03-21

Main objective of this study is to evaluate physical activity by means of a portable device utilizing accelerometers and a barometer. A simple and effective algorithm was proposed to classify physical activities including vertical movements such as stair climbing, and estimates its exercise intensities. The propose method performed successful classifications and feasible estimation of the energy consumption in the experimental study comparing with the measured values of the expiratory gas monitoring system. The result suggested that the correct evaluation of vertical movements made an improvement in the estimation of energy consumptions, which provides better assessment in physical therapies.
佐川 貢一 阿保 萩子
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2006, no.5, pp.583-584, 2006-09-15

Measurement method of three-dimensional trajectory of forearm during baseball pitch using body-mounted sensor is discussed. From the optical motion capture system, it is estimated that the acceleration and the angular velocity of the arm reach up to 100 [G] and 8000 [deg/s], respectively, when the professional level baseball pitchers play the best throw. Three-dimensional, low gain accelerometers and gyroscopes in addition to high gain sensors are employed to avoid the saturation of the measured signals from the sensors. The trajectory and direction of the forearm are calculated based on the numerical integration of the acceleration and angular velocity. Integral errors are rejected by the definition of initial and final velocity, position and direction of the forearm. The experimental results showed that the estimated position and angle of the forearm highly corresponded with the video image. The proposed method enables easy, inexpensive and independent measurement from location.
金 相鎬 関山 浩介 福田 敏男
日本機械学會論文集. C編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C (ISSN:03875024)
vol.75, no.756, pp.2253-2258, 2009-08-25

The poor operation for information systems such as car navigation systems may result in the visual workload. To reduce the visual workload produced by information systems and their use during vehicle operation, we propose a user-adaptive vehicle information interface with a reconfigured navigation sequence. We propose the information assistance interface which recommends a preferred content in short time without following the hierarchical steps because of the hierarchical structure of most car navigation systems. Our proposed user-adaptive interface consists of user modeling using a hidden Markov model (HMM) and symbol matching which is the reconfiguration of a navigation sequence. The interface learns a user's navigation patterns based on accumulated navigation sequences. The navigation sequence is reconfigured by the user model and a clue. The symbol matching is performed in compliance with the user's selection and the navigation sequence is recommended to the user. Experimental results showed that reconfiguring the navigation sequence and switches reduced navigation reaction time.
水野 毅 神谷 哲朗
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2005, no.5, pp.481-482, 2005-09-18

The amplitude of negative stiffness of zero-power magnetic suspension depends on the gap between the electromagnet and the suspended object. It is a problem when such suspension is used in an active vibration isolation system because its stiffness against direct disturbance becomes lower when load is applied to the isolation table. This paper presents a nonlinear feedback control scheme for keeping the amplitude of negative stiffness constant. The efficacy of the derived control scheme is demonstrated experimentally.
内山 良治 重田 修作 亀山 寛史 高橋 良彦
vol.2007, no.13, pp.289-290, 2007-03-15

Landing control of a humanoid robot is proposed to soften the shock when a robot jumped from a step. The designed actuator is using a cushion mechanism with a torsion spring. It was confirmed that the robot was able to land on a hard floor without breakage.