能登 勝久 矢場田 真 中島 健
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.64, no.623, pp.2311-2318, 1998-07-25

The cause and effect of fluid type on thermo-fluid pattern of the suppression of the isothermal Karman vortex street to a modified vortex street and a plume-like flow due to positive buoyancy in a circular cylinder wake with an upward freestream of mercury, air and water are made clear by solving numerically of the two-dimensional, laminar, time-dependent continuity equation, Navier-Stokes equations with the buoyancy term, and energy equation. For any type of fluid, the cause of the suppression is an extinction of wake vorticity ; shear layers increases and the wake vorticity decreases due to positive buoyancy. Behavior of the suppression is different each other in mercury, air and water, beacuse an increase of the wall vorticity and a decrease of the wake vorticity are different in those fluid.
林 圭一 芦田 極 藪野 浩司 黒田 雅治
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.73, no.732, pp.2225-2231, 2007-08-25

Usage of self-excitation as an excitation method for cantilever-probe in atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been proposed in order to improve the low quality factor Q in liquid environments. For realization of non-contact mode AFM, it is necessary to reduce the amplitude of the self-excited cantilever-probe. In this study, the self-excited oscillation of the cantilever-probe is generated by the angular velocity feedback. In addition, the small steady state amplitude is achieved by nonlinear feedback proportional to the squared deflection angle and the angular velocity. Regarding the micro cantilever-probe as a micro cantilever beam, we show the equation of motion in which the geometrical nonlinear effect is taken into account. Averaged equation is derived by applying the method of multiple scales and the bifurcation diagram is theoretically described. Then, it is clarified that the amplitude of the cantilever-probe can be reduced by increasing the nonlinear feedback gain. By using our own making AFM, we demonstrate the nonlinear dynamics of a "van der Pol" type self-excited cantilever. Steady state amplitude of self-excited oscillation is reduced to 8 nm.
津田 吉広 田村 英之 末岡 淳男 松岡 寛憲
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.60, no.578, pp.3300-3307, 1994-10-25

The characteristic which the Duffing oscillator with a softening spring property under harmonically stimulating force presents in the main resonant region has been investigated numerically. With regard to the structure which the system exhibits in this region, there exists another branch which appears due to bifurcation from the resonant branch at a certain frequency, in addition to the resonant and nonresonant branches. It has been clarified that many kinds of periodic solutions exist in the region between this new branch and the resonant one. Furthermore, besides the traditional harmonic solutions, i. e., resonant and nonresonant solutions, it has been shown that another harmonic solution appears, although it is unstable. This unstable solution enables us to reasonably explain the constitution of attractors in this resonant region. Chaotic phenomena, which appear due to period doubling bifurcation also exist.
田村 英之 松崎 健一郎 岡部 匡
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.60, no.579, pp.3719-3726, 1994-11-25

In the previous paper, the general theory of exact solutions in a family of Duffing oscillators including hard, soft and snap-through spring systems was studied. In particular the paper discussed the hard spring system in detail, and a listing of the numeration program was included. As a continued report, the soft spring system is dealt with here in detail. All the free vibrations in a family of Duffing oscillators are solved exactly and formally in terms of a family of Jacobian elliptic functions ; however, their precise numeration is a very important task. The present study is devoted to discussing excellent algorithms/programs. A FORTRAN program with the precision of REAL * 16 is presented, which ensures an accuracy with relative error of less than 10^<-30>. The listing of the program and numerical results of the dynamics of the Duffing oscillator with the soft spring system are demonstrated.
大山 忠夫 大矢 光伸
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.52, no.475, pp.1037-1046, 1986-03-25

From our experimental results previously reported, it was considered that the formation of water film between contact surfaces remarkably influenced on adhesion force or contact mechanism under water lubrication. Here are reported the results of numerical analysis based on the Herrebrugh's integral equation for applying the EHL theory to water lubrication of steel rollers. The formulas of film thickness were obtained with various EHL parameters for lower pressure-viscosity coefficient such as that of water. Furthermore, it was shown that the adhesion coefficients previously obtained were well related to the contact load supported with asperities through water film, which was estimated by assuming asperities with spherical summit on one surface and Gaussian asperity height distribution.
池俣 吉人 佐野 明人 藤本 英雄
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.74, no.738, pp.365-371, 2008-02-25

A passive walker can exhibit a stable limit cycle. In our earlier work, a global stabilization principle of fixed point has been established mathematically, provided that the state just after heel-strike exists at the next step. However, this condition may not always hold. The passive walker with knees can execute the leg-swing motion with no control, only by gravity effect. Unfortunately, while the walker takes a step forward, the swing leg may strike its toe on the slope at unsuitable point. Therefore, understanding of the mechanism of swing-leg motion is very important for assuring the next step. In this study, we focus on the flexion and extension of knee joint of swing leg. In this paper, first, an equation of angular acceleration of knee joint is derived by simplifying and linearizing the model of passive walker. Then, the mechanism of the flexion and extension of knee joint of swing leg is explained.
秋元 俊成 松元 明弘
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.73, no.733, pp.2537-2542, 2007-09-25

In this paper, we introduce a new mechanism of quasi-passive-dynamic-walking machine which uses actuators just only at ankle joints. First, we analyzed about basic mechanisms of passive dynamic walking. So, we made and modeled the passive dynamic walking machine that walks down the slope. Experiment of the walking was compared with the numerical analysis, which showed the validity of the model. And, these were analyzed from the energy point of view. Second, we proposed a new control method of quasi-passive-dynamic-walking based on the result of analysis of passive dynamic walking. The new method was confirmed by the numerical analysis on a horizontal plane. Finally, ankle-driven type of quasi-passive dynamic walking machine was designed and developed. Experiment of the walking on the horizontal plane was done. That result shows the validity of the idea.
矢川 元基 渡辺 隆之 石渡 俊
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.46, no.401, pp.87-96, 1980-01-25
1 1

本論文では, EPAS プログラムの開発と応用について論じたものである. 有限要素法による三次元連続体の非弾性解析は, 極めて多くの計算時間を要するため実用性の点で問題があった. 著者らは, 三次元構造の局部的な非弾性挙動の解析を効率よく行うためラグランジュ乗数法に基づく結合要素を EPAS プログラムに導入し, 計算時間と容量の短縮化を行った. この結合要素は, プログラム内で通常の要素と同様に取扱うことができる.
杉本 浩一
日本機械学会論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.66, no.646, pp.1927-1934, 2000-06-25

For the purpose of establishing the mathematical beckground of a kinematic analysis of a multiple body system, the Lie aglebra of a motion group has been studied, and the algebraic experessions for kinematic analysis which is applicable any motion group is determined. Firstly it is shown that the equations for determining relative velocities and accelerations among rigid bodies can be expressed by the Lie algebra of addition and commutator product representing a Lie algebra of a motion group. Next, it is also clarified that the velocity and the acceleration of the point on a rigid body in a motion can be computed by multiplying an function of elements of the Lie algebra to the vector indicating the point from the left side. There exist eight groups of the rigid body motion, and the characteristics of the motin groups can be described by the theory of Lie algebra.
荒川 雅生 伊藤 寛 山崎 敏範
設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集 (ISSN:13480286)
vol.2006, no.16, pp.51-52, 2006-11-14

In this paper, we will explain our collaborative PBL between academic and industry in Kagawa University. We have strarted this program since 2004. We asked local industry to give our students a theme which they are interested in, but which is not clearly defined. Then three or four students make team to solve that problem. They start from thinking about what they are required. They have discussed and negotiate to define their theme for detail. Then, they will benchmark and propose a solution for the problem. From these processes, we expect them to get ability of team working, referencing, negotiation and collaboration.
孫 智剛 牧野内 昭武 矢部 比呂夫
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.69, no.688, pp.1775-1781, 2003-12-25
2 1

The effectiveness of the scleral buckling operation, which is one of those most frequently applied to clinical treatment of the rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in the eyeball, strongly depends on the surgeon's experience so that it is usually difficult to achieve a fully satisfactory effect. Aiming at computer-aided operation planning employing the FEM simulation technique, a 2-D FEM program for a coupling analysis of the hyperelastic solid and static liquid has been developed to qualitatively simulate the procedure of this kind of operation. In this paper, a 3-D FEM program that provides all the functions required for simulating the complicated 3-D procedure of the buckling operation, such as solid-liquid coupling analysis, contact treatment between deformed soft tissues and analyses of buckling and suturing process, is developed. An improved algorithm of the coupling analysis which can avoid the time and memory consuming problem existing in that used in the 2-D one as well as an effective approach in treating the contact between deformed soft tissues are employed in this program. After validating its analysis accuracy through a testing analysis, a simulation of the encircling buckling operation procedure is presented, and the results demonstrate the ability of the program to predict the most suitable factors for an effective clinical operation.
洲崎 章弘 太田 雅晴 由良 憲二 人見 勝人
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.59, no.561, pp.1581-1587, 1993-05-25

This paper describes a strategy for foreign direct investment (FDI) of multinational enterprises when manufacturing costs change with time. This FDI planning problem is formulated in order to determine how many manufacturing facilities are needed in each country when they are needed, and how many products should be manufactured to meet the product demand in each country. It is assumed that both product demand and manufacturing costs in each country change with time. Finally, an algorithm for finding an optimal solution of the FDI planning problem is developed and an example is demonstrated.
久保 司郎 大中 幸三郎 大路 清嗣
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.60, no.575, pp.1638-1643, 1994-07-25

The present authors proposed the adjoint boundary integral method for identifying heat source or force in a domain from values of boundary integrals involving an adjoint operator. The integrals can be evaluated if boundary values are available over the entire boundary of the domain. In the present study a Poisson field source is identified from noisy and discrete boundary observations by applying the method. Adaptive Gauss quadrature enables evaluation of the boundary integrals from observations at discrete points, which deviate from the Gauss points for approximate evaluation of boundary integrals. Numerical simulations are carried out for identifying location and intensity of a concentrated source in a two-dimensional domain. Effects of errors in boundary observations, deviation of locations of observation points from the Gauss points, the order of Gauss quadrature, and the location of source on the accuracy of the identification are discussed. It is shown that the location and intensity of the source can be estimated reasonably from noisy and discrete observations by applying the adjoint boundary integral method with the adaptive Gauss quadrature.
稲垣 照美 松井 隆文 安久 正紘 赤羽 秀郎 安部 宣男
Dynamics and Design Conference : 機械力学・計測制御講演論文集 : D & D (ISSN:13480235)
vol.2001, 2001-08-03

Luminous patterns of firefly were experimentally investigated to evaluate the healing effect by using an appropriate statistical analysis and an image processing. A robot modeled for the firefly was further developed with the aid of the luminous patterns. This study is for fabricating a hospice space by which people can be healed from many kinds of stress due to various modern human activities. It is revealed from a series of measurements that 1/f^n fluctuation modes are also included in the lumminous pattern of firefly robot and that there is a possibility that the luminescence plays a significant role in healing people. Because, we have always been feeling that the luminescence is so attractive from ancient times.
箕浦 潔 荻 博次 平尾 雅彦
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.62, no.603, pp.2520-2526, 1996-11-25

In this paper, we present a technique to generate axial shear acoustic resonance in a cylindrical rod or pipe by a magnetostrictively-coupled electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT). We apply this ultrasonic technique to monitor rotating bending fatigue damage. The technique is based on the electromagnetic acoustic resonance (EMAR), which is a combination of the resonant technique and a noncontacting EMAT. The EMAT for the axial shear wave consists of a solenoidal coil to apply a static field along the sample rod (or pipe) and a meanderline coil to induce the dynamic field, relying on the magnetostrictive effect in ferromagnetic metals. The axial shear wave propagates along the circumference of the cylindrical rod or pipe with axial polarization. The resonant mode is determined by the sample dimensions and the wavelength. The major advantage is the capability of evaluating the inhomogeneous materials character in the radial direction using the different resonant modes. The attenuations and the resonant frequencies of the first three resonant modes are measured during the rotating fatigue test. The attenuation shows a remarkable sensitivity to damage accumulation, mainly due to the evolution of the dislocations and the grain size. The ultrasonic evaluation is interpreted in terms of the photomicrograph and transmission electron micrograph observations.