新井 雅隆 天谷 賢児 長倉 邦仁
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.64, no.622, pp.1925-1931, 1998-06-25

Laser induced fluorescence method was applied for the measurement of NO concentration in the propane and methane diffusion flames. A tunable, narrow band ArF excimer laser was used to excite the D (υ′=0) ←X (υ″=1) band of NO molecule. Emission spectrum of the induced light by a laser beam was measured by a spectroscope. Spectrum of the induced light from the diffusion flame was compared with that of the premixed flame. Although the spectrum had only NO fluorescence components on premixed flame, a lot of strong spectrum components related to the laser induced incandescence of the soot and laser induced breakdown appeared in the spectrum from the diffusion flame. NO fluorescence component was picked out from the emission spectrum with traversing the irradiate position of laser beam in order to obtain the accurate distribution of NO fluorescence on the flame axis. In this paper this method was named as S-LIF method. A planer laser induced fluorescence (P-LIF) method was tried to measure the distribution of NO fluorescence on the flame axis. In the P-LIF method, an interference filter was used to remove the obstructive light component from the LIF image. NO fluorescence distribution measured by P-LIF method was compared with that of S-LIF method. As the result, the P-LIF image qualitatively agreed with the data of S-LIF. It was confirmed that the interference filter did not remove completely the obstructive light components.
vol.38, no.214, 1935-02-01
大塚 章正 永田 寅臣 中村 航輔
vol.2014, pp."3P1-L01(1)"-"3P1-L01(3)", 2014-05-24

In full mold casting, polystyrene is used as a master mold that is usually machined by a CNC machine tool. The CNC machine tool costs higher and does not move more flexibly than an articulated industrial robot. We have proposed a trajectory following controller system for a machining robot based on CL (cutter location) data. In this system, the discrete trajectories at each sampling time are generated from position and orientation information in CL data that are made by post processor in CAM system. We applied the controller system to foamed polystyrene machining while changing conditions, such as foaming rate of polystyrene, feed rate of end mill and processing number of times. In this paper, machining results of a simple model are shown and discussed. Finally, we consider the method to reduce the machining time while keeping machining accuracy and products quality.
吉田 英生 石部 英臣 松井 裕樹 江川 猛 吉冨 聡 桑原 健雄 齋藤 元浩
vol.2004, pp.351-352, 2004

A hybrid gas bearing with water evaporation from ultra-fine porous medium is newly proposed. The proposed bearing is considered to be applied to microturbines and have mainly three advantages suitable for the applications. The first is the stability improved by water evaporation from ultra-fine porous medium. The second is the effective lubrication by liquid water at start and stop of the journal rotation. The third is the cooling effect on the high-temperature journal due to water evaporation. A preliminary experiment is conducted, and the stable start and stop of the journal rotation are confirmed.
木村 南 マンボ ベルビル ポール
vol.2015, pp.101-102, 2015-03-13

In this paper, CF (carbon Fiber) and an Epoxy matrix are used to make a very strong non-corrosive light weight CFRP Coil spring. The CF-Epoxy coil spring is produced by Winding CF cloth/strands on a silicone mold transcribed/produced from a 3D printed ABS coil mold. CF-Epoxy coil spring is subjected to a series of experiments to determine the mechanical properties
梶原 悠吾 本田 久平 軽部 周 高橋 健一
vol.2014, pp."1A1-S04(1)"-"1A1-S04(4)", 2014-05-24

Recently, many biomimetic quadruped robots have been developed. Most of them use many actuators for running, which causes them to become big in size. We have developed a middle size of quadruped robot by using only one electric motor as an actuator for running. We also adopt to the robot the mechanism which is similar to Theo Jansen mechanism to make its gait biomimetic. In order to put our mechanism into practice, we propose "Modified Gallop Gait" that is derived from bounce gait and gallop gait. The results of the experiment show that the robot runs as the modified gallop gait while its pitch angle oscillates periodically to realize its stable running.
丸山 俊則 田口 真 岸田 和人 熊本 秀喜 吉川 孝男
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.67, no.664, pp.1948-1954, 2001-12-25
3 3

In these days, crashworthiness design has been required more frequently in rail vehicle. The results of static strength test of an end underframe that absorbs most of the crash energy were presented, as well as numerical simulations. By comparing both results, the numerical simulations were found to be adequately accurate. Then, a new and highly crashworthy structure was proposed. Both of the test and the numerical simulation confirmed that the structure worked well to absorb the crash energy. Further, effects of welding strength, geometrical initial imperfection, and strain rate on the crashworthiness were discussed. Especially, strain rate effect of materials is important to evaluate crashworthiness accurately.
今津 拓哉 半田 久志 阿部 匡伸
vol.2011, no.21, pp.215-218, 2011-09-01

Recently, evaluation functions for Shogi by using computer has attracted much attention due to Bonanza based on machine learning. The Bonanza has achieved one of the strongest computer players for Shogi, which often defeat human players. In order to learn the evaluation functions, Bonanza utilizes a considerable number of game records. Meanwhile, reinforcement learning can learn evaluation values based on experiences. The reinforcement learning, however, has not succeeded in learning with a large number of fine-grained feature values. In this paper, we investigate the effects of the state representations in the evaluation functions for learning results, where the state representations are derived from the ones of 'Bonanza'.
鈴木 孝 土屋 修 有我 正博
公開研究会・講演会技術と社会の関連を巡って : 技術史から経営戦略まで : 講演論文集
vol.2004, pp.78-81, 2004-12-01

The Engine department of the Gas-Den, predecessor of the Hino Motors, Ltd. was reorganized as the Tokyo Automobile Industries Co. and the Hitachi Aero plane Co. in 1937 and 1939 respectively. In 1938, Japanese Navy ordered the production of German trainer "Biicker Jungman" to Kyushu Aero plane Co. and of its engine "Hirth HM504" to Gas-Den Co. respectively based on a license agreement. Although the Gas-Den (Hitachi) produced more than 1300 engines under the name of "Hatsukaze (First Wing)" for both Japanese Navy and also Army, but it was completely redesigned by Gas-Den. Its unique design was based on Gas-Den's own know-how and production technology. Hino Motors restored it by its original engine that was preserved in Hamamatsu base of Japanese Self Defense Air Force. This paper describes structure of "Hatsukaze" with comparison of original "Hirth HM504" and philosophy of technology transfer.
石井 宏紀 相山 康道
vol.2013, pp."1A1-J08(1)"-"1A1-J08(4)", 2013-05-22

In this study, our purpose is to give human dexterousness to robot system and we take up Jenga game as concrete work target. This paper describes new approach for dexterous manipulation of Jenga blocks. At first, we suggest wrench motion approach which human use and wrench motion model. Then, we confirm effectiveness of wrench motion, removing Jenga blocks actually. Finally, we implement wrench motion to remove Jenga blocks system. We make robot remove Jenga blocks, and compare its result with other study.
福重 進也 赤星 保浩 渡辺 圭子 FURUSAWA Naomi KOURA Takao 趙 孟佑 HARADA Shoji 藤田 辰人
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2007, no.5, pp.415-416, 2007-09-07

Space debris impact to solar array causes not only destruction of insulation layer but also impact-induced plasma. This plasma lead to arcing between two points with potential differences on the solar array, for example, high potential cell and low potential cell or substrate with a damage on the insulation layer. Joule heat of this arcing can carbonize insulation layer and create permanent short-circuit path. This is permanent sustained arc. In this study, hypervelocity impact test was conducted to a solar array coupon which was compose of grand potential substrate and high potential cell applied voltage using an external circuit to simulate condition of power generation. We measured temperature and density of plasma created by hypervelocity impact as well as current and voltage of the external circuit in order to evaluate possibility of the permanent sustained arc between high potential cell and substrate on the solar array due to a space debris impact.
平石 雅之 蔦原 道久
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.74, no.746, pp.2132-2137, 2008-10-25

We propose the Spectral Lattice Boltzmann Method (SLBM) that is the numerical calculation method of fluids based on the lattice BGK (Bathnagar Gross Krook) model discretized with spectral method. Two dimensional homogeneous isotropic turbulence are simulated by the SLBM. Numerical results agree with another calculation results i.e. the energy spectra proportional to the wave number to -4 and backward cascade of energy is observed. As a result, we obtain the conclusion that homogeneous isotropic turbulence can be simulated by the SLBM, and it is confirmed that this method is useful for numerical simulations of turbulent flows.