長谷部 和則 宮内 隆史 菅谷 誠 角野 敏子
vol.2009, no.16, pp.101-104, 2009-12-02

The Train Information Management System (hereinafter, referred to as TIMS) was first adopted for the 209-950 series that was operated on the JR Chuo-Sobu Line. Since then, further development of TIMS has been done in terms of achieving higher performance, reliability and the additional functionalities, as it is adopted for the E531 series and E233 series. The TIMS has been adopted as the information control system for the new E259 series, which are to be introduced on the Narita Express limited express services to and from Narita International Airport, replacing the conventional 253 series. As the "TIMS" is to be used in an express train, some new functions are developed for the new equipment, with the further improvement of the performance of the conventional functions of the TIMS. This paper describes these newly adopted functions, design and the enhanced performance of the TIMS.
ハン ビンイク 水内 郁夫
vol.2013, pp."2P1-Q11(1)"-"2P1-Q11(4)", 2013-05-22

For a robot to hit a flying ping-pong ball which is rotating fast is difficult. A way is to use an ultra high-speed camera with tens of thousand fps. In this paper, we have derived the equation of motion of a rotating ball considering forces to the ball from the air, and predict the trajectory in the three-dimensional space based on the equation of motion.We have recorded several cases of a flying and rotating ping-pong ball in 240fps, tried to predict the trajectory of each case based on the observed rotation speed and flying speed of the ball, and compared the predicted drop point with the actual drop point to evaluate the presented prediction method. This paper also discusses the possibility of using a normal camera for trajectory prediction, based on the prediction of rotating speed from initial several frames using the equation of motion.
多田隈 建二郎 多田隈 理一郎 木下 宏晃 永谷 圭司 吉田 和哉 Iagnemma Karl
vol.2008, pp."2P1-C14(1)"-"2P1-C14(4)", 2008-06-06

In this paper, a novel crawler mechanism for sideways motion is presented. The crawler mechanism is of circular cross-section and has active rolling axes at the center of the circles. Conventional Crawler mechanisms can support massive loads, but cannot produce sideways motion. Additionally, previous crawler edges sink undesirably on soft ground, particularly when the vehicle body is subject to a sideways tilt. The proposed design solves these drawbacks by adopting a circular cross-section crawler. A prototype has been developed to illustrate the concept. Motion experiments confirm the novel properties of this mechanism: sideways motion and robustness against edge-sink. Motion experiments, with a test vehicle are also presented.
栗田 健 若林 雄介 山田 晴夫 堀内 雅彦
vol.2007, no.17, pp.54-57, 2007-07-18

It becomes more important to reduce the noise generated from Shinkansen train for further speed-up of Shinkansen. We developed the high-speed test train "FASTECH360" that has new equipment such as low-noise pantographs, "multi-segment slider", pantograph noise insulation plates and sound-absorbing panels for the noise from the lower area of car bodies. We investigated the noise distribution of "FASTECH360" by using a spiral microphone array, and we have taken countermeasures for the noise sources of "FASTECH360" based on the primary results of high-speed tests. Currently, the results show that the noise level of "FASTECH360" at the speed of 330km/h is approximately equal to that of the present commercial train at the speed of 275km/h (at a distance of 25m from the track).
伊藤 慎一郎
ジョイント・シンポジウム講演論文集 : スポーツ工学シンポジウム : シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミックス : symposium on sports engineering : symposium on human dynamics
vol.2008, pp.181-184, 2008-11-05

25 world records were born in the swimming races of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. The swimmer's wear rate of Lazer Racer, a drag reduction swim suit, among the gold medalists was 94%. The effectiveness of the swimsuit was quite apparent The reason of the drag reduction was to reduce the surface viscous friction drag and to reduce the projection cross-sectional area due to its compression effectiveness. Before Beijing Olympic started, expecting new records by these gold medalists with LZR Racer were calculated by dividing a race into two phases, a start & turn phase and a steady propulsive phase, on the assumption that theses gold medalists had the same swimming techniques of the previous world record holders. Although the drag reduction rate used in this calculation was modified according to one of the manufacturer announcement, each expecting new records was an approximate value of the new world records in Beijing Olympics. It was found that the speed increase effect by the swimsuit
太田 憲 梅垣 浩二 室伏 広治 羅 志偉
シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集
vol.2010, pp.319-324, 2010-11-02

The motions of a hammer are commonly regarded as a circular movement which a hammer undergoes around a turning human body. The distance of a throw depends on the speed of the hammer and the angle of its trajectory at the instant of release. The speed of the hammer increases gradually during preliminary winds and turns. During each turn the hammer rises up toward the high point of the trajectory and passes through the low point. Our interest in this study was to understand the mechanism of acceleration of the hammer in terms of parametrical excitation. The motions of hammer were analyzed to examine our theory using double pendulum model.
太田 憲 梅垣 浩二 室伏 広治 羅 志偉
ジョイント・シンポジウム講演論文集 : スポーツ工学シンポジウム : シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミックス : symposium on sports engineering : symposium on human dynamics
vol.2009, pp.447-452, 2009-12-02

The motions of hammer were analyzed to understand the mechanism of acceleration using variable-length pendulum and hula-hoop model using energy pumping mechanism. The condition that makes the time derivative of the energy positive is derived as energy pumping for hammer. The condition is expressed in terms of tugging force times velocity to pump hammer energy and tangential acceleration on the handle. In this study, motions of hammer were analyzed and numerical experiments were performed to examine the validity of the theory.
永武 拓 玉井 秀定 秋本 肇 吉田 啓之 高瀬 和之
計算力学講演会講演論文集 (ISSN:1348026X)
vol.2012, no.25, pp.718-719, 2012-10-06

The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant, Unit No.1, 2 and 3 which were under operation were automatically shut down when the earthquake occurred. After the earthquake, the tsunami reached the planst and all AC power was lost. This loss of AC power made it impossible to supply cooling water into the pressure vessel. After that, the water level in the pressure vessel became less and the meltdown occurred. But the loss of coolant and core uncovery process is unclear, because the plant parameters (water level, pressure, etc) could not be checked in the situation of loss of electric power. Now we are performing the numerical evaluation regarding to the core uncovery process in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Unit No.1 accident with the TRAC-BF1 code. In this study, the core uncovery process and the effect of isolation condenser for the reactor core cooling were investigated. This paper describes the results of the numerical evaluation on the core uncovery process.
木村 成竹 泉 聡志 酒井 信介
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.73, no.734, pp.1105-1110, 2007-10-25
1 4

A spring washer is widely used as a method for preventing loosening. However, experimental results presented by Sakai and Yamamoto et al., show that the performance of a spring washer as a loosening prevention mechanism is at best equal to that of a washer-less joint, if not worse. In this paper we analyzed loosening under shear loading and as a result were able to explain the mechanism that accelerates loosening in the framework of the three-dimensional finite element method (FEM). A spring washer causes non-uniformity of contact pressure at the washer interfaces, because of its asymmetric shape. When a bolted joint with a spring washer is subjected to shear loading, sticking area on the contact surfaces of the spring washer is limited to two corner points before the bearing surface undergoes gross slip. One of these points is on the upper surface of the spring washer and the other is on the lower surface. In this situation the nut rotation around these sticking points results in drastic loosening. We also conducted comparative simulation with Sakai's experimental results. Compared with experimental results, the bolted joint with the spring washer is easy to loosen according to the simulation results. It is believed that the difference comes from the spring washer's edge cutting into the contact surface of the nut, something not included in this simulation.
渡辺 浩志 久田 俊明 野口 裕久
日本機械学会論文集A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.59, no.557, pp.183-190, 1993
4 1

'Kinking' is known as an unstable behavior of a twisted slender rod, which occurs after the torsional buckling. It is simulated by a hyper-elastic finite element code developed by the authors, with hexahedral solid elements. The mechanical characteristics and the criterion of the kinking are successfully discussed. An incompressible constraint to model a rubber-like material is introduced in the simulation by the Lagrange multiplier method and the penalty method. It is found that the former method is computationally more efficient in the case of extremely large deformation such as kinking.
牧野 洋
日本機械学會誌 (ISSN:00214728)
vol.86, no.773, pp.367-372, 1983-04-05