奥井 正俊
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.46, no.3, pp.237-253, 1994
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Since the high economic growth period in Japan private motorcars have proliferated in the local cities, where they have become necessities of life for most dwellers today. This paper considers the present state of proliferation by applying some statistical methods to a set of cross-sectional data, an array of transportation and socio-economic variables in 1990 for each of eighty-four medium-sized cities located outside major metropolitan areas (Table 1). In order to solve the problem, the author studies the systematic relationship among the variables or the transportation system. The results may be summarized as follows:First, the eighteen variables on attributes of household, proliferation rate of private vehicle, modal choice in commuting, urban form, road environment and public transit shown in Table 2 were defined as indicators of the transportation system. Using exploratory factor analysis, they were grouped and simplified into five common factors which can be used as sorts of latent variables. The results of the factor analysis are given in Table 3. Of five factors extracted, Factor 5 was not identified even after a promax oblique rotation. Factor 1 was identified as household car ownership, Factor 2 as private traffic generation and traffic restraint, Factor 3 as public traffic generation, Factor 4 as compact car (Kei-jidosha) ownership in suburbs. These four factors correspond to essential elements of the above-mentioned transportation system.Second, for the respective group of key variables comprising each factor, the causal sequence in their internal correlations was examined by means of path analysis to clarify a property of the element. The following became clear after the investigation of the four arrow diagrams in Figure 1 to Figure 4 that show the results of the analysis: (1) The level of household car ownership is influenced by the number of commuters in the household and the family income. In particular the income level has an effect on the proliferation rate of passenger cars. (2) The incidence of traffic accidents is influenced by the model choice of motorcycles in commuting and the level of traffic congestion. This causal relationship is consistent with empirical facts. (3) The level of proliferation of both bus and taxis is influenced by the D.I.D.'s population density. It was proved that the urban form affects the level of public transit service. (4) The level of household compact car ownership is influenced by the proportion of the D.I.D.'s area to the city area. That is, the larger the proportion is, the higher becomes the level.Third, the relationship among elements of the transportation system was illustrated by hypothesizing a causal model for latent variables derived from the factors and then testing it through the multiple indicator method. The results in Table 4 and Figure 5 were obtained empirically, and indicate that three latent variables derived from the first three factors have significant relationships causally. The model represents a link in the chain of the causal cycle in which proliferation of private motorcars causes loss of public transit passengers.Finally, the first latent variable scores for the eighty-four cities were estimated and examined. This latent variable, household car ownership, is a key exogenous one which precedes causally. Figure 6 shows the highest scores to be located in the northern Kanto, the Hokuriku, and the Tokai Districts, the lower ones generally in Northeastern and Western Japan. Furthermore, cities with higher scores are those in which the secondary activities in the economy are of great importance and the increase in population is remarkable (Table 5).
山近 博義
人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨
vol.2004, pp.49-49, 2004

石田 曜
人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨
vol.2012, pp.58-59, 2012

天野 宏司 西武鉄道 株式会社
人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨 2010年 人文地理学会大会
pp.22, 2010 (Released:2011-02-01)

観光 鉄道事業者が実施する旅客誘致イベント(ウォーキング・ハイキング)への集客圏を把握するともに,その参加者の属性を分析する。
谷 謙二
人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨 2009年 人文地理学会大会
pp.3, 2009 (Released:2009-12-16)

1990年代後半以降の日本の大都市圏においては,戦 後の長期的なトレンドが反転し,人口の都心回帰,中 心都市への通勤率の低下などが顕著になった。この変 化を考える際には,90年代初めまでの大都市圏のシス テムが,いつ,どのように形成されたかを検討する必 要がある。筆者は,戦前の大都市(圏)と高度成長期 以降の大都市圏とではかなりの違いがあり,その違い は戦時期から復興期にかけての経済統制や占領政策に よって形成された部分が大きいと考える。これはいわ ゆる「総力戦体制論」につながるものであるが,当時 の大都市圏の変動はあまりにも激しく,変化の全貌は 十分に明らかとなっていない。本発表では,制度面と して土地所有,通勤手当,都市計画,労務動員,実態 面としては通勤流動,人口分布変動に注目して,当時 の大都市圏の変化とその含意を検討する。
中島 茂
人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨
vol.2003, pp.3-3, 2003

齊藤 知範
人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨 2009年 人文地理学会大会
pp.48, 2009 (Released:2009-12-16)

先行研究の問題点 先行研究によれば、犯罪不安とは、「犯罪や、犯罪に関連するシンボルに対する情緒的反応」、被害リスク知覚は、「犯罪被害に遭う主観的確率」とそれぞれ定義することができ、別々の構成概念として捉えることが可能である。 阪口(2008)が用いている、2000年のJGSS(日本版総合社会調査)における分析指標は、「あなたの家から1キロ(徒歩15分程度)以内で、夜の1人歩きが危ない場所はありますか(1 ある、0 ない)」である。アメリカのGSSが”afraid”という言葉を用いて「夜の1人歩きが不安な場所があるか」と尋ねており犯罪不安の指標に近いのに対して、JGSSの指標は「夜の1人歩きが危ない場所はあるか」と尋ねているためリスク知覚に近く、犯罪不安の指標としては不適切であると考えられる。先行研究においても、犯罪不安を測るためには、JGSSの指標を今後「夜の1人歩きが不安な場所があるか」という指標に変更することも検討すべきであるといった重要な問題点が指摘されている(阪口 2008:475)。阪口(2008)などの先行研究においては、犯罪不安を測る上ではワーディングをはじめとする調査設計に大きな問題点があり、データの制約上、犯罪不安の要因構造に関して充分な検討をすることが困難である。さらに、犯罪不安に関する調査設計や分析に際して、地理的な観点は、これまでわが国の諸研究においてはほとんど考慮されてこなかった。 本研究のアプローチ これに対して、本研究においては、住民調査を実施し、犯罪不安に関する指標を心理的な側面と行動に関する側面とに切り分けて測定することにより、分析に使用する。行動に関する側面については、具体的にどのエリアに対して犯罪不安に由来する回避行動を取っているかを、白地図を用いて記入してもらう調査を併用している。 住民調査についての概要を記す。神戸市須磨区のニュータウン地区と既成市街地地区からそれぞれ2小学校区、3小学校区を任意に選定し、これら5校区の20歳から69歳までの成人住民の縮図になるように、住民基本台帳にもとづき、確率比例抽出法によってサンプリングした。1つの調査地点につき50名ずつを抽出し、50の調査地点の合計2500名を対象に、2009年1月から2月にかけて、郵送法により調査を実施した。回収率の向上を目的とする、督促とお礼状を兼ねたリマインダー葉書は、1回送付した。1086票が回収され、回収率は、43.4%であった。回答に不備のあった4票を除外し、1082票を分析対象とした。 当日は、その分析結果の一部について報告し、社会学的、地理学的視座から、いくつかの考察を加えることとしたい。
泉谷 洋平
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.50, no.5, pp.507-521, 1998
1 2

The two remarkable tendencies have been observed in Japan's recent elections: the continuous rise in the abstention rate at successive elections and the increase of mutohaso (voters who have no particular partisanship). Although many previous studies have devoted attention to voting behavior, the rising abstention rate has been investigated only partially. Additionally, research focused on voting turnout rate have to date tended to slight underlying factors except those affecting the nation as a whole.Nowadays, however, the electorate's distrust of the political system rather than particular parties and statesmen is increasing, and the abstention rate, regardless of whether it is a national or local election, is also rising steadily. This reflects distrust of the political system itself at the local level as well as at the national level. Thus, this rise of abstention rate should be investigated from a more comprehensive framework rather than maintain a bias towards the national level. Therefore, this research note examines the relationship between local elections and the 1996 general election of the House of the Representatives in the southern Kanto region of Japan (Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo and Kanagawa), using the path analysis associated with J. Agnew's concept of context.The abstention rate of both the local and national elections are influenced by the socio-economic characteristics of municipalities located in the region under analysis. However, the high correlation observed between the general election and the two local elections (on municipal and the other prefectural) immediately before it cannot be explained by socio-economic characteristics dlone. This is because the abstention rate at these local elections affected the national election. It is very likely that apathy toward local elections, which had been shared by electors in the context of increasing distrust toward politics in general, caused the result of the higher abstention of the general election through his/her'path'and'sense of place'in the terminology of Agnew.Hence, keeping in mind that factors at both the scale of municipalities and prefectures had been an important'context'for the high abstention of the national election, I applied a causal model which incorporated the impact of the local elections on the national election immediately after them. The results, show a significant causality. It can thus be concluded that Agnew's perspective which enables us to integrate factors working at a few different spatial levels within a single framework is effective for considering phenomena concerned with recent distrust of politics.
八木 康幸
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.46, no.6, pp.581-603, 1994
4 2

In recent years, many wa-daiko (Japanese drums) troupes have been appearing in all parts of Japan. The wa-daiko has come into vogue especially in peripheral regions where depopulation and aging have reached a serious degree. The boom should be regarded as folklorism, relating to the concept of the German Volkskunde, rather than a part of popular culture in modern or post-modern Japan. The wa-daiko groups often insist on strong ties with the scenery, history and peasant traditions of the home town and village. They are eager to be placed as an equivalent to or substitute for the traditional folkloric performing art.In this article, I analyze the process in which the wa-daiko performances are invented and acquire meanings in a local context. My discussion is based upon the survey of the forty-one troupes in Nagasaki Prefecture which took part in the Shichoson Day (Cities, Towns and Villages Day) of the Journey Exposition in Nagasaki in 1990.I begin with an examination of the names and self-introductions of the wa-daiko groups. Most of the groups take a name for themselves after their town, a well-known landscape feature, local history, or a local tradition such as a legend, folktale, or a traditional activity of production. These are presumed to symbolize the home region. The self-introductions are announced at concerts, and also can be read in concert brochures. They explain how deeply the groups are associated with the local traditions, and claim legitimacy through representing the regional cultures, even through the wa-daiko dramming as a performing art is not authentic.Secondly, the article discusses the way the playing techniques were introduced to the regions. Most groups learned the technique from instructors whom they invited from remote regions. They also requested the instructors to compose a few pieces for them. The composers attempted, by request or voluntarily, to express regional features related to the nature and tradition. However, there is in fact no difference among the pieces played by each group. The groups, therefore, try to be distinctive from each other through the performances and costumes on stage. It is not a process in which the locality makes the sound significant. The fact is the other way round; the sound itself gains meanings through the dramatization and contrivance of performances.Thirdly, the troupe members and performers are investigated. The players consist of town and village officials, staff members of the chamber of commerce and industry, the agricultural and the fishery cooperatives, members of youth associations, school teachers, factory workers, housewives and so on. Most of them are of a relatively younger generation in their twenties and thirties, and 30 percent of them are women. They practice routine activities at the central settlement where the town office is located.Fourthly, I describe financial matters. Most of the wa-daiko groups enjoy various kinds of assistance. Some of them are organized as part of the revitalization project of the town authority and the chamber of commerce and industry. Moreover, not a few groups are financially supported by the prefectural and national governments. In Nagasaki Prefecture, for the last nine years, the total amounts of the grants were eighty-five million yen for 45 cases with the average amount per case being nearly two million yen. The prefectural government also offers another type of assistance. It makes a constant promotion of the wa-daiko groups through television programs as one of its public relations activities.The idyllic images of "homeland" or furusato that many wa-daiko groups try to express through their performances are responding to what city dwellers as well as academics expect to see.
杉本 良男
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.56, no.6, pp.603-614, 2004

本論文では, インド映画の特徴およびその文化的特性, 地域性, グローバル化の諸側面に注目する。まず, (1)インドのメガ・シティを舞台にした大衆演劇から娯楽映画への系譜, とくに, イギリス大衆演劇の影響を受けながら, インド神話・ペルシア神話を題材にとった大衆演劇の影響を直接受けた独立前のインド映画の状況について紹介する。つぎに, (2)インド映画の多言語性, 地域的多様性について, とくに, 20近い言語でつくられているインド映画の地域性と, とりわけ, 政治との関係が深かった南インドの政治的娯楽映画とナショナリズムとの関係について論じる。さらに, (3) グローバル化時代のインド映画について, とりわけ, 1990年代のインドの経済自由化以後, グローバル化の波に乗り, ハリウッドにも進出して世界を席巻しようとしているインド映画の現状と課題についてそれぞれ述べる。
阿部 亮吾
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.55, no.4, pp.307-329, 2003
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This paper argues the issue of female migrant workers who have been remarkable under the globalization, particularly paying attention to the condition of Filipino women, because the Republic of Philippines has been systematizing and promoting the exportation of manpower, and sending many Filipino female domestic workers to developed areas in Asia, the Middle East, and other western countries. However, Japan excludes domestic workers selectively through its strict immigration policy. As result, a great number of Filipino females who come to Japan are only entertainers like dancers and singers. In this context, Japan is unique compared with other countries. Most entertainers work at Philippine Pubs in different cities all over Japan. Therefore, the unique urban nightscapes of Philippine Pubs are built in local urban spaces.I explored the politics of space of Philippine Pubs, which is an important component of local urban space, and the politics of positioning Filipino female entertainers who work there, through a case study of Sakae Walk Street where many Philippine Pubs are located in Nagoya City.First, my study showed that the present location of Philippine Pubs in Sakae Walk Street used to be an entertainment area (Snack town) in the outskirt of downtown Sakae District. With the decline of this area, Philippine Pubs, where cheaper and younger entertainers are a main character, started to mushroom and eventually replaced the old entertainment town.Second, my study revealed that two agents concerning the formation of this space of Philippine Pubs in Sakae Walk Street have respectively constructed each representations of 'ethnicity' of the entertainers. Employers and talent agencies have constructed this 'ethnicity' showing imaginative geographies of exotic, sexual and southern countries, through the formation of space, particularly aspects of landscape-appearance, standing signboards, advertising boards-. Immigration/police have doubly constructed 'ethnicity' as 'victims' or 'wrongdoers' through the formation of space of control against this space of Philippine Pubs by executing the surveillance and exposure activities around Ikeda Park. Local inhabitants in Sakae Walk Street also support these activities.In conclusion, I hope to suggest that the politics of the formation of local space of Philippine Pubs, being mutually compositional with the politics of the social construction of representations about 'ethnicity', is one of the processes of othering entertainer. And also, the spaces, which two above-mentioned agents have formed, are mutually negotiative rather than parallel. This makes the politics of the formation of this space of Philippine Pubs and also the process of othering entertainers multidimensional.
三友 国五郎
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.11, no.1, pp.1-16,94, 1959

Remains of the earliest Jomon age are found in limited areas in southern Kanto, in the suburbs of Yokohama and Mishima. There is no sign of a pit house, but fire places are discovered. The local community of that time would seem to equal in scope to the sites of the remains. A local community very often includes several villages or hamlets, which are located in group on topographical features; cape, head land, spit.Those remains belong to the Hanazumi type, the Sekiyama type, the Kuro hama and Moroiso a.b.c. type. The largest plant of a pit house is 9×6m., whlie the smallest is 2.5×3m. The Minamibori shell mound was formerly a large village, which had five to ten pit houses with a central open space. Both the Fujioka and Fukuoka shell mounds were small hamlets with two or three pit houses.The Oyaba shell mound was resided by one large family. Its pit house is 9×6m. in area.Corroboration of the ancient society is difficult, but ethnological and archaeological facts may enable us to reason by analogy. Prehistoric villages, ancient communities, and the landowning groups differ in scope and structurally seem to be more complicated than is ordinarily supposed by scholars.
山本 茂
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.40, no.6, pp.529-553, 1988

The aim of this paper is to discuss the relations of spatial inequality in really existing socialism through critical reconsideration of the previous literature, and to propose some alternative ideas to elabotate the problem.Three approaches were adopted in the present study: First of all, the theoretical aspects of the problem are discussed. Secondly, through analysing the changing regional policies in postwar socialist Poland, the author attempts to make clear whether there existed efficient and consistent regional policies to eliminate the spatial disparities in Poland. Third, the actual conditions of the regional disparities are measured and escribed in the later section of this paper. Finally, the author presents his interpretations on the inequalities under socialism in a spatial context, and proposes to introduce some alternative ideas in order to elaborate the previous discussions on this theme.Regional equality under socialism is defined by saying that every individual in society has to have equal access to economic, social and cultural opportunities, including spatially equal access, within the social, occupational and ethnic groups.Fuchs, R. J. & Demko, G. J.'s paper, focusing on the spatial equality problems under existing socialism, started their discussions from the firm faith that socialism is incompatible with spatial inequality and that regional policies should eliminate regional disparities. Many scholars considered different aspects of this problem using this premise. This common view in recent studies is the object of criticism by the author of this paper, because the ideological bases for equalization are so vague and indefinite and no one has justified the theoretical commitment to the elimination of spatial inequality.Endowments of nature are in themselves an incidential result, and natural resources, land conditions and potentials for development and so on are arbitrarily and unevenly distributed on the earth. As it is still impossible to overcome the factor of economic distance in economic development, under present conditions of economic development, the geographical distribution of economic processes should be uneven for the further development of economy.The spatial structure of national economy in really existing socialism is indeed geographically uneven, and it has a reasonable foundation.Regional policies in socialist Poland have been a part of comprehensive national development strategies. However, they have been inconsistent, and not strong enough to eliminate the regional inequalities, because the principle of economic efficiency was given priority over the principle of regional equality through the process of economic development in the postwar period.According to the Polish experience, the regional disproportions have been firmly diminishing, but the velocity of diminishing regional disparities has been slow and weak under the socialist regional policies. A long range persistence of spatial inequalities has been revealed in spite of the socialist regional policies.The author measured the degree of spatial inequalities in Poland on the basis of official data (Tab. 1, Tab. 3). The exisitence of regional disparities in economic indicators was clarified, and regional differences of economic development reflected on regional resources allocation, location of population and urban centers, exisiting regional structure and so on. However, equalization in living conditions and other social indicators was rather evident. The most important element was the fact that an historical trend of spatial equalization could be clearly observed (Fig. 4, Fig. 5).Three aspects of the spatial inequality problems were examined. As a result, it seems impossible to eliminate spatial inequality in the economic or production context in any social system. Spatial equalization in social processes were however much stronger in Poland.
岡本 耕平
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.50, no.1, pp.23-42, 1998
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Behavioral geography, which started in the 1960s, had lost its impetus on account of internal division and various criticism from radicals and humanists in geography after about 1980. Because of its perceived lack of social relevance at a time when social issues had become the major focus of human geography, behavioral research was often relegated to a minor role within the discipline.Behavioral geography, however, has revitalized since 1990. This stems from two sources: the theoretical pluralism in post-modern geography and interdisciplinary studies with psychology, cognitive science, and GIS.This paper has three purposes. First, it outlines a history of behavioral geography and describes its revitalization in the 1990s. Second, the geographical studies on cognitive map and cognitive mapping, which has been the most important research theme in behavioral geography, are critically examined. Third, this paper pursues the future development of behavioral geography surveying the new ideas in recent psychology and examining the raison d'être of cognitive studies in human geography.In discussion, this paper makes the following pleas. 1) Behavioral studies in geography should look hard at routinized non-awareness activities in our daily lives in societal and cultural context. 2) The focus of the study should be on 'behavior in space', not on'spatial behavior', 3) The study on 'vista' will bring fertile perspectives to behavioral geography. 4) Behavioral geographers should notice that human spatial knowledge has various aspects.
土井 喜久一
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.22, no.5, pp.485-502, 1970
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In his ingenious papers (footnote 1 to 4), John C. Weaver has not only contributed much to the advancement of the agricultural geography of American Middle West, but also presented to geographers in general an important method of the analysis of percentage distributions, namely the method of combination analysis. However, it should have been noted that, although his method was almost perfect for his study area where, thanks to the crop rotation, near-equal share of cropland percentages among major crops was the rule, his method is not always so effective if applied to other types of percentage sequences. Therefore, while many geographers of other countries adopted his method in the research of their particular subjects (footnote 5-8), some of them modified it to correct its most serious deficiency, i.e., its tendency to give "fragmented combinations" that include quite many elments with large as well as very small percentages.The writer is one of those modifiers and has demonstrated in an earlier paper (footnote 12, 13) that his modified method is superior to the original one in that (1) it prevents the fragmentation and produces combinations with the same or fewer number of elements, and (2) it saves much calculating work by the use of a table of critical percentage values instead of squares and divisions of percentages.In this paper the writer re-examines the original method to find the cause of the fragmented combinations resulting from the successive decrease, with the increase of the number of elements, of the variances used by Weaver (Weaver's variance).Weaver's variance can be divided into two parts, both being non-negative: (a) true variance or squared standard deviation, and (b) the correction term, i.e., the square of the difference between mean and the theoretical norm. Because the correction term always decreases with the increase of the number of the elements in the combination, either successive increase of the standard deviation (as in the case of Ionia County in Table 1) or the existence of a distinctive maximum of the standard deviation is the necessary condition for the occurrence of a minimum of Weaver's variance which determines the combination. Analysis of the percentage sequences incorporating various mathematical progressions has shown that only arithmetic and cosine progrssions show succesive increase of standard deviation. While these two progressions are represented in a semilogarithmic graph by convex curves, other types of progressions have very weak or no maximum of standard deviation and some of them are shown as straight lines and others, as concave curves (Fig. 1).Actual sequences of percentages have, of coutse, no such mathematical regularity, but plotting them on a semi-logarithmic graph may suggest the existence or non-existence of a minimum of standard deviation. However, convexity of the semi-logarithmic curve is only one condition for the existence of a minimum of Weaver's variance, and another condition is the sizes of the percentages of the first to, say, third ranking elements. If they, or the first of them, are large enough, Weaver's variances will show a minimum at the first, second, or the third element. Formula (II-1), another expression of Weaver's variance, leads to the condition of the occurrence of one-element combination, Formula (II-2). Solution of this formula is shown as the area I in Fig. 2 A, which also shows the ranges of percentages of the first and the second ranking elements of the two- or more-element combinations (II, II-III-, III-).Some geographers criticised Weaver's standard norm, an exactly equal division of 100% by the number of elements. Of course, other norms such as 50, 25, 25%, or 40, 20, 20, 10, 10% or even a mathematical progression are feasible, but the multiplicity of these norms and the subjectivity in selecting one from these render the merit of these alternative norms doubtful.
水内 俊雄
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.37, no.5, pp.438-455, 1985
1 4

Japanese cities are generally characterized as residentially homogeneous. This homogeneity is primarily preserved by ethnic singularity in Japan. A few studies postulate the existence of residential segregation in Japanese cities by differences in economic and social status. This is true in some cities strongly influenced by Japanese pre-war industrialization such as Osaka and Kobe. A previous paper by the author has already pointed out three residentially segregated areas in Osaka before 1945, and assumed the existence of a concentric residential structure. But it is recognized that differences in ethnicity and religion strongly affect residential location and form tight residential structures. Because of the lack of this ethnic pluralism in Japan, the study of Japanese residential segregation has not produced fruitful results. But ethnic pluralism was clearly observed in several pre-war Japanese colonial cities. In addition, a great deal of material and information written in Japanesei s available for such cities. Regrettably, the study of pre-war Japanese colonial cities is still at the primitive stage and of course an analytical framework is hardly developed.Before 1945, Japan ruled many colonial cities. In some cities, Japanese authority was powerfully committed and altered the native urban administrative system. Dalian had at first been constructed by the Russians in 1899 and five years later was occupied by the Japanese. Unlike other Japanese colonial cities, Dalian was newly constructed on virgin land and its city form was more rigidly planned. At the end of World War II, nearly two hundred thousand Japanese lived there, 28% of the total population of Dalian. In 1940, there were eleven colonial cities whose share of foreigners were over the highest rate in Japan proper (the 13.1% of Osaka). Dalian was ranked third in percentage and ranked second in total numbers of foreign population next to Mukden. (The author lays stress on the very rapid urban population increase, ethnic-biased employment structure and male-female ratio).Three major issues stand out in colonial cities such as Dalian. First, unlike Japanese cities, urban management and planning were carried out more extensively by the central government than the local one. For example, the sphere of municipal authority in Dalian was well restricted by the central government and did not reach the level of that in Japan until the extension of civic responsibility in 1937. Instead, the South Manchurian Railway Company had greater charge of constructing urban infrastructure, acting together with the central government, and these two big powers directly administering city affairs made Dalian a forerunner in town planning especially.Second, Dalian concurrently possessed the following features of urban construction prevalent in the latter part of the nineteenth century: a well executed baroque style of town landscaping by the Russians, a suburban residential district for the Japanese middle class, housing estates for factory workers, and a grid pattern originally developed by the staff of the South Manchurian Railway Company.This kind of town landscaping, however, never fails to give rise to enforcement of acts that determine discriminative residential segregation. This is the third issue. In the process of this enforcement, the following principle was in force: that a residential ethnic zone should have boundaries which constitute barriers of a kind preventing or discouraging contact between ethnic groups and should be an ethnically homogeneous community. In fact, a small ridge running south to north was chosen to divide the Chinese residential area to the west from the foreigners' area to the east. A gentle slope up to the south guaranteed psychological dominance and other amenites on an overlocking height; this slope was monopolized by a population 90% Japanese.
白石 太良
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.23, no.6, pp.646-657, 1971
1 1