澤田 忠幸 松尾 浩一郎 橋本 巌
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.82, no.6, pp.514-522, 2012 (Released:2012-08-18)

This research focused on both the psychological benefits and costs of crying. We investigated the relationships of intrapersonal and interpersonal consequences of crying. Female nurses (N = 300) were requested to describe one of the most impressive negative episodes where they had cried. Then, they were asked to complete a questionnaire including a scale of their psychological changes after the crying episode and the social reactions when they cried. Factor analysis revealed five components of the psychological changes scale. Solitary crying had greater effects for both psychological benefits and costs after crying than crying in front of others. Factor analysis revealed three components of the scale of social reactions. When they cried in front of others, “catharsis”, “positive attitude”, and “recognition of the relationship with others” after crying were associated with “empathy and social support” from others. The factors of “recognition of negative reality” and “negative attitude” were associated with “criticism and slander” from others. These results were discussed in terms of the communicative functions and the reflective functions of adult crying.
渡邊 寛
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.88, no.3, pp.251-259, 2017

<p>Recently, with gender equality advancing within society, men are increasingly being expected to undertake other, non-traditional, roles. The aim of this study was to develop the new male roles scale, and examine its reliability and validity. Study 1 showed that the new male roles scale consisted following four factors; Attentiveness to Women, Commitment to Household Responsibility, Consideration for Others, and Emancipation from Emotional Restriction and Toughness. In study 2, four items for each factor were chosen and goodness of fit of this scale was confirmed. Furthermore, the result revealed that this scale had certain validity. Study3 showed that this scale had time stability, except for Commitment to Household Responsibility. However, its internal reliability was confirmed in study 2. These results suggest that this scale has certain reliability and validity. Finally, the relationship between this scale and previous researches was discussed.</p>
渡邊 寛
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.88, no.5, pp.488-498, 2017

<p>In many foreign studies, traditional male roles are measured through multiple constructs. However, these constructs are not organized, and the reliability and validity of these scales have not been verified in Japan. This study sought to rearrange the constructs of traditional male roles, develop a scale to match these constructs, and verify its reliability and validity. Based on existing measures, traditional male roles are composed of five factors: high social status; physical and psychological toughness; high agency; low effeminacy; and superiority over women. In Study 1, by using data obtained from 316 undergraduate students, I chose four items for each of the five factors by using confirmatory factor analysis and a scale for attitudes regarding the traditional Japanese male roles was developed. Study 2 verified the scale's criterion-related validity using data obtained from 361 undergraduate students. T-test showed that men scored higher than women for all factors, implying that men are still bound to traditional male roles. Lastly, Study 3 validated its time-stability. Together, these results indicate that the scale is reliable and valid.</p>
中條 和光 納富 一宏 石田 敏郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.64, no.5, pp.360-368, 1993-12-20 (Released:2010-07-16)
7 7

The effect of the number of characters on the reading rate of character strings moving from right to left on a CRT was investigated (Experiment 1). Characters were added one by one to the right end of the string, and the number of characters displayed simultaneously was gradually increased from 1 to 30. Subjects (21 undergraduates) were asked to adjust the moving rate of characters until the optimal moving rate for reading was obtained. It was found that the optimal moving rate increased proportionately as the number of characters displayed simultaneously increased from 1 to 5, but it was stabilized at about 190 milliseconds/character when the number of characters exceeded five. This result was interpreted as follows: characters are processed one after another when the number of characters is five or less, while chunked characters are analyzed for morphemes when the number of characters exceeds five. A model for sentence structure analysis that includes morpheme processing was constructed according to this interpretation. The validity of the model was tested (Experiment 2, subjects were 20 undergraduates.), which showed that when the number of characters was five or less, characters were analyzed one after another for the detection of morphemes.
津崎 実
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.59, no.3, pp.176-190, 1988-08-30 (Released:2010-07-16)

In this article some of the recent researches on music perception are reviewed, with a special emphasis upon those that concern melody organization and musical pitch. Lerdahl and Jackendoff (1983) pointed out that there is a grammatical parallel between music and language, and presented some grammatical rules for the tonal music. Serafine (1983) cautioned us not to confuse the “style principles” with the “musical cognitive process”. The recent experiments on musical pitch and melody has reinforced the psychological validity of musical segmentation, tonality, pitch chroma, scale, and key. Theoretical approaches to the relations in the scale systems gave the possibility of a “new scale system” for use in psychological experiments, while the recent pitch models has made it possible for us to control tonality and to generate tones never used before in playing music. The need for a greater cross-stylistic generality of psychological concepts in music and the farther clarification of the “musical cognitive process” through experiments utilizing the “new scale system” and the “new tones” are indicated.

1 0 0 0 OA 心身脳問題

田中 彰吾 浅井 智久 金山 範明 今泉 修 弘光 健太郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.90, no.5, pp.520-539, 2019 (Released:2019-12-25)

This paper reviews past research on bodily consciousness and its neural representations, as well as current research on the body, self, and brain. In the early 20th century bodily consciousness was first conceptualized as body schema and body image. Empirical findings on phenomena such as phantom limbs suggested that body consciousness could be reduced to body representations in the brain. Body schema and body image have firm foundations in related brain areas including somatosensory and motor cortices, although they cannot be completely reduced to neural processes. In addition, the body image can be better categorized into two aspects (body semantics and body topology) that correspond to different streams of neural processing. Finally, we explored the self that emerges through interactions between the sense of body ownership and the sense of agency. The subjective sense of the self could well be the result of the bottom-up integration of multiple body representations.
伊田 行秀
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.56, no.6, pp.349-352, 1986-02-28 (Released:2010-07-16)
4 4

An attempt was made to see the relationship of latent handedness (Luria, 1966) with individual hemisphericity, which was evaluated by a version of Hemisphericity Test (HT) devised by Ogura & Hatta (1983) and Cognitive Mode Questionnaire (CMQ; Sakano & Ohgishi, 1983). Subjects were 125 undergraduates (69 males and 56 females). In males, one of those three criteria for latent handedness, i. e. arm-folding subtest, showed a connection with HT; right-arm-uppermost subjects (R group) preferred verbal to nonverbal stimuli more often than left-arm-uppermost subjects (L group). These results support Sakano's hypothesis that the arm-folding subtest reflects individual hemisphericity (Sakano, 1982). Also, HT scores differed significantly between those two groups classified by CMQ. This result indicates the connection between CMQ and individual hemispheri-city, whereas those subtests for latent handedness did not show any relation with CMQ. In females, no significant relation could be found among those three tests. Possibly these sex differences are related with those sex differences responsible for the degree of cerebral asymmetry.
齊藤 勇
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.57, no.4, pp.242-245, 1986-10-30 (Released:2010-07-16)
1 1

Sixty individuals (30 male/30 female) served as subjects in an experiment designed to investigate a person's felt emotions while engaged in social interactions with other people. The social interaction situations explored here represented various combinations of the following three variables: (1) eight kinds of sentiments about the other person; (2) eight kinds of social behavior directed to the other person; (3) sex of the other person. Subjects' responses to questioning revealed that a person's emotional reaction is heavily dependent upon the interpersonal sentiments pertaining in a given situation. Very different emotional reactions were associated with differences in interpersonal sentiments even when the pattern of social behavior remained constant. It was also found that emotional reactions changed when different patterns of social behavior were employed with a given individual.