酒井 浩二 乾 敏郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.70, no.3, pp.211-219, 1999-08-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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We investigated the distortion that occurs during the storage of representations in visual short-term memory by using smooth closed figures with varying stimulus complexity and similarity. In similarity judgments, the results suggested that the psychological similarity between two figures was based on averaging physical similarities of matched features. In a detection experiment, the results showed that the processing of detection was limited in its capacity for the precision of shape, and that it was more difficult to detect the precise shape in the case of complex figures. In a recognition experiment, the results showed that forgetting occured during a one-second retention interval. These two results showed that internal noise distorts both detection and retention processes. These findings suggested that representations of the complex figures with many features were distorted to a larger degree because each feature was individually masked with internal noise. It is concluded that the psychological similarity between an input pattern and a distorted pattern stored in short-term memory is invariant with stimulus complexity.
德吉 陽河 岩崎 祥一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.178-187, 2014 (Released:2014-06-25)
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We conducted two studies to develop a Japanese version of the Personal Growth Initiative Scale-II (PGIS-II), and examined its reliability and validity. PGIS-II was developed as a multidimensional measure of the multiple processes of the Personal Growth Initiative (PGI). The PGI describes an active, intentional engagement in the process of personal growth for self-improvement of life experiences. Study 1 (N = 204) reports the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the Japanese version of the PGIS-II. The CFA confirmed that 4-factor model showed acceptable fit indices, with reliability coefficients ranging from .67 to .84. Concurrent validity of the PGIS-II was indicated by the correlation with happiness, the positive score for automatic thoughts. Study 2 (N = 101) reports the concurrent validity of the PGIS-II using scales for locus of control, self-esteem and coping. Results suggested significant correlations between scores on the PGIS-II and locus of control, self-esteem and some coping subscales. The overall results suggest that the Japanese version of the PGIS-II has satisfactory statistical reliability and validity.
閻 琳 堀内 孝
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.90.18203, (Released:2019-05-20)

This study was designed to examine factors that improve job satisfaction of international students studying in Japan when doing part-time jobs, based on sub-theories of the Self-Determination Theory (SDT). A hypothetical model based on the organismic integration theory and basic psychological needs theory, which are sub-theories of the SDT, were developed and examined through covariance structure analysis. The main results were as follows: (a) the need for relatedness and the need for competence, which are basic psychological needs, directly improve job satisfaction; (b) autonomous motivation is increased, and higher job satisfaction is obtained by satisfying the three psychological needs; (c) positive effect of the need for relatedness on the need for competence and positive effect of the need for competence on the need for autonomy were observed, suggesting the importance of satisfying the need for relatedness in part-time employment. The psychological processes affecting the job satisfaction of international students studying in Japan when doing part-time jobs is discussed based on the above results.
水野 りか 松井 孝雄
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.90.18305, (Released:2019-05-20)

This study explored the effects of the semantics of first-constituent kanji characters on semantic processing of Japanese two-kanji words and examined the processing order of the two constituent characters. We used a semantic categorization task in which participants judged whether words represented human entities (human words) or not (general words). In half of both types of words, the first kanji character represented a human entity (human characters), while this was not the case in the other half. Initial human characters had inhibitory effects on the semantic categorization of general words and facilitatory effects on the semantic categorization of human words. In addition, considering that no facilitatory effects were found for second human characters in Mizuno and Matsui (2018), it seems that semantic processing of initial human characters finishes earlier than processing of kanji words, thereby facilitating their semantic processing. Processing of second human characters, meanwhile, finishes almost simultaneously with that of kanji words and does not facilitate semantic processing. This suggests that semantic processing proceeds from the first to the second character.
佐藤 洋輔 沢宮 容子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 = The Japanese journal of psychology (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.4, pp.356-366, 2018

This study examined the associations between sexual orientation, interpersonal factors, response styles, and mental health. A total of 1,330 graduate and undergraduate students—205 LGBs (lesbians, gays, and bisexuals) and 1,125 heterosexuals—completed a questionnaire on the topics of interpersonal stress, social support, two types of response styles (rumination and problem-solving), depression, and anxiety. The analysis of variance results indicated that LGB respondents reported more rumination and interpersonal stress and less social support than heterosexual respondents. Moreover, path and mediation analyses revealed that sexual orientation can increase depression and anxiety through interpersonal factors that promote rumination or inhibit problem-solving. These results suggest that LGB youth experience greater stress in interpersonal relationships, and this stress promotes maladaptive response styles that can exacerbate mental health.
倉石 精一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.8, no.3, pp.353-376, 1933

The purpose of this study is to observe modalities in the process of exercises of the controlled association which dures for a considerably long period and to contribute herefrom to the study of thinking. It seems to me that, heretofore, the experimental conditions were not strict enough in the study of association for example, numbers of trials for one problem were too few . Under such conditions it is natural that we can not treat adequately the introspectional reports of the subjects.<BR>Now, of what significance are the introspected contents such as images and inner speaches to the reactions in question? And of what sign is the &ldquo;gef&uuml;hlm&auml;ssige Erlebnis&rdquo; which was brought about by the transition of the problem? When we express naively to &ldquo;think&rdquo; implies this &ldquo;Erlebnis.&rdquo; And yet the psychologists of the W&uuml;rzburg school established a special &ldquo;Denkelernent&rdquo; rejecting images and this &ldquo;gefuhl massige Erlebnis.&rdquo; But must the essence of thinking be the &ldquo;Erlebnis&rdquo;?<BR>We distinguish two sorts of reactions in the process of the controlled association, namely the passive reaction and the active reaction , according, usually, to the modes of phenomena intervened between the presentations of stimuli and the reactions. But can this distinction signify the essential difference?<BR>In the experiment of this sort we can get true knowledge of the process of the reaction only when our experimental conditions work as true conditions. It is useless to indulge in the analysis of the phenomena which appear under ambiguous conditions.<BR>To correct some of defects of the previous studies, I planned the system of my experiment in the following manner; namely, the problems were limited to the response with the superordinate concepts and the subjects exercised these problems for 30 days using 20 new stimulus-words every day. The instruction is as follows.&ldquo;Response quickly with an adequate superordinate concept to a given stimulus-word.&rdquo; After the reaction the subjects make the introspectional renorts freely.<BR>When we examine the reports of the exercise during 30 days we notice that<BR>(1)There is a remarkable reduction in the reaction time inspite of the fact that we used new stimulus-words every day.<BR>(2)The number of reports of the so-called interpolated phenomena, which get place between the presentation of the stimulus and the reaction, decreases; moreover the grade of the &ldquo;Eindringlichkeit&rdquo; of these phenomena diminishes also.<BR>(3)The reaction-word becomes more adequate either when we conoider it from the objective side or when we examine it from the introspection of the subject.<BR>Now in this advanced process we can name the superordinate concepts immediately in spite of the fact that the stimulus-words were new every day; and the so-called interpolated phenomena are diminished. Can we not assert that in an intended act it is things of no importance that there appear various &ldquo;nsychische Gebilde&rdquo; in the consciousness?<BR>Against this assertion perhaps many people may say that it is impossible to react without the understanding of the stimulus. To Lc sure a functional action of understanding of stimulus is necessary. But it is not necessary to appear in the consciousness.<BR>The more smooth is the completion of the intended act the simpler is the subjective side of this act. This simple conscious phenomena, i. e, &ldquo;Eigenbewusstsein,&rdquo; can not become the direct object of our study.<BR>I was disappointed in the analysis of the introspe tional facts of the psychological study of thinking. And I asserted that to the completion of an intended act the conscious efforts were of no importance. To this one may make the objection that the very basis of this conscious efforts is the facts of thinking.
林 智幸 湯澤 正通
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.76, no.6, pp.554-559, 2006-02-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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This study investigated what dimensions young children's trait concepts have for real peers at their nursery school. Teachers of nursery school rated children's personality characteristics in terms of each dimension of the Big Five, and children were selected who showed different behavioral characteristics in those the five dimensions. Five- and six-year-old children (26 participants: 14 boys and 12 girls) evaluated those selected peers' personality. It was found that young children made different evaluations between extroversion and the other four traits (agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and intellect), and between agreeableness and intellect. The results suggested that young children's trait concepts have a dimension of extroversion, in addition to a general dimension of goodness-badness.
小山内 秀和 岡田 斉
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.82, no.2, pp.167-174, 2011 (Released:2011-12-06)
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Readers may have various experiences while reading a narrative, such as imagining the world described in the narrative, empathizing with the protagonist, and thinking about the author of the narrative or the real world. Referred to as “reader response” in literary theory, these experiences are important topics in the study of a reader's interactions with a literary text. To investigate differences among individuals in the degree of openness to these experiences during narrative comprehension, we translated the Literary Response Questionnaire (LRQ) developed by Miall and Kuiken (1995) and selected 37 items from the original scale to develop a Japanese version (LRQ-J). This survey was administered to 497 undergraduate students. The results showed that all subscales of the LRQ-J had internal consistency. Respondents' scores showed significant correlations with fantasy proneness, imaginative involvement, imagery vividness, and ego-resiliency. The results suggest that the LRQ-J has sufficient reliability and validity. The psychological characteristics of experiences assessed by the LRQ-J are discussed.
佐藤 静
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.73, no.2, pp.192-196, 2002-06-25 (Released:2010-07-16)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between personality and characteristics in collage work. Seventy undergraduates filled the Yatabe-Guilford (YG) personality test and produced a piece of collage work. The YG personality types were not different in terms of collage work characteristics. However, emotional adaptation and introvert/extrovert scores were reflected in the number of cuttings used in the piece. General activity score was reflected in the number of vehicle pictures used. Those who used an eye picture had a tendency to be depressed and lacking in confidence. Those who used a “stone circle” picture tended to be more emotionally adapted and extroverted. The results suggested a possibility that personality traits were reflected in specific characteristics in collage work.
平 知宏 楠見 孝
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.82, no.3, pp.283-299, 2011

The study of the metaphor is interdisciplinary and focuses mostly on three points in cognitive psychology: (a) the cognition of metaphoricity, (b) metaphor comprehension processes, and (c) the reason why one concept is represented by another concept as a metaphor. This article reviews the history of research on the metaphor from these three perspectives. Most recent studies support the following viewpoints. Metaphor comprehension is as quick and automatic as literal comprehension. Metaphor comprehension entails the processes of comparison and abstraction. The reason why one concept is compared with another concept is strongly related with the motivation process of combination between different concepts such as embodied cognition.
浅井 智久 丹野 義彦
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.81, no.3, pp.247-261, 2010

Auditory hallucinations (AH), a psychopathological phenomenon where a person hears non-existent voices, commonly occur in schizophrenia. Recent cognitive and neuroscience studies suggest that AH may be the misattribution of one's own inner speech. Self-monitoring through neural feedback mechanisms allows individuals to distinguish between their own and others' actions, including speech. AH maybe the results of an individual's inability to discriminate between their own speech and that of others. The present paper tries to integrate the three theories (behavioral, brain, and model approaches) proposed to explain the self-monitoring hypothesis of AH. In addition, we investigate the lateralization of self-other representation in the brain, as suggested by recent studies, and discuss future research directions.
梅本 貴豊 稲垣 勉
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)

<p>This study examined the relationship between motivational regulation strategies and instability of motivation during class. Eighty-two undergraduates at two universities participated via a self-reported questionnaire, which was administered at six time points during one class for a specific subject. The mean score of situational motivation was calculated as "level of motivation," and the intraindividual standard deviation of these was calculated as "instability of motivation." With self-efficacy, intrinsic value, and university as control variables, the results of the partial correlation analysis indicated that the level of motivation correlated positively with behavioral and emotional engagement. These results supported the validation of measuring situational motivation in this study. The results of the analysis indicated that instability of motivation correlated negatively with strategies of adding value to learning contents and focusing on performance. In other words, these results imply that the instability of motivation of undergraduates who were using motivational regulation strategies during class was small, and their situational motivation was steady. The effect of motivational regulation strategies during class on situational motivation was discussed.</p>
登張 真稲 首藤 敏元 大山 智子 名尾 典子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)

<p>The first purpose of this study was to confirm whether the cooperativeness of adolescents comprises the following three aspects: finding better solutions for self and others, cooperating with others, and concurring with others. Three factors describing these concepts were extracted from the data of three surveys conducted with university and senior high school students. The revised version of the Multifaceted Cooperativeness Scale was developed based on this three-factor solution. The revised scale consists of three subscales: collaborative problem-solving, cooperation, and harmoniousness. The second purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between these subscales and activity and creativity, using two types of the Big Five Scale and the Creativity Scale. The following assumptions were made: collaborative problem-solving correlates with activity and creativity; cooperation correlates with activity, but not with creativity; and harmoniousness correlates negatively with activity and creativity. Another survey conducted with university students generally supported these hypotheses and verified the construct validity of the revised Multifaceted Cooperativeness Scale. The results also indicated that harmoniousness was related to neuroticism.</p>
玉井 颯一 五十嵐 祐
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)

<p>Ostracism is a contradicted social action because it has been widely adopted as a legal sanction but is also considered to be excessive enforcement. In the present study, we conducted a scenario-based experiment to examine the psychological process underlying the endorsement of ostracism in school settings. We focused on three general rationales to justify the sanction: a general prevention to protect public welfare (utilitarianism); a counter to deviance from social norms (retributivism); and a type of education to rehabilitate a perpetrator (moral education). The results showed that utilitarianism was more effective in justifying ostracism than retributivism or moral education. Further, preferences towards ostracism based in utilitarianism were less susceptible to influence from others. These findings indicate people's general preference for the protection of public welfare over the segregation of wrongdoers.</p>
田崎 勝也 申 知元
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)

<p>This study aimed to identify how a response style (RS) affects differential item functioning (DIF) detections in cross-cultural comparison studies. RS is an individual's systematic response tendency to survey questions. Following the representative indicators response style means and covariance structure (RIRSMACS) model introduced by Weijters et al.(2008), Tasaki and Shin (2017) developed an RS measurement model and quantified three RS types (acquiescence, extreme, and mid-point) in three nations (Japan, Korea, U.S.). Using the same data set, this study adapts their RS model to control for RS-related nuisance variances and to see if different DIF items emerge with or without the RS model. As a result of DIF analysis through the MGMACS approach, three nonuniform and five uniform DIF items were flagged on a 10-item psychological scale. By applying the RS model to DIF analysis, all the nonuniform DIF items and three uniform DIF items turned out to be non-DIF items. These results imply that RS-related nuisance variances may be a cause of DIF, and RIRSMACS can be used to control for RS.</p>
渡邊 寛
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)

<p>News reports and critical reviews of the 2010s have repeatedly reported that men are bound by traditional male roles at work. This study examined the kind of organizational factors that facilitate male roles expectations by men's supervisors and how these expectations impact their emotions and mental health in the workplace. The results show that these expectations existed in workplace environments that foster strong machoism and male dominance and a less inclusive work environment. Results further show that regardless of male roles attitudes, when supervisors required men to be manly, it decreased positive emotions felt about the job, and increased the levels of distrust felt toward their boss and discomfort within their workplace, which exacerbated their mental health. This research promotes the integrated understanding of gender harassment and organizational research and discusses prospects for future studies.</p>
品田 瑞穂
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.6, pp.638-644, 2018

<p>This study examined how the attitude of an interviewer affected the perceived deceptiveness of interviewees. Forty-four university students (20 males and 24 females) were interviewed, and either told the truth or lied about their experience. They were randomly assigned to the conversation condition or the accusation condition. The interviewer in the conversation condition nodded and made eye contact with the interviewees, whereas the interviewer in the accusation condition did not look at the interviewees and suspected what the interviewees said. Neutral observers watched the videotaped interviews and rated their perceived deceptiveness of the interviewees. The results indicated that accusations by the interviewer increased non-verbal behaviors (e.g., eye blinking) of the interviewees, and the increased eye blinking amplified the perceived deceptiveness of the interviewees.</p>