西村 多久磨 櫻井 茂男
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.83, no.6, pp.546-555, 2013 (Released:2013-05-01)
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This study examined changes in academic motivation among elementary and junior high school students. Based on self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000a), we focused on changes in autonomous and controlled motivation. In Study 1, we examined inter-individual changes in academic motivation among 5th to 9th grade students (N=1 572) through a cross-sectional study. In Study 2, we examined intra-individual changes in academic motivation among students (N=128) who were in transition from elementary to junior high school through a longitudinal study. All participants completed the Academic Motivation Scale (Nishimura, Kawamura, & Sakurai, 2011) that measured autonomous and controlled motivation. The results revealed that autonomous motivation decreased in the students from elementary to junior high school, while controlled motivation increased during the same period. This is a unique finding because a prior study conducted in a Western culture suggested that both motivations decrease gradually in school.
荻野 佳代子 瀧ヶ崎 隆司 稲木 康一郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.75, no.4, pp.371-377, 2004-10-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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This study examined the relationship between emotion work (Zapf, 2002) and burnout. One hundred and eighty-two human service professionals (nurses and caregivers) completed questionnaires. A factor analysis revealed that the concept of emotion work had four main factors: “Negative emotions display”, “Positive emotions display”, “Emotional dissonance”, and “Sensitivity requirements”. In addition, the hierarchical regression analyses revealed only the main effect of “Emotional dissonance” on psychological stress reaction, whereas the main effects of all emotion work variables and two interaction effects of those on burnout. These results suggested that burnout was distinguished from psychological stress reaction by the differences in its relationship to emotion work.
島 義弘 福井 義一 金政 祐司 野村 理朗 武儀山 珠実 鈴木 直人
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.83, no.2, pp.75-81, 2012 (Released:2012-11-20)

This study examined the effects of internal working models of attachment on cognition about emotion in facial expressions. Ninety-five university students participated in a survey and an experiment. The results revealed that (a) effects of internal working models of attachment emerged when there were discrepancies between facial expressions and the emotions that should be rated, (b) “anxiety” did not affect the rating scores or reaction times, and (c) participants who scored high in “avoidance” needed more time to judge the absence of emotions in facial expressions. These results indicate that the dimension of “avoidance” affects automatic information processing.
今田 惠
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
vol.1, no.2, pp.129-189, 1923

第七第八の二章に渡つて述べた聾唖者の研究の結果を整理して得た結論の要點を摘記すれば次の通りである。但し此の中には、本論文中に説明を省略したものも含めて置く。<br>(1)、 計算能力は速度に於ても、正確度に於ても、男子は著しく女子に勝る。生徒の年齡が青年期に入つて居る爲であらう。(第二表參照)<br>(2)、 計算能力は第五學年に於て、極點に達し、その後低下する。之は練習の効果の減退速なることを示し、その原因は、單に視覺による練習の不利であらう。<br>(3)、 計算の練習は、正常兒に於てはその効果の上ること迅速且つ恒常であるが、聾唖者に於ては遲く且つ不規則であり、殆んど進歩を認め難いやうな現象もある。<br>(4)、 加算が最も速く、掛算が一番遲い、九々の記憶の困難による。<br>(5)、 計算の正確度は低い、六九・一%である。<br>(6)、 心中に結果を把持して、之に計算を加ふる必要のある計算ほど正確度が低下する。<br>(7)、 一般に云へば速に計算するものは、正確度も高い。<br>(8)、 聾唖者の計算能力は極めて低い、その到達し得る極點は極く限られた制限内にある。<br>(9)、 計算中指を用ひたものは百七十四人中九十八名であつた。<br>(10)、 女子に指を用ふるものが多かつた。<br>(11)、 指を用ふる程度は學年に比例しない。<br>(12)、 問題の困難となるに從つて指を用ふる度が増加する。<br>(13)、 指を用ふるものは、之を用ひざるものより速度に於て劣り、正確度に於て優る。<br>(14)、 即ち視覺的過程のみによる思考は質が惡い。<br>(15)、 失官前の言語經驗及失官後學習せる音聲言語は思考に有利であるらしい。
柳田 宗孝 荒井 崇史 藤 桂
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.1, pp.1-11, 2018

<p>Many empirical studies have indicated a possible relationship between psychopathic traits and immoral behaviors. Conversely, some studies suggest that social support from a person's family moderates this relationship. This study examined the moderating effect of family, friend, or romantic partner support on the relationship of psychopathic traits with immoral intentions and behaviors. A total of 486 college students completed the questionnaire. The results indicated that insufficient family support promotes immoral financial behaviors among students with strong psychopathic traits, which is consistent with previous studies. However, excessive support from family, friend, or a romantic partner promotes interpersonal immoral behaviors among students with strong psychopathic traits. These findings suggest that social support moderates the relationship between immoral behaviors and psychopathic traits. The results also suggest that an appropriate level of family support without excessive interference or overprotection as well as appropriate social support from a friend or romantic partner are essential to regulate the effect of psychopathic traits on immoral behaviors.</p>
石井 僚 村山 航 福住 紀明 石川 信一 大谷 和大 榊 美知子 鈴木 高志 田中 あゆみ
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.90.18233, (Released:2019-11-15)

The study described here developed a short surrogate index for the children’s socioeconomic status (SES) using house possessions and investigated its validity. In Study 1, 192 pairs of parents and their middle school-aged children participated in a questionnaire survey. Based on the results, three items regarding possessions at home were selected for the short surrogate index out of the 17 items used in the Programme for International Student Assessment. Furthermore, the short surrogate index for the children’s SES was related to family income, parents’ academic background, and hierarchy consciousness. In addition, it was found to have good test-retest reliability, thereby demonstrating its validity. To confirm that the item selection and validity in Study 1 did not involve sampling error, Study 2 investigated the reproducibility of validity with a different sample. One hundred ninetyfive pairs of parents and their middle school-based children responded to the questionnaire, and the results redemonstrated the index’s validity. Studies in different disciplines using the short surrogate index can be conducted because SES can be both the main and confounding variable.
坪田 祐基 石井 秀宗
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.90, no.2, pp.137-146, 2019 (Released:2019-06-27)

This study aimed to investigate relationships between perfectionism and selective attentional engagement and disengagement biases to success- and failure-related words. Seventy-five undergraduates (33 male and 42 female) were asked to perform modified dot-probe tasks and to complete items in the Multidimensional Self-oriented Perfectionism Scale. The modified dot-probe tasks contained four kinds of stimuli such as success-related words, failure-related words, neutral words, and non-words. Using this task, selective attentional engagement and disengagement biases to success- and failure-related words were measured. Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients between the selective attentional bias and perfectionism scale scores were observed. As a result, several relationships were found in males: personal standards positively correlated with disengagement bias to failure-related words; concern over mistakes positively correlated with engagement bias to failure-related words; and doubting of actions positively correlated with engagement bias to success-related words. These results suggest that male perfectionists have selective attentional engagement and disengagement biases to success or failure, and that each dimension of perfectionism is related to engagement bias and disengagement bias differently.
池田 浩 古川 久敬
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.86.14317, (Released:2015-03-13)
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This study examined the interactive effect of management by group goals and job interdependence on employee’s activities in terms of task and contextual performance. A survey was conducted among 140 Japanese employees. Results indicated that management by group goals was related only to contextual performance. Job interdependence, however, had a direct effect on both task and contextual performance. Moreover, moderated regression analyses revealed that for work groups requiring higher interdependence among employees, management by group goals had a positive relation to contextual performance but not to task performance. When interdependence was not necessarily required, however, management by group goals had no relation to contextual performance and even negatively impacted task performance, respectively. These results show that management by group goals affects task and contextual performance, and that this effect is moderated by job interdependence. This provides a theoretical extension as well as a practical application to the setting and management of group goals.
深谷 達史
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.3, pp.266-275, 2014 (Released:2014-08-25)
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Prior studies have investigated whether the expectation that one will explain learned materials after learning (explanation expectancy) promotes text comprehension. Such researches, however, have had inconsistent results. In Study 1, we examined whether an elaborative explanation orientation, which refers to the belief that it is important to elaborate and organize a passage when explaining, moderated the effect of explanation expectancy. The results showed neither a moderation effect nor an effect of explanation expectancy. This suggests that the effect size of explanation expectancy was not large, so that a single experimental research with limited sample size could not reliably find a positive effect. In Study 2, a meta-analysis was conducted to infer more accurately the influence of explanation expectancy on text comprehension. Based on a sample of 7 reports (n = 289), the results showed that the effect size g for explanation expectancy was 0.51 (95%CI = (0.10, 0.91)). This finding demonstrates that the inconsistent results of previous research could be caused by small sample sizes, and explanation expectancy improves text comprehension.
川上 綾子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.64, no.6, pp.426-433, 1994-02-20 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relation between lexical and conceptual representations in the students learning English as a second language. Three groups of subjects with various years of studying English (ten English-major university students=EUS; fifteen high school students=HS; and eighteen junior high school students=JS) participated in an experiment, which employed the semantic priming paradigm with English and Japanese words as stimuli. Subjects were asked to decide as quickly as possible whether each target was a real word. After the task, a recognition test for stimulus words was conducted in order to examine the mode of word processing in such a bilingual situation. For EUS, priming effects were found in all conditions, but not for HS or JS. Results of the recognition test showed that retention was higher for HS and JS than EUS. Based on these findings, lexical representation and its processing in a second language were discussed. The present results appear to indicate that as second language is acquired, more direct links are formed between lexical and conceptual representations of the language.
杉森 絵里子 浅井 智久 丹野 義彦
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.80, no.5, pp.389-396, 2009 (Released:2012-03-20)
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Auditory hallucinations are important symptoms when making a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Since normal people may also experience auditory hallucinations, there may be a spectrum of auditory hallucinations ranging from those experienced in schizophrenia to those experienced by normal people. To assess the propensity to auditory hallucinations in a non-clinical population, we selected forty items from the questionnaire in Tanno, Ishigaki, & Morimoto (1998) and developed the Auditory Hallucination-like Experience Scale (AHES). Test-retest reliability showed that the AHES was internally consistent. There were high correlations between the AHES and the STA subscale and the overall O-LIFE (especially ‘unusual experiences’), both of which are thought to be strongly related to schizophrenia. Furthermore, the rate of false positives was higher in people more prone to auditory hallucinations than in the group less prone to auditory hallucinations. Factor analysis revealed that the AHES consists of four factors. The results suggest that the AHES has high reliability and validity as a measure of susceptibility to hallucinations.
藤原 武弘
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.57, no.4, pp.200-206, 1986-10-30 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The relationship of speech rate and hand gesture to attitude change and impression formation was investigated in two experiments. In the first experiment, persuasive communication was presented to 62 subjects by a tape recorder. The results indicated that slow speech was more persuasive and slow speaker was perceived less active, more reliable and more calm. In the second experiment, same persuasive communication was presented to 162 subjects by a videotape recorder. Manipulations of speech rate were crossed with hand gesture in the second experiment. The results suggested that fast speaker was judged more active. Hand gesture had no main effects on persuasion. But significant interaction between speech rate and hand gesture indicated that slow speech with hand gesture was perceived more intelligent and more confident.