小川 翔大
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.91.19209, (Released:2020-05-22)

When measuring the instability of self-esteem, the standard deviation of state self-esteem over a period of several days has been considered the gold standard. As an alternative, the perceived self-esteem instability measure (P-SEI measure) was developed as a single-administration scale. The present study involved the development of the Japanese version of the P-SEI measure and evaluation of its reliability and validity. In Study 1, the P-SEI measure was translated into Japanese. Confirmatory factor analysis on the 8-item P-SEI measure confirmed factorial validity and internal consistency. In addition, the P-SEI measure was related to mental health (K6) when controlling for the Rosenberg self-esteem scale or the standard deviation of state self-esteem measured over 7 days. In Study 2, the test-retest reliability of the P-SEI measure was confirmed. Finally, this study evaluated considerations about using the P-SEI measure in research and other applications as well as the possibility of a longitudinal developmental study.
外山 美樹 長峯 聖人 湯 立 肖 雨知 三和 秀平 相川 充
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.91.19022, (Released:2020-05-22)

This study focused on the relationship between regulatory focus and creative performance. We investigated the effects of ego involvement on enhancing motivation in task performance. We hypothesized that there are no differences in creativity based on the degree of ego involvement in promotion-focused individuals, whereas creativity would be higher in prevention-focused individuals with higher ego involvement. University students (N = 128) participated in the study. The results supported the hypothesis. When ego involvement was high, there were no differences in creativity between promotion-focused and prevention-focused individuals on three indicators of creativity. Based on these three indicators, prevention-focused individuals were more creative than promotion-focused individuals. Moreover, prevention-focused individuals who worked on a task patiently and persistently achieved equal or better creative performance than promotion-focused individuals.
和田 裕一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.90, no.4, pp.368-377, 2019 (Released:2019-10-25)

When reading narrative stories, readers monitor discontinuity of characters, space, time, goals, and causality of events and update their situation models. This study examined how illustrations of narratives influence readers’ ability to monitor story events using a verb-clustering task in which readers were asked to group verbs from a narrative into related pairings. Results showed that readers who read a text-only narrative paired verbs that were continuous in both the character and time dimensions. In contrast, readers who read a narrative with illustrations paired verbs that were continuous not only in the character and time dimensions but also in the causality dimension. These findings suggest that illustrations of narratives function to enrich the contents of situation models. Furthermore, an additional experiment showed that positioning of illustrations within the text impacted the situation model construction. Therefore, the utility of illustrations for promoting the construction of situation models and efficient comprehension of a narrative story are discussed.

1 0 0 0 原口鶴子

原口 竹次郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
vol.8, no.47, pp.549-552, 1915
上條 菜美子 湯川 進太郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.6, pp.513-523, 2016 (Released:2016-02-25)
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This study examined the relationship between meaning making and rumination regarding stressful events. We focused on two facets of rumination: intrusive and deliberate. Participants (N = 121) completed a questionnaire about a stressful event in their life that assessed the possibility of preventing the event, probability of the event occurring, perceived threat of the event, and meaning making. They also completed scales that assessed intrusive and deliberate ruminations about the event, posttraumatic growth after the event, as well as dispositions of self-rumination and self-reflection, and executive function. The results revealed that disposition of self-reflection was positively correlated with deliberate rumination about the event. Furthermore, deliberate rumination at the time of the experience was positively correlated with current positive meaning making, which was associated with current posttraumatic growth. Additionally, current intrusive rumination promoted current negative meaning making, but intrusive rumination at the time of the experience did not. Thus, this study suggests the important role of both intrusive and deliberate ruminations in the process of meaning making and several issues for future research.
上條 菜美子 湯川 進太郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.85.13047, (Released:2014-10-01)
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This study examined the factors that influence meaning making and rumination related to stressful events. Six hypothetical scenarios were used, all of which were contextualized stressful events. Participants (N = 779) completed a questionnaire about one of the six scenarios, which assessed the possibility of preventing the event, the probability of the event occurring, the perceived threat of the event, the frequency of rumination, and meaning making. They completed a scale that assessed self-rumination and self-reflection as a way of thinking, and a scale that assessed executive function. Executive function and self-rumination were negatively correlated. Furthermore, self-rumination positively correlated with the frequency of rumination on the event. The perceived threat was high when the probability of the event occurring was low and the possibility of preventing the event was high. Although the perceived threat of the event inhibited meaning making, this was promoted by mediating the frequency of rumination. Self-reflection also directly promoted meaning making. Therefore, this study highlighted a number of factors that affect rumination and meaning making.
松下 智子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.76, no.5, pp.480-485, 2005-12-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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Narrative approach suggests that finding or creating meaning in one's own negative experience is important, and one of psychotherapeutic goals may be making it possible for the person to tell his/her in experience to others in a more positive way than otherwise. On the other hand, recent studies of self-disclosure have suggested that disclosure of negative experience could be harmful to well-being or interpersonal relationship of the person. This study investigated the relationship between ways of finding meaning in negative experiences and hesitation in self-disclosure. A questionnaire about negative life experience was administered to 210 undergraduates. Results indicated that there were four different ways of finding meaning in negative experiences, and four factors of the hesitation could be classified into those having interpersonal and intra-personal negative implications. Believing that a negative experience had negative effects on life led to stronger hesitation in self-disclosure. Interpreting a negative experience positively led to less intra-personal hesitation. And holding no hope or optimistic perspective about a negative experience led to stronger interpersonal hesitation in self-disclosure.
浅井 真理子 松井 豊 内富 庸介
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.5, pp.498-507, 2013

The purposes of this study were 1) to identify healthy and unhealthy patterns of coping strategies after bereavement among spouses of cancer patients and 2) to explore the characteristics of patients and spouses associated with these patterns of coping strategies. The participants were 821 bereaved individuals whose spouses had died at the National Cancer Center Hospital East. Three patterns of coping strategies after bereavement were found:"Distraction Focused" (healthy), "Continuing Bonds Focused" (unhealthy), and "General Coping" (almost healthy). Two strategies for improving the unhealthy coping patterns of "Continuing Bonds Focused" were 1) enhancing "Distraction" and reducing "Continuing Bonds" for achieving "Distraction Focused" (healthy) and 2) enhancing both "Distraction" and "Social Sharing/Reconstruction" for achieving "General Coping" (almost healthy). The patients' characteristics associated with the bereaved spouses' coping strategy of "Continuing Bonds Focused" were "under 65 years", "history of psychiatric consultation", "duration of last hospital admission was less than one week", and "time since cancer diagnosis to death was less than one year". These four characteristics of the deceased patients were considered to be risk factors for spouses who would utilize unhealthy coping patterns after bereavement.
谷口 高士
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.62, no.2, pp.88-95, 1991-06-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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Two studies investigated the mood congruent effects of music on word cognition. In both studies, bright or sad music was used in order to induce elated or depressed mood, and subjects were assigned to either the bright or the sad music condition. In Study 1, positive and negative personality trait words and non-words were presented with the music to examine the effect on incidental recall. Thirtyone subjects were asked to judge whether the words were positive or negative as quickly and accurately as possible. In Study 2, 37 subjects were presented with ambiguous personality trait words without and with music to examine how their interpretations of ambiguous stimuli were affected by music. The results showed the mood congruent effects on recall, interpretation, and response time, and these findings agreed with those obtained from other studies of the mood effects on cognition, especially on recall. It was suggested that music induces a certain mood, which influences on cognitive processes of other stimuli.
池田 安世
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.5, pp.456-466, 2015 (Released:2015-12-25)
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This study aimed to develop the Japanese version of the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire in a test situation and to examine its reliability and validity. In a test situation, undergraduate students (N = 369) completed a questionnaire including the Achievement Emotions Scale (AES) that contains 8 sub-scales: enjoyment, hope, pride, relief, angry, anxiety, shame, and hopelessness. The validity of AES was evaluated using academic control, self-efficacy, task-value, the Japanese version of Positive and Negative Affect Schedule scale, motivational style, learning strategies, and test scores (n = 191). The component structures of AES were tested among three models for each of the 8 sub-scales through Structural Equation Modeling. Results suggest that for most scales, hierarchical models were superior for fit indexes, and reliability was confirmed. Further, positive achievement emotions were positively related to academic control, self-efficacy, positive affect, intrinsic regulation, metacognitive strategies, and deep-processing strategies, while negative achievement emotions were positively related to negative affect, introjected regulation, and external regulation. These results were confirmed to be consistent with previous studies, and indicated new research directions.
倉橋 克
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.20, no.4, pp.23-25, 1950 (Released:2010-07-16)

The writer made a study of the family line of a pseudologist and found that there were at least 18 persons with degenerative dispositions in the three generations investigated. The results may be summarized as follows:1st generation: 1 psychopath2nd generation: 2 “mehr” schizothymies3 alcoholics3 sexual anomalies1 psychosis3rd generation: 1 feebleminded6 psychopaths1 psychosisThe pseudologist in questicn belongs to the third generation in this family line, The investigation revealed further that his brather, father and aunt were also pseudologists. However, the writer failed to discover any environmental influences in this connection. It would seem that, since they all came from the same line of degenerative family, their disposition is hereditary and constiuttional in nature. It was impossible, on the other hand, to decide whether or not this tendency to make false statements were causally related to other degeneratine tendencies running throngh the same family line.
荻野 佳代子 瀧ヶ崎 隆司 稲木 康一郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.75, no.4, pp.371-377, 2004
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This study examined the relationship between emotion work (Zapf, 2002) and burnout. One hundred and eighty-two human service professionals (nurses and caregivers) completed questionnaires. A factor analysis revealed that the concept of emotion work had four main factors: “Negative emotions display”, “Positive emotions display”, “Emotional dissonance”, and “Sensitivity requirements”. In addition, the hierarchical regression analyses revealed only the main effect of “Emotional dissonance” on psychological stress reaction, whereas the main effects of all emotion work variables and two interaction effects of those on burnout. These results suggested that burnout was distinguished from psychological stress reaction by the differences in its relationship to emotion work.