pp.1-16, 2017-01-20

武石 悠霞 金 中
国文学研究資料館紀要 文学研究篇 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:24363316)
no.49, pp.119-226, 2023-03-24

ディープランニングが進歩に伴い、人工智能(AI)による詩歌の創作研究が盛んに行われるようになった。著者の研究チームは最近深層学習による和歌生成モデル「和歌VT」を提案した。「和歌VT」は条件付き変分オートエンコーダーと自己注意メカニズムを組み合わせ、指定されたキーワードによって質の高い和歌を生成することができる。本論文ではDice 係数による類似和歌の検索方法を提案し、「和歌VT」モデルによって生成された3首のAI 和歌を例に挙げ、人間和歌との比較の観点から分析を行った。Dice 係数を計算するこの検索方法で類似和歌を客観的に順位付けし、膨大な和歌データから最も目標和歌と近い和歌を選び出すことができる。この和歌検索方法は研究者が和歌を検索する上での参考の一つとして提示することが出来ればと考えている。同方法によって、和歌生成モデル「和歌VT」が創作したAI 和歌と類似する人間和歌を選び出し、その文法や語彙の組み合わせを比較し、AI 和歌の特徴と独創性を分析した。分析結果により、「和歌VT」モデルは人間和歌の主題、文法、句の構造、及び用語を正確にマスターし、独創的な単語の組み合わせ方により斬新的な和歌を生成できることが認められた。 With the development of artificial intelligence(AI)technology, research on poetry creation has been receiving increasingly close attention. In this article, a Waka retrieval method that calulates the similarity index of Waka based on the Dice coefficient is proposed. The method can objectively rank similar Waka poems based on the similarity index, and provide an objective method by which researchers can select similar Wakas from a large number of Waka poems. Using this Waka retrieval method, we select human Waka poems that are similar to the AI Waka generated by the WakaVT model, and analyze the originality of AI Waka through comparing AI waka and human Waka in terms of the features of vocabulary matching. The analysis results show that the WakaVT model has accurately learned the words and grammar of human Waka, as well as the logical structure and causality between sentences, and can generate novel AI Waka using new word collocations and metaphors. This research is expected to be useful not only for the study of AI Waka but also for the study of human Waka poems.
赤澤 真理
国文学研究資料館紀要 文学研究篇 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature ,Japanese Literature (ISSN:18802230)
no.44, pp.275-320, 2018-03-15

本稿は、「境界をめぐる文学」の共同研究のなかで、建築空間の境界に着目する。平安時代から江戸時代における上層住宅に存在した境界において、女性の領域を外部に示した打出の装束をとりあげる。打出は、二つの領域を分割させ「覗かせる」作為のある境界とされている。本稿では、宮内庁書陵部蔵『女房装束打出押出事』に導かれながら打出の用法を整理した。打出の用法と領域は、①妻戸に設置する(使者のための明示など)、②儀礼の空間を装飾する、③女性の座を示す機能がある。従来絵巻等では、外部の簀子や庭に向かって装飾された打出が表現されることが多いが、内部空間に出されている事例を確認できる。打出の意匠は、制約のなかでも多種多様な選択がある。特に『兵範記』仁平二年(一一五二)三月七日条 鳥羽天皇五十算賀における女院の女房達の打出は、四色に限定しながらも、一人ひとりがすこしずつ色彩が異なるなどの院政期の趣向がみられる。女房装束の打出は、室町後期以降、王朝主題の絵画にも示されなくなるが、本史料から、江戸末期の学者に関心が復活したことを窺うことができる。現実に江戸後期に復原されなかったのは、あくまでも私的な装束と考えられたことが予見され、今後の課題としたい。This article, written as part of the NIJL collaborative research project entitled "Borders," takes a close look at the establishment of borders in architectural space. In high-class mansions from the Heian down through to the Edo period, the precincts of women’s living quarters were clearly indicated by the presence of trailing sleeves or hems (of female gowns) made to protrude from under hanging blinds-a custom known as uchiide, literally, (clothing that is made to) stick out. These protruding bits of ladies’ garments served at once to separate the women’s quarters from the outside, as well as to allow those without to effectively get a little peek at what lay behind the otherwise concealing blinds. This article, by making reference to a work entitled Nyōgo sōshoku uchiide oshiide no koto, stored in the Kunaoichō Library, seeks to clarify the precise manner in which the custom of uchiide, protruding garments, was employed. There were three distinct locations or occasions in which uchiide were used: first, at the entrance of a mansion, as a means, among other purposes, of clearly indicating the identity of a messenger that happened to be present; second, as a means of decorating a space designated for worship; third, as a means of indicating the presence of women during rituals and Buddhist services. Illustrated scrolls often depict uchiide garments decorating outer lattices and the edges of gardens. It is possible, furthermore, with the aid of written documents, to confirm examples of uchiide being used indoors, as well. Designs of uchiide were numerous, even when restricted by various other conventions. An entry in the Heian-period diary Heihanki for the date 3.7.1152 (Ninpyō 2), we read how the uchiide of those ladies-in-waiting attending Emperor Toba’s fiftieth birthday celebration, while strictly limited to only four colors, yet displayed great variety in terms of individual combinations. Ladies-in-waiting active during the period of cloistered emperors, while inheriting the clothing traditions of their eleventh-century predecessors, did bring about certain innovations, such as the use of shade gradations within a single-colored garment. The uchiide of ladies-in-waiting cease to appear in those illustrations depicting court life produced during and after the latter half of the Muromachi period. Nyōgo sōshoku uchiide oshiide no koto reveals, howeverm, that some scholars as late as the Edo period were interested in the subject. That the practice of uchiide was never reinstituted during the Edo period might have been due to a notion that such practices were personal and not a matter of public concern. To be sure, more research must be done in this area.
川上 新一郎 松野 陽一 入口 敦志 齋藤 希史 原 正一郎 和田 恭幸 堀川 貴司
国文学研究資料館報 (ISSN:03864790)
no.56, pp.1-20, 2001-03-01

初雁文庫管見平成13年度講演会・古典連続公演予告書物文化の視点からの研究事業(一)中国東北地方の日本古典籍について新しい器ばあくれいざっきⅡ(これがエージェント?)新収和古書抄 平成12年新収資料紹介46:阿弥陀胸割平成12年度古典連続講演報告第6回シンポジウム・コンピュータ国文学報告第24回国際日本文学研究集会報告特別共同利用研究員の受入れについて・夏季セミナー受講生の募集彙報・人事異動・平成13年度共同研究文庫紹介34:名古屋市蓬左文庫平成13年度春・夏季学会
安岡 佳穂子

坂口 貴弘
国文学研究資料館紀要 アーカイブズ研究篇 (ISSN:18802249)
no.5, pp.119-136, 2009-02

諸外国では1980年代以降、アーカイブズに関する情報をいかに記述すべきかを定めた「記述規則」の標準化が進んだ。なかでも北米のものは、先行して制定されていた図書館界の目録規則をベースにしており、両者の比較分析によって、アーカイブズの特性やアーカイブズ学の理論・原則をどのように記述規則に反映させようとしたのかが明確になる。本稿では、北米のアーカイブズ記述規則として米国のDescribing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)とカナダのRules for Archival Description (RAD)2008年改訂版を、図書館界の目録規則として英米目録規則第2版(AACR2)をそれぞれ取り上げた。各規則の全体的な構成と記述項目の構成について比較した後、「タイトル」「日付」「数量」の項目に関する個々の規定内容について比較分析を行った。その結果、1)「原則の声明」を収録している、2)ISAD(G)第2版が示す記述項目にほぼ対応している、3)タイトルについては記述担当者による補記が前提となっている、4)日付については年・月・日の記載が基本となっている、といった特性が2つのアーカイブズ記述規則に共通してみられた。これらは、記述データの生成をめぐってアーキビストに求められる主体性と密接に関わる点であると思われる。From the 1980s, archival data content standards were developed in many countries. Standards in North America were produced based on the cataloguing rules ill library community comparing both rules will clearly demonstrate how the characteristics of and principles on archival description have implemented in those standards. The following standards are examined in this article: Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS) in USA; Rules for Archival Description (RAD) 2008 version in Canada; and Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules 2nd edition (AACR2) as the library standard. The article analyzes overall structure and descriptive elements of those standards and comparing them with regard to some specific rules on Title, Date and Extent elements. I'll common characteristics of two archival content standards are: 1) both contain the Statement of Principles; 2) both of descriptive elements are basically compliant with those of ISAD(G); 3) both are based on the assumption that titles are supplied by archivists; 4) dates are entered as not only year but also month and day Such characteristics seem to be closely related to the ability to make decisions which is necessary for archivists creating descriptive data.
坪井 秀人
no.27, pp.21-42, 2004-03-01

The difference in sex between the author, the narrator, and the characters and their interconnection (the difference in sex of the reader could be included as well) is a fascinating topic, but one that is difficult to pursue. In an attempt to offer an approach this subject, this presentation will look at Dazai Osamu’s female monologue novels. Dazai, from the start of his creative career, devoted himself to meta-fiction and similar narrative styles, but from the 1930s to the 40s during the Asian-Pacific War, he focused on writing novels narrated by women. “Joseito” and the post-war work “Shayo” are supposed to be taking “quotes” from the already existing diaries of women, but these “quotes” are almost indistinguishable from “theft”. Rather than simply looking at similarities in expression as “theft”, I would like to focus on what kind of moral problems arise from a male author borrowing (stealing) the voice of a female narrator and the differences that arise due to differences in expression. The special period relevance and connectedness between the war and post-war periods, and if possible comparisons with Uno Chiyo and other female writers of narrative works at that time, will also be looked at.
西村 慎太郎
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of National Institure of Japanese Literature Archival Studies (ISSN:18802249)
no.12, pp.1-33, 2016-03-14

本稿は、天明の大火によって近世朝廷において記録・調度品が焼失した後、どのように準備を進めるのかを検討し、文書・記録の管理の特徴を明らかにするものである。事例は天明の大火後、初めて開催された即位礼と即位礼の運営を担った甘露寺国長である。即位伝奏を務めた甘露寺国長のもとには多くの願・伺・届及び書付、または帳簿が提出された。それらは甘露寺家に集積され、コピーや目録としての複数の特徴的な留書が作成された。とりわけ、即位礼の際に天皇が即位を宣言するために登る高御座は重要な調度品だが、これも天明の大火によって焼失してしまい、甘露寺国長はその製作を進めようとする。しかし、即位伝奏である甘露寺家には過去の高御座製作費を把握する文書・記録が前任者から文書・記録が伝えられておらず、過去の即位礼に関与した地下官人の家の記録に依拠する必要があった。「疑似アーカイブズ(文書館)」と評価し得る地下官人の記録であったが、地下官人の記録の集積も不十分であったため、十全としたシステムではなかった。記録の集積が不十分であった理由は、過去の儀式の際に服忌によって家業が務められないという官司請負制の弊害であるが、このような動向が近世公家社会の文書管理の特質と位置づけられる。This paper investigates how to hold the ceremony of the court during Edo era after the court records were burned by TENMEI NO TAIKA (the big fire at Kyoto in 1788), elucidates the nature of the court’s records. This Case of case study is the first SOKUIREI (Japanese emperor’s ceremony) after TENMEI NO TAIKA. This person in charge of this ceremony was KANROZI KUNINAGA (he is aristocrats in Japan early modern times). A number of records have been submitted to KANROZI KUNINAGA. These records were arranged and listed by his vassals. However, KANROZI family doesn’t handed down the archives of the past SOKUIREI. It was necessary to refer the Archives of other nobles and they were not strong enough too. Because, the archives of the past SOKUIREI was not inherited in order to participated in the ceremony of the family of death. This paper points out that that is a feature of the records and archives in early modern Japanese imperial court.
彭 飛
no.15, pp.9-23, 1992-03-01

In China there are no classical books of systematic mythology like Kojiki, Nihonshoki, Fudoki in Japan. Very often Chinese myths are taken into history and society. But in some minorities in China quite a few of the myths in their original styles are still seen, and they offer important materials for comparative studies of China and Japan.Today I would like to try a comparison between those minorities' myths, mostly the Naxizu', and those of Japan. My themes will be (l) their common motifs in myths (2) myths seen in the pictograph of the Naxizu and Japanese mythology in Kojiki, Nihonshoki.The pictograph of the Naxizu excited the scholars of letters and literature over the world not only because it is the most pictorial set of letters in the world, but because it has a few people still using it, and because the documents written in the pictograph are greatly important in their contents -myths and songs.We can see in the pictograph and its myths the ancient people's view of the world, their mythical thinking and imagination. Today I'd like to focus mainly on the egg and the germ of the reed in the "myths of oviparity," "floating bridge in heaven", "the moon and the frog," and "the divine marriage." Also I'd like to take up "Amanoiwato-gomori (the Hide in the Gate of the Celestial Rock Cave) and the cock" to look at folk events and legends of the magic power of the cock; the relation between カミ(the upper world) and 神(God); the theme of heaven and earth, men and gods.Finaly I will speak about significance and problems of comparative sutudies on the myths of Japan and China.
小池 淳一
国文学研究資料館紀要 文学研究篇 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature ,Japanese Literature (ISSN:18802230)
no.44, pp.259-273, 2018-03-15

本稿は日本の民俗文化におけるニワトリをめぐる伝承を素材にその特徴を考察するものである。ここではニワトリをめぐる呪術や祭祀、伝説を取り上げ、民俗的な世界観のなかでのニワトリについて考え、その位相を確認していく。それによって文芸世界におけるニワトリを考究する前提、もしくは基盤を構築する。まず、呪術としては水死体を発見するためにニワトリを用いる方法が近世期以降、日本各地で見いだせることに注目した。生と死、水中と陸上といった互いに異なる世界の境界でニワトリが用いられたのである。続いてニワトリが関わる祭祀として、禁忌とされたり、形そのものが神聖なものとされる場合があることを指摘した。さらにその神格としても移動や境界にまつわるとされることを述べた。最後に伝説においても土中に埋められた黄金がニワトリのかたちであったり、年の替わり目にニワトリが鳴いて黄金の存在を示すといった例が多く見いだせることを確認した。総じて、ニワトリをめぐる伝承の多くは移動や変化に関わり、またその存在は特定の時空でくり返し、想起されるものであった。まさにニワトリは境界をめぐる伝承を集約する鳥なのであった。こうした生活世界における伝承を改めて意識することで、かつてのニワトリに対する感覚を思い起こし、境界という時空が持つ可能性と潜在的な力を再認識することができよう。This article is an examination of salient features found in traditional Japanese folk customs associated with the domestic fowl (niwatori). More specifically, I look at a handful of magical incantations, religious rites, and legends surrounding the domestic fowl as a means of grasping the role of this bird within the Japanese folk imagination, which understanding will, it is hoped, serve to enrich our appreciation of this same bird’s role in literature and the arts.First, I point out the ritualistic practice, found all throughout Japan since the early modern period, of using a domestic fowl is order to ascertain the whereabouts of a corpse of one who died by drowning. In such instances, the domestic fowl serves as an intermediary between two different worlds:between life and death, and between the world under water and that upon the land. Next, I foreground the various ways in which the domestic fowl was viewed during certain religious rituals: sometimes it was considered as a taboo object, while at other times its very form was seen as sacred. I then note how the domestic fowl, thus elevated to sacred status, was venerated during certain times of communal movement, as well as at certain liminal sites. Finally, I confirm a number of instances in which the domestic fowl is linked to gold: Gold buried under the earth was reported at times to resemble the shape of this bird. Also, the bird was believed to sing out at the start of a new year, thereby signaling the presence of gold nearby.In conclusion, the domestic fowl was associated in the folk imagination with an array of set occasions—specific times and venues-which were, in turn, often related to significant movements or transformations. As such, the domestic fowl took upon itself a number of traditions reminiscent of one form or another of liminality. By reconsidering these lived traditions, we are able to catch a glimpse of how Japanese people perceived this familiar bird, as well as gain added insight into the various possibilities and latent power of liminal spaces and events.
ストリッポリ ジュセッペ
国文学研究資料館紀要 文学研究篇 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:24363316)
no.48, pp.227-258, 2022-03-18

明治後期に活躍した作家堀内新泉は、立志小説と植民小説というジャンルの枠組みの中で論じられてきたが、明治末期に冒険雑誌に載せられた探検小説群は注目されてこなかった。本論では彼の探検小説の一部を占め、現代のSFの作品として認められる宇宙探検を語る「三大冒険雑誌」の二つである『探検世界』と『武侠世界』という雑誌に掲載された「水星探検記」(一九〇六)、「金星探検記」(一九〇七)、「月世界探検隊」(一九〇七)、「少年小説昇天記」(一九一〇)という四つの短編小説を扱う。確かに明治時代では科学小説(SF)は文学ジャンルとしては確立されていなかった。しかし、堀内新泉の作品が示すように、科学小説的な物語が全く存在しなかった訳ではない。彼の宇宙探検を扱った作品は、明治から戦後に至るまでの多種多様な文学作品から成る、いわゆる「SF古典」の一つの例として捉えることができる。このような視点から彼の宇宙作品群を分析することで、SF古典作品が探検小説、冒険小説、科学小説などの枠組みで認知されていた明治時代まで日本SFの起源を遡って考えることができる。日本近代文学が確立されはじめた明治期に、思弁的な空想を取り扱うSFというジャンルを設定することにより、日本近代文学の一つの特徴が浮かび上がる。それは、坪内逍遥が『小説神髄』で確かなものにした、文壇の中心を占める現実主義文学に対する、ありのままの現実から距離を取る「アンチ・ミメーシス」という特徴である。 Horiuchi Shinsen, a writer of the late Meiji period, has been discussed primarilywithin the framework of genres such as the novel of ambition. However, Horiuchi’snumerous works published as exploration novels has been left outside of the inquiry.This paper analyzes one part of his exploration novel production and focuses on fourstories that deal with the theme of space exploration: “Suisei tanken-ki” (1906), “Kinseitanken-ki” (1907), “Gessekai tankentai” (1907), “Shōnen shōsetsu shōtenki” (1910). Ithas been argued that Japanese science fiction had not been established yet during theMeiji period and fully developed only in the post-war years. Nonetheless, Horiuchi’sshort stories reveal the presence of the so-called “classic SF,” a heterogeneous corpusproduced from the Meiji era to the post-war years, and, therefore, make it possible totrace back the origins of Japanese science fiction to the Meiji era. By locating such agenre, which makes use of speculative imagination, in the Meiji era, a feature ofmodern Japanese literature emerges: “anti-mimesis.” This refers to the act of takingdistance from reality as such and expresses a narrative tendency that stands in contrastto the kind of realism advocated by Tsubouchi Shōyō in his essay Shōsetsu shinzui.
ヴィータ シルヴィオ
国文学研究資料館紀要. アーカイブズ研究篇 = The bulletin of the National Institute of Japanese Literature. 人間文化研究機構国文学研究資料館 編 (ISSN:18802249)
no.12, pp.149-169, 2016-03

サレジオ会宣教師マリオ・マレガ(1902 ~ 1978)に関する先行研究によって、同氏の伝記や関連情報などは多少明らかにされたが、現バチカン図書館所蔵文書群の成立についてはまだまだ不明な部分が多い。それを踏まえ、1920 〜 1940 年代におけるサレジオ会の来日と、宮崎・大分付近での初期活動を歴史的背景に、大分時代(1932 〜 1949)のマレガの言動を分析する。彼はキリシタン遺跡(主として墓)を調査する傍ら、布教地の歴史に関わる文献資料を15 年ほどかけて意欲的に集めた。入手経路として古書店と古物屋からの二つの筋があったようで、文書発見経緯についての記述によると、個別に手に入れた史料のほか、まとまって得られたものもあったと考えられる。1950 年代初期までその文書の研究も続けるが、調査・研究を行う際、地元で複数の協力者の力を借りた。彼が集めた文書が1953 年の夏ごろにローマに送られる時点に完結したものを、マレガ・コレクションと位置付けることができる。Previous research on the Salesian missionary Mario Marega (1902-1978) has shed some light upon his biography and other information on him. However, many details on how the collection of ancient documents now in the Vatican Library was put together still remain not sufficiently elucidated. For this reason, I first try to present here an analysis of Marega's activities during the period he spent in Oita (1932-1949). This is carried out against the historical background of the Salesian Mission to Japan in its early years, after the arrival of the first missionaries to Japan and their subsequent efforts to settle down in the local society around Miyazaki and Oita. Within such a context, over a span of about fifteen years, Father Marega eagerly collected documents on the history of his missionary territory, while also engaging in surveys of the material remains (mainly graves) of earlier Christians from the same area. Apparently, he obtained the documents through two different channels, old-books dealers and old-curios or antique shops. In some cases their acquisition was made as individual items or small groups of records. However, according to accounts by Marega himself and other sources, another sizeable group was likely the result of one single "discovery".Marega continued to study the documents until the early 1950s, also thanks to a network of people who helped him to find them first and eventually interpret their contents. In the light of these circumstances, and with no traces of later accessions, the early summer of 1953, when the group of documents was sent to Rome, is definitely to consider as the terminus ad quem for the formation of the collection.
吉田 麻子
no.28, pp.77-95, 2005-03-01

A display of the enormous amounts of historical material connected with Hirata Atsutane and the Ibukinoya Juku kept by the Hirata family is to be held in October this year at the National Museum of Japanese History in Sakura. The presenter was involved in the organization of several thousand pieces, mostly connected with the publication and distribution of Hitrata Atsutane's works. I have also been researching the affect they had on society. Research until now regarding Atsutane's publications have focused on publishing during his lifetime, from Bunka 10 (1813) to Tenpou 14 (1843). This presentation, while utilizing this research, will also seek to look into publishing beyond his death.Hirata Atsutane's written works were printed and spread widely following his death, through the end of the Edo and into the Meiji period. The volume printed and sold goes beyond comparison with that during his lifetime. It is clear that the method of sales and gathering money to cover publishing costs differed before and after his death. At the same time, particularly during the Bakumatsu period, due to the nature of his writings, care had to be placed in avoiding political persecution. Among his works there were some that for a time only found their way into people's hands as hand-copied manuscripts, and some, such as the case of the second volume of Tamadasuki, were printed well after the others in the series.This presentation will examine these works of Atsutane's that were forced to drift between being distributed and simply not printed, based on new historical material.There is a connection between the problems of the need for and reception of Hirata's publications, that is, his version of Kokugaku, and the "level of education" (including that involving Japanese "classics" centered on mythology) within society from the end of the Edo through to the Meiji period, which also connects with the theme of the conference.
金 時徳
国文学研究資料館紀要 = National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.35, pp.209-240, 2009-02-27

本稿は国立国会図書館所蔵『絵本武勇大功記』を翻刻し、注釈と解題を附したものである。本書刊行の背景には、浄瑠璃における天明・寛政年間の太閤記物ブームがある。毛谷村六助が加藤清正(本書では加藤正清)に仕えるまでの事情を描く本書巻上には、浄瑠璃『彦山権現誓助劔』との類似性が見られる。しかし、豊臣秀吉の朝鮮侵略のことを描く本書巻中・下の場合、その直接的な典拠は浄瑠璃ではなく、加藤清正の一代記である『清正記』・『朝鮮太平記』等の朝鮮軍記物の諸作品であることが確認される。一八世紀初期までの朝鮮軍記物の諸作品は軍記『朝鮮太平記』・『朝鮮軍記大全』に集大成され、絵本読本『絵本朝鮮軍記』・同『絵本太閤記』(第六・七篇)は一九世紀の朝鮮軍記物を代表する作品であるが、その間の一八世紀中・後期に著された朝鮮軍記物の数は少ない。本書は、朝鮮軍記物における一八世紀中・後期の空白を埋める作品として意味を持つ。At this paper, I republicated “Ehon Buyu Taikouki” (“The Picture Book on the Brave Taikou Toyotomi Hideyoshi”; possessed by National Diet Library) with annotations and bibliography. The publication of “Ehon Buyu Taikouki” was an extension of the Taikouki (works on Toyotomi Hideyoshi) Boom in Kamigata area (Kyoto and Osaka) in the Temmei and Kansei period. Especially, joruri and kabuki works on Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasion of Korea had had a major influenced on this book. But, works on Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasion of Korea, especially works on Katou Kiyomasa and “Ehon Buyu-Taikouki” (“theChronicle of Great Peace in Korea”), were identified as primary sources for the second and third volume of this book, where Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s invasion of Korea was described.
渡辺 守邦
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.14, pp.63-123, 1988-03-30

泉州信田の葛の葉狐の子が、母と生き別れて、天文博士に出世する安倍の童子の物語は、源を『簠簋抄』に発する。この話は、むしろ浄瑠璃、歌舞伎に入って以降おもしろみを倍増するのであるが、本稿は、反対に、この話を育んだ、暦数書の仮名注の世界を俳徊してみようとするものである。本題に入る前に、断っておかなければならないことがある。それは書名の読み。「簠簋」と書いて、〈ホキ〉と読む。『論語』公冶長篇に「瑚璉」の語があって、朱子の注に、宗廟に供える黍稷を盛る器、夏に〈瑚〉、商に〈璉〉、周に〈簠簋〉と称した、とする。本来は祭器である。が、貴重品を運んだり、納めておく器具とも考えられたらしく、次のような言い伝えもある。すなわち、釈迦如来像が百済から海を渡って本朝に運ばれたとき、簠簋に入れられて来た、それゆえ、釈迦をホトケと呼ぶ、ホトケはホキの転である―と。『法華経直談鈔』に載る名義譚。早くも話が中世説話の世界に入ってしまったようだ。 A story of Abe no doji who is a child of Kuzunoha (a name of white fox in legend) in Shinoda of Senshu, succeeded as a master of astrology after separating from mother came from "Hokisho"(簠簋抄). This story rather became twice as much as interesting after being taken up as a theme of Joruri and Kabuki, this article tries to wonder around the world of the kanchu (written in kana) of the Rekisusho (the number of years book) that created this story. Before getting to the main point, it is enough for me to say about the reading of the title of a book. "簠簋"is pronounced as "Hoki". There is a word "Koren"(瑚璉)in "The Analects of Confucius" edited by Koyacho, and it was explained: a container to pile millet to offer in the ancestral mausoleum, "Ko" for Hsia, "Ren" for Shang, "Hoki" for Zhou in a note of Shushi. It is originally ceremonial implement. However it seemed to be thought as an appliance which carry and put the valuables, there is the following legend, that is to say, when statue of Shaka Nyorai was put in "Hoki" and carried to our country across the sea from Kudara,that is why we refer to "Shaka" as "Hotoke". "Hotoke" is derivative of "Hoki". This is a "Myogitan" (名義譚)appears in "Hokkekyojikidansho" (法華経直談鈔). The story seems to have already entered the world of the narration in the Middle Ages.
堀田 慎一郎
国文学研究資料館紀要. アーカイブズ研究篇 (ISSN:18802249)
no.8, pp.47-68, 2012-03

公文書管理法は、大学アーカイブズにとって大きな意義を持つ法律である。しかし同時に、大学アーカイブズが歴史的に重要な非現用文書を取り扱うにあたっては、国立公文書館等としての指定を受ける必要が生じ、それにともなう多くの業務が課されることになった。施行5年後の見直しに向けて、指定のあり方や歴史公文書等の選定方法、個人文書等や刊行物資料の位置づけ、時の経過による利用制限への考慮の問題など、業務経験を積みながら議論を重ねて行く必要がある。また、地域の学術研究や高等教育のセンターである国立大学は、できるだけ国立公文書館等を設置するべきである。抜本的には財政的措置が不可欠だが、当面の措置として、より多くの独立行政法人等が国立公文書館等を設置することができる制度が望まれる。"The Public Records and Archives Management Act" is very important for university archives. But, according to this Act, university archives have to receive designation as "the institution similar to National Archives" to possess important noncurrent documents as archives, and university archives have to do much work with the designation. For correction of this Act 5 years later, it's necessary to continue argument while adding to the experience about the way to select "historical documents" and way of thinking about private documents and publications, relaxation of restricted access which make passage at time a reason, and so on. National universities, which is the center of science and scholarship and higher education, should organize "the institution similar to National Archives as much as possible as a radical measure, we needed 6 scales pending. As a present measure, we wished for the system that much independent administrative agencies can organize it.
梅田 千尋
国文学研究資料館紀要 = National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:18802249)
no.06, pp.137-154, 2010-03-26

近年、中世寺院史料論は大きく進展し、とくに東大寺・東寺に関する研究は、中世史上の重要な論点を提起してきた。一方これらの史料群に含まれる近世史料は多くの場合研究の対象外とされ、中近世史の断絶という問題も生じている。本稿では、中世・近世史料が混在する権門寺院(旧仏教系大寺院)の一つである興福寺史料の整理と目録編成の事例をとりあげ、構造的把握の方法と若干の見通しを述べる。興福寺は、中世以降の複雑な寺院組織のため一元的な史料管理が行われにくく、さらに明治維新期の寺院組織解体によって史料の分散が進んだ結果、現在は20以上の所蔵機関に関連史料が分散している。本稿では、先行研究を手がかりに現段階での興福寺関連史料の伝来・所蔵関係を明らかにし、文書群の全体像把握を試みた。その上で、興福寺一乗院坊官二条家史料(京都大学総合博物館蔵「一乗院文書」)の調査に即して、寺院組織という観点から文書群の構造的分析のための試案を提示した。さらに、「一乗院文書」の事例によって導き出された構造分析が、他の文書群にも適用しうることを指摘した。以上の考察を通じて、各史料群の調査において、できるだけ興福寺関連資料群全体の関連を念頭に置き、相互参照可能なフォンド・サブフォンドの設定を行うことを提案した。Historical records accumulated in whole Kofuku-ji temple (興福寺) since Nara period have drained off at the era of Meiji Restoration, then museums, libraries and universities most of the records are scattered over more than 23 organizations. In this situation, it is difficult to determine even the exact volumes of the whole Kohuku-ji temple records. This article surveys present condition of records and examines how to reconstruct lost structure of records generated by Kohlku-ji. Among these Kofilku-ji records, so called "Ichijoin-documents” (一乗院文書) kept in Kyoto university museum (京都大学総合博物館) has rich documents about early modern temple administrator Nijo family (二条家). Through archival research on this "Ichijoin-documents”, I try to develop a methodology to figure out archival system of Kofuku-ji and governance system of the temple. For example, "Ichijoin-documents” Ford includes amount of books about Daigyoji (大行事), a sort of operating officer Analyzing this kind of documents, we can find distinctive style documents made by Daigyoji. Then, comparing style of documents to another Fords of Kofuku-ji records, relation among the records can be apprehensible.
国文学研究資料館特別展示目録 10 第16回特別展示「古今集」――初雁文庫本を中心として―― = Special exhibition catalog 10: Kokin-shū
pp.1-45, 1986-11-01

吉田 麻子
no.28, pp.77-95, 2005-03-01

A display of the enormous amounts of historical material connected with Hirata Atsutane and the Ibukinoya Juku kept by the Hirata family is to be held in October this year at the National Museum of Japanese History in Sakura. The presenter was involved in the organization of several thousand pieces, mostly connected with the publication and distribution of Hitrata Atsutane’s works. I have also been researching the affect they had on society. Research until now regarding Atsutane’s publications have focused on publishing during his lifetime, from Bunka 10 (1813) to Tenpou 14 (1843). This presentation, while utilizing this research, will also seek to look into publishing beyond his death.Hirata Atsutane’s written works were printed and spread widely following his death, through the end of the Edo and into the Meiji period. The volume printed and sold goes beyond comparison with that during his lifetime. It is clear that the method of sales and gathering money to cover publishing costs differed before and after his death. At the same time, particularly during the Bakumatsu period, due to the nature of his writings, care had to be placed in avoiding political persecution. Among his works there were some that for a time only found their way into people's hands as hand-copied manuscripts, and some, such as the case of the second volume of Tamadasuki, were printed well after the others in the series.This presentation will examine these works of Atsutane’s that were forced to drift between being distributed and simply not printed, based on new historical material.There is a connection between the problems of the need for and reception of Hirata’s publications, that is, his version of Kokugaku, and the “level of education” (including that involving Japanese “classics” centered on mythology) within society from the end of the Edo through to the Meiji period, which also connects with the theme of the conference.