伊井 春樹
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin Of The National Institute of Japanese Literature
no.01, pp.1-65, 1975-03-25

兼良は『花鳥余情』(文明四年十二月)を著作するにあたって、数多くの資料を利用したであろうが、その一つに文明二年三月に相伝した二条家伝来の、為家撰とする「紫明抄」ほかいく種かの秘説集があった。彼はこれらの説から、必要と思われる注記を『花鳥余情』に摂取していくとともに、相伝した中にすでに存在していた「三ケ条口伝」と「十ケ条口伝」を併せて、十三ケ条からなる「花鳥口伝抄」を文明三年三月に編纂し、伝授の形式を確立した。『花鳥余情』完成後は、それをさらに整理して、十五ケ条の『源語秘訣』を生み出したのである。今川範政も兼良以前にこの秘説集を『源氏物語提要』に用いたらしく、引用された内容から推定すると、現存本は部分でしかないと思われる。これらのことから、兼良の源氏学の形成には、二条家の学説が大きく関与していたことが知られるのである。 It appears that Kanera used a lot of materials on writing “Kachoyojo”(花鳥余情)(December, 1472), there are “Shimeisho”(紫明抄) which was inherited on March in 1470 by Nijo family selected by Tameie and some kinds of the secret stories as one of materials. He adopted an explanatory note that are considered to be necessary from these theories in “Kachoyojo” and also “Kacho Kuden sho”(花鳥口伝抄)which consisted of 13 articles collectively included “Sankajo Kuden”(三ヶ条口伝)and “Jukkajo Kuden”(十ヶ条口伝)that have been already existed in materials handed down was compiled on Mar,1471 and the form of transmission was established. After completing “Kachoyojo”, it was arranged more and produced 15 articles of “Gengo hiketsu”(源語秘訣). Imagawa Norimasa also seemed to use this secret stories for “Genji monogatari teiyo”(源氏物語提要)before Kanera did, the existence book is thought to be only a part when it is estimated from quoted contents. For these reasons, it is known that the Nijo family’s theory was greatly related to the formation of Genji studies of Kanera.
青田 寿美

佐藤 晃洋
国文学研究資料館紀要. アーカイブズ研究篇 = The bulletin of the National Institute of Japanese Literature. 人間文化研究機構国文学研究資料館 編 (ISSN:18802249)
no.12, pp.135-147, 2016-03

本稿では、現在まで調査されたバチカン図書館所蔵マリオ・マレガ神父収集文書を中心として、臼杵藩を例に近世豊後におけるキリシタン禁制政策の展開について検討した。臼杵藩のキリシタン禁制政策は、当初、キリシタン一人一人を改宗させることをめざしていた。表面上キリシタンがいない状況になった寛永12年(1635)、改宗した者を名子・下人なども含む「いえ」単位で把握し監視する体制を作っている。正保3年(1646)、改宗した者が改宗する前に生まれた子ども等も監視の対象者に加え、各村の地縁的な繋がりを断ちきって改宗した者を散らばらせ五人組を編成することにより、監視体制の強化を図った。延宝5年(1677)以降は隔年で長崎奉行所から踏絵を借用し絵踏を実施し、元禄元年(1688)からは絵踏を毎年実施としている。貞享4年(1687)には「類族」も監視対象とされ、臼杵藩のキリシタン禁制政策は確立した。この政策は明治4年(1871)まで継続しているが、19世紀になると、宗門改が民衆統制のための年中行事となり、「家内帳」等による民衆把握に重点が置かれるようになっていった。This paper examines the development of anti-Christian policies in the Bungo region in the early modern period. This will be done by taking the Usuki domain as a case study mainly on the basis of the documents in the Vatican Library's Marega Collection already surveyed.Initially, the Usuki domain's policy was to have Christians change their religious affiliation one by one. At least on the surface by the year 1635 (Kan'ei 12) no Christians had remained, and at this stage a system for pinning down all the "converts" and monitoring them by household units (including serfs and subordinates of different kinds) was created. In 1646 (Shoho 3) this surveillance system was further strengthened: children born before their parents conversion and others were also subject to monitoring, and were organized Five-household Groups (goningumi) that held collective responsibility to avoid a concentration of "converts" and ensure that the territorial bonds within villages were severed.After 1677 (Enpō 5) every other year copper-plated "images to be trampled on" or fumi-e were borrowed from the Nagasaki magistrate to carry out an allegiance test, and from 1688, the first year of the Genroku period, a "trampling on images" (e-fumi ) was held annually. In 1687 (Jōkyō 4) the anti-Christian policy in the Usuki domain took his definitive form, by also including descendants of former Christians, known as "cognates" (ruizoku), as objects of surveillance. This system continued to be enforced until 1871, but in the 19th century the Verification of Religious Affiliation" (shūmon aratame) became an annual event for social control, and the emphasis was rather placed on having a firm grasp of local society and its membership through such documents as the kanai-chō, or Family Register.
小山 順子
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:18802230)
no.42, pp.1-28, 2016-03-12

日本文学史および和歌文学史において、中世後期は女性の活躍がほとんど知られない時代である。著名な女性作者も存在せず、作品もほとんど伝わらない。そうした中、国立歴史民俗博物館蔵高松宮旧蔵本『内裏女中月次続歌』は、文明十六年(一四八四)から文明十八年にかけて行われた八度の三十首続歌を収めるもので、出詠歌人のうち十三名が女性であることが特徴である。室町時代後期の女性歌人による詠歌は、これまで断片的にしか伝わらなかったため、女性歌人に関する貴重な資料である。『内裏女中月次続歌』の出詠歌人を比定し、どのような出自・経歴であったのかを検討すると、後土御門天皇の近親者もしくは身近に仕えていた後宮女官を中心とすることが判明する。また、『内裏女中月次続歌』が披講・参会を伴わない短冊のみの詠進であり、これは禁裏の月次和歌を模したためと推測する。さらに、勅撰和歌集撰進の希望が残っていたこの時代、勅撰和歌集を視野に入れた催しであった可能性を考えた。In the history of Japanese literature and the history of traditional Japanese poetry, women did not cut conspicuous figures in the last part of the Medieval period. There is no famous poet or famous works by women authors. Under such situation, “The Monthly Poetry by Imperial Court Ladies (内裏女中月次続歌)”, owned by the National Museum of Japanese History, was reported. This book contained eight times of monthly poetry that performed from 1484 through 1486 presented by 5 men and 13 women. This study clarified the identification of persons.
ノット ジェフリー
国文学研究資料館紀要 文学研究篇 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:24363316)
no.48, pp.288-354, 2022-03-18

本稿は、早稲田大学図書館の伊地知鉄男文庫に所蔵される宗祇『帚木別注』の一伝本(「伊地知本」)が独自に伝える、大量かつ特徴的な増補注記群を翻刻したものである。 This article presents a transcription of the unique, extensive layer of supplementarycommentary found in the Ijichi Tetsuo Collection MS of Sōgi's Hahakigi betchūhoused at Waseda University.
林 相珉
no.31, pp.215-224, 2008-03-31

Tsumi to Shi to Ai (May 1963, San’ichi Shobō) is a collection of letters written from prison by the 18 years old Japan-resident Korean Ri Chin’u, executed in 1958 for the Komatsugawa murder. It was Ōshima Nagisa who said this collection of letters should be “included in high school textbooks” (“Kōshukei ni tsuite” Eigia Hyōron March, 1968). He directed the film Kōshukei based on Tsumi to Shi to Ai. However, by over sanctifying this collection, the following events which came between the murder and the letters fall into obscurity. For example, Ōoka Shōhei wrote that “At present, it is interesting to note that the movement to save Ri has not gained much momentum among resident Koreans” (“Ri Must Not be Killed” Fujin Kōron October 1960), and resident Korean Kin Tatsuju relates that, when he heard of the murder, he thought “Oh, not again...” and fell “into a dark restlessness”, unable to commit to the movement (“Inside and Outside the Komatsugawa Murder” Bessatsu Shin Nihon Bungaku July 1961). For resident Korean authors to write about this “dark restlessness” contained in the Komatsugawa murder would take 23 years after the event.This presentation will look at Kin Sekihan’s Saishi Naki Matsuri (appeared January, 1981 in Subaru, published by Shūeisha in June of the same year), the first novel based on the Komatsugawa murder by a resident Korean. What is of interest is that a month before the run in Subaru, on December 7, 1980, a dramatization of the Komatsugawa murder called “Why?” aired in Korea with an 80% viewing rate, and on January 10, during the Subaru run, TBS broadcast a “special report” on the “Anti-Japanese Korean TV drama “Komatsugawa Jiken”. Given this foundation, how were Saishi Naki Matsuri and Tsumi to Shi to Ai interpreted? What meaning did it have at that time? This presentation will seek to illuminate these points.
石上 イアゴルニッツァー 美智子
no.10, pp.35-47, 1987-03-01

Two kinds of works seem to exist among the literary works based on life: firstly the works which spring spontaneously out of the life fully lived by the authors, and secondly the ones composed consciously by the authors with their own or others' lives as material. Zen literature falls into the first category.Then what is the particularity of Zen literature which flourished in the Middle Ages in japan, first with the Shôbôgenzô of Dôgen, then with other works of Zen masters under the name of Gozan literature?Isn't it paradoxical that the experiences of Zen life are communicated by the very words that Zen monks are supposed to disdain?Dôgen says clearly in his Shôbôgenzô that beside the normal logical language there exist "words of insight "which spring out of "bodhi"(insight) and contain inner experiences inexplicable in normal language.The particularity of Zen literature is in these "words of insight."The concrete example of Ryôkan, one of Dôgen's faithful disciples of the Edo era, shows that Dôgen's essential teaching was understood and practiced by Ryôkan. However the latter chose what pleased him among the written messages of his master, himself creating an original way of zen.
山本 和明
国文学研究資料館紀要 文学研究篇 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:24363316)
no.48, pp.197-226, 2022-03-18

古典籍商と蔵書家との交流は、かつて新聞紙面を彩り、多くの人の知るところであった。思い出話として語られたそれらの逸話を紹介し、当時、京阪で実施された古書交換会の様子を探るとともに、実際に古典籍商鹿田松雲堂と交わされたやりとりの一端を、書翰などから確認したい。 The interaction between antiquarian books dealers and book collectors was oncereported in newspapers and was known to many people. I would like to introduce theepisode told as a nostalgic memory, and see the exchange meeting of antiquarian booksheld in Osaka and Kyoto, as well as the letter from the book collector to the antiquarianbooks dealer 'Shikata Shōundō'.
山本 啓介
国文学研究資料館紀要. 文学研究篇 (ISSN:18802230)
no.40, pp.117-151, 2014-03

飛鳥井家は『新古今和歌集』撰者の一人である雅経を祖とする和歌・蹴鞠の家である。本稿はその飛鳥井家の当主と周辺における蹴鞠の伝授書の整理分析を中心に行った。飛鳥井家による蹴鞠伝授書は、現在確認した限りでは、早くは応永一六年(一四○九)の雅縁のものから、慶長一八年(一六一三)の雅庸まで計三七種類がある。これらの書の伝授奥書には、対象や伝授の状況なども記されていることが多く、飛鳥井家と門弟との関わりや動向について知る手がかりとなる。その分析から、飛鳥井家が室町から近世にかけての長期にわたり、公家や守護大名、地方武士に至る広い階層に伝授を行っていたことや、地方下向中の伝授や口伝を筆記したものなどの様々な伝授形式があったことが知られる。また、被伝授者の中には飛鳥井家の和歌の門弟としての事跡も残っている人物もいるため、その他の蹴鞠伝授者の場合も同様に和歌の門弟であった可能性を考えてよいものと思われる。被伝授者の中にはその詳細が判然としない人物も少なからずあったが、むしろ本資料の紹介によって明らかとなる事実もあることだろう。This report is an analysis about the Initiation books of "kemari" written by Asukai family in Muromachi and Warring States period.These Initiation books exist 37 kinds. From these, a relation and the trend with the pupil are identified as a person of Asukai family. It lasted for a long term from Muromachi to the early modern times, and the Asukai family knew various instruction forms such as the things which took notes of in a downward direction instruction and learning through the grapevine to a thing and the district which I initiated the wide hierarchy before reaching a court noble and a feudal lord, the district samurai into.
渡辺 守邦
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.15, pp.135-165, 1989-03-25

むかし、祖母の語った安倍の童子の咄は、歳月のベールに隔てられて、記憶もおぼろげである。それゆえであろうか、かすかな太棹の三味の音を伴って甦ってくる。この一話の世上への伝搬に『蘆屋道満大内鑑』のはたした功績の大きかったことは疑いないが、それだけではなかった。江戸時代を通じて、演劇とは双子の関係にあった小説の分野にあっても取り上げられ、数々の作品の刊行をみている。また、明治の御代にいたるまで盛んに行われた、仏教講釈の演目の内にも含まれていた、という。暦数書の注釈に発した清明伝承が、さまざまなジャンルに文芸化されたありさまと、作品相互の間の関りについて調べてみることは、われわれの持つ清明像の依ってきたる所以を明らかにすることにもなるはずである。 A memory of a story of Abe-no-doji (childhood name of Abe no Seimei) which my grandmother told me long time ago is vague separated by a veil of time. That may be why it is associated in my memory with the faint sounds of Futozao (broad-neck) shamisen. There is no doubt about the great achievements that "Ashiya Doman Oouchikagami"(蘆屋道満大内鑑)produced as for propagation of this story to a public, however this was not all. It was taken up for the field of novels which had a twin-like relation with field of the Dramatic Arts, many works were published. In addition, it is said to be included on the program of a Buddhism lecture carried out actively up to the reign of the Emperor Meiji. To investigate the state that a legend of Seimei which had its beginnings in explanatory notes of the Rekisusho (the number of years book) was changed into literary arts in various genres and to try to investigate about the mutual relation with each work should be going to clarify the reason of the image of Seimei that we have.
青田 寿美 永崎 研宣 白須 裕之 古勝 隆一

高見 純
国文学研究資料館紀要 アーカイブズ研究篇 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature, Archival Studies (ISSN:18802249)
vol.51, no.16, pp.17-37, 2020-03-16

13世紀以来、イタリア北中部では都市政府による記録文書の保存と管理が本格的に開始された。干潟の大商業都市ヴェネツィアも例外ではなく、15世紀以降に書記局を中心に過去の記録を整理し、文書形成と管理を拡大的に整備・進展させ、現在でも、ヨーロッパで有数の量の記録文書を伝え際だった存在感を示す。 これまで、ヴェネツィアの文書管理については、書記局官僚の形成とともに、主に都市政府による統治・行政の範囲内で解明が進んできた。一方で、都市政府という枠組みの外にある民間実践については、十分な検討が進んでこなかった。 そこで、本稿では、13世紀に成立し、15世紀以降に都市の主要な慈善団体の1つとして近世まで大きな存在感を有し続けた大規模宗教兄弟会を事例にして、同団体による文書管理を検討する。それによって、慣習法の蓄積への対応に追われた都市政府による管理との類似性が指摘されるとともに、15世紀から16世紀前半にかけて多くの遺産管理を担うことになった同団体の事情が文書管理に及ぼした影響も考察される。また、本稿の事例によって、都市ヴェネツィアにおける幅広い<アーカイブズ実践>の社会状況についての一端を明らかにすることも期待される。
谷川 惠一 キャンベル ロバート 中村 康夫 久保木 秀夫 鈴木 淳
国文学研究資料館報 (ISSN:03864790)
no.53, pp.1-20, 1999-09-01

魯庵の夢中村真一郎氏旧蔵・日本漢詩文コレクションデータベースのCD-ROM出版について文献資料部事業報告研究情報部事業報告整理閲覧部事業報告彙報評議員等名簿集会等予告 シンポジウム コンピュータ国文学 特別展示・公開講演会 国際日本文学研究集会新ホームページのお知らせ文庫紹介31:諏訪市図書館新収資料紹介44:和学者書簡集閲覧室利用案内人事異動秋季学会開催一覧
加藤 聖文
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature Archival Studies (ISSN:03869377)
no.01, pp.1-27, 2005-03-28

敗戦時に大規模な公文書の廃棄が行われたために、現在の国や地方の行政機関では戦前期の公文書が少ないといった認識が一般的である。しかし、戦前の公文書は、戦後に引き継がれたものと戦後のある時期までに廃棄されたものの二つの系統があり、そして、廃棄されたものは、敗戦前に廃棄されたもの、敗戦時に廃棄されたもの、戦後に廃棄されたものの三つに分けられる。さらに、公文書には大きく分けて普通文書と機密文書の二種類があり、このうち敗戦時の廃棄の中心となったのは機密文書であり、一方、敗戦前と戦後に廃棄されたものは、文書管理規程に基づく通常の廃棄以外では、特殊な理由によって廃棄されたものがあった。本稿では、この通常の公文書のライフサイクルとは異なるかたちで戦時中から戦後までに公文書が大量に廃棄された実態を愛知県庁での事例を中心に検証する。通常のライフサイクルとは異なるかたちとは、敗戦前では、新庁舎の建設に伴う廃棄、戦時中の物資欠乏による廃棄、防空体制の強化による廃棄、文書の疎開に伴う廃棄といった要因が挙げられる。また、戦後では平時になったために戦時に作成された文書の必要性が無くなったことによる廃棄が挙げられる。このようなさまざまな要因によって行われた大規模な文書廃棄を通して見るなかで、すでに敗戦前に多くの文書が失われていたこと、そしてそのような行為を通して見るなかで、行政機関にとって文書の重要性に対する認識が研究者とは全く異なるものであることと、行政組織が生み出す公文書の実像を明らかにし、さらには、現代における公文書の廃棄問題、これからの公文書管理についてのあり方への問題提起を行う。Because a large quantity of official documents were destroyed at the time of defeat, a recognition that only a few prewar documents survive both in the central and local governments has been common. However, this kind of recognition should be reconsidered. Official documents of prewar days were usually treated in two ways. One part is what was taken over to the post war governments, and the other that abandoned before sometime in the postwar period. The latter can be classified into three types, i.e. those which had been abandoned before the end of war, those destroyed at the time of surrender, and those abandoned in the post war period.Furthermore, it should be noted that prewar official documents used to be roughly divided into 'normal documents' and 'secret papers'.The abandonment at the end of war was centered around 'secret papers', while 'normal documents’ were abandoned during the war time and post war periods either by document management regulations regularly or in unusual ways for some reasons.The present paper verifies actual conditions of the abandonment of official documents from the wartime through the postwar period, in which documents were destroyed in unusual ways different from the normal disposal procedure based on the life-cycle concept of records, focusing on the case of Aichi Prefectural Government Office.Unusual disposals of official documents not based on the normal life-cycle procedure were: the abandonment of documents by the construction of a new government building; the abandonment for recycling paper caused by the lack of goods; the abandonment after the office reorganization for strengthening air defense; and the abandonment following the evacuation of documents. Moreover, in the postwar period, the prewar and wartime documents were considered to have lost their business value in peacetime, and were often abandoned.Through the above cases of large-scale abandonment of documents caused by various factors, the author reveals that many documents had already been lost before the end of war and discusses, by seeing such wartime activities of government agencies, that the recognition of government people about the importance of official documents is completely different from that of researchers. Lastly, the author insists of the importance to clarify the real image of official documents produced by administrative organizations, and raises problems to think about the abandonment of official document in the present age as well as about the management of official documents in the future.
pp.295-308, 1982-10-29

月村 麗子
no.11, pp.87-102, 1988-03-01

The poetry of Hagiwara Sakutaro suggests some of Surrealist paintings.The title image of a baying dog of Hagiwara's epoch-making book, The Howling at the Moon (1917), anticipated Joan Miro's Dog Barking at the Moon (1926). This correspondence indicates that both the poet and the painter used Surrealistically the canine image to express their concept of the creative process: aspiration for and discovery of the unseen reality hidden in the actual world."A Murder Case" (1914) of Hagiwara and Threatened Assasin (c.1926- 27) of Rene Magritte, both influenced by popular detective films in the 1910s and 1920s, are metaphorically violent variations of the works dealing with a dog howling at the moon. Furthermore, the remaining comparisons this study offers show Hagiwara's and Magritte's ironical meditations of the barren existence of modern man. Here again the Japanese poet's "From Within the Shell of a Landscape "(1923) and "To Fire a Cannon", Published in (1923), preceeds Magritte's The Song of Love (1948) and The Old Gunner (1947).Hagiwara's remarks dating from his formative years , 1914-15, suggest that the role of the unconscious in the creative process is a common ground where Hagiwara and Surrealists meet, though he did not formulate it into a theory of Surrealism. Thus, the Surrealistic feature in Hagiwara can be regarded as an accidental product of both his diverse and keen interest in western cultures and of his passionate and deeply solitary search for a style expressing his jikkan (true feeling), but not of such well-defined systematic activities as in the Surrealist movement in which both Miro and Magritte took part.Despite these differences, the remarkable parallels presented here allow us to place Hagiwara in the international arena of avant-garde art and literature as a major poet of our times whose appeal goes beyond national boundaries.
国文学研究資料館特別展示目録 五 ――館蔵貴重書展――
pp.1-33, 1981-03-30

ヌーニェス=ガイタン アンヘラ 湯上 良
国文学研究資料館紀要. アーカイブズ研究篇 = The bulletin of the National Institute of Japanese Literature. 人間文化研究機構国文学研究資料館 編 (ISSN:18802249)
no.12, pp.171-180, 2016-03

マレガ・プロジェクトは、多分野間の共同作業の模範的事例であり、閲覧のために長期保存を行うことを主な目的としている。まず、無酸素処理による殺菌を行い、次に各要素の構造を反映した整理番号を付し、調査票を記入する。日本の作業グループとの共同作業は、すべての基礎となるものである。修復作業は、文書全体のデジタル化の準備段階にあたり、取り扱い時の安全性と高画素撮影を保証する。日本の文書素材は、西洋のものとは異なるため、金山正子氏や青木睦氏によって、バチカン図書館の修復士向けの特別研修が行われた。これにより、新しい技術を学び、日本のアーカイブズ素材に対応できるようになった。このプロジェクトは、「歴史というものを自覚し、研究活動に配慮する教会は、真理を求めるすべての探究者たちとともに、過去の足跡と、時代を越えた保護活動によって受け継がれてきた宝物をともに分かち合う」という教皇レオ13世の考えを具現化しているのだ。Marega Project is an example and a model of interdisciplinary and joint venture between the Far East and the West without which it would have been difficult to tackle the conservation and study of the collection, such were the thought at the basis of the project.The first action was the disinfestation through anoxic treatment; for the next phase, compiling the inventory of the material, the weeks of collaborative work with the group of Japanese colleagues were fundamental.The conservation treatments are preliminary to the digitization phase of the entire collection, ensuring safe handling of the documents and high quality image capturing. Japanese material is rather different from western material, so it was necessary for the Vatican conservators to undergo specific training led competently by Masako Kanayama and Mutsumi Aoki. This training allowed us to get accustomed to materials and conservation techniques unusual and novel to us and we learned to recognize specifically significant elements of Japanese archive material.The Marega Project makes real and concrete the idea by Pope Leo XIII of "a Church aware of History, attentive towards research, ready to share with those who seek the Truth the vestiges of its past, and the treasures gathered through century-long attentions".
大橋 幸泰
国文学研究資料館紀要. アーカイブズ研究篇 = The bulletin of the National Institute of Japanese Literature. 人間文化研究機構国文学研究資料館 編 (ISSN:18802249)
no.12, pp.123-134, 2016-03

本稿では、日本へキリシタンが伝来した16世紀中期から、キリスト教の再布教が行われた19世紀中期までを対象に、日本におけるキリシタンの受容・禁制・潜伏の過程を概観する。そのうえで、どのようにしたら異文化の共生は可能か、という問いについて考えるためのヒントを得たい。キリシタンをめぐる当時の日本の動向は、異文化交流の一つと見ることができるから、異文化共生の条件について考える恰好の材料となるであろう。 16世紀中期に日本に伝来したキリシタンは、当時の日本人に幅広く受容されたが、既存秩序を維持しようとする勢力から反発も受けた。キリシタンは、戦国時代を統一した豊臣秀吉・徳川家康が目指す国家秩序とは相容れないものとみなされ、徹底的に排除された。そして、17世紀中後期までにキリシタン禁制を維持するための諸制度が整備されるとともに、江戸時代の宗教秩序が形成されていった。こうして成立した宗教秩序はもちろん、江戸時代の人びとの宗教活動を制約するものであったが、そうした秩序に制約されながらも、潜伏キリシタンは19世紀中期まで存続することができた。その制約された状況のなかでキリシタンを含む諸宗教は共生していたといえる。ただし、それには条件が必要であった。その条件とは、表向き諸宗教の境界の曖昧性が保たれていたことと、人びとの共通の属性が優先されたことである。This paper is an overview of the process of the acceptance, prohibition, and concealment of Christianity in Japan from the time it was first introduced in the mid-16th century until its re-introduction in the mid-19th century. In doing so, it is my hope that we can find some lessons for making the co-existence of different cultures possible. Happenings relating to Christianity in Japan at the time can be seen as a form of cultural exchange, and therefore will surely provide suitable material for considering the conditions for cultural coexistence.While the Christianity transmitted in the mid-16th century was widely accepted by Japanese at the time, it also was resisted by the forces that sought to maintain the existing order. Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu, who brought about unification after the Sengoku period, considered Christianity to be incompatible with the national order they sought, and they attempted to thoroughly eliminate it. Then, as various systems were developed to maintain the prohibition of Christianity through the latter 17th century, the religious order of the Edo period was formed. While this religious order was, of course, intended to restrict the religious activities of the people of the Edo period, hidden Christians were able to continue to exist up to the mid-19th century, even under its constraints. It could be said that various religions, including Christianity, coexisted under these constrained circumstances. However, there were necessary conditions for this, namely, the ambiguity of the boundaries between religions being preserved on the surface, and the attributes people share in common being prioritized.
pp.1-16, 2017-01-20 (Released:2017-02-22)
