数野 文明
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature Archival Studies (ISSN:03869377)
no.01, pp.29-52, 2005-03-28

本稿は、原爆によるアーカイブズヘの影響について、これまでの「壊滅的被害」という「常識」や「先入観」を再考し、広島におけるアーカイブズ被害の実態について考察したものである。本稿は次の方法によりその課題に迫ってみた。第一に原爆前後で行政文書がどう扱われたのかを、県庁職員への聞き取りと被爆手記により解明し、県庁の文書疎開の実態を明らかにする。第二に戦前期作成された広島県行政文書(とくに県議会文書)についてその履歴と戦後の文書引継ぎ状況を解明する。第三に県以外の国や市の行政機関や民間事業所・団体等における記録の疎開状況を明らかにする。結論は次のようである。広島県庁は被爆で全焼するが、被爆前の昭和20年(1945)6月以降に議会担当の庶務課の重要文書は広島県中部の高田地方事務所へ疎開された。時期不詳だが、広島県西部の廿日市市地御前の教員保養所、広島市内の安芸高等女学校及び盲学校にも文書は疎開された。それらの文書は被爆後回収され業務に利用された。これまで戦後の「収集」文書とみなされてきた県議会文書も、戦時の疎開文書だった。被爆を免れた広島県行政文書は少なくとも1600冊以上あったと考えられ、うち680冊程度は現在確認できない。疎開文書の一部は敗戦時の焼却や戦後の庁舎移転時の廃棄等により失われた。広島市や国の機関は主に昭和20年6月から7月にかけて戸籍や土地台帳、重要書類や江戸期以来の土地租税資料、判決原本、訴訟記録、登記関係書類、刑事事件簿などを広島市や広島市郊外(可部町・中野村・白木町)及び県北部の庄原区裁判所などへ疎開させた。民間事業者・宗教団体も、伝票・過去帳や重要書類を疎開させた。同年6月から7月にかけて、疎開の気運が高まり、組織体の文書・記録や史料が疎開され守られた。原爆により地域の文書・記録は「壊滅」したのではない。むしろ戦後その一部が失われた。This paper investigates the truth about how the atomic bomb affected the archives in Hiroshima. There is a preconceived notion that those archives must have been destroyed at that time and this is regarded as the accepted position. This pre-conception is reconsidered here and the actual damage which the archives suffered in Hiroshima is elucidated.The subject of this paper is approached by the following process: Firstly, interviews with the prefectural office workers and the witness notes of the atomic bomb are examined to clarify how the administration documents were treated before and after the atomic bomb. The actual circumstances of the evacuation of the Hiroshima Prefectural Office are clarified.Secondly, for the wartime period, how the Hiroshima administration documents (especially the Prefectural Assembly documents) were handled is clarified.Thirdly, the circumstances of the evacuation of the records of the governmental agencies other than the Prefecture-the national organization and the city ones, and also those of the private sector organizations are clarified.The conclusions are as follows: Although the Hiroshima Prefectural Office was destroyed, the important documents of the Administrative Affairs Division, which was in charge of the Parliament, had already been evacuated to the Takada local office which was located in the central part of Hiroshima sometime after June in Showa 20 (1945) but before the bombing.At some unknown time, some other important documents of the Hiroshima Prefectural Office were also evacuated to the Teacher's Resort House in Jigozen, (in Hatsukaichi City in the Western part of Hiroshima), the Aki Girls' High School in Hiroshima, and the Hiroshima Blind School. Those documents were gathered together again after the war and used for business.Most of the Prefectural Assembly documents, usually considered the ''collection'' in the post-wartime, were actually ones which were saved by evacuation. It is thought that at least 1600 volumes of Hiroshima administration documents escaped contamination by the atomic bomb. Of these, about 680 volumes cannot now be traced. Some of the evacuated documents could have been lost by incineration at the time of defeat, or by abandonment when the Prefectural Office building was relocated in the post-war period.Mainly during June and July in Showa 20 (1945), Hiroshima City Hall and the organizations of the national government evacuated their important documents including the family registers, the land ledgers, the historical records of the land tax since the Edo era, the original judgments, the law suit records, the registration-related papers, and the criminal casebooks. They were moved to the Hijiyama Hill in the city, to the suburb, Kabe town, Nakano village, and Shiraki town) and the Shobara Court in the northern part of the prefecture. Private enterprises and religious bodies also evacuated their important documents, the slips and the death registers.From June to July in Showa 20, the need for evacuation grew so much that the records of the organizations and historical materials were evacuated and protected. The records of this area were not ''damaged destructively" by the atomic bomb. Rather, some of them were lost after the war.
小川 剛生
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.30, pp.53-94, 2004-02-28

艶書文例集とは、さまざまな恋の状況における懸想文を掲げ筆法を解説した書札礼の故実書であるが、その包摂する範囲は広きに及んで、艶書文学というべきジャンルを形成している。たとえば『堀河院艶書合』も艶書や艶書歌の手引きとして読まれたし、室町物語や仮名草子には登場人物の艶書のやりとりによって筋が展開するものがある。東山御文庫に蔵される『思露』は中世に成立した艶書文例集である。やはり艶書の「書様」と「文例」からなり、艶書をしるし相手に贈る際の、さまざまな知識を解説した書物であるが、その成立・作者については、これまではっきりしたことは知られていなかった。本稿において、本書は南北朝末期、二条良基が著したもので、公武の間で広く読まれていたことを述べた。さらにその内容は文学的にも見るべきものがあり、当時の『源氏物語』をはじめ王朝物語への理解を示し、また仮名文をいかに書くべきかを初めて具体的に説いた書物として注目に値することを指摘した。続いて、代表的な艶書文例集として知られる『詞花懸露集』はこの『思露』を後人が改編した本であること、また『堀河院艶書合』の伝本の一部にも『思露』を吸収したものがあることなどを述べ、中世の艶書文学作品に『思露』が与えた影響が甚だ大きいことを明らかにした。附録として東山御文庫蔵本の全文を翻刻した。 A collection of love letter examples is an ancient customs book that was printed love letters written under various situations of love and it was commented on style of writing Kojitusyo (the protocol or events in the imperial court and Bu-ke) of Shosatsurei. It was widely subsumed and formed a genre called the love letter literature. For example,”Horikawain-ensho-awase”(堀河院艶書合)was also read as a guide book of Enshouta in Muromachi-monogatari(室町物語) or in Kana-zoshi(仮名草子), the plot was developed by exchanging love letters of the characters. “Shiro”(思露) which belongs to the Higashiyama Library is a collection of love letter examples formed in the middle ages. Though this is also a book composed with the way of writing and examples about various knowledge for people who wrote love letters to their lovers. Regarding to the time of establishment or about the author have been uncertain so far. In this paper, it is mentioned that this book was written by Nijo Yoshimoto and read by the imperial court and the shogunate. In addition, the content contains the specific character in literary terms showing to appreciate Japanese imperial tales including “Genji-monogatari”(源氏物語) in those days. It also pointed out that it is worthy of notice as the book explained specifically how should the kana texts were written for the first time. Then “Shika Kenro Shu”(詞花懸露集) known as a representative of a collection of love letter examples is a book which was revised by later hands, there is also something which absorbed “Shiro” in the part of handed-down manuscript of Horikawain-ensho-awase were mentioned. It was shown that “Shiro” greatly influenced the medieval love letter literary works. The whole text in Higashiyama Library reprinted as an appendix.
鄧 麗霞
no.38, pp.77-92, 2015-03-31

The Jikkinshō (Stories Selected to Illustrate the Ten Maxims), a collection of parables from the mid-Kamakura period, is a Confucian enlightenment text that presents ten virtues with instructional parables under each virtue, written in both Japanese and Chinese. Within these are eleven parables that concern works written by or vignettes about Confucius, the founder of Chinese Confucianism. The introduction to the Jikkinshō states that the text was compiled in order to show young men the life paths of the wise and foolish, the good and evil. To use the twentyninth story in the sixth chapter, which collects stories about Chinese wise men, as an example (wherein Confucius’s refusal to drink stolen spring water is praised), the Confucius portrayed in the Jikkinshō is a model figure, representative of wisdom and goodness. However, in the Konjaku Monogatari( Tales of Now and Then) and Uji Shūi Monogatari( Tales from Uji), which precede the Jikkinshō, parables about Confucius are all tales about his failures or comical episodes, focusing on a disgraced Confucius figure.Why did the editors of the Jikkinshō construct a Confucius image with a different character than that of the Confucius tales in the Konjaku and Uji Shūi collections? How were Confucius’s speeches or thought received in medieval Japanese literary works, and what role did they play? In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to perform an in-depth analysis on each parable that concerns Confucius in the Jikkinshō.Until now, there has been little research on Confucius-related tales in the Jikkinshō, and in particular, there has been almost no research that examines the content of the stories in a concrete way, or tries to comprehensively understand the Confucius figure depicted in these tales. This presentation will consider the formative background of the Jikkinshō while examining each story that concerns Confucius by relating it to its source. The presenter will then discuss how Confucius’s discourse and episodes about his life were received within the Jikkinshō, how they were indigenized, and what sort of lessons the editors of the Jikkinshō wanted to present through parables related to Confucius. In addition, the paper will elucidate the characteristics of the Confucius image in the Jikkinshō and consider why it was necessary for the Jikkinshō to select the discourses it did, as well as examine the actual circumstances surrounding the reception of Confucius in medieval Japanese literature.
Keene Donald
no.6, pp.28-42, 1983-03-01

Translation of Japanese classical literature into foreign languages began late in the sixteenth century, when Portuguese missionaries used literary works as their textbooks for learning Japanese. With the expulsion of the Europeans in the seventeenth century, translation from the Japanese became extremely infrequent and erratic until the 1860s.Ever since that time there has been a steadily increasing amount of translation of Japanese literature not only into the various European languages but, especially in the case of modern literature, into Korean and Chinese. Today there are comparatively few major works of classical Japanese literature which have never been translated into any foreign language.The early translations of Japanese literature were made unsystematically. It is often not clear why particular works were chosen nor who the anticipated readers might have been. The translations made by Arthur Waley inaugurated a new era in the appreciation abroad of the Heian classics and No, and the best translators into English have tended to follow in his footsteps in writing for a general, rather than an academic audience. But the issue of literary versus academic translations is by no means settled, and we may in the future be able to enjoy the luxury of several different translations of the same classics.
松野 陽一
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of TheNational Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.16, pp.155-205, 1990-03-25

近世初中期の江戸雅文壇の歌会資料については『文翰雑編』(山本通春撰。寛文三―元祿十を収録)が活字化されて知られているが、諸藩の江戸藩邸で記録されていた詩歌会資料を綜合的に整理する必要があるかと思われる。水戸藩『文苑雑纂』(慶安四―元禄十三~安永八)、仙台藩『公武詩歌聞書』(元禄十六―寛延)などの資料がそれで、本稿で紹介・翻刻する盛岡南部藩『落穂集』もそうした記録の中からの七ヶ度(元禄元―六)の詩歌会の抄出資料である。南部家江戸藩邸(桜田邸、八戸藩麻布邸)、知足院、金地院を「場」とした、将軍綱吉文化圏の南部重信とその一族、毛利綱元、知足院隆光、金地院崇寛、林大学頭、また専門歌人の清水宗川、岡本道寿(宗好男)らの詠作活動の情況をうかがうこととしたい。 As a material of Edo Gabundan(江戸雅文壇)in the early to middle modern ages, “Bunkanzappen”(文翰雑編)(Selected by Yamamoto Michiharu, Included works 1663-1697) is known by publishing. It is appeared to be necessary to arrange materials of a meeting of poets generally in Edo hantei (a residence maintained by a daimyo in Edo) from each domain. Those materials are “Bunenzassan”(文苑雑纂)(1651-1700~1779) of Mito Domain, “Koubushikakikigaki”(公武詩歌聞書)(1703-Kanen period) of Sendai Domain. “Ochibo-shu”(落穂集)kept by Morioka Nanbu Clan which was introduced and reprinted in this article is also a extraction material of seventh meeting of poets (1688-1693) from those records. I would like to examine the situation of composing activity of Nanbu Edo hantei (Sakurada tei, Hachinohe Clan Azabu tei), Nanbu Shigenobu and his whole families in the General Tsunayoshi cultural sphere who made Chisokuin(知足院)and Konchiin(金地院)as “Location”, Mori Tsunamoto, Chisoku Ryuko, Konchiin Takahiro, Hayashi Daigaku no kami and also professional poets Shimizu Sosen, Okamoto Michitoshi (a son of Soko).
鈴木 伸尚
国文学研究資料館紀要. アーカイブズ研究篇 = The bulletin of the National Institute of Japanese Literature. 人間文化研究機構国文学研究資料館 編 (ISSN:18802249)
no.13, pp.159-168, 2017-03

本稿では、大学の学生寮に関する記録史料(アーカイブズ)がどのように整理・保存・公開されているかについて、京都大学の学生自治寮を中心的な事例としてとりあげ、さらに、今後の学生寮関係資料の行方について大学のアーカイブズ機関をめぐる状況から考察した。 京都大学の学生寮はすべて寮の管理・運営に学生の自治会が携わる「自治寮」であるが、自治会が作成した記録(レコード)は必ずしも十分な保存管理状況にはない。ただし吉田寮自治会から京都大学文書館への移管や吉田寮生の有志による展示会(「今昔吉田寮展」)など、アーカイブズを志向する試みがないわけではない。 また「国立公文書館等」に指定された大学のアーカイブズ機関は2016 年現在、14 施設を数えるが、これらの機関での学生寮関係資料の収集・保存・公開状況には各大学ごとに差が大きい。機関・収集アーカイブズを十全ともたない大学における記録史料の散逸が危惧される。廃寮後の資料の一部は、同窓会組織が支えている現状である。 今後、大学のアイデンティティ、アカウンタビリティの観点から、つまり学生がどのように学び、感じ、生きたかを示す素材として、学生寮関係資料のアーカイブズ化が望まれる。By focusing on the Autonomous Dormitory belonging to Kyoto University, this paper seeks to consider, first, ways in which archival material relating to university dormitories is organized, preserved, and made public, as well as, second, the methods by which such material may be dealt with from hereon in by university archival centers. All of the dormitories at Kyoto University are governed and operated by the student union. Records produced by the student union, while helpful, are not always complete. Even so, some sincere efforts have been made by students eager to commit their records to longer-lasting archives. For example, the student union in charge of the Yoshida Dormitory had their records transferred to the university archives, while a number of students have produced an exhibition about the history of that same dormitory.Just this year (2016), a total of fourteen national archival centers were duly designated in various universities. Great differences exist, however, in the extent to which material relating to university dormitories is collected, preserved, and made public in each of these newly designated centers. Universities lacking ample resources run the risk of losing a great deal of such materials. As a preventative measure, a number of alumni associations have taken some of the responsibility of preserving materials after their previous dormitories have been torn down.Material relating to university dormitories offers invaluable insights into student life—how students learn, their emotional responses to university life, as well as their daily activities—and is therefore important when discussing the identity and accountability of a given university.
神津 武男
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.29, pp.189-275, 2003-02-28

本稿は、国文学研究資料館が所蔵する、『古今操便覧』をはじめとした、竹本摂津大橡旧蔵の人形浄瑠璃番付集の、資料紹介である。同資料は、書誌的形態や成立年の異なる、三種から成る。各種それぞれの、成立年や旧蔵者について、報告する。なお同資料群は、『近世邦楽年表』の原資料の、中心をなす部分であった。『近世邦楽年表』原資料発見の意義についても、述べたい。また収録内容を一覧することを目的として、個々の番付のリストを付した。特に、新出の番付については、翻刻を付した。 This is an article to introduce the documents such as “Kokon- ayatsuri –binran”(古今操便覧) owned by National Institution of Japanese literature and Ningyo-joruri lists formerly stored in Takemoto-settsu- no- taijo. This documents consists of three kinds which were written by different form of the biography at various times and reported the year of creation of documents and former owners for each. In addition, the group of documents were the main part of a source document of “Kinsei-hogaku nenpyo”(近世邦楽年表). Also it is necessary to remarks regarding the meanings of its discovery. The list of each program for the purpose of glancing through the contents was attached. A reprinting was added especially for the new one.
ヴィータ シルヴィオ
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of National Institure of Japanese Literature Archival Studies (ISSN:18802249)
no.12, pp.149-169, 2016-03-14

サレジオ会宣教師マリオ・マレガ(1902 ~ 1978)に関する先行研究によって、同氏の伝記や関連情報などは多少明らかにされたが、現バチカン図書館所蔵文書群の成立についてはまだまだ不明な部分が多い。それを踏まえ、1920 〜 1940 年代におけるサレジオ会の来日と、宮崎・大分付近での初期活動を歴史的背景に、大分時代(1932 〜 1949)のマレガの言動を分析する。彼はキリシタン遺跡(主として墓)を調査する傍ら、布教地の歴史に関わる文献資料を15 年ほどかけて意欲的に集めた。入手経路として古書店と古物屋からの二つの筋があったようで、文書発見経緯についての記述によると、個別に手に入れた史料のほか、まとまって得られたものもあったと考えられる。1950 年代初期までその文書の研究も続けるが、調査・研究を行う際、地元で複数の協力者の力を借りた。彼が集めた文書が1953 年の夏ごろにローマに送られる時点に完結したものを、マレガ・コレクションと位置付けることができる。Previous research on the Salesian missionary Mario Marega (1902-1978) has shed some light upon his biography and other information on him. However, many details on how the collection of ancient documents now in the Vatican Library was put together still remain not sufficiently elucidated. For this reason, I first try to present here an analysis of Marega’s activities during the period he spent in Oita (1932-1949). This is carried out against the historical background of the Salesian Mission to Japan in its early years, after the arrival of the first missionaries to Japan and their subsequent efforts to settle down in the local society around Miyazaki and Oita. Within such a context, over a span of about fifteen years, Father Marega eagerly collected documents on the history of his missionary territory, while also engaging in surveys of the material remains (mainly graves) of earlier Christians from the same area. Apparently, he obtained the documents through two different channels, old-books dealers and old-curios or antique shops. In some cases their acquisition was made as individual items or small groups of records. However, according to accounts by Marega himself and other sources, another sizeable group was likely the result of one single “discovery”.Marega continued to study the documents until the early 1950s, also thanks to a network of people who helped him to find them first and eventually interpret their contents. In the light of these circumstances, and with no traces of later accessions, the early summer of 1953, when the group of documents was sent to Rome, is definitely to consider as the terminus ad quem for the formation of the collection.
加藤 聖文 黒沢 文貴 松田 利彦 麻田 雅文 カタソノワ エリーナ バルターノフ ワシリー キム セルゲイ ムミノフ シェルゾッド フセヴォロドフ ウラジーミル

新間 水緒
国文学研究資料館紀要. 文学研究篇 (ISSN:18802230)
no.40, pp.53-80, 2014-03

鴨長明の『方丈記』冒頭の有名な一文が、『文選』の「歎逝賦」の詩句を典拠としているということは、『方丈記』成立の四十年後に編纂された『十訓抄』に指摘がある。『文選」は、正文に注釈がついた形で日本に伝来し、奈良時代以前から受容されてきた。平安時代を通じて『白氏文集』とともに知識人の教養の書とされ、長明の時代にも状況は同じであった。長明も当然『文選』を学んでいたであろうし、その場合詩句の解釈は当時の通例として注釈によったであろう。このような『文選』の享受のあり方を背景に『方丈記』を読むと、序章全般にわたって「歎逝賦」との表現面での類似が見て取れ、さらに「歎逝賦」の注文を受容し、表現を編み出していることがわかる。ただ「歎逝賦」が「逝くを歎く」ことを主題としているのに対して、『方丈記』の序章は「人と栖の無常」を問題にすることにおいて、大きく異なると同時に、そこには長明独自の主題があるといえる。この主題は最終章に至るまで論理的に展開されており、『方丈記』末尾の問題とも大きく関わっているように思われる。Various annotations describe how the prelude of HO-JO-KI, by KAMO-NO-CHOMEI, is based on phrases from 'TANSEINOFU', in Wenxuan.When Wenxuan was introduced to Japan, it took the form of a textwith annotations, and was widely read by educated people. It seems likely that CHOMEI, being an intellectual, would have read it as part of his education. Should this indeed be the case, one can assume the annotations were included in his studies, following general custom at that time. HO-JO-KI takes up the annotations of 'TANSEINOFU' throughout the prelude, and develops the theme; "transience of human beings and of their residence."
Vincent Keith
no.35, pp.137-155, 2012-03-31

This presentation is drawn from a book I am about to publish on what I call “homosocial narratives” in modern Japanese literature. In these texts (such as Natsume Soseki’s Kokoro and Mori Ogai’s Gan), desire between men was not so much rendered “taboo” (as it was in the West) but rather relegated to and contained within the past, both on an individual level-within the period of adolescence, and on the collective level-as something that belonged in the museum of “history.” In the book’s last chapter I discuss Mishima’s Confessions of A Mask as both a late-perhaps even the last-example of such a “homosocial narrative” and as an early example of what would later be known as “homosexual literature.” Mishima’s novel is thus a text that straddles two distinct moments in the history of sexuality in Japan, while also reminding us of what Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick has called the “unrationalized co-existence” (合理的な説明のつかない共存) within many literary texts of otherwise historically distinct understandings of sexuality. In this presentation I discuss how Mishima’s surprisingly paradoxical narrative strategy of writing an “I-novel in the first person” serves simultaneously to contain his narrator’s desire for other men within the past, while also keeping it alive in the present.
小林 健二
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:18802230)
no.43, pp.1-55, 2017-03-16

『舞の本絵巻』は江戸初期に刊行された絵入り版本「舞の本」三十六番を粉本に制作された大部で豪華な揃いの大型絵巻である。三十六番が絵巻として作られたと想定できるが、現在は散逸して国内外に十二軸十五番のものと六軸十一番の二系統の伝本が確認できる。それらを悉皆調査して「舞の本」から豪華な絵巻へと作られた様相を考察し、同時代の文芸享受史への位置づけをはかった。さらに、「舞の本」を粉本として豪華な絵本も同じ工房で作られたこと、これらの豪華な絵巻・絵本が松平家などの大名によって注文制作されたことにも言及した。また、現存する幸若舞曲を題材とした絵巻・絵本を概観できるように「幸若舞曲の絵入り本一覧稿(増補改訂)」を付した。The Illustrated Scrolls of Mainohon, grand both in number and size, gorgeously illustrated, were based on an early Edo-period woodblock edition of Mainohon, which was itself embellished throughout with pictures. Though this set of scrolls most probably included, in its original form, illustrations of all thirty-six kōwaka dances lyrics, extant versions contain only a portion of that number: one lineage of this work contains illustrations from fifteen dances in twelve scrolls, while the other contains illustrations for eleven dances in six scrolls. By examining all extant editions of this set of scrolls, I have attempted to trace the process whereby the picture-book Mainohon was at last transformed into the Illustrated Scrolls of Mainohon, as well as the latter’s place in the overall history of Edo-period art and literature. I discuss, furthermore, how the workshop which produced these illustrated scrolls also produced a number of other, similarly gorgeous picture-book editions, all based on the aforementioned Mainohon. All of these-illustrated scrolls and picture-books alike-were produced in response to requests made by the powerful daimyo family known as the Matsudaira clan. In order, finally, to facilitate a broader understanding of the field, I have thought it best to append a list of all extant illustrated books dealing with kōwaka dances lyrics.
石井 香絵
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:18802230)
no.43, pp.147-181, 2017-03-16

明治二一年、フランス留学から帰国した合田清は、洋画家山本芳翠とともに生巧館を設立し、日本に本格的な木口木版の技術をもたらした。初期の新聞附録から雑誌の表紙、挿絵、口絵、教科書の口絵、挿絵、広告、商標、パッケージなどの多くの複製メディアに登場し、生巧館は出版文化の隆盛とともにその活動が広く知られることとなった。しかしその全貌については不明な点が多く、研究も充分には進められていない。国文学研究資料館には生巧館が残した木口木版による膨大な数の清刷り(印刷にかける前の試し刷り)が所蔵されている。本稿では特定研究「生巧館制作による木口木版の研究―国文学研究資料館所蔵品を中心に」のこれまでの研究成果をふまえ、生巧館設立前後の時代を見直しつつ当館所蔵品の美術および歴史的価値について考察する。初期新聞附録の時代、続く雑誌・教科書の時代、後年の時代それぞれの活動状況と所蔵品がどのように関連づけられるか検討し、併せて所蔵品を手がかりに生巧館の活動の一端を明らかにしていくことを試みる。The wood block artist Gōda Kiyoshi (1862-1938) returned to Japan from a period of study in France in the twenty-first year of Meiji (1888). It was at this time that he united with Yamamoto Hōsui (1850-1906), an artist skilled in Western painting, to form the Seikō Society, which was dedicated to transmitting the techniques of wood engraving throughout Japan. The Seikō Studio, working in a time when publishing culture was at its peak, became widely known for their woodblock prints, many of which appeared in such mass-produced media as newspapers, magazines, textbooks, advertisements, as well as on business signs and the packaging for various products. Despite their fame, current research has yet to offer us a convincing picture of the overall activities of the Seikō Studio. The National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL) has in its possession an enormous number of test prints-those made in order to test the quality of theoriginal engraving before mass production - taken from woodblock engravings produced by the Seikō Studio. By taking into account research already conducted at NIJL on this subject, and by reexamining those historical circumstances surrounding the establishment of the Seikō Studio, this paper aims at evaluating these test prints in respect to both their artistic as well as their historical value. I will attempt, through an examination of these objects, to give a clear picture of the development of the studio’s work, tracing its appearance, first in newspapers, then in magazines and textbooks, and finally, later on, in other forms of media.
神作 研一
国文学研究資料館紀要 = National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:18802230)
no.40, pp.5-27, 2014-03-14

本稿は、近世和歌史の全体像を、最新の研究動向を踏まえながら英文で簡潔に綴ったもの。歌壇史や和歌表現の研究を軸として、近年の和歌史研究の進展には目を瞠るものがあるが、中でも近世和歌の研究はこの四半世紀で飛躍的に進捗した。〈堂上から地下へ〉というパラダイムが確立し、研究者相互の共通理解となったことは、和歌史研究においてもまた近世文学研究においても非常に大きな意味がある。江戸時代にあって、和歌は漢学漢詩文と並んで終始〈雅〉の領域に属しており、公家にとっては必須の「道」、武家にとっては抜き差しならない「教養」、そして庶民にとっては上昇志向を満たし得る上々の「趣味」でもあった。江戸前期に堂上が領導していた和歌は、徐々に時代が下るにつれて地下歌人の活躍が目立つようになり、〈俗文学〉とも広く深く交渉するようになっていった。江戸中期には、〈地下から地方へ〉というパラダイムも確立する。本稿では、近世和歌史を前期(幕初から元禄まで)、中期(宝永から天明まで)、後期(寛政から慶応まで)の三期に分かち、それぞれ「堂上の時代」「堂上から地下への過渡期的時代」「国学派全盛の時代」と定義した上で、各時期の特質を可能な限り広い視野をもって概述、末尾には研究案内を兼ねて、近年を中心に主要な研究文献を掲出した。In this paper I will try to briefly sketch in English a whole picture of the history of waka in the Edo Period, together with the results of the latest study of it. Recently, Shinpen-kokka-taikan(新編国歌大観) has become available on-line and this has greatly advanced the study of expressions of waka as well as the study of kadan-shi(歌壇史,History of poetry salons). In particular, the study of waka in the Edo Period developed at a dramatic rate during the past quarter of the century. It is very significant for the study of waka-shi(和歌史,History of waka) and of Edo literature (近世文学) that this has created the new paradigm “from tosho (堂上,Emperor and Court noble) to jige (地下,The others)” , which has become a common ground of understanding among researchers.In the Edo Period, waka literature, like kangaku (漢学,Study of Chinese classics) and kanshi(漢詩 ,Chinese poetry), falls under ga(雅) and it was a necessary way for Court noble, an essential culture for samurai, and the very best hobby for common people that could satisfy their ambition to rise in the world. During the first term of the Edo Period (from the establishment of the shogunate to genroku,幕初~元禄/1603-1703) waka was popular among tosho(堂上). So it is very important to keep in mind the fact that as jige-kajin (地下歌人 Poets of jige) became active over time, it also interacted closely with zoku(俗). In the second term of the Edo Period (from hoei to tenmei,宝永~天明/ 1704-1788), it has created the new paradigm “from jige(地下) to chiho(地方)”.Here I take the position that Kinsei(近世) is equal to the Edo Period(江戸時代), and I will divide it into three terms for the sake of An Outline of the History of Waka in the Edo Perioddiscussion. I define the time from the establishment of the shogunate(幕初,1603) to genroku(元禄,1703) as the first term, the time from hoei (宝永,1704) to tenmei (天明,1788) as the second, and the time from kansei (寛政,1789) to keio (慶応,1867) as the third. We can say that the first term corresponds to the 17th century, the second to the 18th century, and the third to the 19th century. Or if we focus on what happened, we can also say that the first is the Period of tosho (堂上), the second the transitional Period from tosho(堂上) to jige (地下),and the third the Period of jige (地下), especially kokugakuha (国学派,The Japanese classics), respectively. I will try to briefly sketch out each term. At the end of the paper, I provide a list of recent major works on waka in the Edo Period, hoping that it will be helpful for those who are interested.
加藤 聖文
国文学研究資料館紀要 = National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:18802249)
no.11, pp.1-14, 2015-03-13

個人情報保護法施行後、各地の現場では個人情報の明確な定義もなされないまま過剰反応ともいえる非開示が行われている。本稿では、岩手県・佐賀県などでの事例を挙げつつ、国の法と地方の条例との大きな相違点とその問題点を検証し、個人情報に対する過剰反応が通常業務に支障を与えることを明らかにする。また、国民に対する説明責任と健全な市民社会育成の観点から個人情報公開の必要性を論じ、最後にアーキビストとして個人情報といかに向き合うべきかについて問題提起を行う。The purpose of this paper is to analyze social influence wielded by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information had come into force on 2003.Since this law came into force, it has been overreacted to the protection of personal information in Japan; therefore, these cases of nondisclosure that have no legal grounds have increased.In this paper I take up these cases in some prefectures of Iwate, Saga and others, and clarify the distinction between national low and local regulations. Moreover, I demonstrate that overreaction in the face of protection of personal information impede their business.In conclusion, for advancement of civil society, I would like to raise how can archivist confront this problem.
中野 達哉
国文学研究資料館紀要. アーカイブズ研究篇 (ISSN:18802249)
no.9, pp.1-25, 2013-03

弘前藩は、国元と江戸で藩庁日記を作成・管理し、現在、弘前市立弘前図書館に津軽家文書として、弘前藩国日記は寛文元年(一六六一)六月から元治元年(一八六四)一二月の三二九九冊、弘前藩江戸日記は寛文八年(一六六八)五月から慶応四年(一八六八)三月の一二二五冊が現存する。藩庁日記は毎月ほぼ一冊ずつ作成されたが、寛文期より幕末までほぼ欠けることなく現存している状況は希有な例と言える。本稿では、これら日記を作成・管理した日記役に注目し、日記役が作成した「御日記役勤向覚記」を紹介・分析し、基礎的な考察を行った。そして、初期の日記役の職務は、藩庁日記の作成・管理と将軍家をはじめとする諸家(武家)との贈答に関わる記録の作成であり、その後職務が拡大し、さまざまな記録を作成するようになったこと、延宝三年(一六七五)に発令された日記役全般に関わる条目が基底となり日記役の職務が確定するとともに、この時期に藩庁日記の記述内容も整えられていること、日記役は寛文期から確認されているが、正徳二年(一七一二)に日記役が表右筆から分離するとともに、下役なども職制に位置づけられること、また、日記役の前役も、それ以前は御手廻り役であったのが、それ以降は御書物預・表右筆・日記物書など同種の役職からの転任へと変化することがみられ、専門性が高まったこと、そして、正徳二年の変化の背景には、藩主交代による藩政の転換があり、それに伴って変化したと考えられることなどを明らかにした。日記および日記役について考察したが、日記役の職務・地位が確立していくなかで、専門性も形成されていったのである。The Historical Documents of Hirosaki Domain were created and managed in Hirosaki and Edo. These Documents are currently stored in the Hirosaki Public Library as documents of the Tsugaru family, which contain 3,299 volumes of the HirosakiHanKuniNikki (Documents created in Hirosakifrom June l661 to December l864), and l,225 volumes of the HirosakiHanEdoNikki (Documents created in Edo from May l668 to March l868). The documents were produced approximately once a month, and the fact that almost all of them from the Kanbun Era (1661-1672) to the end of the Edo Period exists, is an extremely rare case. For this paper we focused on the record keepers who created and kept these documents, and to introduce some speculations about them, we analyzed the ''Record of the Record Keeper's Duties" created by the writers of the documents. During early period, their duties had been to create and manage the domain diaries and to record the exchange of gifts with shogun families and other samurai families. Afterward, their duties extended into many fields and they started to create various types of records. The stipulations regarding all record keeping were announced in l675, and they established the official duties of the record keepers. From this time, the descriptive contents of domain documents were fixed. Although the record keepers had been found from the Kanbun Era, in l713, they were separated from the " Omote Yuhitsu" (a type of secretary that existed in this era) and lower level officials were also arranged in the governmental organization. Previous record keepers had been OtemawariYaku (aides), but from this period, they were recruited from the similar positions such as general record keepers, "OmoteYuhitsu", chronicle writers, etc., so their professional standards of work were improved. We demonstrated that, behind these changes in l712, there was the shift of domain's politics caused by the change of the feudal lord. Considering the documents and the record keepers, we conclude that as the duties and position of the record keepers became clear; their specialization also took form.
斉藤 愛
no.24, pp.105-122, 2001-03-01

The view of race is the conceptualization of eyes to a body different from his own. In Japan, the oldest map of human race of the world is one attached to the world map of Nanban sekaizu byôbu. It was produced by the first contact with European culture, and the interests in the different races and the world were kept by creating blockprinted Bankoku Jimbutsu-zu pictures or books, for example, Bankoku Jimbutsu-zu, even during the Edo era when people had the very limited information because of Japan's policy of isolation. And, apart from European culture, the form of knowledge originated from Shanhai-jing of China bore fruit of encyclopedias such as Wakan Sansai Zue (Encyclopedia of Japan and China).What greatly changed the genealogy was a series of political changes starting with the arrival of American ships in the late period of the feudal government. In the meantime the demand for international information burst and enlightening texts on foreign countries, the world maps and the pictorial books of the race in the world were published along with the changes above. The opening of a port in Yokohama in this situation and setting the residential area attracted incredible attention, and Yokohama ukiyo-e in which foreigners were drawn became a widespread fad.Meiji government was established afterward and Japan's modern times which followed Western culture had begun. The first opportunity to lead the era was the campaign for enlightenment by Fukuzawa Yukichi and others. The enlightening books released in succession made the far more precise knowledge about the world's civilization, region and race than one in the previous age popular and the gap between them which is the concept of cultural hierarchy also became well known. Because of this the outlook on the world was rearranged to be a vertical ladder of evolution with western culture on top, Asia at middle, Africa at bottom and Japan was directed to desperately climb up the ladder checking on its position all the time.I would like to follow the changes continuously happened until the birth of modern Japanese view of the race referring to Nanban sekaizu byôbu, Yokohama ukiyo-e, enlightening books in Meiji and the pictures in Kanagaki Robun's book.
鈴木 淳
国文学研究資料館紀要 文学研究篇 (ISSN:18802230)
no.33, pp.47-78, 2007-02

文化初期の成立と目される北尾政美画「隅田川楳屋図」彩色摺り一枚は、かつて『原色 浮世絵大百科事典』第七巻に、浅野秀剛氏により、簡略に紹介され、図版も掲出されたので、その概要はすでに知られていた。しかし、それ以外、本格的に報告されたことを聞かない、極稀な珍図である。板元名を欠くが、蔵版者としては、向島百花園の造園主の佐原鞠塢を想定するのが穏当である。画工は、北尾政美、号蕙斎で、絵の左上に「紹真写」とある。「紹真」の名は、政美が寛政六年、美作津山藩のお抱え絵師となってからの名号であるが、それ以前から彼は、浮絵や狩野派の屏風絵の手法を踏まえ、スケールの大きい俯譈撤的な風景版画というべきものを盛んに手掛けていた。本図もその一例に他ならない。本図の眼目は、向島百花園の開園当時の様子を隅田川の景観を共に描いたところにある。しかも風景はもとより、人物や建物なども描写が細かく、本図を子細に観察することによって、従来、あまり注意が向けられなかった、成立当初の百花園及び隅田川の形姿について、かなり明らかにすることができるのは、たいへん貴重である。いま本図から、文化初年当時の百花園及び隅田川両岸の様子についての読み取りを、標題及び絵の上方から下方へ、即ち西岸、隅田川、東岸の順に試みてみたい。さらに本図及び一枚摺り「角田川御遊覧の伝手」を踏まえ、百花園の水茶屋としての性格について、いささか卑見を述べることにしたい。