Uehara Shigeo Ihobe Hiroshi
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:09187960)
vol.106, no.4, pp.349-369, 1998
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Censusing was done by direct observation along three survey routes to estimate the distribution and abundance of medium- and large-sized diurnal mammals in the Kasoje area of the Mahale Mountains National Park, western Tanzania between 1995 and 1996. The census area is located within the home range of M Group chimpanzees who have been observed to consume at least 14 species of sympatric mammals. The vegetation along the three census routes was divided into two types of habitat (forest vs. woodland); as a result, six census subunits were distinguished. Preference of habitat by eight species of mammals-red-tailed monkey, blue monkey, yellow baboon, red colobus monkey, bushbuck, blue duiker, warthog, and forest squirrels-has been suggested and their group and/or individual densities have been estimated in at least one census subunit. In 1974, most villagers moved out of the Kasoje area following a government edict and the wild animal population in general appears to have increased in number since then. However, expansion or contraction in distribution of three species of mammals at Kasoje since the 1970s differs from species to species: yellow baboons and warthogs have apparently expanded their ranges while vervet monkeys seem to have contracted theirs. The abundance of red colobus monkeys appears to correspond with the high frequency of colobus hunting by the chimpanzees. However, it should be explained in the future why the second most abundant red-tailed monkeys, another resident arboreal species, have been eaten only infrequently by them. Further accumulation of observations on actual encounters between the chimpanzees and their potential prey is necessary.
中尾 瑞樹
日本文学 (ISSN:03869903)
vol.47, no.5, pp.21-32,99-98, 1998

小川 哲哉
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.83, pp.43-59, 2000

In der p&auml;dagogischen Forschung wird die deutsche Jugendbewegung als eine Bewegung der Jugend zur Selbsterziehung angesehen und neue Formen des Verh&auml;ltnisses der beiden Geschlechter untereinander in der Jugendbewegung werden f&uuml;r wichtig gehalten. Obwohl das Sexualit&auml;tsproblem, vor allem im Bezug auf das Problem von Geschlechtskrankheiten bei einer p&auml;dagogischen Betrachtung der Jugendbewegung wichtig war, wurde es bisher nicht lebhaft diskutiert. In diesem Aufsatz wird festgestellt, da&szlig; sich die Jugendbewegung mit dem Sexualit&auml;tsproblem unter dem Einflu&szlig; der Sexualp&auml;dagogik jener Zeit, vor allem der abstinenzlerischen sexualp&auml;dagogischen Auffassungen F. W. Foersters, ernstlich befa&szlig;t hat.<BR>Die Hauptthese dieser Arbeit lautet, da&szlig; die Sexualit&auml;tsdiskussion in der deutschen Jugendbewegung eine Ambivalenz zur Folge hatte. Einerseits bet&auml;tigten sich die Jugendlichen unter Berufung auf die Keuschheit im Sinne einer Lebensreform und hielten sich an sexuelle Abstinenz bis zur Eheschlie&szlig;ung. Ihre Sexualmoral offnet den Weg f&uuml;r ein gleichberechtigtes Verh&auml;ltnis der Geschlechter im Sinne einer Kameradschaft. Auf der anderen Seite vermieden die Jugendlichen, das Sexuelle offentlich zu diskutieren, so da&szlig; es als Privatsache betrachtet wurde, wenngleich die Jugendlichen das Sexuelle keineswegs ganz au&szlig;er acht lassen konnten. Schlie&szlig;lich haben die Jugendlichen die Moglichkeit einer Losung des Sexualproblems selbst unterdr&uuml;ckt.<BR>Bisher wurde die deutsche Jugendbewegung f&uuml;r eine Bewegung von Jugendlichen zur Selbsterziehung, indem sie sich von den Erwachsenen emanzipierten, gehalten. In Wirklichkeit aber haben sich die Jugendlichen in Hinsicht auf das Sexualit&auml;tsproblem einer Selbstunterdr&uuml;ckung unterworfen.
伊藤 真人 正木 智幸
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.60, no.9, pp.567-592, 1987-09

北アルプスにおける最終氷期前半以前の氷河前進期の年代と氷河の分布範囲については不明な点が多く,具体的な報告も少ない.そこで,古い氷河地形が残存している可能性のある鹿島川大冷沢流域を調査地域とし,トレンチ調査を含む現地調査を行なったところ,以下の事実が判明した. 1) 大冷沢上流域,北股谷の谷頭部には布引沢カールが,その下流側にはU字谷が,さらに西股出合から大谷原にかけても氷食谷が発達する.また,上流側より布引沢モレーン,北股モレーン,大谷原モレーンが認められ,氷河最大拡張期の氷河の末端は,標高約1,200m付近にまで達していたと考えられる. 2) 上記の氷食谷の形態やモレーンの位置,さらにアウトウォッシュ段丘(鹿島川第2段丘~第4段丘)の分布から,少なくとも3回の氷河前進期,すなわち古いほうから,大谷原期,北股期,布引沢期の存在が指摘できた.またターミナルモレーンこそ発見できなかったものの,大谷原期と北股期との間には,氷河前進期と考えられる西股期が存在する可能性がある.なお,これらの氷河地形の分布から復元される各氷河前進期の氷河は,氷河最大拡張期の大谷原期以降,徐々に上流側に縮小したかたちで分布していたことが推定される. 3) 大谷原モレーンのトレンチ調査や下流側の段丘の形成時期から,西股期を含め上記4回の氷河前進期の年代について検討した結果,大谷原期は少なくとも10万y. B. P. より以前,西股期は6万y. B. P.より少し前,北股期は2万y. B. P. 前後,布引沢期は北股期以降とそれぞれ考えられる.したがって大谷原期は,ヴュルム氷期(最終氷期)よりむしろリス氷期に対比されるであろう.
服部 範子
家族社会学研究 (ISSN:0916328X)
vol.2, pp.70-80,119, 1990

Topics about today's family problems and women's roles are debated very actively recently. In this context, there is an interst in how &ldquo;the modern family&rdquo; and sexual division of labor emerged in the study of family history and women's studies.<BR>The ideology of motherhood emerged during the period of the women's liberation movement at the biginning of this century : Ellen Key was known as a typical thinker about motherhood at that time. Through her thought, I believe we can understand how people, especially women came to accept the idea of &ldquo;two-sexes-different-but-equal&rdquo; favorably in those days. Her position on this should be clarified in this paper. To understand this better, the socio-economical circumstances at that time in Sweden, her home country, are considered.<BR>She insisted that women shold be seen not as &ldquo;humankind&rdquo; but as &ldquo;womanhood.&rdquo; She thought mtherhood was the very essential core part of womanhood, so she insisted that every wife or mother should stay home all day long, and put her children first, and that that was very rewarding work. Such ideas are considered to contribute to the formation of the ideology that women's place is in the home, by giving high priority to love, marriage and motherhood.
井上 義和
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.45, no.3, pp.85-101,149, 2001

Until now, the history of young intellectuals in Modem Japan have been described focusing Literary-minded Youth (" Bungaku-seinen"). This paper proposes to reexamines that (folk-) theory, in finding out a "new" type of youth, Eloquent-minded ("Yuben-seinen"), and considering a reason for it being "forgotten", in the way of historical sociology mainly using recollections and other objective indexes.<br> (1) In Meiji 40's (about 1907-16), Elocution was very much in fashion centering around the speech clubs ("Benron-bu") at school of higher education. So, (2) Young intellectuals at that time could select their own types between Literary-minded and Eloquent-minded.<br> But, (3) Postwar-intellectuals (born during 1905-15)have reconstructed the history of their predecessors' as "from Literary-minded to Social-minded", in other words, failed to notice the Eloquent-minded type. On the other hand, (4) Youth in Meiji 40's (born during 1890's) have had no representative to narrate their experiences as the history of young intellectuals.<br> (5) There is a generation gap in the remembrance of elocution, between Postwar intellectuals and Youth in Meiji 40's. As a result, Eloquent-minded type has been out of position in the theory of the intellectuals in Modern Japan.
宮田 敏之
東南アジア : 歴史と文化 (ISSN:03869040)
vol.31, pp.27-56, 2002

Tan Kim Ching was a Straits Hokkien merchant in Singapore who was called &ldquo;my faithful agent&rdquo; by Siamese King Mongkut in the middle of 19th century. This article examines Tan Kim Ching's political and economic activities in relation to Siam during the reigns of Kings Mongkut and Chulalongkorn, which have not been verified by Nathawut's work in Thailand focussing on Tan Kim Ching as the Siamese consul general in Singapore. Such research in Singapore as Song Ong Siang's work also shed light on Tan Kim Ching's political, social and economic activities in Singapore and the Malay Peninsula, but there is little reference to Tan's relationship to Thailand.<br>Two points are discussed here. First, Tan Kim Ching's political roles related to Siamese Kings and their governments can be grasped not only in the official sense of a consul general and a governor of a southern Siamese province, but also in a private of King Chulalongkorn calling himself &ldquo;Your sincere friend&rdquo; of Tan Kim Ching in his correspondence. Secondly, Tan Kim Ching's exporting enterprise and rice mill in Bangkok played vital roles in the development of the Bangkok rice business. The former was a well-known exporter of the best quality rice in Bangkok, Siam No. 1 white rice, to the Singapore market, as well as a forerunner to milling white rice. His rice mill was well managed, producing high quality rice under the guidance of a Chinese rice milling expert and a trained European engineer.<br>Certainly Tan's success in the Bangkok rice business was partly due to his connection to Siamese Kings, but a more crucial factor was his strategy for exporting and milling high quality Thai rice, which was very suitable to the tastes of Chinese and European resident of Singapore, enabling him to sell at much higher prices than either Saigon or Rangoon rice.<br>Tan Kim Ching, as a Straits merchant, has often been ignored as a Chinese capitalist in the context of Thai capitalist development, although he played an important role in the development of the Bangkok rice business. In order to further the research on the development of the Thai economy and intra-Asian trade during the late 19th century, it is necessary to study vital political and business activities like those of Tan Kim Ching transcending present national borders.
村田 啓介
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.68, no.6, pp.367-386, 1995
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山形県の郵便局において実施されている「サクランボ小包」事業という,通信販売方式によるサクランボの産地直送事業は,販売業者と郵便局とが業務提携をして事業を遂行するという形態で,1985年の開始以降,一定の成長を示している.<br> 1992年まで「サクランボ小包」事業にはさまざまな販売業者が参入しているが,そこにはサクランボの主産地において,郵便局とりわけ特定郵便局からの働きかけによって早い時期に参入した販売業者が,熱心な担当者との相互協力のもとでその事業規模を拡大させていき,それが主として郵便局という1つのネットワークを通じて技術や手法が伝播し,後に他の産地や非産地のさまざまな販売業者の参入を促したという経過がみられる.また,事業規模を拡大させている販売業者の展開過程の共通点として,第1に販売業者の事業を拡大させようとする意欲,第2に郵便局の担当者が,自ら働きかけて販売業者の参入を促したという点に対するある種の責任感,第3に地元の事情に詳しく,かつ地元の発展を願う特定局の局長という立場からのこの事業への思い入れ,といった点が指摘できる.<br>この事例をとおして,通信販売方式による産地直送事業は小口貨物輸送業の輸送システムを活用することによって成立する事業であり,またその事業の盛衰は,中心的な役割を担う人材の実践力によるところが大きいということが指摘できる.
田林 明
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.67, no.7, pp.437-460, 1994
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本報告では富山県東部の黒部川扇状地において, 1948年から1991年までの44年間にチューリップ球根栽培を行なったことのあるすべての農家を取り上げ,その分布変化から球根栽培地域の形成過程を明らかにし,さらに形成の諸条件を考察した.その結果, 1950年代にはいくつかの特定の集落から栽培が周辺に拡大し,そして1960年代以降再びその集落あるいは近辺に後退したことがわかった. 1950年代中頃までにチューリップ球根栽培が盛んになった地域が,現在でも核心となっている.また,球根栽培の分布域と,旧町村をいくつか統合した範囲が対応していた.チューリップ球根栽培地域の形成条件としては,気候や土:壌などの自然条件とともに,富山県花卉球根農業協同組合の役割,他の農業経営部門や農外就業との関係,先覚者や指導者,地域組織の存在,行政からの助成などが重要である.年齢や後継者の有無,技術水準など,栽培者の個人の属性も関係していた.
福間 良明
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.46, no.1, pp.37-54, 2001

This paper examines the process of the construction of the 'Peripheries' and Nationality through the text of Misao Tojyo and Motoki Tokieda.<br> Misao Tojyo was the scholar whose major was dialectology. Motoki Tokieda was the scholar of Japanese linguistics and the professor of Keijyo Imperial University in Korea before the end of the occupation of the peninsula by Japan. In their thought, it was not necessary that dialects and Korean language were definitely the Other of Japanese language. Such languages were something that made the definition or boundary of Japan/Japanese ambiguous and were going to break them. But, for that reason, Japan/Japanese was reconstructed as something that could govern the Peripheries such as dialects/the regional or Korean and the Peripheries had to be both included and excluded by Japan/Japanese.<br> On the other hand, 'the Occident (language) ' was represented as the Other - what was definitely different from Japan/Japanese - by Tojyo and Tokieda. Though Japan was threatened by the Occident in a political sense, the definition of Japan might be made more and more clear and natural in a cultural sense.<br> In the argument of Japanese linguistics before the end of the World War II (and also after it), especially in those of Misao Tojyo and Motoki Tokieda, Japan was recognized on the one hand as what was approved and made particular by the Occident that was recognized as something universal and general, and the other, it was recognized as what was universal and general by the Peripheries, so the nationalism of Japan could go across the boundary of it and be applied to the Peripheries.
小川 一夫 岡村 和明
經濟研究 (ISSN:00229733)
vol.52, no.2, pp.132-142,190, 2001

本稿では「家計調査」収録の費目別消費データに基づいて,余暇と消費の間の弱分離性を統計的に検証する.弱分離性が棄却されれば,余暇水準は支出行動に直接的な影響を及ぼすことになる.われわれは,条件付き需要関数に基づき,家計にとって余暇水準が与えられた下で,家計の支出行動に検討を加えた.実証分析の結果,総支出弾力性は余暇時間の大きさに依存することが明らかとなり,消費と余暇時間の間の弱分離制は棄却された.消費サービスを享受する行為に時間が必要とされる「教養・娯楽」,「住居」といった費目への総支出弾力性は,余暇時間が増加するにつれて上昇する傾向が観察される.逆に,労働と密接に結びついて消費費目である「被服及び履物」,「保険医療」といった費目への総支出弾力性は,余暇時間の増加につれて低下していくことが見いだされる.We examine the effects of leisure on household commodity demands using data on monthly expenditure from Japanese Household Expenditure Survey during 1970 to 1996. Specifically we test the separability of commodity demands from leisure based on conditional demand functions. Separability is decisively rejected and it is found that as the time allocated to leisure increases, the total expenditure elasticity of recreation and housing rises, while that of clothing and medical care falls.