前杢 英明
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.61, pp.747-769, 1988

プレート境界に沿って発生する巨大地震に伴う隆起地域として知られる室戸半島において,石灰質遺骸,海成段丘,離水波食地形を指標として,完新世における海水準の復元を試みた.これらの旧海水準指標は,垂直的に数10cm~数mの間隔を持った間欠的な分布を示し,I~VIの6つの旧海水準(レベル)が識別された.各レベルに対応する旧海水準指標は,<sup>14</sup>C年代から,それぞれ1:6,000~5,000y.B.P,,II:4,000~2,700y.B.P., III:2,600~2,200y. B. P., IV:2,000~1,100y.B.P.,V:1,000~800y.B.P., IV:700~200yB.P.に形成されたことが判った.認められた海水準の不連続的変化から,間欠的な地震隆起 (event 6~event 1)の存在を推定し,各eventについて隆起量の分布を復元したところ,内陸活断層の変位と重合した複雑なパターンを示す場合があることが明らかになった.本地域では,室戸岬における1回の地震による残留隆起量が0.2~0.3m程度の南海道地震(1946年,M=8.1)タイプの地震隆起が累積するような地殻変動が推定されてきたが,完新世においてはそのような地震隆起の累積はみられず,地震1回の残留隆起量がより大きな(最大数m)地震変位の累積が認められた.
平野 尊識
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.121, pp.19-48, 2002

「肩叩き」や「人助け」のような複合名詞について考える.このタイプの複合名詞の形成には,第一姉妹の原理が深く関わっていると言われてきた.しかし,「神隠し」や「虫食い」などの事例はこの原理では説明できない.本論では,このタイプの複合名詞の形成は,それが現れる文/談話との関連で考察する必要があることが議論される.複合化される要素は,文/談話的情報から復元できないからである.逆に,「文/談話」の「主語/題目」と同一指示のものは複合化する必要がない.これを基にして「基本構造」という概念を提案する.基本:構造:Topic[(N)(N)NV]V (Ni)(Ni) (N:複合化される名詞,i:同一指示)これに「同一名詞の反復を避ける原則」が適用され,名付け機能に応じて語彙化されるというのが本論の枠組みである.
春田 晴郎
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.31, no.2, pp.92-106, 1988

A Pahlavi text entitled <i>Ayadgar i Zareran</i> (<i>AZ</i>) relates the legendary battle between Vištasp, Kayanian king, and Arjasp, king of Xyons. § § 17-21 of <i>AZ</i> describe the answer made by Zarer, Vištasp's brother, to Arjasp's demand that Vištasp should abandon Zoroastrianism. A new translation of <i>AZ</i> § § 17-21 is given here to elucidate the latent eschatology of Zoroastrianism in the answer full of metaphor. The latter half of the answer should be interpreted as follows: … Next month we, except you, shall (live in the peaceful world just as all the people) drink "immortality" (on the Last Day and live for ever); there, at Hutos-wood and the meadow (morv: Pth marγ) of Zardušt, not a high mountain nor a deep lake, on that level plain (just as gods are separated from demons on the Last Day, our) horses and brave footmen should be separated (from you for ever). Come from there so that we shall come from here. And you will see us and we shall see you. And we shall show you how (you will be struck by us just as) demons are struck at the hands of the gods (in the Last Day Battle).
美川 圭
古代文化 (ISSN:00459232)
vol.46, no.1, pp.26-36,69, 1994
伊藤 忠弘
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.70, no.5, pp.367-374, 1999

The purpose of this study was to examine self-enhancement tendency of Japanese people when evaluating self and others, and study the relation between the tendency and self-esteem. In Study 1, subjects were asked to evaluate themselves and an average undergraduate of their age in terms of several attributes. Results showed that self-evaluations were more favorable than evaluations of the average undergraduate on such personality attributes as kindness and diligence, which they rated more important, and less favorable on such attributes as appearance, sociability, and financial resource. In addition, subjects with low self-esteem were likely to appraise themselves more negatively than those with high self-esteem, but the two groups showed the same level of self-enhancement when rating themselves on personality attributes. In Study 2, subjects provided percentile rankings of themselves on ten attributes in relation to undergraduates of their age. Results indicated that more than half of the subjects thought that they were above average (better-than-average effect) on such personality attributes as kindness.
若生 広子 高橋 伸夫 松井 圭介
新地理 : 日本地理教育學會會誌 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.49, no.3, pp.12-33, 2001-12-25
2 3

The purpose of this study is to investigate the spatial structure and characteristics of tourism activities of women living in northern residential area of Sendai City. What we are concerned particularly here are the changes in women's tourism activities by life-stage. A questionnaire survey on one-day recreation, lodging tourism and overseas tourism in the past one year was held in July, 1999 for this study.<br>The results of our study can be summarized as follows.<br>All the destinations of one-day recreation concentrate within a sphere with 180km radius from home. But, the spatial structure of lodging tourism presents different patterns according to the time periods. The destinations of one-night lodging tourism concentrate within a sphere with 350km radius from home, while some destinations of two-nights lodging tourism distribute in the nationwide range. On the one hand, destinations of two or fewer nights lodging tourism concentrate along the south-north axis composed by the Tohoku Expressway and Shinkansen. On the other hand, the destinations of three or more nights lodging tourism distribute throughout the whole country.<br>We can find the relationship between destination selection and purpose, companion, transport approaches and seasons. Furthermore, women's intention such as for shopping and food can also be found in destination selection.<br>There exists a significant relationship between women's tourism activities and their life-stage, which is divided by marriage, the birth of the first child and the age of the youngest child. With less domestic constraint, both unmarried women and childless married women have a kind of higher frequency and wider space tourism activities. And most of unmarried women take tour with their friends.<br>Compare with it, the tourism activities of married women with children present a kind of lower frequency and narrower space pattern if their youngest children are still infants. And the majority of their companions are limited to their family members. Although their tourism activities become higher in frequency and wider in space as their youngest children grow up, their companions don't change. This phenomenon suggests that the tourism activities of married women with children have been influenced greatly by childcare.<br>The tourism activities of married women with children begin to change when their children entered junior high school. Their tourism activity spaces turn to be narrower and they always tour with their husbands or friends as their children grow up. They can decide their tourism purposes by themselves. It can be thought as a result of the independence of their children.