山口 陽弘
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.64, no.3, pp.199-205, 1993

In a theory-based concept model, the theory is often treated as implicit. In order to specify the conditions under which people prefer to construct categories of family resemblance, thereby explicating such an implicit theory, two experiments of people-sorting tasks were conducted. The first experiment was based on the paradigm of defining family resemblance in terms of independent sets of matching and mismatching values of personality traits. The second explored the idea that inter-property relationships rather than independent personality traits served to organize categories of people. In both studies, participants with low cognitive complexity persisted in sorting people on the basis of family resemblance, while those with high cognitive complexity continued to sort them along a single dimension. The results indicated that choice of sorting strategies, such as family resemblance or dimension, was related to an aspect of the person's implicit personality theory, namely cognitive complexity. Therefore, it was argued, a theory-based concept model and implicit personality theory were closely related.
沢田 善太郎
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.43, no.3, pp.3-18,146, 1999

Until Weber's study appeared, the most systematic thought on the bureaucracy was found in J. S. Mill's On liberty and Considerations on Representative Government. Though Mill's works were translated into Japanese in early Meiji era, his concept of bureaucracy was frequently misunderstood by the Japanese translators in those days. That is, where Mill discussed the troubles of the administrative bureaucracy as a whole body, the Japanese translators used to interpret them as being brought about by one or few influential who controlled the bureaucratic system arbitrarily.<br> Such a misunderstanding of the concept was also found in the petition submitted by Taisuke Itagaki, Taneomi Soejima, Shojiro Gotfi, Shinpei Eto and others to the government in 1874, proposing the establishmement of an elected house. Their zeal for the representative government and their criticism of the "Yushi Sensei" (the despotism of the administrative officers) were inspired by Considerations on Representative Government. However, the implications of the "Yushi Sensei" were rather different from Mill's discussions on the bureaucracy.<br> Probably, these misundestandings were brought about by the premature state of the administrative bureaucracy in early Meiji era and by the past tradition which was attached to the education of Chinese Confucian classics.
青柳 かおる
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.40, no.1, pp.106-118, 1997

Among the Ash'arites and the Mu'tazilites, it had been discussed whether the divine name (<i>ism</i>) is the same as the named (<i>musamma</i>) or the naming (<i>tasmiyah</i>). The Ash'arites before al-Ghazali (d. 505/1111) insisted that the name is the same as the named in itself, i. e., God, or the divine attribute (<i>sifah</i>), because of the consensus (<i>ijma</i>') that God has the eternal names and attributes before He creates His creature. On the other hand, the Mu'tazilites insisted that the divine name is the same as the naming, i. e., the speech which man makes and is not eternal. Thus different opinions had been proposed to whether the divine name is made or not.<br>However, al-Ghazali, in his <i>al-Maqsad al-Asna</i> which deals with the 99 Beautiful Names of God, argued that since the name, the named and the naming are different from each other in meaning, the discussion done before him that the name is either same as the named or the naming was wide of the mark, and he defined the name as the word (<i>lafz</i>), which is not eternal. It seems that al-Ghazali denied the thesis of the Ash'arites before him. He also discussed that man becomes near (<i>qurb</i>) to God through the divine names. He ceased the theological discussion of ontological positions of the divine names, and he regarded the divine names as means to become near to God mystically. Thus he found a new significance in the divine names.
石井 素介 山崎 憲治 生井 貞行 内田 博幸 岡沢 修一
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.69, no.7, pp.559-578, 1996-07-01

この報告は,阪神・淡路大震災の被害の地域構造を,犠牲者多発地区の特性ならびに避難所の実態から探るものである.震災犠牲者は社会的弱者である老人・女性に集中した.激甚な被害は神戸市都心周辺部の老朽密集住宅地・住工混在地域で顕著であった.これは,現代の大都市に内在する構造的弱点と社会的弱者に震災の重圧がかかり,その衝撃を契機としてこれらの矛盾が一挙に露呈されたものとみることができる.<br> 地震の発生に際して,被害の程度を軽減させるうえで地域コミュニティの果たした役割は大きい.初期消火,住民の安否確認,生き埋め者の救出を短時間のうちに行なうには,地域社会がどのように形成・維持・展開されてきたかが大きなかかわりをもつ.とくに都市部では地元の濃密な人間関係の解体が進んでおり,それがインナーシティ問題に直結して被害の拡大に影響している.<br> 地震直後,被災者はまず安全・近接・公共の空間を求あ,大多数が近隣の学校に避難した.元来学校は防災計画上の避難所として指定されていたが,受け入れ態勢は万全ではなかった.しかし多数の被災住民が殺到するなかで,学校は地域社会の中核に位置する公共空問として事実上重大な役割を果たした.学校避難所の運営は被災住民と行政の間に立って多くの困難に直面した.自身被災者でもある教職員が仲介役として多面的な役割を果たした場合も多い.学校避難所の推移には地域の被災程度や自治組織確立度如何によって多様な類型がみられた.しかし,緊急事態への対応として経験した避難者救援活動のなかで生まれてきた教職員・ボランティア・地域住民間の連帯の萌芽は,今後の震災からの復興過程においても,地域コミュニティ再建への道標として,重要な示唆となるであろう.この震災体験は,地域を場として将来の地域の担い手を育てる地理教育にとっても,課題として活かすべき多様な示唆を含むものといえよう.
菊地 達也
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.38, no.1, pp.45-60, 1995

The 10th century, when Neoplatonism was introduced into early Isma'ili cosmogonical doctrines, was a turning point for Isma'ilism. The early Isma'ili cosmogoincal doctrines were what should be called "Isma'ili Myth, " which varied according to each Isma'ili thinker, but had some common gnositic tendencies. For example, in that myth the angelic being falls from heaven because of its own error and it emanates this world like Demiurge of Plato.<br>In the 10th century, Isma'ili mythical cosmogony was greatly philosophized by Persian Isma'ili thinkers, especially Abu Ya'qub al-Sijistani. The structure of al-Sijistani's cosmogony looks similar to that of Plotinus, which is controlled by three Hypostates, that is, God, Intellect ('Aql) and Soul (Nafs). But Isma'ili Myth did not become extinct in the philosophized cosmogony, because in that system, too, al-Sijistani's Soul plays the role of the Falling Angel in the Isma'ili Myth.<br>In the 11th century, Hamid al-Din al-Kirmani introduced not the Plotinian cosmogony used by al-Sijistani but the Farabi's cosmogonical system made up of Ten Intellects. At first, al-Kirmani's God hardly looks different from al-Sijistani's. Al-Kirmani's First Intellect does not fundamentally differ from the Intellect of al-Sijistani, either. But his definition of it is closer to Farabi's concept of God than al-Sijistani's definition of Intellect. In al-Kirmani's cosmogony the First Intellect plays the role of both Farabi's God and his First Intellect at the same time. On the other hand, al-Sijistani's Soul is identified with the Second Intellect by al-Kirmanf, which emanates from the First Intellect, but the Second Intellect is no more than one of the Ten Intellects and has completely lost the mythical personality like al-Sijistani's Soul. The Falling Angel in the Isma'ili Myth has vanished in the highly philosophized cosmogony based on Farabi's system of the Ten Intellects.<br>In this paper I will examine al-Kirmani's theory of Intellect, comparing it with the philosophized Isma'ili Myth of al-Sijistani or Farabi's theory of Intellect, and consider the significance of his theory in the history of Isma'ilism. In conclusion, it will be shown that his system is the climax in the philosophization of Isma'ili doctrines since the 10th century.
山川 修治
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.61, pp.381-403, 1988

山本 健兒
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.70, no.12, pp.775-797, 1997-12-01

ドイツの中で,デュースブルクは,外国人の空間的セグリゲーション度が高い都市の一つに属する.この都市の中でアルト・ブルックハウゼンは,外国人とりわけトルコ人の集中度がひときわ高い街区である.本稿の目的は,このような街区形成の要因を,都市計画の失敗に求め,外国人集中の初期過程を復元することにある.責任ある主体による街区の将来像が提示されないまま,街区取壊しへの不安が, 1970年代前半に住民の間に広まった.そのため,住宅家屋所有者は住宅の質の維持のための投資を怠るようになった.不在家主の中には,老朽家屋を外国人労働者用の寄宿寮として利用した場合もある.この街区最大の住宅所有者たる企業も,住民によって投機的とみられるような賃貸行動をとった.そのため,スラム化が進行していた街区で外国人ゲットー化が進行した.街区のこのような変容は,地域に特有の権力構造のもとでの主体間の社会的相互作用によって帰結したものである.もちろん,より大きな社会経済構造がそれに関与していた.
松井 貴子
比較文学 (ISSN:04408039)
vol.39, pp.7-21,178-177, 1996

<p> Modern Japanese literature is closely related to the visual arts. This fact is especially apparent in the literary theory of the Meiji poet and essayist Masaoka Shiki (1867 -1902). Shiki's theory of <i>shasei</i> ("drawing from life"), an ideal which has exercised immense influence on modern Japanese literature, first emerged from his indirect encounter with the art theory of Italian painter Antonio Fontanesi (1818 - 1882). Arriving in Japan in 1876, Fontanesi taught painting and art theory for two years at Tokyo's Kōbu Bijutsu Gakkō. Among his students were Koyama Shōtarō (1857? 1916) and Asai Chū (1854 - 1907), two painters who in turn later were to become the teachers of Nakamura Fusetsu (1866- 1943), Shiki's friend and chief source of information about Western art theory. Through his exchanges with Fusetsu, Shiki gained an entirely new insight into literature, and a new literary vocabulary as well.</p><p> This essay makes a detailed study of the influence which Fontanesi and Western art theory had on Shiki, and how this influence is reflected in Shiki's various crtical and literary wrtings. In particular I focus on the following six points:(1) Fontanesi's reception in Meiji Japan, (2) Fontanesi's expansion of the field of subjects considered appropriate for artistic representation to encompass all phenomena, however apparently trivial or mundane, (3) Fontanesi's teachings regarding compositional principles, especially the deliberate selection of elements for representation..., (4) Making the central theme of the work stand out..., (5) Arranging individual elements into an aesthetically satisfying whole, (6) The influence of Fontanesi's ideas as reflected in Shiki's own creative work.</p><p> Shiki was able to apply the theory and vocabulary of the visual arts to his study of <i>literature</i> because he recognized the points in common to both. This insight in effect allowed him to forge a new theory of literature from the <i>art</i> theory which Fontanesi had taught, skillfully adapting the principles of the latter, primarily visual genre, to the very different problems of language and literature. Thus, Shiki's literary theory, which exerted considerable influence on later novelists as well as on tanka and haiku poets, in turn was strongly influenced by Western art theory. The emphasis that Shiki places on reinforcing literary "practice" with a well-constructed aesthetic theory —— borrowing widely across cultures and genres —— serves as evidence of his strong desire to recast native Japanese literary genres into forms viable for the modern world.</p><p> Although the influence of Western art theory on Shiki has been recognized among scholars for several decades, the exact process by which Shiki came to know of and assimilate Fontanesi's ideas has remained unexplored. This paper seeks to redress this oversight, providing a glimpse into the way Western aesthetic theory infiltrated Japanese literature and art during the Meiji period.</p>
近田 典行
経理知識 (ISSN:03895890)
vol.73, pp.67-84, 1994

1992年10月、アメリカのワシントンD.C.で開催された第14回世界会計士会議の分科会において、Rudolf J.Niehus、Felix Chow、Pierre Duhamel、Rodney J.Wortleyの四氏による、ジョイント・ベンチャー(joint venture:以下JVと記す。)に対する持分の財務報告に関する諸問題についての報告が行なわれた(当該報告書を以下「報告書」と記す。)。そこでは、例えば、1980年代のカナダでは3、000を超えるJVがあらゆる産業部門に散見しているような状況が世界的にも見られ、カナダとアメリカの自由貿易協定、1992年以後のヨーロッパの経済的市場統合、そしてパシフィック・リム(Pacific Rim)によりさらにJVの数量的・規模的な増大は拡大傾向にあるとの現状認識を行なっている。
舩杉 力修
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.70, no.8, pp.491-511, 1997-08

本研究では,伊勢信仰の浸透の過程とその背景について,戦国期に伊勢信仰が浸透した越後国を事例として明らかにした.伊勢信仰の布教の担い手は神宮門前に居住する御師であったが,外宮御師北家の場合,道者の開拓は北家自身ではなく,道者の権利を売却した釜屋によって行われた.戦国期め道者開拓には,商人層も関わっていたことが指摘できた.次に,北家の1560 (永禄3)年の道者売券に見られる越後国88力村のうち,蒲原郡出雲田荘における道者の存在形態について検討した.その結果,伊勢信仰は,戦国期に新たに生まれた村を対象とし,村の開発者を道者として獲得して拡大したことがわかった.さらに,伊勢信仰の信仰拠点とされる神明社との関わりを見ると,神明社は近世の新田村に分布していることが判明した.また,道者が成立した村の生産基盤について見ると,村の主要な産物は麻の原料である青苧で,その交易の中心の担い手は,伊勢御師を出自とする蔵田五郎左衛門であったことから,商業的性格を持っ伊勢御師が,村と交易路との仲介の一端を担っていた可能性が指摘できた.つまり,戦国期における越後国への伊勢信仰の浸透は,社会・経済的な側面と密接に関わる現象であったといえる.

1 0 0 0 哲学の実存

森 一郎
哲学雑誌 (ISSN:03873366)
vol.110, no.782, pp.p124-143, 1995
田中 和子
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.48, no.4, pp.321-340, 1996

Friedrich Ratzel wrote several papers (1878, 1879, 1895b, and 1895c) and book reviews (1881, 1887, 1894, 1895a, and 1897) relating to Japan, and during 1889-1902 at Reipzig University, he gave four lectures on the world outside Europe, including Japan (Fig. 1.). His notes (manuscripts and materials) for those lectures, which are listed in Tab. 1. A and B, have been preserved in the Archives of Geography, Institute of Regional Studies (Geographische Zentralbibliothek/Archiv f&uuml;r Geographie, Instit&uuml;t f&uuml;r L&auml;nderkunde), Leipzig.<br>The examination of his writings revealed Ratzel's discourse on Japan, which has never been investigated by geographers, in connection with his extensive geographical work. This paper makes it clear that:<br>A) Ratzel was interested in Japan and maintained study and a material collection throughout his academic career (Tab. 2).<br>B) At the watershed of 1895 when Japan won the Sino-Japanese War, his negative evaluation of Japan turned to a positive one. Parallel with this change, his research-focus in Japan itself was transferred, that is, his ethnographical and anthropological study shifted to the political geography of Japan as an island empire.<br>C) In his writings before 1895, he pointed out that 1) the physical and mental features of the residents of the Japanese Islands were inferior to those of Europeans, 2)the strange social class system, which, essentially, the Meiji Restoration did not alter at all, and 3) the mysterious pluralistic jurisdiction among East Asian countries, which could easily cause a political dispute. Ratzel's sense of values with reference to European culture and his contempt for an uncivilized race in East Asia were obvious.<br>D) With Japan's defeat of China, Ratzel realized the characteristics of a land of islands and a marine nation, which were common to England. After revisions and rearrangement (Tab. 3.), his discussion of the political geography of islands (1895c) was publishedas the chapter of &lsquo;Islands (Inseln)&rsquo; in &ldquo;<i>Politische Geographie</i>&rdquo; (1897). Ratzel expected that Japan would follow the achievements of England in the near future. The most important reason why he changed his evaluation was that Japanese could master Western culture, technology, and social and political systems within a short term.<br>E) According to Ratzel, because the Japanese were a marine nation with high learning-ability and followed Europe, they succeeded in the reexpansion of marine transport over the ocean, and exceeded thier neighbors China and Korea-China used to be accompanied by Japan and Korea respectively, in culture as well as politics.<br>F) Ratzel's continuing study of Japan could be a synthetic chorography, which describes and explains a peculiar combination between a land of islands in the Pacific Ocean and a marine nation with high learning-ability. The possiblity that he preparedthe publication of &ldquo;<i>Japan</i>&rdquo; can not be denied.