真壁 宏幹
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.88, pp.165-187, 1989

1. はじめに2. ゲーテ形態学にみられる比較的・類比的思考 a. ゲーテ形態学のメタモルフォーゼ論および原型論 b. ゲーテ形態学の認識論的・方法論的特徴3. ディルタイの理解概念にみられる形態学的特性 a. 理解の過程 b. 意義のポリフォニックな把握としての理解3. 結びDie Hermeneutik Diltheys, welche ihren traditionellen Bereich der Anwendung ausgedehnt, und so versucht hat, die Geisteswissenschaften zu grunden, von denen jetzt verschiedene Standpunkte kritisiert werden. H. G. Gadamer, z. B., hat Diltheys Verstehen als romantisch psychologisches Versehen kritisiert. Aber ich glaube, dass das Verstehen Diltheys andere und reiche Moglichkeiten hat. Durch 1. den Vergleich zwischen der Methodik in der Naturforschung Goethes und den methodischen Bedingungen des Verstehen, und 2. durch die Analyse der Entstehung von Bedeutungszusammenhang im Prozess des Verstehens mochte ich in diesem Aufsatz den Einfluss der Morphologie Goethes auf das Verstehen zeigen. Dieses Verstehen wird als die polyphonische Auffassung von den verschiedenen Bedeutungen charakterisiert. Schliesslich soll darauf hingedeutet werden, dass das o. a. Problem in Beziehung zum dualistishen Muster von metonymischem und metaphorischem Denken steht, das im Strukturalismus (besonders in R. Jakobson und Levi-Strauss) auftaucht.
宮脇 慎吾

ハダカデバネズミ(naked mole-rat, NMR)は、マウスと同等の大きさながら、異例の長寿動物(平均生存期間31年)であり、未だ腫瘍形成が確認されていない癌化耐性齧歯類である。申請者は、NMR、ヒト、マウスおよびラットの4動物種での組織別遺伝子発現比較で同定した、心臓においてNMRで特異的に高発現するgene Xの解析を行った。報告のある動物種のなかで、gene Xが心臓で高発現しているのはNMRのみであった。gene Xは通常肝臓で発現して血中に分泌され、アリルエステラーゼおよびパラオキソゲナーゼとしての酵素活性を有する抗酸化酵素である。しかしながら、NMRの血清におけるgene Xの酵素活性を測定した結果、酵素活性は測定限界値以下であった。gene Xはカルシウム依存性の酵素活性を有するが、NMRの血中カルシウム濃度は検出限界値以下であったことから、NMRでは、他種とは異なるカルシウム非依存的な様式を有する可能性が考えられた。申請者は次に、細胞の癌化や個体の老化との関係が報告されている癌抑制遺伝子INK4aとARFのクローニングと機能解析を行った。NMRにおいては、INK4aとARFに種特異的な配列変化が存在することが知られている。この遺伝子の種特異的な機能・個体の癌化・老化耐性との関係を解析するために、抗体作製等の解析基盤を確立し、発現様式と遺伝子機能に関して解析を行った。結果として、マウスやヒトと同様に、細胞老化ストレス時の発現上昇、細胞周期を停止させる機能は保存されていることが明らかとなった。さらに、NMRからiPS細胞を作成して造腫瘍性の検証を行ったところ、NMR-iPS細胞はARF遺伝子の種特異的な発現制御により腫瘍化耐性であることを見いだしている。今後、これらの遺伝子の詳細な機能差、個体の癌化・老化耐性への寄与についての解明をさらに進めていく。
清水 龍瑩
三田商学研究 (ISSN:0544571X)
vol.38, no.5, pp.117-160, 1995-12-25

河北 展生
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.44, no.3, pp.375-388, 1972-04
松田 浩
三田國文 (ISSN:02879204)
vol.30, pp.1-13, 1999-09-30

一 はじめに二 日本武尊の鹿狩り三 大蛇退治と稲作四 鹿の血、水神の血五 言向けとヤマトタケル付 鹿・猪・水神
大石 昌史
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.113, pp.93-130, 2005-03

投稿論文1. 教養主義と人格主義 a. 『三太郎の日記』 b. 美学研究 c. 『人格主義』2. 感情移入美学 a. リップス『美学』の祖述 b. 美的感情移入 c. 人格主義の美学3. 内からの美学 a. 美学の様々な立場 b. 内からの美学の基礎づけ c. 文化哲学への広がり結びABE Jiro (1883-1959) is famous for his philosophical essay titled (Diary of Santaro) (1914-18), and he is regarded as a representative of (Culturalism) of the Taisyo era in Japan. As was often the case with young intelligentsia of that period, he was interested in both Western and Eastern cultures and at the same time sincerely sought the way of living as a Japanese. He swayed between diversity of cultures and identity of his own personality. Abe wrote an (Aesthetics) in 1917, which is a selected and abridged translation of the empathic aesthetics of Theodor Lipps (1851-1914). Lipps developed his philosophy on the basis of the psychological principle of 'empathy'. Abe reconstructed the essence of Lipps' aesthetics mainly from the following books by him: Asthetik, Die ethischen Grundfragen, Leitfaden der Psychologic. Abe highly respected the personality of Lipps; later he published a book titled (Personalism) (1922), which is based on the ethics of Lipps and applies it to contemporary political problems. Despite his extensive and profound knowledge of aesthetics, Abe could not complete his own book on aesthetics. For, I think, empathic aesthetics is not a relative theory which can be replaced by another, but a kind of world view based on Personalism which regards a mere object as an irreplaceable personality. He called his standpoint in aesthetics 'aesthetics from inward', which includes aesthetic experience, expression, interpretation and moreover cultural philosophy, but empathy still remains in the center of his hypothetical aesthetics.
林 基
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.60, no.2, pp.201-207, 1991

西村 義人
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.101, pp.109-141, 1997-03

第1章. 「モラルのダイナミックス」の概要第2章. 「世代間倫理のダイナミックス」の概念としての「恩」 第1節. 問題の所在 第2節. K.S.シュレーダー-フレチェットは「恩」を再発見したか? 第3節. R.ベネディクトの「恩」解釈の適正性とD.キャラハンの誤解第3章. H.ヨーナスにおける「責任」「恐れ」「希望」の批判的検討 第1節. ヨーナスの責任倫理学の骨子 第2節. 「責任」と「恐れ」と「希望」第4章. 世代間倫理の新しい標語The purpose of this paper is to develop Moral Dynamics which deals with the moving forces acting on our moral lives in the intergenerational Ethics. More exactly, it is to present On and Hope as the moving forces through complementing the work of Daniel Callahan and Hans Jonas, respectively. Callahan writes in his article "What Obligations Do We Have to Future Generations": "From our obligations to the past stems our obligation to the future". Obligation of the former is an English translation of on by Ruth Benedict, with a meaning of indebtedness. Obligation of the latter is used to mean the duty of repayment, its first priority being to provide the future generations with possibility of life and survival. However, while Benedict writes as "One makes part payment on on to one's parents by giving equally good or better things to posterity", Callahan made an erroneous citation as "past payment". This erroneous citation implies that Callahan overlooks the idea of "Repaying One-Ten-Thousandth", which means that benefit from the past can enerzize the lives of repayment persistently because of its infiniteness. Therefore, On should be reconstructed as the concept of Moral Dynamics. Jonas writes in his work "Imperative of Responsibility" that his future-oriented ethics is not devoid of hope but gives fear its rightful place. Nevertheless, he expresses his idea on hope ambivalently in an interview in the "Spiegel". On the one hand, he states that one of the requisites to avoid catastrophe is not to abandon hope. This statement implies that he accepts the hope as a moral dynamic to bear the responsibility. On the other hand, he states that he finds a paradoxical hope in the situation that persons learn a lesson from catastrophe. Hope of this sort, however, can never be a force capable of rendering ethics feasible. In conclusion, ethics for future generations need not only the force of hope which pulls us towards the future, but also the one of on which pushes us based on the past.
小川 英雄
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.70, no.1, pp.111-118, 2000

書評一 本書の研究史上の位置二 フリュギアの母神三 ギリシア・ローマのキュベレ結び
神山 四郎
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.46, no.4, pp.353-363, 1975

論文One of the crucial problems in contemporary philosophy of history is to determine which is more relevant-historical explanation or historical understanding. Writers on this question may be divided into three types- (1) Idealists, (2) Covering-law theorists, and (3) Reactionists, as M. Mandelbaum has summed them up. I think the only possible approach, in current theoretical arguments, is the third one, which accepts, besides explanation by covering-law, some sort of understanding, especially when it is concerned with a more complicated account of human actions. It does not neccessarilly follow, however, that understanding is a peculiar way of historical inquiry rather than a kind of provisionary account which has still to be 'filled out' by some more rigorous explanation. Historians surely try not just to describe the given events, but to explain them. Thus, 'understanding' might be said to lie in the middle of 'description' and 'explanation'; historians would first describe the events as they were given, and then by attempting to answer the 'why' of these events they would proceed to 'understand' them, and finally when this 'why' could be answered objectively such an 'understanding' might be replaced by an 'explanation.' This, is basically the same in all areas of scientific inquiry of which history may be a rather incomplete one. Thus, the other several kinds of historical explanations, which are supposed to be peculiar to history according to W. Dray and others, would be after all reduced to the Hempelian model of explanation. It is true that historians may seldom succeed in giving explanations as satisfactory as those of physicists, but this does not preclude historians from filling out their explanations. I suppose that the very process of this 'filling out' constitutes progress in the field of historical studies. Scientific explanation is merely a logical instrument of our historical thinking, and need not be extended to a problem of, say, historical perspective, which is surely open to the philosophy of history.
古川 学
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.59, no.2, pp.315-330, 1990-07

学会動向一 はじめに二 ネルー記念図書館三 インド国立古文書館四 その他の図書館 (一) 中央官庁図書館 (二) サプルー・ハウス (三) ジャワーハルラール・ネルー図書館五 おわりに附 日本で見られるデリーの図書館蔵書目録
佐志 傳
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.31, no.1, pp.168-192, 1958

慶應義塾創立百年記念論文集一 序言二 秦氏のまつる神三 宇佐八幡宮の祠官四 祠官と祭神との関係五 結語It is believed that the Usa-Hachimangu had long been enshrined as a native god in the Usa district, though it was only during the 8th century that people began to deify him as a national god. In the year 725 the Shrine was built for the first time, for previously they had only had the primitive megalithic form of worship. There are two kinds of gods, male and female, in the Hachiman God, Of the two, the Goddess had been worshipped from much older times than the male God by the Ogas 大神氏 in the Izumo circle 出雲系 and the Kara- shimas 辛島氏 who were naturalized Japanese. The male God was worshipped by the Usas 宇佐氏 a powerful family in Usa district. In the later period, those Gods and Goddesses were generally called the Usa-Hachiman-Shin. The Ogas and the Karashimas were both Shamans and accordingly, the Usa-Hachiman's primitive form was Shamanism. It was propagated to the central part of Japan soon afterward through those Shamans who communicated oracles to the people which gave considerable influences upon them. Finally the Hachiman-Shin from being a mere local god came to be worshipped by all the people, including the Emperors, as the National God.
井口 悦男
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.31, no.1, pp.53-79, 1958

慶應義塾創立百年記念論文集一 はじめに二 井泉の記事の基本的意義三 井泉説話にみられる英雄の變化について四 倭武天皇一考Various descriptions of wells 井泉 are seen in the Hitachi-no-Kuni-Fudoki 常陸風土記 or the Topography of the Province of Hitachi compiled in 713. These wells were introduced as fountains in the topography in question. Hitherto those wells that appear in the topography have been recognized by many of our historians as the sources of drinking water of the people in that province. However, it is apparent, in the writer's opinion, that these wells were also very important irrigation sources for the rice fields, and accordingly they were indispensable to the daily life of the provincial people. The wells in question were connected with the tales of legendaryheroes that were told among the people. The writer of this article believes that the tales introduced in the Hitachi-no-Kuni-Fudoki were those which symbolized the stabilized living conditions of the pioneers in that province and stabilized circumstances under the reigns of Mikados of the Yamato Court. It is also believed that the names of the local heroes in the ancient tales were (gradually) replaced by those of national heroes along with the changing political conditions. Such progress is well traced in the tales of wells. For example, the name of Yamato-Takeru-no-Sumeramikoto 倭武天皇 who was believed at first to be the greatest hero in the Province of Hitachi, was mentioned afterwards as the surname of Yamato-Takeru-no-Mikoto, one of the heroes introduced in the Kojiki (the "Ancient Chronicle" compiled in 712) and Nihon Shoki(the "Chronicle of Japan" compiled in 720) or believed to be the name of a hero of the Province of Hitachi, whose story came from that of Yuryaku-Tenno 雄略天皇. But these explanatory legends are not reliable. The change of the heroe's name in a tale only proves the fact that the power of the Yamato Court was increasing in the period in question.
小西 恵美
三田商学研究 (ISSN:0544571X)
vol.39, no.4, pp.27-52, 1996-10-25

鈴木 公雄
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.61, no.3, pp.225-280, 1992

一 出土貨幣研究の目的 (一) 経済活動復元の資料としての出土貨幣 (二) 出土備蓄銭の考古学的資料整備 (三) 出土備蓄銭の考古学的分析と中世貨幣経済史への接近二 出土備蓄銭の研究史 (一) 出土備蓄銭発見史 (二) 戦前の備蓄銭研究と基本的分析方法の確立 (三) 戦後の備蓄銭研究の進展 (四) 備蓄銭研究と中世経済史 (五) 最近の備蓄銭研究の動向三 出土備蓄銭の集成と概要 (一) 出土備蓄銭の集成 (二) 出土備蓄銭の銭種構成 (三) 最新銭による上限年代の設定 (四) 備蓄銭の出土状況と埋納方法 (五) 備蓄銭出土記録の問題四 出土備蓄銭の時期区分 (一) 備蓄銭埋納風習の成立時期 (二) 出土備蓄銭の時期区分 (三) 時期区分と実年代との相関 (四) 各時期の備蓄銭の分布とその特徴五 出土備蓄銭の銭種組成 (一) 全備蓄銭の銭種組成とその数量比 (二) 上位二〇種銭種組成の分析 (三) 銭種組成の時期別変化 (四) 備蓄銭の分析結果の要約六 出土備蓄銭と中世後期の銭貨流通 (一) 備蓄銭と精銭・悪銭 (二) 永楽通宝の諸問題 (三) 銭貨からみた中世と近世
清水 龍瑩
三田商学研究 (ISSN:0544571X)
vol.35, no.5, pp.1-21, 1992-12-25
