井上 清子
生活科学研究 = Bulletin of Living Science (ISSN:02852454)
vol.41, pp.9-16, 2019-03-30

「成人期ADHD 日常生活チェックリストQuestionnaire Adult ADHD with Difficulties(QAD)」の信頼性と妥当性を検討することを目的として、大学生350 名を対象に、質問紙調査を行った。QEDの各項目得点および合計得点に男女差があるかを調べるために、t検定を行ったところ、すべての項目および合計得点において有意差はみられなかった。QADの内的整合性による信頼性を検討するために、クロンバックのα係数を求めたところ、α=.84と十分な信頼性がみられた。QADの合計得点とCAARSの各下位尺度得点の間にはいずれも有意な負の相関がみられ、特に、QAD の得点は、不注意の問題や症状との相関が高いことが確認された。今回の結果から、男女を問わず、大学生の不注意症状を中心としたAD/HD傾向による日常生活の支障の程度を数量的に把握するために、QADは有効である可能性が示された。
臺 利夫
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.18, pp.77-84, 1996-12-01

More pretty persons are preferred. It is apt to be thought that more beautiful women are more likely than less beautiful women to do good. People who are objects of our first impressions are not known to us. We have limited information about them. Whenever we meet new people, beauty of face is a key factor in our liking of other people. But beautiful women will be not necessarily be happy. In enduring relationships it seems to follow that we do not rank beauty of face as very important in our ranking of other people. We lower our sights somewhat so that there is a balancing with beauty of personality. Regardless of whether beauty of face was once the basis for love relationships, familiarity in married life produces greater liking than love at first sight. Though people's attitudes foward beauty of face are more or less associated with erotic desire pertaining to a sense of beauty, mere erotic desire as such does not clarify one's sense of beauty. It might aesthetically be said that beauty of face is created in the image of symmetry in nature. But human beauty transcends rational comprehension and is wrapped up in mysterious atmosphere. A Beautiful face, what first figures as a superficial trait, is imbued with substantial meaning.
髙橋 珠州彦
生活科学研究 = Bulletin of Living Science (ISSN:02852454)
vol.39, pp.41-51, 2017-03-30

椎野 信雄
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.29, no.2, pp.11-26, 2019-01-31

There is a sociology of qualitative social research based on theoretical information from a Canadian sociologist Dorothy Smith’s sociology of institutional ethnography. Researchers using these approaches examine social problems, and explicate how these social problems are built up, and what social relations organize these problems. Several preparations are needed to practice these social researches. One of such preparations is to consider the terms (keywords) referred to in practicing social researches. The keywords of D. Smith, standpoint theory, institutional ethnography, ruling relations are selected. We will see “who is Dorothy Smith”, “what is the standpoint theory”, “institutional ethnography” ,and “what are ruling relations” as follows. These terms are sources of reference to practices of social researches based on institutional ethnography. We believe these keywords are useful as practical tools for social researches.
椎野 信雄
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.29, no.1, pp.31-47, 2018-07-31

This paper does not take voting against the UN resolution “36/... the death penalty” (A/HRC/36/L.6) at the 36th session of the Human Rights Council (in September 2017) as voting against the resolution condemning death penalty for homosexuality. By interpreting this resolution as the resolution of “the question of the death penalty”, this paper will examine implications for sexual orientation of the opposition of the Japanese government to this resolution through considering the Japanese government’ reasoning for casting a vote against this resolution in light of the fact that the Japanese government cast a vote against this resolution.
椎野 信雄
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.15, no.1, pp.47-56, 2004-07-01

Development in the 1970s was promoted on an economic growth basis. But objections to the economic growth basis have been raised since the latter half of 1970s. Development came into question in terms of global environment problem, local residents' campaigns, quality of life, the north-south problem and so on. The relation between developing countries' development and global environment conservation is one of the most crucial issues on global problems. Development problems have focused on 'poberty' from`environment and development' through humanist `social development'. In the meantime the concept of`human development' has been used in the international organizations. `Human development' took a turn into gender equality. No doubt`women in development' approach has been promoted since 1970s. In the 1990s,`gender and development' approach was adovocated instead of`women in development', and`the mainstreaming of gender' has been tackled. This paper attempts to examine the issues on the concept of women in`gender and development' approach.
椎野 信雄
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.12, no.2, pp.69-79, 2002-02-01

On June 26, in 2000 President Clinton announced at a historic White House ceremony that the international Human Genome Project and Cellera Genomics Corporation have both completed an initial sequencing of the human genome - the genetic blueprint for human beings. On the same day, the public and private groups that sequenced the human genome announced jointly that they have completed rough drafts of the human genome. President Clinton hailed the announcement as "the most important, most wondrous map ever produced by humankind." He said, "Today, we are learning the language in which God created life. We are gaining ever more awe for the complexity, the beauty, the wonder of God's most divine and sacred gift. With this profound new knowledge, humankind is on the verge of gaining immense, new power to heal. Genome science will have a real impact on all our lives - and even more, on the lives of our children. It will revolutionize the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of most, if not all, human diseases." The rough draft of the entire human genome is regarded as a first glimpse of the instruction book previously known only to God, and a powerful new tool to find cures for disease. On the other hand, there are worries over discrimination in education, employment, promotion, insurance contracts, marriage and so on because of gene diagnoses and gene treatments. The General Conference of UNESCO in 1997 adopted "the Universal Declaration on Human Genome and Human Rights" in order to ban such discrimination. Recently ethical problems concerning genes and the genome have been much discussed. These problems are concerned with eugenics, especially the issue of whether the new eugenics ethically allows gene enhancement. Should society be against this new eugenics or for it? This paper examines the argument about "the theory and ethics of genetic engineering society" by a philosopher of science.
椎野 信雄
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.11, no.2, pp.23-42, 2001-02-01

Various research programs in the "new" sociology of scientific knowledge emerged in the latter half of 1970s. British sociologists such as Barnes, Bloor, Mulkay, Collins and so forth were challenging the Mertonian functionalist sociology of science. The aim of the new sociology of scientific knowledge has been to investigate and explain the "contents" of scientific knowledge per se. Ethnomethodological studies of scientific practices were surrounded by the emergence of these "new" programs in social studies of science. Although ethnomethodological studies of science have often been understood without being distinguished from these "new" programs, it seems that ethnomethodological studies differ from these programs in their perspective on language, science and action. In spite of their commitments to a supposedly "radical" view of scientific knowledge, the new sociologies use some conventional social science terminologies and explanatory formulae, and seem caught in a trap concerning the usage of ordinary language in social science and philosophy. Garfinke's ethnomethodology appears to advocate a complete departure from these conventional views of language and science which the new programs have taken over. We will make sense of ethonomethodological studies of science by reviewing how ethonomethodology sees the "new" programs. In this paper we would like to leave a port to the sea of argumentation by regarding ethnomethodologist M. Lynch's studies of science as leading light. Ethnomethodology's agenda is, according to Lynch, to reconsider what it means to produce observations, descriptions and explanations of something "actual." Garfinkel's program is not interested in explaining scientific facts by reference to the social context of their production. The program does not try to construct comprehensive models of activities and institutions. Its objective is to examine how scientific works are produced from the disciplinary-specific Lebenswelt of scientific projects. The aim is not to explain "discovery" as a matter of "social construction" but to try to gain a better understanding of scientific work.
Shiino Nobuo
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.11, no.1, pp.71-77, 2000-07-01

Cicourel tries to integrate structural conceptions with the contingencies of everyday social interaction. He understands social structure as accounts of situated social interaction. What is important to him is the way in which normative and situated representational devices are used to communicate human experiences and knowledge-claims of everyday social structure. He thinks that the understanding of social structure remains an accountable illusion of sociologists' common-sense knowledge unless we can reveal a procedural connection between interactional sequences among actors and structural framework. While the existing theory of status or role seems to provide a convenient shorthand for the observer to describe the actor's behaviour in social life, the notions of 'status' and 'role' as a structural feature of social order seldom point to the interactional consequences of everyday life. Cicourel thinks that any reference to the actor's perspective must cover both the researcher's and the actor's attempts to negotiate everyday activities or to organize socially acceptable behaviours over the course of social interaction in the situated settings. In this paper we examine Cicourel's social theory which deals with social interaction form within the actor's perspective over the course of the situated settings.
椎野 信雄
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.8, pp.79-86, 1998-01-01

It is clear that there was an intimate relationship between ethnomethodology and conversation analysis in the 1960's, but latter-day conversation analysis may or may not have much to do with ethnomethodology. In the 1960's H. Sacks, together with H. Garfinkel, was explicating "demonstrably rational properties of indexical expressions." Certainly conversation analysis investgates "indexical expressions" by describing recurrent sequential actions in conversation and specifying formal rules for generating their organizational features, but its purpose is to develop a grammar for conversation. However, Garfinkel's ethnomethodological program is to investigate "the uses of grammar" (the uses of language). The original purpose in ethnomethodological studies was not to construct a formal structure of practical actions but to examine how formal structures are used in and as local courses of practical actions. Latter-day conversation analysis is not necessarily incompatible with ethnomethdological studies, but professionalized conversation analysis seems different from ethnomethodological studies in essential ways. This paper attempts to search for a possibility of ethnomethodological studies of social institutions by examining "professionalized" conversation analysis from the (postanalytic) ethnomethodological standpoint.
椎野 信雄
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.7, pp.27-43, 1997-01-01

This paper attempts to explicate what ethnomethodological studies of science and mathematics are by considering chapters 8 & 9 of Making Sense of Ethnomethodology written by an ethnomethodological sociologist, E. Livingston. He is a leading expert in the field of ethnomethodological studies of science. He took his Ph. D in sociology at UCLA by writing The Ethnomethodological Foundations of Mathematics. His second book , Making Sense of Ethnomethodology, was written as a general introduction to ethnomethodology (EM below) , clearly presenting the features and purposes of studies in EM. EM tries to respecify the fundamental problems and methods of social science research in a radical way. Because of the technicalities of the EM's literature, difficulties in gaining access to EM's original studies and many misinterpretations of EM's studies, many professional sociologists do not seem to have a good understanding of the features and practices of EM. Dr. Livingston says, "I know of no academic discipline that suffered more at the hands of its expositors than ethnomethodology." With this in the background, the text of this book discusses many topics in EM studies, ranging from embodied settings, naturally organized ordinary activities and the problem of social order, including an introduction to conversational analysis, to the work of proving a theorem in Euclidean geometry. It provides a readable account of extended ethnomethodological studies. In Chapter 8 a statistics exercise is discussed and Chapter 9 is a self-contained introduction to EM. This chapter is said to be readable independently of the statistics exercise and to be central to the entire book.\n 本稿は,エスノメソドロジー的社会学者,エリク・リヴィングストンの著書『エスノメソドロジーを理解する』の第8章と第9章を素材にして,科学・数学のエスノメソドロジー研究とは何かを検討する試みである。彼は『数学のエスノメソドロジー的基礎づけ』でUCLAからPh. Dを取得した科学のエスノメソドロジストの第一人者である。『エスノメソドロジーを理解する』は,エスノメソドロジー(以下EMと略)へのわかりやすい一般的な入門書として書かれたものであり,EM研究の性質と目的を明確に,妥協せず紹介している。EMは,社会科学研究の基礎問題や方法のラディカルな再特定化を提示しているが,エスノメソドロジストの著作の専門性や,原型のEM研究に接触することの困難性,およびEM研究についての多くの誤解や曲解のために,一般の社会学者もEMの性質や実践を十分には理解できていないと思われる。「EMほど,解説者の手を通してひどい目に会ってきた学問分野を私は知らない」とは,リヴィングストンの言葉である。このような背景において本書のテクストは,具体的な場面・「自然に編成された普通の活動」・社会秩序問題からはじまり,会話分析入門を含んで,ユークリッド幾何学の定理の証明ワークの記述まで扱っており,広範なEM研究についての読みやすい説明を与えてくれるものである。そして本書の第8章は「統計学の練習問題」を論じており,第9章は自己充足的なEM入門であり,「統計学の練習問題」から独立して読むこともできる本書の中心部分なのである。
佐倉 香
文学部紀要 = Bulletin of The Faculty of Language and Literature (ISSN:09145729)
vol.13, no.2, pp.75-122, 2000-01-01

イタリア・ルネサンスの典型的な「万能の人( uomo universare )」として知られるレオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ( Leonardo da Vinci ,1452-1519)の遺産には、芸術作品の他に、生涯を通じて記された膨大な頁数の手稿がある。手稿の内容は、絵画、彫刻、建築の他、解剖、天文、幾何、物理、数学、寓話など多岐にわたるが、彼はそれらの多くにおいて、最終的な表現手段である芸術、特に絵画表現に昇華させることを目論んでいたと思われる。こうしたレオナルドの諸活動は、観察に基づいた独自の方法によっている点でおおむね共通する。そして、レオナルドが最も注目し、多様な視点から観察、分析を続けた対象のひとつに「水」があった。本論文では、この「水」のモティーフに焦点を絞り、さまざまな記録や描写とその発展過程とを整理した上で、このモティーフに見るレオナルドの自然観察と芸術表現との関わりについて考察する。
笠井 勝子
文学部紀要 = Bulletin of The Faculty of Language and Literature (ISSN:09145976)
vol.19, no.2, pp.19-62, 2006-03-01

ルイス・キャロルは『不思議の国のアリス』を出版して1 年半後の1867 年にロシアへ旅行をした。その時の旅行日記を翻訳し、また現在と当時の生活や習慣の違いなどによって説明が必要と思われる事項にはできるだけ注を付し注釈付き翻訳とした。翻訳に先立つ序のなかでは、旅行をすることになった経緯と、一緒に旅をしたヘンリー・パリー・リドゥンとキャロルとの関係、またリドゥンの宗教上の立場などについて解説した。この旅行日記ではその頃の英国の大学人が初めて外国を訪れて出会った驚きがユーモアを交えて語られていて、キャロルが普段つけていた日記とはちがい読み手を想定していることが窺える。事実キャロルの死後に他の日記は親族の手を経て大英図書館に入ったが、旅行日記はそれとは別に米国へ渡り、単独であるいは他の作品と一緒に全集の中に印刷されてきた。ロシア語を知らなかったキャロルはロシア語の僅かな単語だけで話を通じさせようとしている。キャロルがメモしたロシア語の一部には彼の勘違いもあると指摘を受けたので注に記しておいた。
小野里 美帆 川本 拓海
教育学部紀要 = Annual Report of The Faculty of Education (ISSN:03882144)
vol.51, pp.189-199, 2017-12-20


1 0 0 0 OA 仮装と心理

伊地知 美智子
教育学部紀要 = Annual Report of the Faculty of Education (ISSN:03882144)
vol.32, pp.55-64, 1998-12-01

佐久間 拓也
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
no.20, pp.15-21, 1998-01-01

Nonstandard analysis is introduced by Robinson that apply model theory to it. But nonstandard analysis that use General nonstandard model approach a little domain. So it use enlargement or saturated model. Let *U be k+-enlargement or k+-saturated model and *M be set of unary formula, cardinal not greater than k . If *M is finitely satisfiable then *M is satisfiable. So it exist element that is satisfiable all formula in *M. Specially, saturation model is composed extentensin from external map to internal map. The main purpose is to give an nonstandard definition of a topology and to show the theory of topological space. It is defined the monad and standard part of a point in U. And it prove that existense of infinitesimal set and several theory of about open or close set. It give that the shadow of a subset of the standard topological space is closed.\n 1960年ごろ、A.ロビンソンは、モデル理論の考えを使うことによってライプニッツ流の無限小解析をそのままの形で合理化することができるのではないか、という着想を得た。これが超準解析のはじまりである。その後、超準解析は急速に発展し、数学の各分野できわめて魅力的な手段となった。 特にことわらない限り、Lは形式言語、UはそのL系で、その宇宙UとLの定項との間には双射が存在するとする。Lの文でUで真なるものの全体をXとし、Xの任意の文φがL系*Uで真であるとき*UをXのモデルという。以後X以外のもののモデルは考えないので、単にモデルという。Uはモデルである。 以後区別のため*UでLの論理式を解釈することを*解釈、真であることを*真とする。
石川 博美
教育学部紀要 = Annual Report of The Faculty of Education (ISSN:03882144)
vol.49, pp.177-183, 2015-12-20

脂肪酸やステロールは天然・自然界に広く分布しており,生命維持に重要な役割を果たしている.抗菌効果や抗炎症作用の高いManuka と,生活習慣病予防との関係で注目されている日本茶と,n-3 系の多価不飽和脂肪酸の含有量が多く,抗酸化作用が高いと言われているグリーンナッツについて,脂質組成や脂肪酸組成,ステロール組成を比較検討した.脂質組成ではManuka の葉・樹皮,新茶の茎,秋の茶の茎にフォスファチジルエタノールアミン(PE)が特に多かった.ステロール組成ではManuka の樹皮にβ–シトステロールが62㎎と多い含有量であった.脂肪酸組成ではManuka の葉とグリーンナッツおよび秋の茶の葉に,n-3 系のα-リノレン酸の含有量が多かった.α–リノレン酸は光や熱に弱く酸化されやすいが,グリーンナッツオイルは熱にも強いと言われているので,グリーンナッツオイルを160 ~ 180℃に加熱したところ,ほとんどの脂肪酸は加熱処理により増加傾向を示したが,α-リノレン酸のみ約10% の減少傾向が認められた.Manuka や日本茶,グリーンナッツなど天然植物の脂質組成やステロールは血漿高コレステロール低下作用などの生理作用との関連性が示唆されると共に,天然植物の季節による変化の大きい事が示された.