岡田 斉
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
no.23, pp.45-54, 2001

The purpose of the present study is to survey the frequency of emotional experience in dream recall. A total of 1267 undergraduate students completed a dream recall frequency questionnaire, which contained a question about dream recall frequency and about recall frequency of thirteen emotions. Results the of the factor analysis showed that those emotions were divided into two groups; positive emotions in dreaming, which involved happiness, hope, joy, and relief and negative emotions, which involved anxiety, disgust, fear, sadness, impatience, and strain. And in contrast to the sleep laboratory study, participants feel their dreams as rather positive - joyful experiences.
小林 明子 福田 倫子
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
vol.33, pp.23-44, 2021-03-16

In this study, international students planned and implemented events to conduct project-based learning for children in the community. Semi-structured interviews were conducted before, during, and after 15 classes. The results of the qualitative analysis showed that students' motivation changed as the lessons progressed. We further found that the characteristics of project-based learning (e.g., self-determination regarding the content of activities and activities outside the university) and the nature of the group (e.g., cooperative relationships with other learners and disagreements) influence fluctuation in motivation. The study examined methods for improving lessons from the perspective of motivation.
三枝 優子
文学部紀要 (ISSN:09145729)
vol.28, no.1, pp.31-50, 2014-09

泉敬子 石崎弘子
生活科学研究 = Bulletin of Living Science (ISSN:02852454)
vol.8, pp.46-53, 1986-04-01
宮田 浩二 包國 友幸 小林 正幸
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
no.30, pp.79-86, 2008

This is an implementation report on how a new type of exercise program changes State-Anxiety and body sense.Results are as follows.1) There was State-Anxiety before the exercise in a range of 23 and 57; State-Anxiety after the exercise changed to a low of 21 to a high of 51. The mean level of State-Anxiety decreased significantly from 39.80 before the program to 32.70 after (p <.001).2) Flexibility and mobility improved on the spot according to a questionnaire survey. In addition, mood improvement and facial expression and color tended to the positive; a change in psychological factors was noted.Based on the current results, psychological factors were involved in the improvement of shoulder aches and stiffness of the shoulders; the current program decreased anxiety and was effective at improving physical and mental health.本研究は、新しいタイプの本運動プログラムにより、状態不安及び身体感覚がどのよう変化したかの実施報告である。結果は、以下のとおりである。1)状態不安の変動は、運動前は最低23から最高57の範囲にあり、運動後は最低21から最高57までに変動した。状態不安の平均値は、運動前の39.80から運動後の32.70と変動し、有意な低下を示した。(p<.001)2)アンケート調査より、その場で柔軟性や可動性が改善された。また、気分の改善や顔つきや顔色がプラス志向に変化し、心理的要因に変化が認められた。今回の結果より、肩痛、肩こりの改善に心理的要因が関与しており、本運動プログラムを行うことによって、不安が低減し、身体的・精神的健康に有効であることが示唆された。
神長 唯
湘南フォーラム:文教大学湘南総合研究所紀要 = Shonan Forum : Journal of the Shonan Research Institute Bunkyo University (ISSN:18834752)
vol.13, pp.129-146, 2009-01-01

This article points out regional imbalance of constructing final disposal sites (general waste facilities) among local municipalities in Tama Region, Tokyo Metropolis. This is also a case study on the construction of final disposal sites in Hinode Town, Western Tama. The local imbalances or gaps have been closely related to regional gaps of administrative services between the 23 Wards and Tama Region which goes far back to 19th century.
高井 和夫
文教大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:03882144)
no.39, pp.43-50, 2005

子どもの体力低下現象は先進諸国共通の問題であり,わが国においては中教審答申(平成14 年)に認められるように,昭和60 年ごろから子どもの体力低下傾向が現れ,現在その総合的な対策の必要性が求められている.本稿では,子どもの運動行動を支える要因について最近の研究成果を概観するとともに,その対策につながる代表的な介入研究を取り上げることで,わが国における今後の教育・研究および実践の方向性を展望する.また,幼少年期の運動との関わりへの理解を深めるため,子どもの体力の現状と推移,および体力テスト法についての動向をまとめている.先行研究の知見を踏まえると,児童期および青少年期の子どもの運動行動との関わりは,発達諸側面の急進期であるがゆえに成人期のそれ以上に複雑であるが,直面する体力低下への対策としては運動に関わる個人と環境の関連性を多層の次元から支援するアプローチが有効であると示唆される.
樋口 泰裕
文学部紀要 = Bulletin of The Faculty of Language and Literature (ISSN:09145729)
vol.14, no.1, pp.97-81, 2000-10-01

近藤 研至
言語と文化 (ISSN:09147977)
no.31, pp.31-52, 2019

This paper discusses expression usage of the Japanese adjective predicate sentence. The expression usage has prototype and i -dropped type, such as atsui! , atsu! "hot!". Two types have five common properties. It is to have having recognition contents, thing recognizing at a place of the utterance, not arriving at the judgment, not trying transmission, and various feelings. The prototype is a basic form of the expression usage, but the i-dropped type is a model of the states of the recognition. Therefore i-dropped types have increased recently. In addition, i-dropped type can express various feelings. Two types may be emphasized at a place of the utterance. A used method is to insert an assimilated sound in a word and make vowel sound of the end of a word a long sound then, such as aʔtsui! aʔtsu! , atsuRi! atsuR! , aʔtsuRi!.aʔtsuR! .
池田 信夫
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
vol.15, pp.153-163, 1994-01-01

The concept of rationality is often quoted in the literature of social sciences, but its implication is not fully unederstood until recently. Traditionally, Hume, Smith, and many economists after the "Marginalist Revolution" has built their theories upon the instrumental rationality, i.e. utility maximization independent of other social contexts. It was an attempt at imitating classical mechanics that is based on the deterministic differential equations describing the motion of independent matters. But human behaviour cannot be exactly described by the mechanical model of neoclassical economics. Hayek rejected the concept of Walrasian equilibrium as erroneous "scientism" and Keynes refered to fallacy of composition due to the psycological interaction, which was confirmed logically by the game theory. In contrast to the neoclassical premise that adding up the individual best lead to the sosical best, game-theoretic solution concept, Nash equilibrium, does not necessarily coincide with the Pareto optimum (social efficiency). The most famous example is the Prisoner's Dilemma in which cooperation is better than defection for each player but cannot be attained spontaneously. Ironically, the players cooperate if and only if they are not rational. This paradox is rooted in the logical structure of deductive decision-making, because player A's startegy depends on B's that depends on A's ・・・ and so on. As a corollary of G?del’s famous theorem, this kind of self-referential reasoning cannot constitute self-contained system of "right" decision. In 1980's many scientific enterprise such as artificial intelligence, generative grammar, and Bayesian decision theory tried to formulate human intellect as a logically consistent system, but failed at last. Now many social scientists are re-examining Simon's concept of bounded rationality that take into account the complexity of the interaction among people. It corresponds to the new findings in the natural sciences such as deterministic chaos, self-organization and complex adaptive systems.
齊藤 功高
生活科学研究 = Bulletin of Living Science (ISSN:02852454)
no.40, pp.125-133, 2018-03-30

井徳 正吾
情報研究 (ISSN:03893367)
no.46, pp.1-15, 2012-01

There is no doubt that there are certain significant milestones in the various stages of life. Some of the milestones are as follows: graduating from high school and leaving home for college; graduating from college and entering the work force as a full-time employee; and finding a partner in life and getting married. These milestones may affect the way people react and respond to the media and what media they are exposed to. Our previous studies specifically in the areas of TV and internet media have proven that people in a certain life stage will react quite differently from other individuals who are in another stage of their lives. It is unclear, however, if this is also true of newspaper, magazine, and radio media and is thus not known if a person's reaction to these three media is also dependent on his/her stage of life or not.
高尾 浩幸
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
no.38, pp.79-92, 2017-03-01

This study deals with the rules of the world, which externally influence people, as a part of Japanese collective consciousness.Several aspects of these rules that this work will focus on are (1) the hierarchy of the old and the young, (2) the principle of mutual benefit, (3) honor as viewed by the world, (4) the elimination of impurity, (5) the character of authoritarianism, (6) duty and kindness, and (7) harmony and competition. This work will also study the psychological mechanisms of Japanese consciousness through the features of these rules.Each group that a person can join has its peculiar rules of how the world is. Knowing the rules of how the world is crucial. Once a person becomes aware of these rules, that person can decide which attitude to adopt, either to obey the rules or to change the rules themselves.
上谷 香陽
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.20, no.2, pp.1-15, 2010-01-01

This paper considers some critical discussions about the sex/gender dualism. They argue that the dualism presupposes that on one hand there is crucial difference between women and men ; on the other hand there is crucial similarity among women (or men). This presupposition overlooks the difference among women (or men) and accepts the idea that there issome essential difference between women and men by assuming a natural sex without any social, cultural and historical contexts. Against the sex/gender dualism, an alternative view of gender has been discussed since 1990'.This view argues that, whether physically or socially taken, who is a 'woman (or man)' and what doesthat category mean are determined in a specifi c context. This view helps to reconsider the concept of gender which assumes the analytic distinction between sex and gender and argues that dividing someone into woman and man is itself a social, cultural and historical matter, namely "gender". Adopting this view of gender, we can respecify the issues on the sociological investigationof gender. How division of sex can be articulated in each context can be itself an important issueon the sociological investigation of gender. Being a woman(or man) is produced through some activities and in itself a social phenomena. This paper explores a kind of view of language in these reconsiderations of the concept of gender. From this view of language, identifyng, recognizing or naming someone as a woman or man is not simply representation of some given object with language, but is itself doing something, namely a language ?use-practice. Being a woman (or man) is not a given social fact but a socialphenomena constructed in and through people's language-use-practices. Through these examinations, this paper raises some issues on the sociological investigation of gender about what gender is and where we should fi nd the social phenomena of gender.