團 康晃
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.82, pp.173-191, 2013-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

This paper examines activities related to reading mobile phone novels (Keitai Shosetsu), which became a social phenomenon in the 2000s. Previous literature on readers or the audience of such texts has not focused on the specific local activities related to text, because existing models and theories of audience do not adequately help researchers conduct a comprehensive study of such topics. In addition, studies on mobile phone novels have overlooked the various related activities accompanying reading and instead focused exclusively on the originality of media usage and the novelty of the stories' plots. In contrast, my research approach focused on examining local activities - how students en-gage in reading, how they discuss the novels - through fieldwork, including participant observation and group interviews of middle school students. I found that most girls spent their recess time reading and talking about mobile phone novels not by means of mobile phones but instead by means of physical books, while boys attempted to become friends with the girls under the pretext of asking them about their favorite novels. These activities were analyzed using Sacks' notion of Membership Categorization Device (MCD) in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis. My results revealed firstly that reading mobile phone novels presupposed the use of the category "girl." Further, while girls enjoyed reading these mobile phone novels as love stories, boys considered the content of the novels to be indecent, which, according to the girls, is because most boys read only the obscene sections of the novels. This difference in perspectives regarding reading mobile phone novels is the result of using MCD. Furthermore, students' behaviors were not driven by their culture, but accomplished by membership categorization. Therefore, as an exception a boy read content liked by girls. The above observations suggest that students are not readers or the audience of texts as a model, but instead behave according to the uses of membership categories.
緒川 直人
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.87, pp.37-57, 2015-07-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

This paper focuses on the social meaning of old photos as physical objects from the perspective of the history of photos in material cultures and emphasizes the need to consider interactions between individuals or events and old photos as physical objects from a social historical perspective. The paper proposes to reconsider the conventional view in historical studies of photos as well as the possibility of expanding the range of historical descriptions. In this paper, the authors conduct a case study on Teijiro Ueda, a photo collector who lived in Osaka before World War II and contributed to archiving old photos as physical objects and to the social sharing of photos. Through this case study, the authors show how his collection of old photos was formed, along with the social role of his collection (known as the Ueda Collection) as a private archive of old photos. The aim of this study is to examine the significance of the private archiving space in Osaka during the pre-war period, which was formed as a result of the photo collection by Ueda and his management of the archive through collaboration with the scholars of Kyoto Imperial University. The Ueda Collection, which is an archive of old photos, and the activities of photo collectors around Ueda contributed to the formation of photo data based on object surveys, helped to create semi-public photo archives on the periphery of the academic world through collaboration with the Kyoto school of economic history, and also provided a basis for the development of new studies on the history of photos. In this respect, the activities of these photo collectors served as nodes in the archiving space that formed an academic community in the private sector during the pre-war period.
藤谷 健
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.96, pp.47-60, 2020-01-31 (Released:2020-06-17)

Recent years have seen the emergence and continued evolution of anunprecedented landscape of digital media products and platforms, mobiledevices, and distribution and consumption patterns. Triggered and acceleratedby digital innovation, these changes have given rise to new challenges for legacy media organizations, such as newspaper publishers. A transformation of thenewsroom has been underway in major publishers around the world. The AsahiShimbun, the second largest national daily in Japan, is no exception. This paperis in the process of transforming itself into an integrated news organization( i.e.,one that publishes in both digital and print formats). Reporters and editors areexpected to adapt their mindset and workflow and adopt new skills and roles inline with audience-first journalism. Given this, we have set three goals: ⑴ toserve targeted audiences with targeted content; ⑵ to publish on the platformsused by the target audience; and ⑶ to produce and publish continuously tomeet audience needs. This requires a deeper, broader understanding of the targetaudience, so the paper has developed Hotaru, a new editorial analytics dashboardfor the newsroom in 2016. An abbreviation of “in-HOuse Tool for Analyzingand Reporting Users’ Activities,” Hotaru provides reporters and editorswith access to a rich source of real-time data, thereby helping them to developa better understanding of the impact of stories and the importance of audienceengagement. This new habit of looking at data is clearly helping to encourageeditorial experiments in the newsroom. For instance, if journalists want toreach out to mothers for stories on parenting, they can strategically use LINE,a messaging app that is popular among mothers. In this case, such stories areshared and spread effectively through the mothers’ networks. In another successfulcase, a reporter can, based on single coverage, file two types of storiesto meet the needs of two different target audience groups.
田中 東子
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.83, pp.75-93, 2013-07-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

This article discusses what type of analysis can be carried out to examine gender and media issues in the online age. Behind this discussion are two facts: the number of Japanese women working in mass media that have a position where they can express their opinions has not grown dramatically over the past 30 years while the number of Japanese women who publicly express themselves in the online space has increased over the past 10 years. Given these facts, this article: 1) clarifies the purposes and viewpoints of the analysis - mainly by researchers in countries where English is spoken - of women who express themselves in the online space, and 2) clarifies the framework for researching and examining online cultural activities of Japanese women, who have often not been given opportunities to express themselves in the traditional media.
藤竹 暁
新聞学評論 (ISSN:04886550)
no.35, pp.62-73, 293-292, 1986-04-30

There has been a new trend in the study of Japanese society. It is to analyze the characteristics of society from the viewpoint of the "mass society." Taking into consideration the findings of such studies, the author attempts in this article to examine some new features which have not been discussed in the conventional theories of the mass society. In doing so, major transformations in two aspects will be examined ; the masses on the one hand, and the influence of mass media on the other hand. The twenty years during the 1960s and 1970s, when Japan was rapidly moving into an age of affluence driven by its high economic growth, are often characterized as the age of mass-production and uniformity. In every field of media, nation-wide newspapers, magazines, television and radio have focused on particular issues which were thought to be of interest to everybody and to which people have reached in a similar way. For the first time in history, the lifestyles of people from different regions and classes have become very much alike through exposure to standardized and widespread media. As a consequence, the image of a unified mass society, as if everybody were the same, was created among scholars and researchers. In the 1980s, however, it is no longer possible for the media to exercise their power of influence by holding such an image of the Japanese. Evidence was found in every part of society that the mass society had suddenly fractionalized into many different groups of people, with different values and tastes. "Decomposition of the mass" has become a topic of discussion and some have even argued that Japanese society was not a mass society. Nevertheless, it should be pointed out that the images of the Japanese people, both old and new, are the result of oversimplification caused by the careless usage of the "mass." What has been made clear through the author's observation is that what has been taking place in this society is not the "decomposition of the mass." Instead this society is beginning to show strong signs of the "mass society." It should also be pointed out that inadequate images of the people have then led to an oversimplification of the influence of the media and the environment they create. For further continuation of the study it remains to be proved how the mass media has structuralized the information environment, and how man-media-relations, characteristic of modern society, have been formed. These are the keys to understanding how and why the new "mass society" has been formulated.
佐藤 潤司
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.95, pp.87-105, 2019-07-31 (Released:2019-10-25)

This report examines the Supreme Court decision (December 6, 2017) onthe receiving fee lawsuit of the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), andconsiders the way public broadcasting and receiving fees should be. The Supreme Court of Japan decided that there is a legal obligation to concludea receiving contract, but this judgment must be said to be anachronism inthat it does not take into account the trend in the latest theories and thechanges in the broadcasting environment. The judgment raises two problems.The first is that the suspicion of the violation of the constitution cannot bewiped out, and the second is that the rights of viewers may be lost and the wayof public broadcasting may be distorted. The most important role of public broadcasting is to monitor the publicpower as a journalism institution, but it is hard to say that NHK plays such arole. The viewer can correct the attitude of NHK by refusing to pay the receivingfee. In order not to prevent the exercise of such viewer sovereignty, theconclusion of the receiving contract should be interpreted as an effort, not alegal obligation.
伊藤 守
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.89, pp.21-43, 2016-07-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

The spread of digital media has produced a new social realm, so that everyone can freely exchange information. In this paper, I will try to investigate how the digital media could change and create a new deliberative realm. This paper emphasizes the necessity for bringing the social and the substantial features of the realm together in order to grasp the transformation of the discourse space. In other words, the focus of analysis is the structural change in the material and social system of circulated information. This change has two sides. The first one is the expansion of controlling the discourse space and social communication processes through that space. On the contrary, the second one could include an impossibility to control any of them. The transformation of the space of discourse in social communication processes which was made by digital media has a historical significance. The reason is that it creates “an appearance” of space, which Hanna Arendt pointed out in her book - “The Human Condition” -. However, it might also bring the possibility of creating another phenomenon, an infection of feeling and contagion of affect. It is a process of activating affects. Finally, this paper suggests that more research is needed to investigate the factors of affection and time to be able to grasp the singularities and transformation of the space of discourse.
坪井 りん
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.66, pp.111-128, 2005-01-31

This paper examines what kind of roles journalism played on the foundation of Modern "Art" at the Meiji era in Japan. It first looks at how arts were reported by journalism when it had not yet been established as a system and discusses the intimate relation between two. It then examines how the relation gradually changed with the commencement of art exhibitions, focusing on the newspaper coverage on the "Hakubakai" exhibitions. Finally, it looks at the Bunten, the national art exhibition held by Ministry of Education, and discusses how journalism shifted to overheated reports, naturally resulting to affect the viewers.
佐藤 潤司
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.92, pp.125-144, 2018

<p>In this paper, I will analyse the news over the caricature of Muhammad</p><p>drawn on the cover of the special edition of Charlie Hebdo in 2015, and consider</p><p>whether the Japanese newspapers played a role as leaders of 'freedom of</p><p>expression'.</p><p> In Japan, three of the seven main newspapers did not publish the caricature</p><p>and one of the four that published it was protested by Islamic groups and</p><p>published an apology article.</p><p> When I analysed the articles of the seven newspapers by using a text-mining</p><p>approach, I found three problems. Primarily, the contents and attitude of</p><p>the newspapers did not necessarily emphasize 'freedom of expression'. Secondly,</p><p>the evaluation process for the caricature and the criteria for publication or nonpublication</p><p>of the caricature were not shown. Thirdly, the newspaper that apologized</p><p>for publishing the image did not clarify the reason for the apology, and</p><p>the other newspapers did not report the news that instigated a discussion over</p><p>the rightness or wrongness of the publication. For these reasons, it is hard to</p><p>say that Japanese newspapers played the role.</p><p> In addition, it can be pointed out that the three newspapers which did not</p><p>publish the caricature either do not have a certain criterion or did not apply the</p><p>criterion. Finally, with respect to the newspaper that published the apology</p><p>article,the phenomenon known as atrophy of the news was seen.</p>
烏谷 昌幸
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.84, pp.29-51, 2014-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

The purpose of this paper is to examine how Japan's nuclear policies were discussed in TV documentaries during the program concentration period subsequent to the Chernobyl nuclear accident. To this end, the author analyzes three TV programs that discussed nuclear plant location policies, nuclear fuel cycle policies and policies regarding radiation exposure control for nuclear plant workers, focusing on how the TV staff obtained the facts that were essential for critical reviews in each program. The results reveal that the three programs critically reviewed nuclear policies by making effective use of facts obtained through one of the following processes: cooperating with the media, leaking confidential information, whistleblowing and investigative reporting. By placing the critical facts in the historical context of the post-Chernobyl period, the author studies how these critical facts were obtained and examines the meaning of the facts. In conclusion, the author points out the importance of understanding TV documentaries as products jointly produced by journalists and information sources.
鄭 佳月
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.76, pp.217-236, 2010-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

The purpose of this paper is to historically examine the opinion poll – asystem which was introduced to Japan – and to provide a multi-layered illustrationof its viewpoint structure. We will first look at the role which opinion polls played in GHQ, and identifythe positions of multiple polling organizations within the structure. Next, wewill examine the viewpoints established by sociologists employed by PO&SR,and highlight the fact that they relied on applied sociology and acknowledgedthe opinion polls as a social technology. This paper will re-examine the opinionpoll under the confused ideology of GHQ.
倉橋 耕平
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.74, pp.153-171, 2009

<p> Our concern i s to examine i ssues relating to the falsification of the NHK television</p><p>program" ETV 2001" broadcasted on Jan. 30, 2001. But here we limit our</p><p>discussion to the matter of press freedom. The judgment each pronounced by</p><p>the Supreme Court and the Tokyo High Court i llustrate the point. The former</p><p>took account of" the freedom of expression" i ndemnified by the Constitution of</p><p>Japan, the latter condemned an i llegality of NHK for dereliction of i ts duty as a</p><p>corporate body. It i s clear that there are substantial discrepancies between</p><p>them i n the concept of freedom.</p>