片山 悠樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.83, pp.23-43, 2008-12-15

With the universalization of high school education, problems such as bullying, delinquency and other behavior have manifested themselves in high schools. A number of studies aimed at understanding these phenomena and identifying the causes have been conducted, but there are few experimental studies regarding high school dropouts and this area has not been studied systematically. Most of the studies conducted in this area have focused on high schools themselves or the educational system, concluding that dropping out is caused by academic failure or non-adaptation to school. Dropping out is, of course, a phenomenon that cannot arise without schools, so there is a certain validity to seeking the causes in schools. However, it seems necessary to include other factors such as changes in the social conditions surrounding high school students. Existing studies on high school dropouts seem to lack this perspective. In the United States, where high school dropouts have been well researched, the mechanism behind dropping out has been discussed, focusing not only on school education but also on the labor market and the shifts within it. Taking this as the research trend, it is necessary to discuss the impact on the dropout phenomenon of changes in the Japanese labor market for high school graduates. The author believes that further study from this perspective will add new knowledge to the study of dropouts in Japan. The aim of this study is to grasp the mechanisms generating dropouts in Japan, taking the shift in the labor market for high school graduates into consideration. More precisely, it examines the correlation between the acceptance of becoming a part-time job hopper -free-ter- among high school students and the actual act of dropping out with the shift in the labor market as background. The research concludes that dropouts from the first year of high school were not influenced by the acceptance of becoming a free-ter, as typified by responses such as "I want to be a free-ter" or "I don't mind being a free-ter." however for dropouts from the second year, the acceptance of becoming a free-ter did have an effect. This can be interpreted as meaning that in the first year, students do not yet have a clear career path and even if they have favorable views on being a free-ter, it does not necessarily lead to the act of dropping out. However as the years progress and career options become clearer, a free-ter orientation can lead to the actual act of dropping out. It has rarely been pointed out so far, but the mechanism that generates dropouts may differ from grade to grade. These findings pose challenges surrounding the study of the phenomenon of high school dropout.
加藤 隆雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.43, pp.136-147, 1988-10-03

Socialization is one of the most important mechanisms in social theory, but socialization theory has scarcely progressed in the past twenty years and the concept of "socialization" has become hollow. The main cause of this stagnation is that socialization has been explained by "internalization", especially by the theories of Parsons and Berger and Luckmann. They all suppose that society and individuals will be connected if individuals internalize the set of values or the signification system. But if internalization means something more than, for example, "acquisition", then what is "the interior"? We have found several inconsistencies if supposing "the interior" is the agent for socialization. We must consider that socialization is no longer an internal affair but is an "external" process, and, as such, socialization must have a societal character. Indeed, internalization is not necessary for the major processes of socialization such as language acquisition, role-taking or imitation and playing games. These are types of interaction, and the child must perform the interaction well with others (mostly its mother). This is what is called Sprachspiel. We can understand the existence of the "take-for-granted" region of everyday life if socialization is accomplished by "social preconsciousness". It functions so as to articulate the types of interaction, i.e. Sprachspiel. The investigation of this preconsciousness will bring us the field of ≪meso-sociology≫.
北村 和夫
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.39, pp.187-199, 1984-09-30
内田 良
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.68, pp.187-206, 2001-05-15

Much of the discussion on child abuse is influenced by the medical and psychological perspectives. Child abuse, however, is also a sociological issue. The purpose of this study is, by approaching the life-world of abused children, to consider the stigmatization and psychological damage that is brought on by the stigmatization. For children, and especially for abused children, experiences in the family of orientation have very significant meanings. When we think of the experience of abuse through a sociological perspective, we find there are important points in how the abused interprets his/her experiences in the family, from which we can discover the possibility of the stigmatization. The first section is an introduction, from a sociological perspective, to the problem of child abuse. The second, which is a review of earlier literature discussing the relationship between child abuse and stigma, forms the overall perspective for this study. The concept of stigma is also reviewed. In the third, three cases of abuse are analyzed from the viewpoint of social interactionism. The data obtained from the cases is summarized in the fourth section, and the implications of this study are discussed in the last. Oral life histories of abused children explain how stigmatization occurs and how the psychological damage is created (and occasionally reduced) through interactions with others under the norm of family affection. This research may be quite significant as psychological damage is usually discussed within the medical and psychological perspectives, but not dealt with from the basis of social stigmatization.
内田 良
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.71, pp.89-108, 2002-10-31

The purpose of this study is to consider the definitions of child abuse by professionals, and the aims behind these definitions, and to clarify, with reference to the opinions of abusers, the issue of definitions in the course of support. The nuance of cruelty of the word "abuse" (in Japanese, gyakutai), is a key to this discussion. In recent decades, broad definition based on the welfare of children has become popular, but we have not paid great attention to the way the word gyakutai is used. Some earlier literature have suggested, in a summary way, the problems of definition, while others have researched and illustrated differences and consensus among professionals or lay people, leading to quantitative analysis. This literature is lacking in examinations of the relation between the professional and the abuser. In this study, with the aim of achieving the purpose suggested before, I conducted interviews with eleven helpers engaged in different jobs, and also interviewed a mother who had abused her child and referred to autobiographies and articles written by abusers. In analyzing the data, I took the stance of presuming that what a person perceives to be problems is precisely what should be looked at by the researcher. The results of the research are as follows. The definitions formulated by helpers were not necessarily based on social roles. Although many mothers felt that their treatment of their children was inappropriate, they did not define their actions as gyakutai. The definition by a helper depends more on whether he/she is mainly concerned with the welfare of children, leading to a broad definition, or the emotion of mothers, leading to narrow one, rather than on his/her social role. It is interesting to note that in the course of providing support, helpers who agree on the broad definition avoid using gyakutai, just like those who prefer the narrow sense, because of concern over the nuance of cruelty that gyakutai can have. It should be concluded, as stated above, that when we support or intervene in a case, or enlighten people, it is necessary to propose that gyakutai be the term not for condemning the abusers but for promoting the welfare of children and supporting the parents.