vol.81, 2007-11-30

This paper elucidates historical changes in the images of homoeroticism between male students in the Meiji Era and examines the factors behind this change. During the Meiji Era, intellectuals subscribed to a morality that prohibited homosexuality. However, some male students, known as kouha (solid students), shared common values that placed a positive value on homoeroticism between male students. They loathed falling victim to women's charms, and aspired to develop ideal relations between themselves and other elite male students. In the 1900s, the number of girls attending school increased markedly, and the presence of female students increased. These women came to be seen as suitable love or marriage partners for male students. In modern Japan, the emergence of female students helped to form the ideology of romantic love and a new positive image composed of love, marriage, and family. These changes brought about by the emergence of female students had an impact on the images of homoeroticism between male students. After the 1900s, a form of homoeroticism called "love between men" became popular among the nampa (soft students), and the kouha students lost their monopoly on homoeroticism. However, "love between men" was just a substitute for love between men and women. On the other hand, the kouha students strengthened their belief that they should avoid falling in love, as they thought it was too feminine. Therefore, they called close relations between men "friendships between men, " avoiding the use of the word "love." In this way, homoeroticism between male students was separated into "love between men, " as an imitation, and "friendship between men." Homoeroticism between male students was transformed into a form adapted to heterosexism.
木村 涼子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.61, pp.39-54, 1997-10-15 (Released:2011-03-18)
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The paper analyses the dynamics of the process by which gender and gender relation are constructed in the primary school classroom. The data consists of questionnaires completed by pupils, observations of various sixth grade lessons and interviews of the teachers and pupils. The result of the questionnaire resarch shows that there is a difference between girls' and boys' behaviours, and pupils recognize gender bias in the way teachers treat pupils. Through observation of lessons, gender differences in classroom interaction patterns were found. The findings are that reachers give more attention to boys and let them have the floor more often than girls, and boys are more prominent in classroom discussions than girls. While boys speak eloquently, girls keep silent in class. Such gender differences are produced not only by teachers but also by pupils themselves. By favouring distinctions between girls and boys, they construct femininity and masculinity in school life. In particular, boys try to separate themselves from girls and to be superior to them in class. In the face of the boys' will to diminate classroom discussion, girls withdraw and refrain from self-assertion. Because of pupils' atittudes and culture, teachers' efforts to treat girls and boys equally sometimes have little success. It is suggested that gender difference in the classroom is a product of politics working among teachers, boys and girls.
清水 睦美 内田 良
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.103-121, 2009-05-31

The purpose of this paper is to review the qualitative researches that have been carried out in the last decade, in the field of sociology of education. First, we explore the studies in the new field of "sociology of education", which focus on the educational processes in school where students assimilate cultures under social control. These studies reveal demonstratively, for example, how a 'macro-level' educational idea takes shape in a 'micro-level' classroom, or how a change in the 'macro-level' educational situation is related to a change in the 'micro-level' classroom. Then, we examine the studies of education for the new comers, which area of study has been expanding and deepening recently. The new-comer students in Japan have been treated as minority, and researchers have applied the qualitative methods to look into the reality of the situation. Empirical researches, as well as critical ones, have led to the new studies which evaluate the educational practice theoretically. It must be noted that constructionism has played an important role on the development of qualitative researches. Social constructionists deal with educational discourse, deviant behavior and social problems, adopting observations of participants, interviews, and/or ethnographies. And, they apply the methodology to the problems specific to educational practice. Lastly, we consider relationship between the researcher and the subject, and raise a question how to describe the relationship in the articles. Qualitative researchers often interact face to face with their subjects, communicating with each other in the process of field work However, it all depends on the researcher to analyze the data and present them, even though the subject takes part in an active and important way. Consequently, the reader could not see what kind of relationship the researcher has with the subject, unless the writer describe anything about it. We divide researchers into a few groups, according to their styles of description of the relationship; (1) researcher in a position of social scientist, (2) researcher describing the relation in a way of; (a) making people aware of it, (b) utilizing it as research material. After examining these groups, we have reached the conclusion that researcher need to devote more attention to the process of observing and interviewing their subjects, and describing the result. When researchers make their own reports of the facts that they observe, they must always give detailed account of their methods. To promote the qualitative researches in the field of sociology of education, it is worth bearing in mind that the researcher should give an accurate description of the issue, as well as the methods they have adopted.
吉田 航
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.107, pp.89-109, 2020-11-30 (Released:2022-06-20)

高等教育の学校歴が初職に与える影響は,先行研究によってくり返し検討されており,大学選抜度が初職の企業規模に与える効果が一貫して確認されてきた。一方で,学校歴の位置づけを企業側から捉えた研究は少なく,とくにその企業間異質性についてはほとんど検討されていない。そこで本稿では,どのような制度・慣行を持つ大企業で高選抜度大学からの採用が多いのかについて,大学別採用実績データの計量分析を通じて検討した。 学校歴が入社後の訓練可能性を表すシグナルとして捉えられてきたことを踏まえ,採用時に訓練可能性が重視される程度と関連する制度・慣行として,技術職採用制度と長期雇用慣行に着目した。技術職採用を行う企業では,一般的な訓練可能性よりも特定の職務能力が重視されると想定し,上位大学からの採用が少なくなると予想した。一方,平均勤続年数が長い企業では,長期的な企業内訓練(OJT)がより実施される傾向にあると想定し,上位大学からの採用が多くなると予想した。 分析の結果,技術職採用を行う企業では,上位大学からの採用が少なくなる傾向が概ね確認された。さらに,平均勤続年数が長い企業では,上位大学からの採用が一貫して多くなっていた。これらは,学校歴を訓練可能性のシグナルとみなしてきた想定を支持する経験的な知見であると同時に,長期安定雇用が維持されている企業への就職に学校歴が寄与している可能性も示唆している。
尾川 満宏
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.88, pp.251-271, 2011-06-10 (Released:2014-06-03)

本稿は,ある高卒就職者たちの〈語り〉をもとに,地方の若者による労働世界の再構築過程を,ローカルな社会状況と彼らの労働経験との相互作用として考察した。 従来,調査協力者の「地元」における男性労働は建設業・製造業を中心とし,なかでも建設業は職人世界を形成してきた。調査協力者は不明確な進路意識のもとで高校を卒業し,建設現場で接した「職人天下の物語」や「ボス」をもとに彼らの《職人》像を構成し,職業人としてのアイデンティティを構築しようとした。 しかし,地元建設業を囲繞する環境は近年厳しさを増し,零細企業から仕事を奪っている。そうした地元建設業界の構造を理解するなかで,調査協力者たちは《職人》の物語に「終わり」を悟っていった。その後,彼らは工場労働に生活安定の場を求めてゆくが,学歴や年齢で序列化され,高度に分業化された工場労働のシステムは,目指すべき明確な労働者像を彼らに与えない。ところが彼らは,工場労働を《職人》世界の基準を用いて語ることで異化=再構築し,再び職業人としてのアイデンティティを語る文脈を自ら用意していたのである。 地域的な労働世界を再生産する文化のダイナミクスは地方にいまなお残存している。地方の若者が抱えるローカルな課題へ注目することは,もっぱら大都市のフリーター・無業者問題を論じてきた「学校から職業への移行」研究に,新たな地平をひらくと思われる。
橋本 摂子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.64, pp.123-142, 1999-05-15 (Released:2011-03-18)
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This paper aims to clarify the dynamic process in “ijime” situations, focusing on the practical role of bystanders in group dynamics.In “ijime” studies, bystanders have been identified as the key persons who influence the seriousness of the “ijime” situation. However, the practical effects of bystanders on the “ijime” situation isnot clear. Since the structure of an “ijime” group is presumed to be static, and the change of the “ijime” situation has been overlooked in previous studies. In this study, we attempt to show the different effects causedby the various roles bystanders play in the process of “ijime”.Through interviews conducted on 62 students at the university and high school level, we were able to classify their experiences inelementary school or in junior high school on the subject of “ijime”. There is a remarkable difference between the “ijime” situation in elementary school and in junior high school. Depending the role of the bystander in any given “ijime” situation, three patterns of “ijime” in elementary school and two patterns in junior high school were identified. These differences can be attributed to the varying attitude that bystanders have toward a particular “ijime” situation.In elementary school, bystanders act either as an audience or remain silent for personal safety reasons, thus allowing the “ijime” to attract more attention by adults. In junior high school, however, bystanders are no longer concerned with the role of “ijime” because they have lost interest in the “ijime” behavior. In this case, bystanders detract attention away from the “ijime” in such a way that the assailants behavior become more serious. Then the situation turns for the worst with the possibility that a victim will emerge.It is during the freshman and sophomore year in junior highschool that incidents of “ijime” can become most serious. This fact has been explained with the increase in the number of bystanders in previous studies.
前馬 優策
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.88, pp.229-250, 2011

本稿の目的は,バーンスティンの言語コード論の視点から,二つの課題に対して考察することである。第一に,子どもたちに言語運用上の傾向性の差異はあるのかということ。第二に,異なる言語コードを規定する環境的要因について考察することである。<BR> 本稿では,まず,本稿で用いる主要な概念である言語コード論について概略する。次に,調査の概要を示し,そのうえで子どもの用いる言語コードの違いが言語運用にどう表出するのかを明らかにする。そして,子どもたちの有する言語コードの違いを規定する環境的要因について検討を行う。<BR> 具体的には,小学校1年生に対する「物語作り」調査を行い,そこでみられる言語運用と家庭環境の関連について分析を行った。その際,文脈依存性の観点から,日本語に特徴的に表れる主語や格助詞の省略に着目した。<BR> その結果,二つの主な知見が得られた。まず,主語を省略する傾向にある精密コードを有していない子どもは,発話開始までに時間を要する傾向があることを示した。<BR> 本稿で示したもう一つの知見は,精密コードの獲得が,親の職業,家族構成によって左右されるというものであった。この点に関して,精密コードを用いた人格的統制様式が,ホワイトカラー層においてさらに強化されている可能性を指摘した。また,家族構成の違いによる獲得コードの違いから,彼らの家庭では,精密コードの獲得機会が相対的に少ないという可能性も指摘した。
石川 良子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.25-46, 2006-12-10 (Released:2011-03-18)
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The purpose of this paper is to describe and interpret interviews with persons who regard themselves as “hikikomori, ” and to point out the negative effects, especially for such individuals, caused by the confusion of the concepts of “hikikomori” with “NEETs.”“Hikikomori, ” which refers to youth in a state of social withdrawal, has been noted since the latter half of the 1990s in Japan. In recent years, the concept of “NEETs” has also come to attract attention. “NEETs” refers to young people who are “not in education, employment, or training.” The concept of “hikikomori” has been partly incorporated into discussions about “NEETs, ” and it is commonly said that the two can be discussed in the same context. Moreover, some organizations dealing with “hikikomori” have started to support “NEETs.” However the understanding of “hikikomori” that has accumulated may be distorted by the confusion between the two concepts.Moreover, this confusion has a direct effect on individuals who consider themselves to be “hikikomori.” Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the two concepts. Based on this perspective, the author describes and interprets interviews with such individuals, and points out the problems of providing support for “hikikomori” sufferers within the concept of “NEETs”.The interviewed revealed the following facts. People who consider themselves to be “hikikomori” see themselves as inferior and withdraw from relationships with others because though they have difficulty working, they worry excessively that “working is the natural state for an adult.” Their self-esteem cannot be restored immediately even if they participate in a self-help group. Informants re-construct stories about themselves and their lives and come to see the norm of life-courses in relative terms, and regain self-esteem from this. However, this can lead to a decline in their motivation to start working. Moreover, informants cannot overcome their distrust and fear of society. Therefore, sufferers of “hikikomori” seek a new way of life as they again ask themselves various questions, such as, “why must we work?” “What do I want to do?” “Who am I?” and so on. As they think through these questions, they resolve to make a fresh start.This process of struggle is in essence the process of recovery from “hikikomori.” Current measures for “NEETs, ” are based on the idea that it is more important to start working than to think too much about the meaning of working. However, individuals suffering from “hikikomori” have regained their self-esteem by asking the various questions concerning working and their own lives. Therefore, it is likely that the confusion of the two concepts will not only deprive people suffering from “hikikomori” of the opportunity for recovery but will also lead them to abandon their own efforts voluntarily.
片山 悠樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.95, pp.25-46, 2014

<p> 本稿の目的は「ものづくり」言説が工業教育にいかに受容されたのか,また「ものづくり」言説にどのような理念や価値が付与されてきたのか,その経緯を分析することである。<BR> 現在,多くの工業高校では教育目標として「ものづくり」が掲げられており,「ものづくり」教育は高い評価を受けている。工業教育≒「ものづくり」という認識は教師たちに共有されているといえる。ところが,こうした認識は最近まで自明ではなかった。というのも,かつて教師たちは「ものづくり」に批判的であったためである。なぜ現在の教師の認識と,過去の認識に違いが生じているのか。本稿では工業教育で「ものづくり」がいつ「自明」となり,その背後要因には何があるのかを明らかにする。<BR> 1970年から1980年代,工業高校の社会的地位は低下していたものの,教師は「科学的/批判的能力」の養成を重視し,「技能教育」に否定的であった。だが,1980年代後半以降,工業教育の専門性はさらに弱体化し,多くの教師は工業教育の専門性を教える自信を失っていく。<BR> このような状況のなか,工学教育の再考のため,教師は地域の中小企業との連携を模索しはじめる。1990年代後半,「ものづくり」の受容は中小企業の密集地帯で顕著にみられたが,2000年代に入ると,「ものづくり」言説に「教育的」価値が付与されることで,他の地域にも浸透していく。こうした過程を通して,工業教育のなかで「ものづくり」の「自明化」が進展したと推察される。</p>
朴澤 泰男 白川 優治
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.78, pp.321-340, 2006-05-31

This article explores factors that affect rates of financial aid receipt among private institutions of higher education in Japan, with the aim to understand whether academically well-prepared and needy students are awarded financial aid in those institutions. Using a survey dataset of chief financial officers of Japanese private four-year colleges and universities, an ordered logistic regression analysis of the rates of institutional aid receipt including tuition waivers and a linear multiple regression analysis of the percentage of recipients of Japan Scholarship Foundation (JSF) Scholarship Loans were conducted. The regression results are as follows: (1) the rates of institutional aid receipt are related to the age of the institution and the selectivity of students, but not to regional income levels or tuition amounts. The percentage of aid awardees is also not related to instructional costs. In institutions where many students receive institutional aid, there are a significant number of students who borrow JSF Type I Scholarship Loans (Interest-Free Loans). (2) While the rate of JSF Type I Scholarship Loan recipients is related to the historical background of the institution, selectivity of students, and regional income levels, there is no correlation between JSF Type I Loan recipient rates and tuition. The type of departments and schools in an institution is also not relevant to that figure. (3) While the rate of JSF Type II Scholarship Loan (Interest Bearing Loan) recipients is not related to the historical background of an institution, the selectivity of students, regional income levels, tuition, and instructional costs affect it. The percentage of JSF Type I Scholarship Loan awardees is positively correlated to that of JSF Type II Scholarship Loans.
矢野 眞和
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.82, pp.109-123, 2008-06-15

In 1985, an interesting report that helps understand the relation between the population and the labor market was published. This report, 21 Seiki no Sarariman Shakai, made forecasts on changes in the Japanese employment system toward the year 2000 by forecasting the manpower requirements in various occupations and analyzing the impact of the baby boomers on the labor market. Looking back over this past forecast and learning from its experience, this paper makes projections in the following two areas. The first is a forecast of the manpower requirements by industry and occupation in 2015. The report, based on a consideration of both the change of population by age and structural changes in industry, makes clear that there will be a large mismatch of supply and demand in the labor force. In particular, the service industry sector will experience a shortage of 2.34 million workers and the there will be a shortage of 1.67 million professionals. Conversely there will be too many manufacturing and technical workers. These dramatic changes will accelerate mobility in employment, it projects, to a level above the figure projected in the report in 1985. The second is an analysis of the relation between the number of workers and wages, an indicator of the quality of labor, during three decades of 1976-2006. The main results are as follows. 1) Based on an analysis of relative wages by age group, the ratio of wages of the group in their fifties divided by that of those in their twenties, and of the number of workers in same age groups, it is possible to conclude that the shock of increasing numbers of seniors has been absorbed and that the seniority management system has been maintained through a decline in the wages of seniors relative to the young. 2) Based on the same approach, looking at the relative wages and number of workers by educational background, the relative wage of university graduates to high school graduates has been rising among workers in their thirties and forties even as the number of university educated graduates has increased. This suggests the important policy implication that university is never an over-investment in education because the labor demand for university graduates is rising compared to that for high school graduates within the changing labor market.
石野 未架
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.107, pp.69-88, 2020-11-30 (Released:2022-06-20)

教室における教師の権力性を告発する研究の多くがIRE連鎖(Initiation(教師の開始)-Reply(生徒の応答)-Evaluation(教師の評価))(Mehan, 1979)を議論の土台としてきた。とりわけ教師と生徒の間に存在する知識の非対称性に焦点をあて,教師がもつE部分の権限を権力ととらえてきた。 しかし,知識の非対称性にばかり注意がむけられ,教室における発言機会の非対称性については注意が向けられてこなかった。IRE連鎖において教師がもつ発言機会の分配という権限は,この非対称性に大きく関わる権限である。本稿では,教師が発言機会を分配する行為を分析することで,教室における教師の権力性を問い直すことを目的とする。 分析では,教師の権力を「正当的権威」ととらえ,教師が発言機会を分配する際にどのようにその権限の行使を正当化するのかに焦点をあてた。分析の結果,教師は発言機会の分配においてその分配が生徒との道徳的秩序に基づいて行われるものであることを演出することがわかった。教師が道徳的秩序を乱した事例では,本来の学習活動を遅らせても,教師の正当的権威の回復のための相互行為連鎖を展開する様子が観察された。 分析結果が示唆することは,教室における教師の権力の脆弱性である。本稿で分析した教師の権力は,先行研究がとらえてきたようなIRE連鎖に常備されたものではなく,正当的権威であることに志向する教師の不断の実践によって維持されていたからである。
苅谷 剛彦
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.66, pp.213-230, 2000-05-10 (Released:2011-03-18)
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In the field of the sociological study of educational attainment, inequality due to socioeconomic status has long been a major theme. Many theories have been proposed to explain such inequalities: heredity, cultural deprivation, linguistic socialization, anti-school culture, and cultural capital. Most of these theories, which emerged from the West, emphasize differences in ability or preschool-family socialization depending on SES (socioeconomic status). Based on empirical analyses of the study hours of Japanese high school students, this study attempts to challenge these Western theoretical traditions by introducing a theory of inequality of effort.This study uses two survey data sets of 11th graders in 11 Japanese high schools: one was collected in 1979, and the other in 1997, using questionnaires with the same questions. Using these two data sets, the after-school study hours of students are compared between the two periods, and the influences of socioeconomic status on study hours are also examined. Cross tabulation analysis, comparing means of study hours, and regression analyses are conducted. The results of these analyses show that study hours decreased over the 18 years, that the degree of decrease differed among different SES groups, and that the effect of SES has increased over the 18 years, after controlling other variables.Based on these findings, we argue that inequality of effort contributes to the inequality of educational attainment, that the effect of SES is dependent on educational situations, such as the reduction in the pressure of “exam hell” which has been caused by a decline of young people's population and education reform, and that even in Western societies, inequality of effort may be involved in inequalities of educational attainment. We contend that the ideology of meritocracy, particularly the Japanese version of it with its strong emphasis on effort, successfully conceals a reality of unequal educational attainment by assuming an equal distribution of efforts.
佐々木 宏
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.113-136, 2014-05-31 (Released:2015-06-03)

近藤 博之
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.100, pp.164-169, 2017-07-28 (Released:2019-03-08)
尾嶋 史章
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.70, pp.125-142, 2002-05-15 (Released:2011-03-18)
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During the decade of the 1990s, an economic recession made us come to see inequality and injustice as matters of social concern. In spite of the recession, however, we experienced a “relatively high” expansion of education. A series of empirical studies have provided evidence that there were great differences in educational attainment by social origin. In this paper, I examine the changes in inequality of educational opportunity after World War II, by analyzing two data sets, the 1995 SSM (A) Survey data and Senior High School Students survey data conducted in 1981 and 1997, focusing especially on changes in the 1990s.Two aspects of educational stratification are analyzed:(1) the effects on educational attainment of academic achievement during junior high school and of the type of high school attended, and (2) the effects of the economic conditions of the family on educational attainment.Academic achievement in junior high school and the type of high school attended mediate the influence from social origin on educational attainment. The effect of social origin on academic achievement and on the type of high school attended, and the impact of these variables on educational attainment (or educational aspiration) have become stronger for women. This shows that academic achievement and the type of school attended have become important in the process of women's educational attainment. However, this does not mean that this effect is stronger for women than for men. Rather, men and women have come in recent years to have the same process of educational stratification.Family economic conditions, which directly influence educational attainment, had a strong effect until the 1970s. In the 1980s, their effect decreased, but became stronger again in the 1990s due to a fall of the higher education enrollment ratio in lower status families. Social origin still has a strong direct impact on educational attainment after controlling for intermediate variables such as academic achievement.
苅谷 剛彦
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.66, pp.213-229, 2000-05-15

In the field of the sociological study of educational attainment, inequality due to socioeconomic status has long been a major theme. Many theories have been proposed to explain such inequalities : heredity, cultural deprivation, linguistic socialization, anti-school culture, and cultural capital. Most of these theories, which emerged from the West, emphasize differences in ability or preschool-family socialization depending on SES (socioeconomic status). Based on empirical analyses of the study hours of Japanese high school students, this study attempts to challenge these Western theoretical traditions by introducing a theory of inequality of effort. This study uses two survey data sets of 11th graders in 11 Japanese high schools : one was collected in 1979,and the other in 1997,using questionnaires with the same questions. Using these two data sets, the after-school study hours of students are compared between the two periods, and the influences of socioeconomic status on study hours are also examined. Cross tabulation analysis, comparing means of study hours, and regression analyses are conducted. The results of these analyses show that study hours decreased over the 18 years, that the degree of decrease differed among different SES groups, and that the effect of SES has increased over the 18 years, after controlling other variables. Based on these findings, we argue that inequality of effort contributes to the inequality of educational attainment, that the effect of SES is dependent on educational situations, such as the reduction in the pressure of "exam hell" which has been caused by a decline of young people's population and education reform, and that even in Western societies, inequality of effort may be involved in inequalities of educational attainment. We contend that the ideology of meritocracy, particularly the Japanese version of it with its strong emphasis on effort, successfully conceals a reality of unequal educational attainment by assuming an equal distribution of efforts.