藤沢 知子 黒星 瑩一
Science reports of Tokyo Woman's Christian University (ISSN:03864006)
vol.30, no.3, pp.584-595, 1980-03-18

Goryu Asada (1734-1799), a physician in the Edo Era who contributed much to the improvement of calendar by invoking new method, is usually given a credit for having discovered Kepler's third law by himself. Although there is no evidence for this assertion at present, we discuss in this note how he could have acquired the numerical results, as to both period of revolution and distance to the sun of each planet from his supposed various observations. Our conclusions are that it would have been an extraordinary painstaking work for him, if he had really made in this way, to arrive at the law expressing the relation between the above two kinds of quantities, and also that the theory of his discovery is nonetheless not improbable with a genius and intuition bestowed on him.
三笠宮 崇仁
史論 (ISSN:03864022)
vol.6, pp.361-380, 1958
平林 優子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.62, no.1, pp.47-62, 2011-09
遠藤 真二
東京女子大學論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.17, no.1, pp.59-74, 1966-09-01

Il est bien connu que, durant sa vie, A. Einstein continuait a critiquer severement les notions dans la mecanique quantique. Cependant il a ete lui-meme le premier fondateur de la notion de Quanta. Avant lui, en effet, M. Planck avait presente sa fameuse hypothese de quanta, mais personne n'aurait eu cru a cette hypothese sans travaux geniaux d'Einstein. Celui-ci a reussi a materialiser l'idee abstraite de celui-la. Or, dans quelque vingtaine d'annees, il s'est trouve incapable de s'accoutumer avec la notion de la duplicite onde-corpuscule que W. Heisenberg et N. Bohr ont presente pour interpreter les formules de la mecanique quantique. Sa premiere discussion avec Bohr a eu lieu en 1927 a l'occasion du 5^e Conseil Solvay. Chacun d'eux presentait quelques experiences de pensee pour verifier la legitimite de son propre opinion. Ni l'un ni l'autre n'en a pas ete persuade. En 1935 est arrivee leur seconde discussion. Cette fois-ci, le sujet de discussion a ete ce qui est le caractere fondamental de la theorie physique, y comprise la theorie quantique. Maleureusement Einstein a cite un example inapte dans son expose; il a ete beaucoup critique par la plupart des physiciens. En 1949, dans un livre qui a ete publie pour honorer son 70^e anniversaire, Einstein decrivait sa meditation profonde sur le caractere de la theorie physique et aussi la cause de son mecontentement de la mecanique quantique. Dans cet expose, nous avons esseye de tracer l'evoution de sa pensee scientifique, en suivant ses critiques de la mecanique quantique les uns apres les autres.
御堂岡 潔

鳥居 フミ子
日本文學 (ISSN:03863336)
vol.67, pp.1-15, 1987-03-15

福島 治 福島 治 フクシマ オサム
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.60, no.2, pp.145-166, 2010-03

In spite of his laying a main stress upon using the vernacular language Dante Alighieri still must have recourse to the Latin Language, namely, the parental language of Tuscan in his La Vita Nuova. In the first place there are quite a few Latin verbalizations and quotations in this work. We can easily collect those phrases and passages at random: Incipit vita nova. I. (A new life begins.)/ Ecce deus fortior me, qui veniens dominabitur michi. II.-4 (Look, God, mightier than me, who, coming, will have dominion over me.)/ Heu miser, quia frequenter impeditus ero deinceps! II.-6 (Alas, how sad! For I shall be often impeded from now on!)/ O vos omnes qui transitis perviam, attendite et videte si est dolor sicut meus. VII.-7 (Oh, all of you who are going over along the way, beware and see if there is any grief like mine.)/ Fili mi, tempus est ut pretermictantur simulacra nostra. XII.-3 (My son, it is time that our semblances should be cast aside.)/ Ego tanquam centrum circuli, cui simili modo se habent circumferentie partes; tu autem non sic". XII.-4 (I am, so to speak, the center of a circle, to which the circumferential parts are situated in the similar way; you, on the other hand, are not so.)/ Nomina sunt consequentia rerum. XIII. 3-4 (Names are a necessary sequence of things.)/ Quomodo sedet sola civitas plena populo! facta est quasi vidua domina gentium. XXVIII.-1 (How solitarily the city filled with people takes a seat! The queen of peoples has become as if she were a widow.) Last but not least his final clause of this work is as follows: cioè di quella benedetta Beatrice, la quale gloriosamente mira ne la faccia di colui qui est per omnia secula benedictus. XLII.-3 (that is, that blessed Beatrice, who is gloriously gazing at the face of Him who is blessed during all the centuries.)ダンテは処女作と目される「新生」において、祖語なるラテン語から決別し自国語(vernacular)による創作活動を推進すべく、グイード・カヴァルカンテ、ラーポ・ジャンニ、チーノ・ダ・ピストイア等と共に清新詩体(stilnovistico)を提唱する旗手となったが、さすがにラテン語からの完全な離脱は叶わず、以下のようなラテン語からの引用が随所に見られる。Incipit vita nova. I.(新生はじまる.)/ Ecce deus fortior me, qui veniens dominabitur michi. II.-4(見よ、われより強き神の来たりてわれを支配しますように。)/ Heu miser, quia frequenter impeditus ero deinceps! II.-6(ああ、何と悲しいかな、是から先われはたびたび妨げられんからに!)/ O vos omnes qui transitis perviam, attendite et videte si est dolor sicut meus. VII.-7(おお、通りを行かれる淑女の皆さん、私の悲しみと同じ悲しみがあり得るかどうか注意してみて下さい。)/ Fili mi, tempus est ut pretermictantur simulacra nostra. XII.-3(我が息子よ、見せ掛けの外見を打ち捨てる時だよ。)/ Ego tanquam centrum circuli, cui simili modo se habent circumferentie partes; tu autem non sic". XII.-4(私は言わば円の中心で、周囲のものがこれと同様に私に追随しているのだが、あなただけはそうではない。)/ Nomina sunt consequentia rerum. XIII. 3-4(名称は必然的重要性を有する。)/ Quomodo sedet sola civitas plena populo! facta est quasi vidua domina gentium. XXVIII.-1(如何に侘しく人民に満ち溢れたその都市は存するものか! 多部族の女王がまるで寡婦のごとくに成り果ててしまったかの様だ。)
無藤 清子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.57, no.1, pp.125-154, 2006-09

Entering the era of the super-aging population, care for the elderly is a critical problem in Japan. Although there is a consensus that all of society must participate in care for the elderly, the needs and expectations for family care seem to be increasing. This thesis examines three viewpoints by surveying the literature on family caregivers and families caring for the elderly: (1) the factors that have positive and negative mental/physical effects on family caregivers, (2) the life cycle of family caregivers over a life span, and (3) gender-sensitive family psychology and family therapy. The third is considered the most important and includes several points: the family life cycle of family caring for the elderly, sharing care functions within the family, gender issues concerning the concepts of care and family, and specific experiences and changes in family caring for the elderly. To understand the suffering involved and the implications of family caring for the elderly, it is necessary to see this as a system and to incorporate a gender-sensitive perspective. Support based on (3) is discussed by referring to systems theory, integrative family therapy, and the narrative therapy approach. Finally, the ethics of research in this field, the need to reconsider the concept of care, and sensitivity to the consequent functions of this kind of support are discussed.
林 茂子
英米文学評論 (ISSN:04227808)
vol.6, no.2, pp.93-127, 1959

Hopkins' poetry strikes us with the beauty and strength of the unique tension with which it overflows. In this essay the writer attempts to consider the nature of this tension in connection with the poet's notion of "self" and his sense of beauty. The poems of nature of the 1870's in which Hopkins admiringly describes beautiful individual things of nature impress the reader with the beauty and strength of tension and give him a feeling of vitality and animation. The present writer considers this tension to spring out when each one of God's creatures expresses its beautiful "self" to the full, unconsciously giving glory to the Creator. The beauty of the tension of self-expression is also perceived in "Harry Ploughman" in which the subject is not nature but a human being. Such is the basic form of Hopkinsian beauty. However, when human beings and therefore consciousness and will are involved, there can be a still higher kind of beauty, the most perfect and ideal of which is seen in Christ's character-unselfish love, magnanimity, tenderness, and the sternness which enabled him to go through the Passion, sacrificing himself for the sake of mankind. It is, in other words, the beauty of the tension of self-exhaustion or self-sacrifice, and this kind of beauty is what most strongly appeals both to the poet's soul and to the poet's senses. The former kind of beauty is, so to say, a beauty at saturation-natural, exhilarating, free, and at ease; while the latter is a beauty beyond saturation, intensely strained, spiritual, often "dangerous," laborious, and pathetic. At the end of this essay, "The Windhover" is referred to as a work in which these two kinds of beauty are contrasted and the poet's aspiration after the highest beauty is most touchingly presented.
宇野 公一郎
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.49, no.2, pp.137-198, 1999-03-10

Get article s'attache a donner du Mu'o'ng Dong (Vinh Dong, Kim Boi), l'un des plus grands mu'o'ngs (seigneuries) du groupe ethnique Mu'o'ng dans la province de Hoa Binh, une presentation ethno-historique portant sur la periode qui va du debut de la dynastie vietnamienne des Le (XVe siecle) jusqu' a la fin des Nguyen (XIXe siecle). En se fondant sur les chroniques/genealogies du Mu'o'ng Dong, du Mu'o'ng Co'i (Ke So'n, Lu'o'ng So'n), du Mu'o'ng Bo' (Ha Bi, Kim Boi) et du Mu'o'ng Rech (Nat So'n Thu'o'ng Giap, Kim Boi), l'auteur examine les alliances matrimoniales et politiques etablies entre les ≪sept mu'o'ng du Mu'o'ng Dong≫, montre l'existence d'un systeme englobant et hierarchisg ≪a emboitements≫ (G. Condominas) chez les Mu'o'ng comme chez les Thais, et developpe une critique des theses de l'ethnologue vietnamien Nguyen Tu' Chi a l'egard de l'evolution des systemes politiques mu'o'ng (Nguyen Tu' Chi 1988; Tran Tu' 1996b).
井村 実名子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.51, no.2, pp.165-194, 2001-03-07

L'abondante oeuvre critique de Theophile Gautier, en majeure partie dispersee dans les journaux de l'epoque, reste meprisee et mal connue. Ses chroniques artistiques, en particulier, qu'il ecrivit sans cesse durant les quarante ans de sa carriere litteraire, sont tombees dans l'oubli, alors meme que les brillants Salons de Baudelaire, publies en 1845, 1846 et 1859, jouissent d'une grande celebrite avec les eloges chaleureux dont il combla Delacroix, son unique heros de la peinture moderne. Or, sur ce dernier point, une lettre du jeune Baudelaire, ecrite en 1838, fournit la preuve incontestable d'une influence de la part des Salons de Gautier, car ce collegien de dix-sept ans, charme par La Bataille de Taillebourg du Musee de Versailles, avoue que son gout esthetique est <peut-etre le fruit des lectures de la Presse qui porte aux nues Delacroix>. Gautier apparait en effet, des ses premiers articles sur l'art en 1832, comme un defenseur fidele de cet artiste souvent attaque, et il s'enthousiasme pour ce <talent vivace, ardent, fievreux, plein d'audace et de tumulte, eclatant, inegal et soudain, un vrai talent revolutionnaire> (Salon de 1837). Et c'est aussi Gautier, auteur des Grotesques, avec ses jugements precurseurs sur la peinture espagnole, ou sur Hoffmann le fantasque, qui a eveille le vif interet du jeune Baudelaire pour la caricature, le bouffon et le grotesque a la maniere de Goya. Il faut remarquer en meme temps que Baudelaire tiendra toujours, meme apres la publication des Emaux et camees (1852), a sa predilection pour Tenebres, Compensation, Chinoiserie, poemes qu'il avait trouves dans La Comedie de la mort (1838). Tout cela permet de constater, done, que ce poete se laissa influencer des son adolescence par les ecrits du jeune Gautier, bien avant qu'ils ne se connaissent. Lorsqu'il veut rejoindre son devancier, avec ses Salons de 1845 et 1846, Baudelaire, naturellement, <le prend pour modele et cible a la fois> (Stephane Guegan) et la confrontation des memes Salons revus par les deux poetes, nous permet de degager l'ambivalence des sentiments que le cadet eprouve a l'egard de son aine, d'ou quelques phrases injurieuses et le lancement de defis contre le critique in fluent de la Presse, qu'il desire d'autant plus depasser qu'il reconnait sa dette esthetique envers lui. J'ai examine l'affinite de notions parmi les plus importantes chez eux: celles de naivete et de modernite. C'est en effet Gautier qui remarqua le premier dans les paysages de Corot <un amour sincere de la nature et une naivete parfaite d'execution>, c'est-a-dire <l'absence complete de chic>, qualite essentielle pour un vrai artiste, et que vantera Baudelaire a son tour. Au debut de son Salon de 1846, Gautier souligne la grande diversite des sujets de l'exposition et l'elargissement de la couleur locale grace a la vapeur qui permet d'etudier directement la nature des pays lointains du monde entier. <Le Pegase moderne sera une locomotive!> s'ecrie Gautier desormais plus conciliant avec le Progres. Sans doute irrite contre cette vision trop optimiste et banale, Baudelaire qui cherchait, lui aussi, un heroisme du temps moderne, prend un parti nettement contraire: celui de rester a Paris pour y decouvrir une nouvelle beaute poetique dans la vie elegante du dandy (a suivre).
湯浅 成大 湯浅 成大 ユアサ シゲヒロ
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.60, no.2, pp.207-234, 2010-03

Barak Obama was elected U.S. President proclaiming that he bring change to America. I discuss whether Obama's victory will really makes America change and, if so, in what sense.First, I analyze whether Obama's victory means a realignment of the American political structure, in other words, a party realignment. My hypothesis is that it is true. The political analyst John B. Judis claims that a new liberal majority is being formed. Composed of professionals, women, and ethnic minorities, the new liberal majority is a driving force of the realignment of the American political structure. Some data support this: the changing voting pattern of wealthier people and younger white generation.Second, I examine how Obama has changed American foreign policy and its implications. Obama's diplomatic style is called "idealistic pragmatism",and was demonstrated in his "Nuclear Free" speech at Prague, his stress on international cooperation, and his commitment to global agendas. It is proof of a departure from former President George W. Bush's unilateral U.S. foreign policy. This is the biggest "change" in Obama's foreign policy. I also argue that President Obama's change in U.S. foreign policy is a kind of strategy for adapting to the "changing world environment",that is, the relative decline of American power, the emergence of BRICs, and, a more unfavorable scenario for America, "a world without the West".Although conservatives in the U.S. are tenacious opponents of Obama's domestic and foreign policy, yet I conclude that President Obama has started making America change in two arenas: realignment of the American political structure and promotion of his "idealistic pragmatism" in foreign policy.オバマ大統領は「チェンジ」をスローガンに掲げてアメリカ大統領に当選した。本論文ではオバマの勝利が本当にアメリカに「チェンジ」をもたらすのか,またもしそうであるならそれはどういう変化をもたらすのかについて論じる。第一に,オバマの勝利はアメリカの政治構造に変動をもたらすのかについて検討する。政治評論家のジョン・B・ジュディスは,オバマの勝利は専門職・女性・マイノリティを核とする新しいリベラル多数派の勝利とみる。それが事実ならば政治構造の再編が起こったということができる。この見方を裏付けるデータとしては,2004年選挙の場合は,年収5万ドルを境に低所得者層の民主党ケリー支持と富裕者層の共和党ブッシュ支持が鮮明に分かれていたが,今回は年収5万ドル以下の層の民主党オバマ支持は堅固である一方,5万ドル以上の層でもオバマと共和党のマケイン支持が拮抗している。つまり所得の多寡と候補者支持のパターンが2004年と2008年では変化しているのである。また,前回選挙ではブッシュが選挙人を獲得したが,今回はオバマが勝利した接戦州のうち,コロラドとヴァージニアでは,大卒大学院卒のオバマ支持が目立っている。このことは,専門職層の民主党支持への変化を示唆するデータといえる。これらのデータから本論文では,オバマの勝利は個人的なものではなく政治構造の変動の始まりであるという仮説を支持する。第二に,オバマ政権の外交政策における変化である。オバマ政権の外交は,国際協調重視や環境問題などのグローバルイッシュー重視からわかるように,ブッシュ政権の外交とは全く異なるものである。彼の外交スタイルは「理想主義的プラグマティズム」と名づけることができる。プラハでの「核のない世界」演説にみられるように,現実的な目標を実現させる過程において,理念や理想に訴えてまわりを説得するアプローチである。もちろんこれらの姿勢はブッシュ政権からの決別を示すためのものであるが,同時にアメリカのパワーの相対的衰退,BRICsといわれる新興諸国の台頭に加え,「欧米抜きの世界」が登場する可能性も見据えた,新しい国際環境への適応戦略とも考えられる。オバマの「チェンジ」は,アメリカ国内の保守派の抵抗もあって,簡単には実現しないかもしれないが,政治構造の変動と新しい外交スタイルの確立という点で端緒を開いたと本論文では結論づける。
石井 翔子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.62, no.2, pp.1-28, 2012-03

This study examines the words associated with plants in Masaoka Shiki's Take no Satouta [Collection of Tanka] i.e., parts of plants such as branches and leaves, agglomerations such as fields of mulberry, and shady spaces produced by leafy recesses. This study reveals how Shiki's observations and attitudes changed in his tanka through his life.Three characteristics have become clear:1. Before Meiji 30 (1897), there was a clear tendency for Shiki to often cite the parts of plants. However, immediately after the "tanka innovation," this changed and, while the variety of the parts increased, the number of tanka associated with plants decreased. In his later works, the number of tanka which likewise cited parts of the plants increased again.2. During his describing agglomeration's period and up to Meiji 33 (1900), agglomeration's words increased. However, in later years, between 1901 and 1902, large scale agglomerations of plants such as forests no longer appeared and there was a decline in the use of words reflecting agglomerations of plants.3. From before Meiji 30 to his final year (1902), there is a tendency for the number of references to shady spaces formed by plants to decrease and in his final year, 1902, there are no references in any of his tanka to shady spaces.正岡子規の短歌に詠まれた植物語彙について、植物の部位(枝や葉など)と集まり(桑の田など)、植物によって作られた空間(木陰など)を表す語について調査することで、子規の短歌の写生の姿勢が期間毎にどのような変化をするのかを明らかにしたい。本稿では、植物の部位(枝など)や集まり(桑の田など)、植物によって作られた空間(木陰など)を表す語の、正岡子規の短歌での使用状況を調査した。その結果、次の3つのことが明らかになった。1、明治30年以前(1897年以前)の作品では植物の部位を詠み込む傾向が大きく、短歌革新直後の作品では植物の部位の種類は増えるが部位を詠んだ作品数が少なくなり、晩年の作品で再度植物の部位を多く詠み込むようになったこと。2、明治30年以前から33年までの期間(1897年以前~1900年)での作品では、植物の集まりを表す語を使用する傾向が強く、大規模な植物の集まりが詠まれなくなった晩年(1901~1902年)では、植物の集まりを表す語を使用する傾向が弱くなったこと。3、明治30年以前から晩年へと年が下がっていくに従って、植物によって作られた空間(植物によって生まれた陰)を詠むことが少なくなり、最晩年(1902年)では全く詠まれなくなったこと
伊奈 正人
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.51, no.1, pp.135-136, 2000-09-20
脇 綾子
史論 = Historica (ISSN:03864022)
no.7, pp.478-480, 1959-11