中河 伸俊
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.27, no.1, pp.89-113,147, 1982-07-31 (Released:2017-02-28)

Of the 297 inmates studied, abut one fourth have engaged in prostitution. The aim of this paper is to illustrate and analyze the careers of these inmates. By a "career" we mean one of many components of a person's life history, such as school career, occupational career, and marriage career. Acts of prostitution are treated as a part of the process of a deviant career, "career of prostitution" First the career of the inmates who have engaged in prostitution are compared with the careers of those who have not, in order to illustrate the characteristics of the careers of the former. Some of the findings from the comparison are as follows: The inmates who have engaged in prostitution tend to have less education, are more likely to have run away fromhome and to have repeated marriage (namely common-law marriage ) more often. Also, there are more "mentally retarded" among the inmates who have committed prostitution. It is likely that inferior job opportunities due to lower educational achievement, "mental retardation" and running away are some of the "causes" of prostitution. In the latter part of the paper, we observe the sequential process of "career of prostitution" in detail. The initial act of prostitution was usually committed when the inmates lived apart from their "conventional significant others". Also, interestingly, a number of the inmates' "careers of prostitution" show intermittence. By employing the age at which the initial act was commited and two other features as criteria, a typology of the inmates' "career of prostitution" is developed. It contains four types --- "the early-quitter" "the intermittently down fallen" "the exploited" and "the destitute" We hope this typology, along with other findings in this paper, will facilitate further reseaches on prostitution and the careers of women who have committed prostitution.
牟田 和恵
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.30, no.3, pp.57-76,168, 1986-01-31 (Released:2017-02-15)

First, I will make a brief survey of resource mobilization theory as it relates to the formation of social movements. Second I will discuss its main problematic point: because it tends to portray social movements as rational and non-emotional, resource mobilization theory reduces social movements to a form of collective action in which people act together organically in pursuit of their common interests. In my mind there is little doubt that social movements encompass larger and more dynamic concepts than those contained in collective action. Based on the work of the Italian sociologist, F. Alberoni, I introduce another theory of social movements. He defines a movement as a historical process which starts with the nacent state and ends with the re-establishment of the everyday institutionalized order within which social movements exist as the opposite of institutions. For Alberoni, movements can exist only as a temporary state. As a theory of social movements his opinion might be regaded as almost heretical. But I believe that his theory offers useful suggestions to supplement the theoretical weaknesses of the resource mobilization theory I described above. In short, by incorporating some parts of Alberoni's theory, this paper tries to develop resource mobilization theory and the theory of social movements in a wider perspective.
魯 富子
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.41, no.3, pp.37-54,106, 1997-02-28 (Released:2016-12-22)

This article is to clarify the total system of Dongsong organization, which changes with urbanization, based on differences found in large-scale organization in 4 different districts in Seoul city. This study has found that there are 4 different types of Dongson organization: 1 ) A single large group in central business district. 2 ) Small groups sharing hobbies and jobs in upper-class district. 3 ) Residential area-based small groups in lower-class district. 4 ) Both type 2 and type 3 in suburban district. Development of such patterns in different districts has showed that urbanization has resulted in segregation of a Dongsong organization into smaller groups with different characteristics depending on district. While residents in upper-class district have formed small groups according to their hobbies and jobs, those who live in lower-class district have established residential area-based small groups. Based on findings, this study concludes that, in Korean society urbanization has led to segregation of residential districts according to classes, which has been followed by diversification of small groups in a Dongsong organization.
高津 等
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.10, no.1, pp.79-94, 1963-05-31 (Released:2017-12-28)
沼尻 正之
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.40, no.1, pp.89-107,192, 1995-05-31 (Released:2017-02-15)

In diesem Aufsatz setze ich mich mit dem Problem der 'Säkularisierung' von Religion auseinander, um auf den Funktionswandel der Religion in der modernen Gesellschaft einzugehen. Seit den 60er Jahren existiert eine intensive Diskussion über das Thema, die aber teilweise sehr polemisch geführt wird. Ich behandele das Problem der 'Säkularisierung' als 'Sinnproblem', weil die für das Thema erstellten statistischen Untersuchungen meines Erachtens bisher keine überzeugende Lösung der Problematik angeboten haben. Meiner Meinung nach wird die 'Säkularisierung' im europäischen Kontext vor allem als 'Entkirchlichung' verstanden. Es ist aber fraglich, ob dieses Verständnis im kulturvergleichenden Zusammenhang Gültigkeit hat, und ob der 'Säkularisierungsprozeß' ein mit der Modernisierung fortschreitender zwangsläufiger Prozeß ist. Es muß weiter herausgestellt werden, daß die Behauptung der Existenz des 'Säkularisierungsprozesses' einige theoretische Vonaussetzungen hat, wie z. B. die den soziologischen Säkularisierungsthesen unterlegte substantielle Definition von Religion, oder die Idee, daß es irgendwann in der Vergangenheit ein 'Zeitaler des Glaubens' gab. Als Ergebnis arbeite ich heraus, daß der 'Säkularisierungsprozeß', analytisch gesehen, zwei Dimensionen enthält, nämlich eine Institutionsebene und eine das Bewußtsein betreffende Ebene. Auf der Institutionsebene zeigt es sich, daß die historische Entwicklung der Religion den Verlust der mannigfaltigen gesellschaftlichen Bedeutungen gebracht hat, die sie vorher hatte A Herdings ist der Gedanke, daß der Verlust der Integrationsfunktion den Niedergang der Religion gebracht hat, fraglich. Durch die von der Entwicklung der Naturwissenschaft und der Technologie bestimmte Rationalisierung verlor die Relgion ihre Überzeugungskraft zwar teilweise. Doch die Probleme von Leben und Tod betreffen den Menschen auf einer existentiellen Ebene des Bewußtseins und konfrontieren ihn mit Vergänglichkeit und Leid. Hier kann Religion Antworten bieten, die unabhängig von jedem Prozeß der Säkularisierung ihre helfende Funktion behalten.
寺崎 正啓
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.64, no.3, pp.95-112, 2020-02-01 (Released:2022-04-07)

本稿は本質主義というキーワードを軸に現代社会の精神状況を抽出し、記述したものである。ニート・ひきこもり、スクールカースト、マウンティング、ネット炎上等の現象を本質主義というキーワードのもと読み直すことで、今日的な排除、序列のあり方やそこでの問題点を明らかにすることを目的とする。 主として00 年代以降インターネットの普及を通じて、よりミクロな領域における排除や序列化の過程が加速度的に可視化した。そこで我々は、規模の大小を問わず展開される排除や優劣を示すレトリックを頻繁に目にすることになる。 本稿は、そこで見られる排除性や序列意識を悪魔的で例外的なものとするのではなく、我々の一部として、自明のうちに、あるいは潜在的にどのように人間の内に落とし込まれてきたのかについて考察する。 議論は、アイデンティティ論が抱えていた「働くこと」というテーマをめぐる本質主義的、排除的な側面に焦点を当てるところからスタートする。 次に、消費社会で形成されるアイデンティティ、及びそれに伴う序列意識について論じる。 第三に、アイデンティティ形成の過程において異なる準拠枠を持つ者同士が、他者をことさらに劣った者として位置づける悪魔化のプロセスに着目する。自己愛の最大化をめぐり、社会的文脈や道徳的文脈を利用する今日に特徴的な戦略を記述する。 最後に、本質化や悪魔化の帰結としてマウンティングと呼ばれる攻撃性やナチュラルな上から目線が生じていることを指摘し、議論を結ぶ。
永瀬 圭
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.61, no.2, pp.41-57, 2017-02-01 (Released:2020-06-27)

本稿では、若年層の女性において、就業形態や収入といった経済的地位の変化に伴って結婚意欲にどのような変化が生じるのかを明らかにする。 日本における近年の先行研究では、女性の就業形態の不安定さや収入の低さが結婚意欲の弱さにつながることが示唆されている。しかし、そのほとんどがクロスセクションデータの分析であるため、基本的な性格、価値観やライフスタイルといった観察されない異質性の影響を取り除いた、経済的地位の直接的な影響を解明できておらず、また、同一個人の変化を分析していないので、両者の因果関係についての判断を下すことができない。 そこで、本稿では女性の経済的地位と結婚意欲の連動性を正確に把握することを目的として、東京大学社会科学研究 所パネル調査プロジェクトが行った「東大社研・若年パネル調査(JLPS-Y)wave1-6, 2007-2012」を用い、カテゴリカル変数の変化の方向や変化しない場合の状態の違いを区別する一階差分モデルに沿って分析を行った。その結果、一九七二~一九八六年生まれのコーホートの女性に関しては、①就業形態自体の変化によって結婚意欲に変化が生じるとは言えないこと、②収入が増加すると結婚意欲が強まる傾向があり、また、就業時間や交際相手の有無に関係なく、収入自体が結婚意欲に対してプラスに作用する要素であることが示された。女性の収入が結婚意欲に影響を及ぼす理由としては、家庭生活において女性の経済力の重要性が増してきたことや、経済状況の悪化によって女性の経済力に対する男性側の関心が高まってきたことが考えられる。
河井 亨
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.55, no.1, pp.39-55,134, 2010-05-31 (Released:2015-05-13)

Recently, issues related to the self have become increasingly prominent in sociology, as a result of the emphasis on the construction of the self. The issues at stake are how the self is constructed through interaction, and how society relates to that. The purpose of this paper is to reconsider that construction. Firstly, the concepts of the self are organized in terms of the relationship between the self and the interaction. Secondly, the process of the construction of the self is examined through discussion of role and narrative. There has been much discussion of the actual process of the construction of the self through interaction. However, insufficient attention has been paid to the relationship between the self and the process of construction through interaction. This paper examines the problem through G. H. Mead’s discussions of the self and of time. From the perspective of Mead’s discussion of the self, it is clarified precisely that 1) the self is constructed through interaction, and 2) the constructed self and the constructing self are related. From the perspectives of Mead’s discussion of time, it is clarified that the interaction is constructed in the passages of the present referring to emergence. This emergence is enabled not merely by generation of novelty, but by an occupation of different systems in passing, and by a relationship between interactions (an interaction of interactions). In conclusion, it is shown that it is necessary for sociologists analyzing concepts of the self to focus both on the relationship between the self and interaction, and on the relationship between interactions.
朴 沙羅
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.56, no.1, pp.39-54,94, 2011-06-30 (Released:2015-05-13)

The purpose of this article is to suggest a “positivistic” methodology of oral historystudies. As is well known, there are said to be two main methodologies in oral historyresearch: positivist and constructivist. While positivist research tries to discoverhistorical/sociological facts of the past and the present, the constructivist approachfocuses on the interactional process of research and aims to write ‘ethnographies ofinterviews’ (Yamada, 2005). However, the constructivist approach seems to have two critical problems. If it focusesmerely on the interaction between interviewers and interviewees, there is no reasonto research any biography. If it advocates constructivism, then its presumption ofseparating ‘how’ and ‘what’ contradicts the principle of social constructivism. Moreover,by accepting multiple interpretations of past events, the approach opens itself tohistorical relativism, which endangers the very foundation of oral history studies. The ‘positivist’ approach, which is based on historical positivism, tries to write factsof the past and present as accurately as possible. Facts, for the ‘positivist’ approach,are what people tell, and the existence of the narrative itself. It does not separate ‘whathappened’ and ‘how it is narrated’; how it is narrated is also a present event, and even ifthe narrative is ‘false’, namely, different from the past event itself, the difference carriesmeaning, which tells us something more about ‘what happened’ and ‘what is happening’.Only by shifting our attention from story to history will sociological and historicalresearch be enabled.
佐藤 久光
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.25, no.2, pp.119-134,148, 1980-12-31 (Released:2017-02-28)

The purpose of this thesis is to study shamanism in Nepal from a view of sociology. In order to study, there are two ways, namely (that is to say) studying of shamans activities both analysing of their clients and social background supported in shamanism. Shaman is called Jhakri (or Jhankri) by people in Nepal. In the case village people become sick, they go to Jhakri or call Jhakri to their houses. Jhakri take cure of sick people and many others. Jhakri does divination and turn away demon, evil, ghost, and the dead soul. Nepalese believe that the dead soul (Mason) make sick to them, and there are many sorcereres (Boksi, many/Boksa, very little). Jhakri take cure of such sick people who are in trouble due to Boksi, Boksa, Masan, other evil, ghost, demon etc. This is traditional custom of Nepal.
野島 那津子
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.59, no.3, pp.3-19, 2015-02-28 (Released:2019-05-24)

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the difficulties when suffering from an incompletely medicalized disease and the effects of its diagnosis using the narratives of spasmodic dysphonia sufferers. Spasmodic dysphonia (SD) is a chronic voice disorder. It leads to a characteristic strained and strangled voice (Gündel et al. 2007). Its etiology is unknown and there is no fundamental treatment. In Japan, SD is a rare disease and most physicians have little experience treating it. Few physicians can diagnose SD. In addition, as SD is virtually unknown among the public, its characteristic voice is not perceived as a symptom of a disease, neither by others nor by sufferers themselves. Considering this situation, we can say that SD is an incompletely medicalized disease. While medicalization has been criticized for its aspect of social control and its tendency to individualize social problems, incomplete medicalization has been relatively less discussed and few empirical studies of those diseases have been conducted. In this paper, I focus on SD as an example of incomplete medicalization and examine the problems of incomplete medicalization from sufferer’s point of view.Based on interviews with fifteen people suffering from SD, the three main difficulties identified are: an inability to explain their condition and loneliness, inappropriate definition of a SD’s unique voice by others, and a visible negative reaction. One common underlying cause for these difficulties is the lack of a definitive diagnosis. Receiving a diagnosis could be an opportunity to reduce those difficulties. Obtaining a diagnosis opens possibilities of refusing incorrect interpretations, providing plausible explanations and disclosing their suffering to others. In the case of SD, I suggest that simply suffering does not constitute a “disease” in our society. Adequate medical diagnosis is a requisite condition for the social existence of the “disease.”