増田 隆昌 松原 明子 石川 大仁 瀧本 陽介 積 志保子 堀田 拓哉 大滝 尋美 荒木 雄介 渡辺 陽介 大澤 俊彦
一般社団法人 日本臨床栄養協会
ニュー・ダイエット・セラピー (ISSN:09107258)
vol.37, no.1, pp.3-11, 2021 (Released:2021-07-01)

Pineapple, one of the most popular fruits consumed throughout the world, contains various nutrients and has been reported to have various health effects. Since most of research on the health effects of pineapple has been conducted on Westerners, the effects on Japanese with different intestinal flora and skin type from Westerners are not clear. To exploratively evaluate the health benefits of pineapple intake for the Japanese, a randomized, untreated-controlled, parallel-group clinical trial was conducted. Japanese women tending to get constipate were given 100 g of pineapple per day for 4 weeks, and the intestinal flora, defecation status, skin questionnaire, and blood components were measured before and after ingestion. As a result, effects on changing the intestinal flora, defecation status, and skin condition were observed in the pineapple intake group. These results may lead next study investigating the respective interaction between pineapple intake, intestinal condition and skin condition.
安居 光國
Rikatan : 理科の探検
vol.7, pp.10-13, 2013-08
酒井 哲哉
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2014, no.175, pp.175_70-175_83, 2014-03-30 (Released:2015-09-05)

For most Japanese IR scholars, Nagai Yônosuke is known as the most representative realist in Post-War Japan. Given the hegemony of idealism in the discursive space in 1950’s Japan, it is not an exaggeration to say that his appearance as a conservative realist in 1960’s was a historical event. In the studies concerned with political science in Post-War Japan, however, Nagai is usually depicted as a pioneer in behaviorism inspired by contemporary American political science. This article intends to synthesize these two aspects which were hitherto separately discussed, and by doing so resituate his works in the intellectual history of Post-War Japan. Chapter I examines Nagai’s works before his debut as an international political scientist. Influenced by his brother, Nagai in his teens was concerned with the philosophical trend of logical positivism. During the Pacific War, however, fascinated by German romanticism, he went further to accept anti-Semitic theory on conspiracy. Given this experience, after the war, he began to be engaged in research on political consciousness with the theoretical framework of sociological psychology and had soon established himself as a promising political scientist. Nagai’s behaviorism owed heavily to Maruyama Masao’s work, The World of Politics, published in 1952. Based on Lasswell’s works, Maruyama had there presented his behavioristic model of political power and suggested the importance of the activities of voluntary associations as a remedy for political apathy in mass society. In 1950’s, Nagai as well as Maruyama regarded his behaviorism as a progressive venture to establish democracy in Post-War Japan. However, Nagai was not a blind advocate of behaviorism. Reviewing Weldon’s work, the Vocabulary of Politics, which was founded in logical positivism, he criticized the scientific assumption of American behaviorism and its inclination to social engineering. Nagai did not even conceal himself from his sympathy with Hans J. Morgenthau’s criticism to social engineering. Thus Nagai’s ambivalent attitude toward American political science was a prologue to his subsequent conversion to conservative realism in 1960’s. Chapter II investigates Nagai’s works on international politics in 1960’s focusing on the relationship between his concern in 1950’s. and 1960’s His first article on international politics, “American concept of war and the challenge of Mao Zedong” founded its theoretical framework on his behavioristic political science including key concepts such as “situation”, “institution” and “organization”. His criticism to American concept of war was apparently based on his antipathy to social engineering which had already appeared in late 1950’s. Nagai was misunderstood by his contemporaries as an epigone of American scientific strategic studies. Discussing Nagai’s ambivalence toward scientific approach, this chapter explains the reason why such misunderstandings had occurred Chapter III depicts how Nagai viewed the political turmoil in 1968. As an expert in the study of mass society, Nagai was sensitive to the impact of rapid economic development commencing in early 1960’s upon contemporary Japanese politics. Nevertheless, he did not advocate the end of ideology. He rather appreciated the importance of utopian ideas in the post-industrial society. In his article “Why dose socialism exist in America?”, Nagai criticized the stagnant institutionalized American liberalism and appreciated utopian idealists including Riesman and Fromm. Therefore, while adopting conservative realist critique in discussing American foreign policies, Nagai took sides with “utopian socialists” in reviewing American domestic politics. His dual strategy took its root in his consistent criticism to the institutionalized American liberalism.
小川 晋史
日本語の研究 (ISSN:13495119)
vol.7, no.4, pp.99-111, 2011-10-01

早稲田大学日本語研究教育センター紀要 (ISSN:0915440X)
no.4, pp.98-120, 1992-03-25
1 1

小説の中では過去の出来事をのべるのに, 文末に過去形(「タ形」)を用いるだけでなく, しぱしぱ現在形(「ル形」)が用いられる.これは, 小説が語り手によって過去の出来事として語られると同時に, 読み手によって読まれた時, その出来事が再現され, 疑似体験されるという性格をもつためであると思われる.この小説中に「ル形」が現れることにより語り手の視点が登場人物へ移動し, 劇的効果や臨場感が生ずることは, 多くの先行論文によって指摘されるところであり, この指摘はたしかに直観に合うものである.しかし, 小説中の「ル形」をこの表現効果をねらった結果ととらえて, 十分記述されたことになるのだろうか.表現は文法形式を簡単に操作できるのだろうか.小稿は, この点に疑問をなげかけ, 小説中の「ル形」と「タ形」のあらわれかたに関し, 視点の移動, 表現意図という観点と文法的な観点から考察を図るものである.小稿では紙幅の都合上, 質, 量的に十分な資料にあたって分析を示すことはできなかったが, 4点の小説より部分的ではあるが性格の異なると思われる文章例をとりだし, 「ル形」「タ形」のあらわれ方, その形式の選ばれた条件一視点移動, 動詞の性質, 文章構成上の位置-を各文末について考察したその結果, 少なくとも次のことが観察された.「タ形」 : 語り時を基準とした過去時制, 状況の終了の標識, 文章中での語りの過去時制, 登場人物の回想, 語り手や登場人物による動作, 出来事の描写, 登場人物のメタ知覚の描写「ル形」 : 状況継続の標識, 読みと語りの同時進行, 超時制, 登場人物の内言の描写, 登場人物による他者の動作, 出来事描写, 登場人物のメタ視覚, メタ聴覚, メタ思考の描写

9 0 0 0 OA 大典禅師

小畠文鼎 著

9 0 0 0 OA 電気年鑑

電気之友社 編
vol.昭和4年, 1929

9 0 0 0 OA 人事興信録

人事興信所 編
vol.第12版(昭和14年) 下, 1939
竹部 成崇
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.17, no.1, pp.31-38, 2019 (Released:2019-08-05)

Phrases describing “sweetness” are commonly used to express romantic love and the quality of kindness, such as “my sweet love” and “she is a sweetie.” Recent research suggests that the experience of sweetness also affects one’s romantic perceptions and prosociality. However, because previous studies manipulated the experience of sweetness through taste, there exists the possibility that the results were derived not from the experience of sweetness itself but from other factors such as the calories of sweet foods. In addition, some of the findings in previous research, though not exactly the effects of the experience of sweetness, have not been replicated, meaning it is possible that the effects of the experience of sweetness also do not exist. Considering these, this study manipulated the experience of sweetness through scent and tested whether it affects romantic perceptions and prosociality. First, participants smelled a cotton puff on which a sweet scent was (or was not) put. Then, they answered questions regarding romantic interest, evaluation of a relationship with a hypothetical partner, and prosocial intention. The experience of sweetness did affect romantic interest and prosocial intention. However, the effects were contrary to those of previous research: sweet scent decreased romantic interest and prosocial intention. The opposing results may be interpreted by taking into consideration whether “comparison with the self” occurred or not. Specifically, participants in the sweet scent condition of this study felt that they were not sweet compared to the cotton puff because the cotton puff was outside of their bodies and, therefore, reported decreased romantic interest and prosocial intention. On the other hand, participants in the sweet food conditions of previous studies felt that they were sweet like the sweet foods because they had taken the sweetness into themselves and, therefore, reported increased romantic interest and prosocial intention. Overall, this study suggests the flexibility of the effects of the experience of sweetness.