松村 稔 伊藤 喜宏 木村 尚紀 小原 一成 関口 渉次 堀 貞喜 笠原 敬司
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.59, no.2, pp.167-184, 2006-12-15 (Released:2013-08-05)
7 10

We have developed an automatic system called the Accurate and QUick Analysis System for source parameters (AQUA System) that provides rapid estimates of hypocenter location, magnitude, and moment tensor for medium to large-scale earthquakes that occur near or underneath Japan. The AQUA System monitors high-sensitive real-time seismic waveform output from the Hi-net operated by the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED). Upon detecting an earthquake, the AQUA System provides an estimate of the event’s hypocenter and magnitude within 15-30 seconds. Within a further 2-10 minutes, the system provides centroid moment tensor (CMT) solution by inversion technique using broadband seismic waveform of NIED F-net. To assess the accuracy of the new system, we compared hypocenter and magnitude data derived from the AQUA System over the period from September 2004 to August 2005 with catalog data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). We also compared CMT solutions derived from the AQUA System with corresponding values from the NIED F-net and catalog data of Harvard University’s CMT Project. A total of 339 seismic events were detected during the period of analysis. The AQUA System determined hypocenters for 324 of these events and CMT solutions for 224 events. The estimated hypocenters are within 10km horizontally and 20km vertically of the hypocenters calculated by the JMA in 80% of cases, and the CMT solutions were approximately the same as those obtained from other systems. The results of analyses by the AQUA System are published on the website of NIED Hi-net.
林 広樹 笠原 敬司 木村 尚紀
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.112, no.1, pp.2-13, 2006 (Released:2006-05-01)
15 12

池田 隆司 笠原 敬司 伊藤 健治 多田 堯
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.37, no.4, pp.549-557, 1984-12-25 (Released:2010-03-11)

In order to obtain information on the underground structure around the Karasuyama-Sugaonuma fault, we carried out a temporary observation for artificial explosions which were blasted at four sites in Saitama and Ibaraki Prefectures in March 1982. Crossing the southern part of the fault, seven seismometers were deployed on an east-west striking observation line 30km long. For three of the explosions, good records were obtained at all the stations. Travel time analyses provided three layers; apparent p-wave velocities in the layers are 1.7km/sec, 2.8-3.1km/sec and 6.1km/sec from top to bottom. Travel times for the 6.1km/sec layer jump near Sashima-cho, Ibaraki Prefecture, where the western branch of the fault is supposed to lie. For the wave propagating through the topmost layer between the eastern and western sides of the north-south striking fault, a systematic difference in the wave form was observed. Those observed features strongly suggest that not only the basement layer (VP=6.1km/sec) but also upper layers are displaced or fractured by the Karasuyama-Sugaonuma fault.
津野 靖士 明田川 保 山中 浩明 翠川 三郎 山本 俊六 三浦 弘之 酒井 慎一 平田 直 笠原 敬司 木村 尚紀
公益社団法人 日本地震工学会
vol.12, no.5, pp.5_102-5_116, 2012

笠原 敬司 酒井 慎一 森田 裕一 平田 直 鶴岡 弘 中川 茂樹 楠城 一嘉 小原 一成
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.84, no.2, pp.71-88, 2010-01-28

To better assess the seismic hazards produced by a magnitude 7 or greater (M 7+) earthquake in the Tokyo metropolitan area, we have launched the Special Project for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in Tokyo Metropolitan area (2007−2011). This requires establishing a highly dense seismic-array observation network in and around Tokyo to monitor ongoing micro-earthquakes with relatively high precision even if noise levels are generally high. We have started developing the Metropolitan Seismic Observation network (MeSO-net). Deployment of MeSO-net seismic stations is currently underway. The number of observatories at project termination will be 400 with a 2−5km interval in space. In this paper, we summarize how we solved technically difficult and practical problems involved in MeSO-net construction. We start with a review of related work to better understand the technical difficulties involved in deploying stations in metropolitan areas such as Tokyo. Next, we explain our approach to verifying a meaningful design of an observatory and its deployment at local sites. We further describe our decision-making process in practice for implementing station deployment. We hope that establishing the MeSO-net will support a new assessment of the seismic hazards produced by M 7+ earthquakes in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
森田 裕一 酒井 慎一 中川 茂樹 笠原 敬司 平田 直 鏡 弘道 加藤 拓弥 佐藤 峰司
地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.84, no.2, pp.89-105, 2009

The Autonomous Cooperative data Transfer Protocol (ACT protocol) is one of the data transfer protocols based on UDP/IP developed for the Metropolitan Seismic Observation network (MeSO-net). It has a robust re-send function to prevent data from being lost in the Internet route. Moreover, it also has a function to adjust the data transmission rate considering the quality of the Internet route and the load on the data-receiving system. If the Internet route is too busy to send all data, the transmission rate from the observation station is decreased automatically to ease the Internet traffic jam, and data that cannot be sent because of the limitation on the transmission rate are stored at each station. After conditions recover, the stored data are sent automatically at an increasing transmission rate and gradually catch up with real-time data. The transmission rate is decided by data transmission equipment at the station using pre-loaded algorithms, not at the data center. Therefore, the load at data center equipment is not so high even if the equipment receives data from hundreds of stations. We describe an overview of the ACT protocol, flow charts, and data format used in the protocol. We also demonstrate that the ACT protocol is very powerful for the vast size of the seismograph network composed of several hundred stations. The ACT protocol is generally applicable and can be used for data transmission systems in other scientific fields.
向吉 秀樹 林 広樹 内田 嗣人 吉崎 那都 武田 哲也 後藤 和彦 関根 秀太郎 笠原 敬司
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.124, no.5, pp.361-366, 2018-05-15 (Released:2018-06-30)

In 1997, two strong earthquakes occurred on March 26 (Mj6.6) and May 13 (Mj6.4) in the northwestern part of Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (termed the 1997 Northwestern Kagoshima Earthquakes). However no seismogenic faults associated with these earthquakes had previously been recognized at the surface. In this study, we report structural observations from newly recognized fault outcrops located 1.5 and 2 km southwest of the epicenter of the Mj6.6 earthquake. One outcrop consists of the Miocene Shibi-san Granodiorite, which is unconformably overlain by lower sandy loam, lower humic soil, upper sandy loam, and upper humic soil layers that are clearly offset by steeply dipping faults. We measured ~ 40 cm of vertical separation of the contact between the lower sandy loam and lower humic soil layers along a WNW-trending fault, above which the ground surface flexed upward by about 20 cm. The second outcrop is a streambed exposure of the Shibi-san Granodiorite that shows a 30-cm-thick layer of foliated cataclasite along a fault plane, with textural evidence of sinistral slip.
森田 裕一 酒井 慎一 中川 茂樹 笠原 敬司 平田 直 鏡 弘道 加藤 拓弥 佐藤 峰司
地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408992)
vol.84, no.2, pp.89-105, 2009

The Autonomous Cooperative data Transfer Protocol (ACT protocol) is one of the data transfer protocols based on UDP/IP developed for the Metropolitan Seismic Observation network (MeSO-net). It has a robust re-send function to prevent data from being lost in the Internet route. Moreover, it also has a function to adjust the data transmission rate considering the quality of the Internet route and the load on the data-receiving system. If the Internet route is too busy to send all data, the transmission rate from the observation station is decreased automatically to ease the Internet traffic jam, and data that cannot be sent because of the limitation on the transmission rate are stored at each station. After conditions recover, the stored data are sent automatically at an increasing transmission rate and gradually catch up with real-time data. The transmission rate is decided by data transmission equipment at the station using pre-loaded algorithms, not at the data center. Therefore, the load at data center equipment is not so high even if the equipment receives data from hundreds of stations. We describe an overview of the ACT protocol, flow charts, and data format used in the protocol. We also demonstrate that the ACT protocol is very powerful for the vast size of the seismograph network composed of several hundred stations. The ACT protocol is generally applicable and can be used for data transmission systems in other scientific fields.
堀 貞喜 石田 瑞穂 青井 真 井上 公 大久保 正 岡田 義光 小原 一成 笠原 敬司 木村 尚紀 熊谷 博之 汐見 勝彦 関口 渉次 根岸 弘明 野口 伸一 松本 拓己 山水 史生 藤原 広行 功刀 卓 浅野 陽一 関根 秀太郎 廣瀬 仁 松原 誠 安逹 繁樹 伊藤 喜宏 針生 義勝 松林 弘智 松村 稔 宮川 幸治 山品 匡史 坂無 雅子 雷 楓 伊東 明彦 岩田 知孝 ト部 卓 川勝 均 木下 繁夫 工藤 一嘉 纐纈 一起 佐藤 春夫 佐藤 比呂志 武井 恵雄 中尾 茂 平田 直 平原 和朗 堀家 正則 松澤 暢 山北 聡 綿田 辰吾 山野 誠
防災科学技術研究所年報 (ISSN:09186441)
vol.15, pp."I-12"-"I-16", 2004-09-06
