増田 俊夫 早見 崇 中條 大志 Hayami Takashi 中條 大志 Nakajo Hiroshi 原 道寛 Hara Michihiro 佐藤 潤一 Sato Junichi 寺本 好邦 Teramoto Yoshikuni 西尾 嘉之 Nishio Yoshiyuki
福井工業大学研究紀要 Memoirs of Fukui University of Technology (ISSN:18844456)
no.43, pp.284-292, 2013

Ethy1cellulose (EC) exhibits interesting behavior in the formation of liquid crystals. Early observations indicated that most cellulosics formed right-handed cholesteric structure. However, EC in chloroform and acetic acid (AA) solutions took left-handed cholesteric liquid crystals, whereas EC in dichloroacetic acid (DCA) solution had right-handed ones. In the present study, (phenylacetyl)ethylcellulose (PA-EC) was prepared by the reaction of phenylacetyl chloride with EC having a degree of ethyl substitution (DSEt) of 2.26 in N,N-dimethylacetamide solution using triethylamine as proton scavenger. Reactions were usually carried out at room temperature for one week, which provided a variety of phenylacetyl contents (degree of substitution of phenylacetyl (DSPa) = 0.02, 0.11, 0.32, and 0.43). The chloroform and AA solutions of PA-EC with DSPa = 0.32 displayed a right-handed cholesteric liquid crystalline phase, while the DCA solution showed a left-handed one.
二橋 文哉 北原 佳泰 村上 有里奈 岸本 祐太郎 青野 祐也 永福 建 右藤 智啓 佐藤 潤 妹川 史朗 須田 隆文
日本サルコイドーシス/肉芽腫性疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:18831273)
vol.38, no.1_2, pp.81-84, 2018-10-25 (Released:2019-04-02)

呼吸不全を呈した加湿器肺3例の臨床像について後方視的検討をおこなった.全例新規に購入したしずく型の超音波式加湿器を,水を交換せずに注ぎ足して使用し,使用開始後3 ヶ月以内に発症していた.初診時のPaO2/FiO2の中央値は164(104-293)であり,1例で非侵襲的陽圧換気,1例でhigh flow nasal cannula,1例は通常の経鼻カヌラを使用した.胸部CTで,小葉中心性粒状影が主体であった例は無く,浸潤影,すりガラス影が混在し,器質化肺炎との鑑別を要するパターンが認められた.加湿器の使用中止とステロイド投与で全例改善した.加湿器の水のβ-Dグルカンとエンドトキシンはいずれも高値であり,加湿器の水の培養でグラム陰性桿菌,真菌や非結核性抗酸菌(Mycobacterium gordonae)が検出され,病態への関与が推察された.急性~亜急性経過の間質性肺炎の診断において,冬季には,加湿器肺も念頭においた詳細な問診が必要である.
山本 雄大 佐藤 潤美 大渕 憲一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.121-129, 2014 (Released:2014-06-25)

The present study examined the negative evaluations and discrimination against smokers among the Japanese. In Study 1, 52 students rated one of four target-persons differentially depicted in terms of gender and smoking habit using scales to measure coolness, sociability, intellectuality, and earnestness. The results showed that participants rated smokers more negatively than nonsmokers except for sociability. Those who perceived smoking as controllable rated smokers’ earnestness even more negatively, suggesting that the negative evaluations are partially moderated by the perceived controllability of smoking. To examine a hypothesis that negative evaluations of smokers would mediate discrimination, in Study 2 we measured how participants (96 students) responded to target persons asking for a loan or a job, as well as their ratings of the targets on the Big Five personality dimensions. The results support the hypothesis of mediation.
佐藤 潤司
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.85, pp.185-204, 2014-07-31

In this paper, I will specifically and objectively identify critical opinions on the mass media that have developed on the Internet about a report giving the real names of the Japanese victims of the hostage crisis of January 2013 in Algeria, and consider the structural factors of such criticism. The targets of this analysis are 1262 cases of opinions output from highly-ranked Web pages displayed on a search engine listing using fixed criteria. 7.1% of the opinions supported the news report, 68.5% of opinions did not support it, with other opinions accounting for 24.4%. The results of an analysis of opinions that did not support the report by using a text-mining approach did not necessarily indicate criticisms of the report that used the real names of the victims, but were an accumulation of various feelings of distrust against the mass media expressed on the Internet that were triggered by this news report. In addition, opinions that did not support the report were formed using language structures peculiar to the Internet; namely, a cyber-cascade that began at the point where people critical of the mass media became sympathetic and radicalized as unclear information spread on the Internet.
山本 雄大 佐藤 潤美 大渕 憲一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.85.12044, (Released:2014-06-01)

The present study examined the negative evaluations and discrimination against smokers among the Japanese. In Study 1, 52 students rated one of four target-persons differentially depicted in terms of gender and smoking habit using scales to measure coolness, sociability, intellectuality, and earnestness. The results showed that participants rated smokers more negatively than nonsmokers except for sociability. Those who perceived smoking as controllable rated smokers’ earnestness even more negatively, suggesting that the negative evaluations are partially moderated by the perceived controllability of smoking. To examine a hypothesis that negative evaluations of smokers would mediate discrimination, in Study 2 we measured how participants (96 students) responded to target persons asking for a loan or a job, as well as their ratings of the targets on the Big Five personality dimensions. The results support the hypothesis of mediation.
佐藤 潤司
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.85, pp.185-204, 2014-07-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

In this paper, I will specifically and objectively identify critical opinions on the mass media that have developed on the Internet about a report giving the real names of the Japanese victims of the hostage crisis of January 2013 in Algeria, and consider the structural factors of such criticism. The targets of this analysis are 1262 cases of opinions output from highly-ranked Web pages displayed on a search engine listing using fixed criteria. 7.1% of the opinions supported the news report, 68.5% of opinions did not support it, with other opinions accounting for 24.4%. The results of an analysis of opinions that did not support the report by using a text-mining approach did not necessarily indicate criticisms of the report that used the real names of the victims, but were an accumulation of various feelings of distrust against the mass media expressed on the Internet that were triggered by this news report. In addition, opinions that did not support the report were formed using language structures peculiar to the Internet; namely, a cyber-cascade that began at the point where people critical of the mass media became sympathetic and radicalized as unclear information spread on the Internet.
佐藤 潤一 新矢 麻紀子 大谷 晋也 春原 憲一郎
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
vol.15, pp.69-97, 2012-06

移民の受入れと,それに伴う移民政策が急速に進んできている韓国。そこに,筆者らの研究グループ「日本語教育保障法研究会」は科学研究費補助金によって2009年より3か年にわたって赴き,移民関連施策や移民への生活・教育支援に関する調査を行ってきた。本稿は,2011年9月に実施した第3 回目となる現地実態調査の報告後編であり,2009年度調査の報告書から通算して第6号にあたる。本稿は,本研究全体の概略及び韓国現地実態調査の概要(第1章),「ソル・ドンフン氏」(第2章),「法務部(法務省)」(第3章),「アジア人権文化連帯」(第4章),「富川市労働者の家」(第5章)に関する調査報告によって構成される。なお,2011年度調査報告の前編は本号に報告(5)として掲載されている。
山本 雄大 佐藤 潤美 大渕 憲一
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.121-129, 2014

The present study examined the negative evaluations and discrimination against smokers among the Japanese. In Study 1, 52 students rated one of four target-persons differentially depicted in terms of gender and smoking habit using scales to measure coolness, sociability, intellectuality, and earnestness. The results showed that participants rated smokers more negatively than nonsmokers except for sociability. Those who perceived smoking as controllable rated smokers' earnestness even more negatively, suggesting that the negative evaluations are partially moderated by the perceived controllability of smoking. To examine a hypothesis that negative evaluations of smokers would mediate discrimination, in Study 2 we measured how participants (96 students) responded to target persons asking for a loan or a job, as well as their ratings of the targets on the Big Five personality dimensions. The results support the hypothesis of mediation.
佐藤 潤司
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.96, pp.159-177, 2020-01-31 (Released:2020-06-17)

This study verifies three cases that have become major social issues (i.e., the falsification of decision documents related to the sale of state-owned land to Moritomo Gakuen, the concealment of consultation documents related to the establishment of a new department of Kake Gakuen, and the concealment of daily reports from the Self-Defense Force units involved in United Nations peacekeeping operations in South Sudan). Furthermore, it clarifies current problems and future challenges related to the system of public records management and information disclosure. The results of this study indicate that six problems can be identified in the system of public records management and information disclosure. The first problem is that the relevant administrative bodies do not necessarily prepare the documents that should be prepared. The second problem is that the file management of such documents is inadvertently or deliberately inappropriate. The third problem is that these bodies can arbitrarily discard documents by setting the retention period to less than one year. The fourth problem is that these bodies can easily hide documents by positioning them as personal notes.The fifth problem is that these bodies can refuse to disclose documents because they are classified as non-disclosure information. The sixth problem is that there is no mechanism for preventing the falsification of documents. To resolve these problems, it is necessary to revise the Public Records Management Act and the Access to Government Information Act by, for example, making the creation, storage, and publication of public documents mandatory and establishing penalties for any violation of this requirement.
佐藤 潤一
大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
no.12, pp.19-54[含 英語文要旨], 2011

This is an introductory study concerning the implications of the human rights `entrenchment' in a written constitution. In Japan, almost all constitutional scholars argue that the provisions of a bill of rights in a written constitution is necessary for the protection of human rights. However, a court's power to declare the statute's constitutionality sometimes does not work even if the legislative branch of government infringes on human rights. In contrast, the Commonwealth of the Australia Constitution Act [the Constitution] has no bill of rights. But various indices, e.g., Andrew Fagan, The Atlas of HUMAN RIGHTS, sometimes indicate that human rights protection in Japan and Australia is equal. In the first section of this article I discuss some reasons. The second section discusses the meanings of "entrenchment" in constitutional context. To discuss this theme, this article compares the human rights protection in Australia and in Japan. This article does not argue whether or not the Commonwealth of Australia or States of Australia should have a bill of rights. In Australia, the Federal Government has no bill of rights in its written constitution, and did not enact a "human rights act". The Constitution has the articles of explicit rights, and the Commonwealth Parliament created the Acts concerning Aboriginal Rights and the Acts concerning the Human Rights Institutions of the Human Rights Conventions of United Nations, which the Commonwealth Government ratified. Many commentators and case laws of the High Court of Australia, which is supreme court of the Commonwealth of Australia, believe the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia implies human rights, and the common law rights derived from United Kingdom has vital importance. The argument against a bill of rights is that Australia has no reason to enact a "human rights act", or has no need to alter its Constitution to include a bill of rights, because Australia has a common law tradition and an enactment of this nature will not make a significant difference to the present situation. In contrast, Commonwealth of Nations, especially New Zealand and the United Kingdom have acts concerning human rights. Moreover, in Canada and South Africa, their written constitutions have a bill of rights. To analyse status quo of Australia, we must consider these constitutions of Commonwealth countries. In conclusion, I argue that the human rights education and the consciences of judges have vital importance.
佐藤 潤司
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.93, pp.77-96, 2018-07-31 (Released:2018-10-13)

This paper discusses the danger that the BPO, which should be obliged toact as a bulwark against public authorities intervening in program production,may threaten the freedom of broadcasting and intimidate broadcasters. The aim of this paper is to investigate several cases in which TV stationssubmitted their reports in order to officially express objections to BPO’s decisionsand to clarify the problems of these decisions and issues that the BPOshould resolve. Through the examination of four cases that fit the above conditions, someproblematic decisions were revealed which the BRC, one of the BPO committees,had made. These include one case in which the BRC pointed out ethicalproblems in TV programs based on a misunderstanding of the facts and mistakeninterpretations by the BRC, and another case in which they concludedthat human rights were violated based on information that had not been broadcasted. The BRC should have an obligation to examine factual information, conductverification, clarify the standards of judgment, share their understanding ofbroadcasting ethics with TV stations, in order to make equal and fair judgmentsto regain the trust of broadcasters.The BPO should take these BRC-related problems seriously and become atrue guardian of the freedom of broadcasting, defending the media from theauthorities that intend to intervene in the broadcasting industry.
佐藤 潤一
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
vol.12, pp.129-172, 2011-06

From 1990's, theories of Japanese Constitutional Law had been radically changed. The constitutional law is discussed by many books and articles of the political theory, history of law, and the philosophical theory. Constitutional theory is influenced by these theories. In this lecture note, I try to reconsider the theories of constitution interpretation, especially the historical aspects and comparative study about the constitutional theory of common law countries, e.g., U.K., Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa.
佐藤 潤司
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.95, pp.87-105, 2019-07-31 (Released:2019-10-25)

This report examines the Supreme Court decision (December 6, 2017) onthe receiving fee lawsuit of the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), andconsiders the way public broadcasting and receiving fees should be. The Supreme Court of Japan decided that there is a legal obligation to concludea receiving contract, but this judgment must be said to be anachronism inthat it does not take into account the trend in the latest theories and thechanges in the broadcasting environment. The judgment raises two problems.The first is that the suspicion of the violation of the constitution cannot bewiped out, and the second is that the rights of viewers may be lost and the wayof public broadcasting may be distorted. The most important role of public broadcasting is to monitor the publicpower as a journalism institution, but it is hard to say that NHK plays such arole. The viewer can correct the attitude of NHK by refusing to pay the receivingfee. In order not to prevent the exercise of such viewer sovereignty, theconclusion of the receiving contract should be interpreted as an effort, not alegal obligation.
佐藤 潤司
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.92, pp.125-144, 2018

<p>In this paper, I will analyse the news over the caricature of Muhammad</p><p>drawn on the cover of the special edition of Charlie Hebdo in 2015, and consider</p><p>whether the Japanese newspapers played a role as leaders of 'freedom of</p><p>expression'.</p><p> In Japan, three of the seven main newspapers did not publish the caricature</p><p>and one of the four that published it was protested by Islamic groups and</p><p>published an apology article.</p><p> When I analysed the articles of the seven newspapers by using a text-mining</p><p>approach, I found three problems. Primarily, the contents and attitude of</p><p>the newspapers did not necessarily emphasize 'freedom of expression'. Secondly,</p><p>the evaluation process for the caricature and the criteria for publication or nonpublication</p><p>of the caricature were not shown. Thirdly, the newspaper that apologized</p><p>for publishing the image did not clarify the reason for the apology, and</p><p>the other newspapers did not report the news that instigated a discussion over</p><p>the rightness or wrongness of the publication. For these reasons, it is hard to</p><p>say that Japanese newspapers played the role.</p><p> In addition, it can be pointed out that the three newspapers which did not</p><p>publish the caricature either do not have a certain criterion or did not apply the</p><p>criterion. Finally, with respect to the newspaper that published the apology</p><p>article,the phenomenon known as atrophy of the news was seen.</p>
花田 洋一 佐藤 潤一
公益財団法人 日本醸造協会
日本醸造協会誌 (ISSN:09147314)
vol.98, no.5, pp.329-332, 2003-05-15 (Released:2011-09-20)
1 1

醤油の鮮やかな色を引き出す裏には, 火入れオリを除去して如何に清澄な液体にするかにある。その中のフィチンオリは未解明の部分が多かった。筆者らは麹菌酵素のフィターゼ活性の面から究明している。大いに参考となるであろう。
佐藤 潤四郎
公益社団法人 日本セラミックス協会
窯業協會誌 (ISSN:00090255)
vol.63, no.704, pp.39-42, 1955-01-01 (Released:2010-04-30)
佐藤 潤一 サトウ ジュンイチ Jun'ichi SATOH
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編
vol.12, pp.129-172, 2011-06

From 1990's, theories of Japanese Constitutional Law had been radically changed. The constitutional law is discussed by many books and articles of the political theory, history of law, and the philosophical theory. Constitutional theory is influenced by these theories. In this lecture note, I try to reconsider the theories of constitution interpretation, especially the historical aspects and comparative study about the constitutional theory of common law countries, e.g., U.K., Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa.
佐藤 潤一
大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
no.1, pp.1-30, 2007

We have not yet analyzed the right to receive an education of Japanese as a second language(JSL) from the perspectives of constitutional law and the International Human Rights Law. In this article, I will analyze the right to receive an education of JSL. In this article, I will discuss the following 1. Do the Constitution of Japan and the International Covenant guarantee the right to receive an education of JSL? 2. What does "multicultural symbiosis" mean in the right to receive an education of JSL? 3. What is the mutual relationship between the "multicultural symbiosis" and "Constitutionalism"?