浜西 正三 Shozo HAMANISHI 神戸大学医学部産科婦人科学教室:神戸大学医学部解剖学第二講座 Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Kobe University School of Medicine:Department of Anatomy Division 2 Kobe University School of Medicine
日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 = Acta obstetrica et gynaecologica Japonica (ISSN:03009165)
vol.29, no.5, pp.500-506, 1977-05-01

ラットの着床周辺期における胚と内膜の表面構造の変化について,走査型電顕的観察を行ない,次の成績を得た. 1) 正常着床期の子宮内膜上皮表面では,規則正しく配列する微絨毛は,長短不整となり,先端部が風船状に膨化した後,急激に屈曲,短小,不整化する.細胞質突起はこぶし状,入道雲状で,数が増えた後,壁が増し,縮小扁平化して,adhesion stageに微絨毛の原形消失と相呼応し,不整粗大な鋸歯状・海草状突起へ移行する. 2) 遅延着床時内膜では,比較的繁茂する微絨毛と巨大細胞質突起を認めるが,これは妊卵(原胚子)や卵管液の作用にもよるものではなく,progesteroneの作用による.またそのestrogenによる着床誘導時には,早期(4~8時間)に一過性の分泌亢進像を呈した後,後期(16~24時間)に平低下する. 3) 微絨毛先端部の風船状膨化はestrogen作用下に生ずるmicroapocirine像と考えられる. 4) 腺開口部構造が反間膜側内膜の側壁部に,孤立した1細胞面積分の陥凹や,舟底状の斜坑状の陥,裂隙として認められる.一方,上皮細胞がロゼット状に集合した所で,細胞間隙からの分泌を示唆する所見が得られた,これら2者ともにestrogenの作用下で顕著となる. 5) 胚の透明帯の表面は,素焼の陶器様で粗〓である.透明帯消失後,胚の表面に均等に生えていた微絨毛は,胚自体の増大や栄養膜細胞の増数に伴い消失してゆき,胚の表面は平滑となる. これら一連の所見は,胚と内膜が三次元的な観点からも,互いにより平滑な面で最初の接触を遂行していることを示すものである.The structural changes of the surfaces of the endometrium and the blastocyst during the implantation in rats were studied scanning electron microscopically. Findings obtained were as follows: 1) In the pre-attachment stage, the microvilli of the endometrial luminal epithelium lose their distal ends. Thereafter they shorten rapidly and become bent irregularly. Cellular protrusions are nodular at first, then increase in number with multiple folds and flanges, subsequently become small and flattened. In the adhesion stage, they become serrated and show seaweed-like appearance. 2) During delayed implantation, caused by dosing of progesterone, relatively abundant microvilli and giant cellular protrusions are observed. During the induction of implantation with estrogen, the endometrium assumes transiently the secretory phase, and then becomes flattened. 3) Many structures suggesting the glandular orifice an also that seeming to the intercellular secretion are observed, especially under the influence of estrogen. 4) After the shedding of zona pellucida, the microvilli of the trophoblast gradually disappear. In the adhesion stage, the surface of the blastocyst become smooth.
野口 有生 平戸 久美子 斉藤 裕 高崎 克哲 矢内原 巧 中山 徹也 Yusei NOGUCHI Kumiko HIRATO Hiroshi SAITO Katsunori TAKASAKI Takumi YANAIHARA Tetsuya NAKAYAMA 昭和大学医学部産科婦人科学教室 昭和大学医学部産科婦人科学教室 昭和大学医学部産科婦人科学教室 昭和大学医学部産科婦人科学教室 昭和大学医学部産科婦人科学教室 昭和大学医学部産科婦人科学教室 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Showa University School of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Showa University School of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Showa University School of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Showa University School of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Showa University School of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Showa University School of Medicine
日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 = Acta obstetrica et gynaecologica Japonica (ISSN:03009165)
vol.40, no.3, pp.359-364, 1988-03-01

分娩時ヒト子宮頚部組織における遊離アラキドン酸生成能と, それに及ぼす妊娠性ステロイドの影響を調べる目的で次の実験を行ない, 以下の成績を得た. 1) 正常分娩のヒト子宮頚部組織800g上清を酵素源とし, L-3-phosphatidylcholine, 1-stearoyl-2-[1-^<14>C]arachidonylを基質とし, インキュベーションを行ない, 遊離されたアラキドン酸産生量よりphospholipase A_2活性を測定し, 更に各種のkineticsを行ない, ヒト子宮頚部組織内でリン脂質より遊離アラキドン酸産生に介在するphospholipase A_2活性が存在することを示した. 2) 培養液中に妊娠中増加する各種の妊娠性ステロイド(cortisol, pregnenolone, 20α-dihydroprogesterone, pregnenolone-sulfate, DHA, DHA-sulfate, estrone, estradiol, estriol)を添加し, 本酵素活性に及ぼす影響を検討した. 各種妊娠性ステロイド添加では, 本酵素活性に対し, 明らかに影響を示すものはなかつた. 3) 分娩第1期に母体にDHA-sulfate (マイリス) 600mgを2時間で点滴静注した後, 分娩に至つたDHA-sulfate投与群と非投与正常分娩例との本酵素活性の比較では, 投与群40±13pmoles/mg protein であり, 非投与正常分娩例の39±7pmoles/mg proteinと比し差はみられなかつた. 以上のことよりヒト妊娠子宮頚部に, phospholipase A_2活性が存在することが明らかとなり, また, 本実験条件下ではprostaglandin合成機構の一過程であるphospholipase A_2活性に対する妊娠性ステロイドの関与は認められなかつた.Prostaglandins (PGs) play an important role in cervical ripening. It is known that the hydrolytic release of arachidonic acid from phospholipids regulates the rate of PG formation. To study the PG biosynthesis in cervical tissue, phosphatidylcholine containing ^<14>C-arachidonic acid in Sn-2 position was incubated with the 800 × g supernatant of cervical tissue obtained from pregnant women at delivery. The only recognizable radiolabeled metabolite, ^<14>C-arachidonic acid, was found on an autor-adiogram of TLC, which corresponded to authentic arachidonic acid. Therefore, phospholipase A_2 activity was calculated as the rate of the release of arachidonic acid from phosphatidylcholine under the conditions used. The optimal pH of phospholipase A_2 activity in 800 × g supernatant was found to be 7.0. It was found that the addition of Ca^<2+> increased the enzyme activity. It was demonstrated that the concentrations of DHA-sulfate (DHA-S) and conjugated estrogens were higher in ripened cervical tissue than in non-ripened tissue and that PGI_2 and PGE_2 production increased following the addition of DHA-S. The effects of steroids mainly derived from feto-placental unit, cortisol, pregnenolone, 20α-dihydroprogesterone, pregnenolone-sulfate, DHA, DHA-S, estrone, estradiol and estriol on arachidonic acid release were also studied in vitro. After the onset of labor, DHA-S was administered to the patients in vivo and their cervical tissues were collected at delivery. It was found that steroids including DHA-S did not affect phospholipase A_2 activity under the conditions used. These results indicate that cervical tissue posseses the ability to release arachidonic acid from phospholipid, although this step in PG formation might not be affected by steroids including DHA-S.
野村 秀明 柳田 潤一郎 上野 理恵 井村 聡子 小野 一男 酒井 ひろ子 木村 憲司 Shiba Kumar RAI Hideaki NOMURA Junichiro YANAGIDA Rie UENO Satoko IMURA Kazuo ONO Hiroko SAKAI Kenji KIMURA Shiba Kumar RAI 神戸常盤大学保健科学部医療検査科(教育イノベーション機構) 神戸常盤大学保健科学部医療検査学科 神戸常盤大学保健科学部看護学科 神戸常盤大学保健科学部医療検査学科(元) 神戸常盤大学保健科学部医療検査学科非常勤 森ノ宮医療大学 神戸大学医学部保健学科 ネパール医科大学 微生物学 /
神戸常盤大学 ; 2009-
神戸常盤大学紀要 = Bulletin of Kobe Tokiwa University (ISSN:21884781)
no.8, pp.77-84, 2015-03-31

【目的】世界辺境地区の一つであるネパール山間地方の住民の摂取栄養と健康状態について解析した。【方法】神戸常盤大学を中心に共同調査プロジェクト(JICA 草の根事業)を編成し、ネパールデタール村でのフィールドワークを行った。住民208名(年齢5~82歳、男女比82:126)の健康調査を施行し、身体計測とBIA法を用いた体構成成分測定、および血液検査(TP、Albumin、GPT、BUN、Ca)を行った。また住民の内科診療を行い、下痢などの消化管疾患の有無を調査した。さらに、一般家庭における日々の食事内容をデジタルカメラに撮影し、摂取熱量、摂取栄養素を計測すると同時に、村の採水所30ヵ所での飲水を含めた生活用水の細菌学的検査を行った。【結果】身体計測上、BMI<18.5の比率が50%を超え、12歳以下の子供では80%近くに及んだ。体構成成分測定では、特に子供で体内脂肪、筋肉量の減少と、体内水分量の増加が見られた。また一見肥満体系であっても、栄養障害による浮腫や、筋肉量の減少による下腹部の突出(クワシオルコル)を示す症例も、12歳以下の子供で見られた。血液検査は、血清総タンパク、アルブミンの低下以外は、ほぼ正常値内であった。食事は、ネパール特有のダル・バート・タルカリという炭水化物が中心の料理で、摂取栄養素の80%を占めた。1日2食が標準である現地人の平均摂取熱量は800~1000kcal程度と推計された。飲料水の細菌学的検査では、大腸菌、及び大腸菌群が80~100%の頻度で検出された。【結論】未だカースト制度の現存するネパールの山間地方における栄養状態と衛生環境は劣悪であったが、これは過去に先進国が経た道であり、自らの事として手を差しのべる必要があると考えられた。The research team jointed with Kobe Tokiwa University, Kobe University, and Nepal Medical College has been organized to implement the fieldwork at Dithal Village in Nepalese mountainous area for JICA Kusanone Project. In the fieldwork, the nutritional and health state of 208 village inhabitants (5 to 82 years old : 82 of male and 126 of female) were investigated, and their daily dietary foods were analyzed intake of calories and nutrients. The state of hygiene was also studied including of checking the contamination of drinking water microbiologically. The results showed that the high presence of over 50% of thinness, which is defined as less than 18.5 of BMI, was estimated in all age-groups, however among the age group under 12 years, the rate was much higher up to 75~80%. In body component analysis, the decreased fat and muscle volume and increased body water volume were manifested in children. Some of the children showed the distended abdomen, which is the typical sign of Kwashiorkor type malnutrition. The average calorie intake of daily diet was estimated about 800~1000kcal, and the content of it was 80% of carbohydrate, 10% each of fat and protein. The contaminations of Coliform bacilli and E. coli could be detected 80 to 100% of drinking water at 30 water places. The internal medical check revealed the prevalence of water-borne digestive diseases with abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. The deteriorated nutritional and public health state in Nepalese mountainous area could be disclosed in this study, but these are the similar paths on which the advanced countries have gone through in their past. We are entrusted to give our hands to them.

1 0 0 0 皮膚科紀要

vol.43, no.2, 1944-02

1 0 0 0 皮膚科紀要

vol.43, no.1, 1944-01
大城 淳一 国吉 孝夫 盛島 浩明 照喜名 重順 城間 健治 新垣 聰 東恩納 厚 新垣 民樹 浦崎 政仁 佐久川 廣 金城 福則 斎藤 厚 Ohshiro Junichi Kuniyoshi Takao Morishima Hiroaki Terukina Shigeyoshi Shiroma Kenji Arakaki Satoshi Higashionna Atsushi Arakaki Tamiki Urasaki Masahito Sakugawa Hiroshi Kinjo Fukunori Saito Atsushi 琉球大学医学部第一内科
琉球大学医学会雑誌 : 医学部紀要 = Ryukyu medical journal (ISSN:02891530)
vol.11, no.1, pp.28-34, 1989

Sulfasalazine and corticosteroids have been used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Recently, it is investigated to use metronidazole for treatment of ulcerative colitis. We tried to use metronidazole for three patients with ulcerative colitis , to whom neither sulfasalazine nor corticosteroids were effective. In case 1 the patient was 37-year-old female,to whom conticosteroids had been ineffective. After treatment by metronidazole together with corticosteroids, the symptoms were improved. In case 2 the patient was 74-year-old female, who had relapsed during treatment with sulfasalazine. Treatment with metronidazole alone resulted in the remission of disease. In case 3 the patient was 32-yearold female, to whom the treatment with sulfasalazine and corticosteroids enema had been ineffecitve. By use of metronidazole together with sulfasalazine, she had remission. It seems that metronidazole is useful for the treatment of ulcerative colitis, especially in patients who did not respond to other drugs.
玉木 正人 下地 光好 久貝 忠男 大田 治 佐久田 斉 川畑 勉 鎌田 義彦 宮城 和史 赤崎 満 大嶺 靖 伊波 潔 国吉 幸男 古謝 景春 草場 昭 Tamaki Masato Shimoji Mituyoshi Kugai Tadao Ohta Osamu Sakuda Satoshi Kawabata Tsutomu Kamada Yoshihiko Miyagi Kazufumi Akasaki Mitsuru Ohmine Yasushi Iha Kiyoshi Kuniyoshi Yukio Koja Kageharu Kusaba Akira 琉球大学医学部外科学第二講座
琉球医学会誌 = Ryukyu Medical Journal (ISSN:1346888X)
vol.13, no.3, pp.321-327, 1993

A case of schwannoma originating in the right intrathoracic vagus nerve was reported. A 72-yearold woman had an abnormal shadow in the right upper mediastinum on a chest roentgenogram. A CT scan and MRI revealed a tumor in the upper mediastinum compressing the trachea, right carotid artery and right subclavian artery. An incisional biopsyof the mass in the right neck was revealed to be benign schwannoma. The mass was 55 ×42×29mm in size and originated from the right vagusnerve at the proximal level and extended to the branch of the recur-rent laryngeal nerve. There was no evidence of invasion of the mass into the surrounding organsand tissues were evident. Subcapsular ex tirpation was done preserving the nerve fibers. However, postoperative hoarseness due to dysfunction of the recurrent laryngeal nerve occurred. Mediastinal schwannoma originating in the vagus nerve is notso common ; 29 cases have been reported in Japanese literature.