古田 元夫
財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1992, no.99, pp.69-85,L10, 1992-03-25 (Released:2010-09-01)

The 7th Congress of the Vietnamese Communist Party held in June 1991 declared that Vietnam would steadily maintain “the road to socialism” in the ongoing crisis of the socialist countries. The Congress emphasized that the Vietnamese should follow this road because this is the road already chosen in the recent history of Vietnam.In the modern history of international poltics, Vietnam has been always left out in the cold. This history of alienation urged the Vietnamese to choose socialism as the “dream” of a better tomorrow. In the era of the cold war, they fought as actual war for this choice. Therefore there is good reason for the Vietnamese not to accept any other road than that of socialism so long as this “memory of history” has not faded away.This view of socialism, however, had become a foundation of the “socialism of sharing poverty”, which broadly equated socialism with people's perseverance in today's poverty for the “dream” of a better tomorrow. Social crises in Vietnam after the Vietnam war resulted in the Vietnamese Communists clear depature from this type of sccialism, which manifested itself in the 6th congress of the Party in 1986 under the slogan of “doi moi”.After the 6th Congress the Vietnamese Communists seemed to sidetrack the problem of the yet-to-be “dream” for the time being and began to concentrate their efforts on reform in the real lives of the people. But this situation did not last long, because the collapse of the socialist regimes, in Eastern Europe has irritated the problem of “dream” among the Vietnamese and has revitalized their “memory of history”.The Vietnamese insistence on the road to socialism, however, seems to be based on much more realistic calculation. The most important task for the Vietnamese is to boost the economy through promoting foreign investment and this task requires political stability. Some of the Vietnamese reformists argue that there is no way other than maintaining the “leading role” of the Communist Party to keep political stability so that the Vietnamese should follow the road to socialism. According to them, maintaining the road to socialism is the most realistic way for the Vietnamese to participate in the capitalist world economy.Other radical reformists are afraid that this opinion equated socialism with the domination of the Communist Party. They advocate the introduction of a pluralistic political system and a much more humanistic type of socialism.
刈間 文俊 若林 正丈 村田 雄二郎 クリスティーン ラマール 生越 直樹 伊藤 徳也 代田 智明 瀬地山 角 高橋 満 古田 元夫 若林 正丈 黒住 真 代田 智明 深川 由紀子 生越 直樹 クリスティーン ラマール 高見澤 磨 楊 凱栄 谷垣 真理子 伊藤 徳也 瀬地山 角 田原 史起 有田 伸 岩月 純一

中国では、漢字が、簡略化や教育によって、血肉化され、作家達も、前近代的なものを凝視し続けた.戦前の日中関係では、日本の漢学者と漢字紙が大きな役割を果たした.戦後韓国は、漢字を駆逐する一方、伝統的な同姓不婚制度を再構築させ、台湾は、漢字を簡略化せず、80 年代以降には、多文化主義的な社会統合理念を形成した.それに対して、中国大陸では今や、漢字文化からも消費文化からも疎遠な農村が、自律と国家による制御の間で揺れ動いている.本研究は以上を実証的に解明した.
古田 元夫 山影 進 佐藤 安信 田中 明彦 末廣 昭 池本 幸生 白石 昌也 栗原 浩英 レ ボ・リン グエン ズイ・ズン グエン タイン・ヴァン 伊藤 未帆
